864 resultados para Hepatitis E virus (HEV)


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Zusammenfassung: Die Applikation des Mykotoxins Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) führt in der Ratte zu Lebertumoren hepatozellulären Ursprungs, während bisher keine transformierende Wirkung dieses Mykotoxins auf Kupffer- und Endothelzellen (Nichtparenchymzellen, NPC) nachgewiesen werden konnte. Diese Resistenzmechanismen der NPC gegenüber AFB1 wurden im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit untersucht. AFB1 ist per se inaktiv, wird jedoch durch Verstoffwechselung in den chemisch reaktiven, an DNA bindenden Metaboliten AFB1-8,9-Epoxid überführt. Daneben stellt die enzymatische Hydroxylierung von AFB1 am Kohlenstoff-9a zum Aflatoxin M1 eine Detoxifizierung dar. Durch HPLC-Analyse der AFB1-Metabolite konnte gezeigt werden, daß in Nichtparenchymzellen (NPC) das Verhältnis von 9a-Hydroxylierung zu 8,9-Epoxidierung höher als in Parenchymzellen (PC) ist. Die AFB1-9a-hydroxylase fördert insbesondere in den NPC der Leber die Bildung des weniger gentoxischen Metaboliten AFM1 und konkurriert daher um die Aktivierung von AFB1 zum mutagenen und kanzerogenen 8,9-Epoxid. Dieser metabolische Unterschied scheint also einen Beitrag zur Resistenz der NPC der Leber gegenüber der hepatokanzerogenen Wirkung von AFB1 zu leisten. Da ein Synergismus zwischen der AFB1-Exposition und einer Infektion mit dem Hepatitis B-Virus (HBV) beim Menschen bezüglich des Auftretens von hepatozellulären Karzinomen zu bestehen scheint, wurde im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit untersucht, ob die metabolische Aktivierung von AFB1 durch eine HBV-Infektion verstärkt wird. In einem Vergleich der Biotransformation von AFB1 mit mikrosomalen Leberfraktionen von transgenen HBV-Mäusen und Kontrollmäusen wurde keine signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt. Dagegen wurde bei Virus-infizierten Waldmurmeltieren eine deutlich reduzierte Bildung des AFB1-8,9-Epoxids beobachtet. Es konnte z.T. ein Zusammenhang zwischen den verschiedenen Stadien der Leberschädigung und den Metabolismusraten festgestellt werden, wobei die metabolische Aktivierung mit zunehmender Leberschädigung abzunehmen scheint. Auch hinsichtlich der Aktivitäten verschiedener Cytochrom P450 abhängiger Monooxygenasen wurde eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung mit den durch HPLC ermittelten Metabolitenprofilen des AFB1 beobachtet. Diese Studien mit subzellulären Leberfraktion der transgenen HBV-Mäusen und der Waldmurmeltieren zeigen, daß die Interaktion zwischen Hepatitis und AFB1 nicht mit der verstärkten metabolischer Aktivierung von AFB1 zu erklären ist. TGF-ß1, aus der Gruppe der Cytokine, wird als Mediator bei Entzündungsprozessen in der Leber so z.B. im Verlauf einer Virushepatitis freigesetzt. Aufgrund der besonderen Bedeutung des murinen CYP2A5 (ortholog zum humanen CYP2A6) bei der Aktivierung von AFB1 wurde der Einfluß von TGF-ß1 auf CYP2A5 in Primärkulturen von Maushepatozyten untersucht. Durch Messung der Aktivität der Cumarin-7-hydroxylase sowie durch Bestimmung der Proteinmenge von CYP2A5 mittels Western Blotting konnte zunächst die Induzierbarkeit des CYP2A5-Isoenzyms durch Phenobarbital in kultivierten Hepatozyten der Maus gezeigt werden. Nur bei einer niedrigen TGF-ß1-Konzentration wurde eine leicht erhöhte Expression von CYP2A5 festgestellt, ansonsten führte die Behandlung der kultivierten Maushepatozyten mit TGF-ß1 zu einer dosisabhängigen Verminderung der Expression von CYP2A5.


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Das hepatozelluläre Karzinom (HCC) ist mit ungefähr 1,000,000 neuen Fällen pro Jahr einer der häufigsten malignen Tumore weltweit. Es ist hauptsächlich in Südost-Asien und im südlichen Afrika verbreitet. Risikofaktoren sind chronische Infektionen mit Hepatitis Viren (HBV, HCV), Aflatoxin B1-Belastung und chronischer Alkoholkonsum. Um Veränderungen auf genomischer Ebene in HCCs zu untersuchen, wurden in der vorliegenden Untersuchung Frischgewebeproben von 21 Patienten mit HCCs und formalin-fixiertes, paraffineingebettetes Material von 6 Dysplastischen Knoten mittels Comparativer genomischer Hybridisierung (CGH) analysiert. In den untersuchten HCCs konnte Zugewinne auf 1q (12/21), 6p ( 6/21), 8q (11/21), 17q (6/21), 20q (6/21), sowie Verluste auf 4q (7/21), 6q (4/21), 10q (3/21), 13q (4/21), 16q (3/21) identifiziert werden. Die Validität der mit diesem Ansatz erzielten Ergebnisse konnte anhand von unabhängigen Kontrollexperimenten mit Interphase-FISH-Analyse nachgewiesen werden. Die in Dysplastische Knoten identifizierten Veränderungen sind Gewinne auf 1q (50% ) sowie Verluste auf 8p und 17p. Daher stellt 1q eine Kandidatenregion für die Identifizierung jener Gene dar, die bereits im frühem Stadium der Hepatokarzinogenese aktiviert sind. Die Gen-Expressionsanalyse eines HCCs mit Gewinnen auf 1q, 8q, und Xq zeigte die Überexpression von einigen Genen, die in den amplifizierten Regionen liegen. Daher kann spekuliert werden, dass die DNA-Amplifikation in der Hepatokarzinogenese bei einigen Genen ein Mechanismus der Aktivierung sein kann. Zusammengefasst konnte somit durch CGH-Analyse charakteristische, genomische Imbalances des HCC ermittelt werden. Der Vergleich mit Veränderungen bei prämalignen Läsionen erlaubt die Unterscheidung früher (prämaligner) und später (progressionsassoziierter) Veränderungen


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Hepatitis B x protein (HBx) is a non structural, multifunctional protein of hepatitis B virus (HBV) that modulates a variety of host processes.Due to its transcriptional activity,able to alter the expression of growth-control genes,it has been implicated in hepatocarcinogenesis.Increased expression of HBx has been reported on the liver tissue samples of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),and a specific anti-HBx immune response can be detected in the peripheral blood of patients with chronic HBV.However,its role and entity has not been yet clarified.Thus,we performed a cross-sectional analysis of anti-HBx specific T cell response in HBV-infected patients in different stage of disease.A total of 70 HBV-infected subjects were evaluated:15 affected by chronic hepatitis (CH-median age 45 yrs),14 by cirrhosis (median age 55 yrs),11 with dysplastic nodules (median age 64 yrs),15 with HCC (median age 60 yrs),15 with IC(median age 53 yrs).All patients were infected by virus genotype D with different levels of HBV viremia and most of them (91%) were HBeAb positive.The HBx-specific T cell response was evaluated by anti-Interferon (IFN)-gamma Elispot assay after in vitro stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells,using 20 overlapping synthetic peptides covering all HBx protein sequence.HBx-specific IFN-gamma-secreting T cells were found in 6 out of 15 patients with chronic hepatitis (40%), 3 out of 14 cirrhosis (21%), in 5 out of 11 cirrhosis with macronodules (54%), and in 10 out of 15 HCC patients (67%). The number of responding patients resulted significantly higher in HCC than IC (p=0.02) and cirrhosis (p=0.02). Central specific region of the protein x was preferentially recognize,between 86-88 peptides. HBx response does not correlate with clinical feature disease(AFP,MELD).The HBx specific T-cell response seems to increase accordingly to progression of the disease, being increased in subjects with dysplastic or neoplastic lesions and can represent an additional tool to monitor the patients at high risk to develop HCC


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Shellfish are filter-feeding organisms that can accumulate many bacteria and viruses. Considering that depuration procedures are not effective in removal of certain microorganisms, shellfish-borne diseases are frequent in many parts of the world, and their control must rely primarily on investigation of prevalence of human pathogens in shellfish and water environment. However, the diffusion of enteric viruses and Vibrio bacteria is not known in many geographical areas, for example in Sardinia, Italy. A survey aimed at investigating the prevalence of Norovirus (NoV), hepatitis A virus (HAV), V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae and V. vulnificus was carried out, analyzing both local and imported purified, non-purified and retail shellfish from North Italy and Sardinia. Shellfish from both areas were found contaminated by NoVs, HAV and Vibrio, including retail and purified animals. Molecular analysis evidenced different NoV genogroups and genotypes, including bovine NoVs, as well as pathogenic Vibrio strains, underlining the risk for shellfish consumers. However, also other approaches are needed to control the diffusion of shellfish-borne diseases. It was originally thought that enteric viruses are passively accumulated by shellfish. Recently, it was proven that NoVs bind to specific carbohydrate ligands in oysters, and various NoV strains are characterized by a different bioaccumulation pattern. To deepen the knowledge on this argument, a study was carried out, analyzing bioaccumulation of up to 8 different NoV strains in four different species of shellfish. Different bioaccumulation patterns were observed for each shellfish species and NoV strain used, potentially important in setting up effective shellfish purification protocols. Finally, a novel study of evaluation of viral contamination in shellfish from the French Atlantic coast was carried out following the passage of Xynthia tempest over Western Europe which caused massive destruction. Different enteric viruses were found over a one month period, evidencing the potential of these events of contaminating shellfish.


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Introduzione:l’interferone (IFN) usato per l’eradicazione del virus dell’Epatite C, induce effetti collaterali anche riferibili alla sfera psichica. I dati sugli eventi avversi di tipo psichiatrico dei nuovi farmaci antivirali (DAA) sono limitati. Lo scopo di questo studio è di valutare lo sviluppo di effetti collaterali di tipo psichiatrico in corso di due distinti schemi di trattamento: IFN-peghilato e ribavirina [terapia duplice (standard o SOC)]; DAA in associazione a IFN-peghilato e ribavirina (terapia triplice). Metodi: pazienti HCV+ consecutivi seguiti presso l’Ambulatorio delle Epatiti Croniche della Semeiotica Medica del Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche dell’Università di Bologna in procinto di intraprendere un trattamento antivirale a base di IFN, sottoposti ad esame psicodiagnostico composto da intervista clinica semistrutturata e test autosomministrati: BDI, STAXI-2, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, MMPI – 2. Risultati: Sono stati arruolati 84 pazienti, 57/84 (67.9%) nel gruppo in triplice e 27/84 nel gruppo SOC. Quasi tutti i pazienti arruolati hanno eseguito l’intervista clinica iniziale (82/84; 97.6%), mentre scarsa è stata l’aderenza ai test (valori missing>50%). Ad eccezione dell’ansia, la prevalenza di tutti gli altri disturbi (irritabilità, astenia, disfunzioni neurocognitive, dissonnia) aumentava in corso di trattamento. In corso di terapia antivirale 43/84 (51.2%) hanno avuto bisogno di usufruire del servizio di consulenza psichiatrica e 48/84 (57.1%) hanno ricevuto una psicofarmacoterapia di supporto, senza differenze significative fra i due gruppi di trattamento. Conclusioni : uno degli elementi più salienti dello studio è stata la scarsa aderenza ai test psicodiagnostici, nonostante l’elevata prevalenza di sintomi psichiatrici. I risultati di questo studio oltre ad evidenziare l’importanza dei sintomi psichiatrici in corso di trattamento e la rilevanza della consulenza psicologica e psichiatrica per consentire di portare a termine il ciclo terapeutico previsto (migliorandone l’efficacia), ha anche dimostrato che occorre ripensare gli strumenti diagnostici adattandoli probabilmente a questo specifico target.


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Opportunistic diseases caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is an omnipresent global challenge. In order to manage these epidemics, we need to have low cost and easily deployable platforms at the point-of-care in high congestions regions like airports and public transit systems. In this dissertation we present our findings in using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR)-based detection of pathogens and other clinically relevant applications using microfluidic platforms at the point-of-care setting in resource constrained environment. The work presented here adopts the novel technique of LSPR to multiplex a lab-on-a-chip device capable of quantitatively detecting various types of intact viruses and its various subtypes, based on the principle of a change in wavelength occurring when metal nano-particle surface is modified with a specific surface chemistry allowing the binding of a desired pathogen to a specific antibody. We demonstrate the ability to detect and quantify subtype A, B, C, D, E, G and panel HIV with a specificity of down to 100 copies/mL using both whole blood sample and HIV-patient blood sample discarded from clinics. These results were compared against the gold standard Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). This microfluidic device has a total evaluation time for the assays of about 70 minutes, where 60 minutes is needed for the capture and 10 minutes for data acquisition and processing. This LOC platform eliminates the need for any sample preparation before processing. This platform is highly multiplexable as the same surface chemistry can be adapted to capture and detect several other pathogens like dengue virus, E. coli, M. Tuberculosis, etc.


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Background Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major cause of morbidity in HIV infected individuals. Coinfection with HIV is associated with diminished HCV-specific immune responses and higher HCV RNA levels. Aims To investigate whether long-term combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) restores HCV-specific T cell responses and improves the control of HCV replication. Methods T cell responses were evaluated longitudinally in 80 HIV/HCV coinfected individuals by ex vivo interferon-γ-ELISpot responses to HCV core peptides, that predominantly stimulate CD4+ T cells. HCV RNA levels were assessed by real-time PCR in 114 individuals. Results The proportion of individuals with detectable T cell responses to HCV core peptides was 19% before starting cART, 24% in the first year on cART and increased significantly to 45% and 49% after 33 and 70 months on cART (p=0.001). HCV-specific immune responses increased in individuals with chronic (+31%) and spontaneously cleared HCV infection (+30%). Median HCV RNA levels before starting cART were 6.5 log10 IU/ml. During long-term cART, median HCV-RNA levels slightly decreased compared to pre-cART levels (−0.3 log10 IU/ml, p=0.02). Conclusions Successful cART is associated with increasing cellular immune responses to HCV core peptides and with a slight long-term decrease in HCV RNA levels. These findings are in line with the favourable clinical effects of cART on the natural history of hepatitis C and with the current recommendation to start cART earlier in HCV/HIV coinfected individuals.


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Background:  Alcohol is heavily consumed in sub-Saharan Africa and affects HIV transmission and treatment and is difficult to measure. Our goal was to examine the test characteristics of a direct metabolite of alcohol consumption, phosphatidylethanol (PEth). Methods:  Persons infected with HIV were recruited from a large HIV clinic in southwestern Uganda. We conducted surveys and breath alcohol concentration (BRAC) testing at 21 daily home or drinking establishment visits, and blood was collected on day 21 (n = 77). PEth in whole blood was compared with prior 7-, 14-, and 21-day alcohol consumption. Results:  (i) The receiver operator characteristic area under the curve (ROC-AUC) was highest for PEth versus any consumption over the prior 21 days (0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.86 to 0.97). The sensitivity for any detectable PEth was 88.0% (95% CI: 76.0 to 95.6) and the specificity was 88.5% (95% CI: 69.8 to 97.6). (ii) The ROC-AUC of PEth versus any 21-day alcohol consumption did not vary with age, body mass index, CD4 cell count, hepatitis B virus infection, and antiretroviral therapy status, but was higher for men compared with women (p = 0.03). (iii) PEth measurements were correlated with several measures of alcohol consumption, including number of drinking days in the prior 21 days (Spearman r = 0.74, p < 0.001) and BRAC (r = 0.75, p < 0.001). Conclusions:  The data add support to the body of evidence for PEth as a useful marker of alcohol consumption with high ROC-AUC, sensitivity, and specificity. Future studies should further address the period and level of alcohol consumption for which PEth is detectable.


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Cellular immune responses during acute Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV infection are a known correlate of infection outcome. Viral adaptation to these responses via mutation(s) within CD8+ T-cell epitopes allows these viruses to subvert host immune control. This study examined HCV evolution in 21 HCV genotype 1-infected subjects to characterise the level of viral adaptation during acute and early HCV infection. Of the total mutations observed 25% were within described CD8+ T-cell epitopes or at viral adaptation sites. Most mutations were maintained into the chronic phase of HCV infection (75%). The lack of reversion of adaptations and high proportion of silent substitutions suggests that HCV has structural and functional limitations that constrain evolution. These results were compared to the pattern of viral evolution observed in 98 subjects during a similar phase in HIV infection from a previous study. In contrast to HCV, evolution during acute HIV infection is marked by high levels of amino acid change relative to silent substitutions, including a higher proportion of adaptations, likely reflecting strong and continued CD8+ T-cell pressure combined with greater plasticity of the virus. Understanding viral escape dynamics for these two viruses is important for effective T cell vaccine design.


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Parvovirus 4 (PARV4) is a DNA virus frequently associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, but its clinical significance is unknown. We studied the prevalence of PARV4 antibodies in 2 cohorts of HIV- and HCV-infected individuals (n = 469) and the correlations with disease status. We found that PARV4 infection frequently occurred in individuals exposed to bloodborne viruses (95% in HCV-HIV coinfected intravenous drug users [IDUs]). There were no correlations between PARV4 serostatus and HCV outcomes. There was, however, a significant association with early HIV-related symptoms, although because this was tightly linked to both HCV status and clinical group (IDU), the specific role of PARV4 is not yet clear.


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The antiviral potency of the cytokine IFN-α has been long appreciated but remains poorly understood. A number of studies have suggested that induction of the apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 3 (APOBEC3) and bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST-2/tetherin/CD317) retroviral restriction factors underlies the IFN-α-mediated suppression of HIV-1 replication in vitro. We sought to characterize the as-yet-undefined relationship between IFN-α treatment, retroviral restriction factors, and HIV-1 in vivo. APOBEC3G, APOBEC3F, and BST-2 expression levels were measured in HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)-coinfected, antiretroviral therapy-naïve individuals before, during, and after pegylated IFN-α/ribavirin (IFN-α/riba) combination therapy. IFN-α/riba therapy decreased HIV-1 viral load by -0.921 (±0.858) log(10) copies/mL in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. APOBEC3G/3F and BST-2 mRNA expression was significantly elevated during IFN-α/riba treatment in patient-derived CD4+ T cells (P < 0.04 and P < 0.008, paired Wilcoxon), and extent of BST-2 induction was correlated with reduction in HIV-1 viral load during treatment (P < 0.05, Pearson's r). APOBEC3 induction during treatment was correlated with degree of viral hypermutation (P < 0.03, Spearman's ρ), and evolution of the HIV-1 accessory protein viral protein U (Vpu) during IFN-α/riba treatment was suggestive of increased BST-2-mediated selection pressure. These data suggest that host restriction factors play a critical role in the antiretroviral capacity of IFN-α in vivo, and warrant investigation into therapeutic strategies that specifically enhance the expression of these intrinsic immune factors in HIV-1-infected individuals.


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Polymorphisms in IL28B were shown to affect clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in genome-wide association (GWA) studies. Only a fraction of patients with chronic HCV infection develop liver fibrosis, a process that might also be affected by genetic factors. We performed a 2-stage GWA study of liver fibrosis progression related to HCV infection.


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In patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis, 30% of sustained HCV clearance has been reported with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (PEG-IFN) alone, but the efficacy and tolerability of the PEG-IFN/ribavirin (RBV) combination remain poorly defined. A total of 124 treatment-naïve patients with biopsy proved HCV-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis (Ishak score F4-F6, Child-Pugh score < or =7) were randomized to 48 weeks of PEG-IFN (180 microg sc weekly) and standard dose of RBV (1000/1200 mg po daily, STD) or PEG-IFN (180 microg sc weekly) and low-dose of RBV (600/800 mg po daily, LOW). Sustained virologic response (SVR) rates with PEG-IFN/STD RBV (52%) were higher--albeit not significantly--than that with PEG-IFN/LOW RBV (38%, P = 0.153). In multivariate analysis, genotype 2/3 and a baseline platelet count > or =150 x 10(9)/L were independently associated with SVR. The likelihood of SVR was < 7% if viraemia had not declined by > or =2 log or to undetectable levels after 12 weeks. Nine adverse events in the STD RBV and 15 in the LOW RBV group were classified as severe (including two deaths); dose reductions for intolerance were required in 78% and 57% (P = 0.013), and treatment was terminated early in 23% and 27% of patients (P = n.s.). The benefit/risk ratio of treating compensated HCV-cirrhotics with STD PEG-IFN/RBV is favourable.


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Neutralizing antibody (nAb) responses to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice and immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus in humans are usually weak and slow to develop. This may be the result of structural properties of the surface glycoprotein, a low frequency of B cells with neutralizing specificity, and the necessity of prolonged affinity maturation of specific nAbs. In this study, we show that during LCMV infection, CD27 signaling on CD4+ T cells enhances the secretion of interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. These inflammatory cytokines lead to the destruction of splenic architecture and immunodeficiency with reduced and delayed virus-specific nAb responses. Consequently, infection with the otherwise persistent LCMV strain Docile was eliminated after CD27 signaling was blocked. Our data provide a novel mechanism by which LCMV avoids nAb responses and suggest that blocking the CD27-CD70 interaction may be an attractive strategy to prevent chronic viral infection.


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Colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract by anaerobic bacteria, protozoa, trematodes, cestodes and/or nematodes and other infectious pathogens, including viruses, represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Africa, South America and southeast Asia, as well as other parts of the world. Nitazoxanide is a member of the thiazolide class of drugs with a documented broad spectrum of activity against parasites and anaerobic bacteria. Moreover, the drug has recently been reported to have a profound activity against hepatitis C virus infection. In addition, nitazoxanide exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which have prompted clinical investigations for its use in Crohn's disease. Studies with nitazoxanide derivatives have determined that there must be significantly different mechanisms of action acting on intracellular versus extracellular pathogens. An impressive number of clinical studies have shown that the drug has an excellent bioavailability in the gastrointestinal tract, is fast acting and highly effective against gastrointestinal bacteria, protozoa and helminthes. A recent Phase II study has demonstrated viral response (hepatitis C) to monotherapy, with a low toxicity and an excellent safety profile over 24 weeks of treatment. Pre-clinical studies have indicated that there is a potential for application of this drug against other diseases, not primarily affecting the liver or the gastrointestinal tract.