995 resultados para Hepatic Elimination Models
The introduction and popularization of laparoscopic cholecystectomy has been accompanied with a considerable increase in perforation of gallbladder during this procedure (10%--32%), with the occurrence of intraperitoneal bile spillage and the consequent increase in the incidence of lost gallstones (0.2%--20%). Recently the complications associated with these stones have been documented in the literature. We report a rare complication occurring in an 81-year-old woman who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and developed cutaneous fistula to the umbilicus and elimination of biliary stones through the urinary tract. During the cholecystectomy, the gall bladder was perforated, and bile and gallstones were spilled into the peritoneal cavity. Two months after the initial procedure there was exteriorization of fistula through the umbilicus, with intermittent elimination of biliary stones. After eleven months, acute urinary retention occurred due to biliary stones in the bladder, which were removed by cystoscopy. We conclude that efforts should be concentrated on avoiding the spillage of stones during the surgery, and that no rules exist for indicating a laparotomy simply to retrieve these lost gallstones.
Contém resumo
OBJECTIVE: To report a case of bilateral giant renal angiomyolipoma associated with tuberous sclerosis, with successful treatment, and to review the literature concerning angiomyolipoma treatment. CASE REPORT: Patient with tuberous sclerosis and angiomyolipoma diagnosed by ultrasonography during her pregnancy. At that time, the angiomyolipoma on the right side was 9 cm in diameter. Conservative management was selected during her pregnancy. The patient returned 7 years later, with a 24.7 x 19.2 x 10.7 cm tumor on the right side and another of 13 x 11.5 x 6.5 cm on the left side, in addition to multiple small angiomyolipomas. A nephron-sparing surgery with tumoral enucleation was performed on the right side, and after 3 months, the tumor on the left side was removed. Renal function in the post-operative period was preserved, and contrast medium progression was uniform and adequate in both kidneys. CONCLUSION: We conclude that an angiomyolipoma larger than 4 cm should be removed surgically, since they have a greater growth rate and pose a risk of hemorrhage. Resection of smaller tumors is safe and has decreased morbidity. Tumoral enucleation is an effective treatment method that preserves kidney function.
Composite materials have a complex behavior, which is difficult to predict under different types of loads. In the course of this dissertation a methodology was developed to predict failure and damage propagation of composite material specimens. This methodology uses finite element numerical models created with Ansys and Matlab softwares. The methodology is able to perform an incremental-iterative analysis, which increases, gradually, the load applied to the specimen. Several structural failure phenomena are considered, such as fiber and/or matrix failure, delamination or shear plasticity. Failure criteria based on element stresses were implemented and a procedure to reduce the stiffness of the failed elements was prepared. The material used in this dissertation consist of a spread tow carbon fabric with a 0°/90° arrangement and the main numerical model analyzed is a 26-plies specimen under compression loads. Numerical results were compared with the results of specimens tested experimentally, whose mechanical properties are unknown, knowing only the geometry of the specimen. The material properties of the numerical model were adjusted in the course of this dissertation, in order to find the lowest difference between the numerical and experimental results with an error lower than 5% (it was performed the numerical model identification based on the experimental results).
Field lab: Business project
RESUMO:Contexto: A avaliação do estado de nutrição do doente com indicação para transplante hepático (TH) deve ser abrangente, considerando o amplo espetro de situações clínicas e metabólicas. As alterações metabólicas relacionadas com a doença hepática podem limitar a aplicação de métodos de avaliação nutricional, subestimando a desnutrição. Após o TH, é expectável a reversão dos distúrbios metabólicos da doença hepática, pela melhoria da função do fígado. No entanto, algumas complicações metabólicas podem surgir após o TH, relacionadas com a má-nutrição, a desnervação hepática e o uso prolongado de imunossupressão, comprometendo os resultados clínicos a longo-prazo. A medição longitudinal e confiável do metabolismo energético e dos compartimentos corporais após o TH, avaliada em conjunto com fatores influentes no estado de nutrição, pode identificar precocemente situações de risco e otimizar e individualizar estratégias clínicas e nutricionais com vantagens no prognóstico. Objetivo: Avaliar longitudinalmente, a curto prazo, o estado de nutrição após o TH em doentes com insuficiência hepática por doença crónica e identificar os fatores, para além da cirurgia, que determinam diferentes evoluções do metabolismo energético e da composição corporal. Métodos: Foi estudada uma coorte de indivíduos com indicação para TH por doença hepática crónica, admitidos consecutivamente para TH ortotópico eletivo, durante 2 anos. Foram programados 3 momentos de avaliação: na última consulta pré-TH (T0), logo que adquirida autonomia respiratória e funcional após o TH (T1) e um mês após o TH (T2). Nesses momentos, foram medidos no mesmo dia: o suprimento nutricional por recordatório das últimas 24 horas, o estado de nutrição por Avaliação Subjetiva Global (ASG), o gasto energético em repouso (GER) por calorimetria indireta, a antropometria, a composição corporal por bioimpedância elétrica tetrapolar multifrequências e a força muscular por dinamometria de preensão palmar. O índice de massa magra (IMM) e a massa celular corporal (MCC) foram usados como indicadores do músculo esquelético e a percentagem de massa gorda (%MG) e o índice de massa gorda (IMG) como indicadores de adiposidade. O GER foi comparado com o estimado pelas fórmulas de Harris-Benedict para classificação do estado metabólico em:hipermetabolismo (GER medido >120% do GER estimado), normometabolismo (GER medido entre 80 e 120% do GER estimado) e hipometabolismo (GER medido <80% do GER estimado). Foi utilizada análise multivariável: por regressão logística, para identificar variáveis associadas à possibilidade (odds ratio – OR) de pertencer a cada grupo metabólico pré-TH; por regressão linear múltipla, para identificar variáveis associadas à variação dos compartimentos corporais no período pós-TH; e por modelos de efeitos mistos generalizados, para identificar variáveis associadas à evolução do GER e dos compartimentos corporais entre o período pré- e pós-TH. Resultados: Foram incluídos 56 indivíduos com idade, média (DP), 53,7 (8,5) anos, 87,5% do sexo masculino, 23,2% com doença hepática crónica de etiologia etanólica. Após o TH, em 60,7% indivíduos foi administrado regime imunossupressor baseado no tacrolimus. Os indivíduos foram avaliados [mediana (AIQ)] 90,5 (P25: 44,2; P75: 134,5) dias antes do TH (T0), 9,0 (P25: 7,0; P75: 12,0) dias após o TH (T1) e 36,0 (P25: 31,0; P75: 43,0) dias após o TH (T2). Após o TH houve melhoria significativa do estado de nutrição, com diminuição da prevalência de desnutrição classificada pela ASG (37,5% em T0, 16,1% em T2, p<0,001). Antes do TH, 41,1% dos indivíduos eram normometabólicos, 37,5% hipometabólicos e 21,4% hipermetabólicos. A possibilidade de pertencer a cada grupo metabólico pré-TH associou-se à: idade (OR=0,899, p=0,010) e desnutrição pela ASG (OR=5,038, p=0,015) para o grupo normometabólico; e índice de massa magra (IMM, OR=1,264, p=0,049) e etiologia viral da doença hepática (OR=8,297, p=0,019) para o grupo hipermetabólico. Não se obteve modelo múltiplo para o grupo de hipometabólico pré-TH, mas foram identificadas associações univariáveis com a história de toxicodependência (OR=0,282, p=0,047) e com a sarcopénia pré- TH (OR=8,000, p=0,040). Após o TH, houve normalização significativa e progressiva do estado metabólico, indicada pelo aumento da prevalência de normometabolismo (41,1% em T0, 57,1% em T2, p=0,040). Foram identificados diferentes perfis de evolução do GER após o TH, estratificado pelo estado metabólico pré-TH: no grupo hipometabólico pré-TH, o GER (Kcal) aumentou significativa e progressivamente (1030,6 em T0; 1436,1 em T1, p=0,001; 1659,2 em T2, p<0,001); no grupo hipermetabólico pré-TH o GER diminuiu significativa e progressivamente (2097,1 em T0; 1662,5 em T1, p=0,024; 1493,0 em T2, p<0.001); no grupo normometabólico não houve variações significativas. Os perfis de evolução do GER associaram-se com: peso corporal (β=9,6, p<0,001) e suprimento energético (β=13,6, p=0,005) na amostra total; com peso corporal (β=7,1, p=0,018) e contributo energético dos lípidos (β=18,9, p=0,003) no grupo hipometabólico pré-TH; e com peso corporal (β=14,1, p<0,001) e desnutrição pela ASG (β=-171,0, p=0,007) no grupo normometabólico pré-TH.Houve redução transitória dos compartimentos corporais entre T0 e T1, mas a maioria destes recuperou para valores semelhantes aos pré-TH. As exceções foram a água extracelular, que diminuiu entre T0 e T2 (média 18,2 L e 17,8 L, p=0,042), a massa gorda (média 25,1 Kg e 21,7 Kg, p<0,001) e o IMG (média 10,6 Kg.m-2 e 9,3 Kg.m-2, p<0,001) que diminuíram entre T1 e T2. Relativamente à evolução dos indicadores de músculo esquelético e adiposidade ao longo do estudo: a evolução do IMM associou-se com força de preensão palmar (β=0,06, p<0,001), creatininémia (β=2,28, p<0,001) e número total de fármacos administrados (β=-0,21, p<0,001); a evolução da MCC associou-se com força de preensão palmar (β=0,16, p<0,001), creatininémia (β=4,17, p=0,008) e número total de fármacos administrados (β=-0,46, p<0,001); a evolução da %MG associou-se com força de preensão palmar (β=-0,11, p=0,028), história de toxicodependência (β=-5,75, p=0,024), creatininémia (β=-5,91, p=0,004) e suprimento proteico (β=-0,06, p=0,001); a evolução do IMG associou-se com história de toxicodependência (β=- 2,64, p=0,019), creatininémia (β=-2,86, p<0,001) e suprimento proteico (β=-0,02, p<0,001). A variação relativa (%Δ) desses compartimentos corporais entre T1 e T2 indicou o impacto da terapêutica imunossupressora na composição corporal: o regime baseado na ciclosporina associou-se positivamente com a %Δ do IMM (β=23,76, p<0,001) e %Δ da MCC (β=26,58, p<0,001) e negativamente com a %Δ MG (β=-25,64, p<0,001) e %Δ do IMG (β=-25,62, p<0,001), relativamente ao regime baseado no tacrolimus. Os esteróides não influenciaram a evolução do GER nem com a dos compartimentos corporais. Conclusões: O estado de nutrição, avaliado por ASG, melhorou significativamente após o TH, traduzida pela diminuição da prevalência de desnutrição. O normometabolismo pré-TH foi prevalente e associou-se à menor idade e à desnutrição pré- TH. O hipometabolismo pré-TH associou-se à história de toxicodependência e à sarcopénia pré-TH. O hipermetabolismo pré-TH associou-se ao maior IMM e à etiologia viral da doença hepática. Após o TH, houve normalização progressiva do estado metabólico. Foram identificados três perfis de evolução do GER, associando-se com: peso corporal e suprimento energético na amostra total; peso corporal e contributo energético dos lípidos no grupo hipometabólico pré- TH; e peso corporal e desnutrição pela ASG no grupo normometabólico pré-TH. Foram identificados diferentes perfis de evolução da composição corporal após TH. A evolução do músculo esquelético associou-se positivamente com a força de preensão palmar e a creatininémia e negativamente com o número total de fármacos administrados. A evolução da adiposidade (%MG e IMG) associou-se inversamente com a história de toxicodependência, a creatininémia e o suprimento proteico; adicionalmente, a %MG associou-se inversamente com a força de preensão palmar. O regime baseado na ciclosporina associou-se independentemente com diminuição da adiposidade e aumento do músculo esquelético, comparativamente ao regime baseado no tacrolimus.---------------------------ABSTRACT:Background: The assessment of nutritional status in patients undergoing liver transplantation (LTx) should be comprehensive, accounting for the wide spectrum of the clinical and metabolic conditions. The metabolic disturbances related to liver disease may limit the precision and accuracy of traditional nutritional assessment methods underestimating the undernourishment. After LTx, it is expected that many metabolic derangements improve with the recovery of liver function. However, some metabolic complications arising after LTx, related to nutritional status, hepatic denervation, and prolonged immunosuppression, may compromise the longterm outcome. A reliable longitudinal assessment of both energy metabolism and body compartments after LTx, combined with assessments of other factors potentially affecting the nutritional status, may enable a better interpretation on the relationship between the metabolic and the nutritional status. These reliable assessments may precociously identify nutritional risk conditions and optimize and customize clinical and nutritional strategies improving the prognosis. Objective: To assess longitudinally the nutritional status shortly after orthotopic LTx in patients with chronic liver disease, and identify factors, beyond surgery, determining different energy metabolism and body composition profiles.Methods: A cohort of consecutive patients who underwent LTx due to chronic liver disease was studied within a period of two years. The assessments were performed in three occasions: at the last visit before LTx (T0), after surgery as soon as respiratory and functional autonomy was established (T1), and approximately one month after surgery (T2). On each occasion all assessments were performed on the same day, and included: the dietary assessment by 24- hour dietary recall, nutritional status by the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), the resting energy expenditure (REE) by indirect calorimetry, anthropometry, body composition by multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, and muscle strength by handgrip strength. Both the lean mass index (LMI) and body cell mass (BCM) were used as surrogates of skeletal muscle, and both the percentage of fat mass (%FM) and fat mass index (FMI) of adiposity. The REE was predicted according to the Harris and Benedict equation. Hypermetabolism was defined as a measured REE more than 120% of the predicted value; normometabolism as a measured REE within 80-120% of the predicted value; and hypometabolism as a measured REE less than 80% of the predicted value. Multiple regression analysis was used: by logistic regression to identify variables associated with odds of belong each pre-LTx metabolic groups; by linear multiple regression analysis to identify variables associated with body compartments relative variations (%Δ) in the post-LTx period; and by mixed effects models to identify variables associated with the REE and body compartments profiles pre- and post-LTx. Results: Fifty six patients with a mean (SD) of 53.7 (8.5) years of age were included, 87.5% were men and 23.2% with alcoholic liver disease. After LTx 60.7% individuals were assigned to tacrolimus-based immunosuppressive regimen. The patients were assessed at a median time (inter-quartil range) of 90.5 (P25 44.2; P75 134.5) days before LTx (T0), at a median time of 9.0 (P25 7.0; P75 12.0) (T1) and 36 (P25 31.0; P75 43.0) (T2) days after LTx. After LTx the nutritional status significantly improved: the SGA-undernourishment decreased from 37.5% (T0) to 16.1% (T2) (p<0.001). Before LTx, 41.1% patients were normometabolic, 37.5% hypometabolic, and 21.4% hypermetabolic. The predictors of each pre-LTx metabolic group were: age (OR=0.899, p=0.010) and SGA-undernourishment (OR=5.038, p=0.015) for the normometabolic group; and LMI (OR=1.264, p=0.049) and viral etiology of liver disease (OR=8.297, p=0.019) for the hypermetabolic group. No multiple model was found for the pre-LTx hypometabolic group, but univariate association was found with history of drug addiction (OR=0.282, p=0.047) and pre- LTx sarcopenia (OR=8.000, p=0.040). After LTx a significant normalization of the metabolic status occurred, indicated by the increase in the prevalence of normometabolic patients (from T0: 41.1% to T2: 57.1%, p=0.040). Different REE profiles were found with REE stratified by preoperative metabolic status: in the hypometabolic group a significant progressive increase in mean REE (Kcal) was observed (T0: 1030.6; T1: 1436.1, p=0.001; T2: 1659.2, p<0.001); in the hypermetabolic group, a significant progressive decrease in mean REE (Kcal) was observed (T0: 2097.1; T1: 1662.5, p=0.024; T2: 1493.0, p<0.001); and in the normometabolic group, no significant differences were found. The REE profiles were associated with: body weight (β- estimate=9.6, p<0.001) and energy intake (β-estimate=13.6, p=0.005) in the whole sample; with body weight (β-estimate=7.1, p=0.018) and %TEV from lipids (β-estimate=18.9, p=0.003) in the hypometabolic group; and with body weight (β-estimate=14.1, p<0.001), and SGAundernourishment (β-estimate=-171, p=0.007) in the normometabolic group. A transient decrease in most body compartments occurred from T0 to T1, with subsequent catch-up to similar preoperative values. Exceptions were the extracellular water, decreasing from T0 to T2 (mean 18.2 L to 17.8 L, p=0.042), the fat mass (mean 25.1 Kg to 21.7 Kg, p<0.001) and FMI (mean 10.6 Kg.m-2 to 9.3 Kg.m-2, p<0.001), decreasing from T1 to T2. Significant predictors of skeletal muscle and adiposity profiles were found: LMI evolution was associated with handgrip strength (β-estimate=0.06, p<0.001), serum creatinine (β- estimate=2.28, p<0.001) and number of medications (β-estimate=-0.21, p<0.001); BCM evolution was associated with handgrip strength (β-estimate=0.16, p<0.001), serum creatinine (β-estimate=4.17, p<0.001) and number of medications (β-estimate=-0.46, p<0.001); the %FM evolution was associated with handgrip strength (β-estimate=-0.11, p=0.028), history of drug addiction (β-estimate=-5.75, p=0.024), serum creatinine (β-estimate=-5.91, p=0.004) and protein intake (β-estimate=-0.06, p=0.001); and FMI evolution was associated with history of drug addiction (β-estimate=-2.64, p=0.019), serum creatinine (β-estimate=-2.86, p<0.001) and protein intake (β-estimate=-0.02, p<0.001). The %Δ of the aforementioned body compartments from T1 to T2 indicated the influence of immunosuppressive agents on body composition: the cyclosporine-based regimen, compared with tacrolimus-based regimen, was positively associated with %Δ LMI (β-estimate=23.76, p<0.001) and %Δ BCM (β- estimate=26.58, p<0.001), and inversely associated with %Δ FM (β-estimate=-25.64, p<0.001) and %Δ FMI (β-estimate=-25.62, p<0.001). No significant changes in REE or body composition were observed associated with dose or duration of steroid therapy. Conclusions: The SGA-assessed nutritional status improved shortly after LTx, with significant decrease in prevalence undernourished individuals. XXI Preoperative normometabolism was prevalent and was associated with younger age and SGAundernourishment before LTx. Preoperative hypometabolism was associated with history of drug addiction and pre-LTx sarcopenia. Preoperative hypermetabolism was associated with higher LMI and viral etiology of liver disease. A significant normalization of the metabolic status was observed after LTx. The REE profiles were positively predicted by body weight and energy intake in the whole sample, by body weight and percentage of energy intake from lipids in the preoperative hypometabolic patients, and by body weight and SGA–undernourishment in the preoperative normometabolic patients. Different body composition profiles were found after LTx. Skeletal muscle profile was positively associated with handgrip strength and serum creatinine, and inversely with the number of medications. The adiposity profile was inversely associated with history of drug addiction, serum creatinine and protein intake. Additionally, the %FM evolution was inversely associated with handgrip strength. The cyclosporine-based regimen, compared with tacrolimus-based regimen, was independently associated with skeletal muscle increase and adiposity decrease.
We intend to study the algebraic structure of the simple orthogonal models to use them, through binary operations as building blocks in the construction of more complex orthogonal models. We start by presenting some matrix results considering Commutative Jordan Algebras of symmetric matrices, CJAs. Next, we use these results to study the algebraic structure of orthogonal models, obtained by crossing and nesting simpler ones. Then, we study the normal models with OBS, which can also be orthogonal models. We intend to study normal models with OBS (Orthogonal Block Structure), NOBS (Normal Orthogonal Block Structure), obtaining condition for having complete and suffcient statistics, having UMVUE, is unbiased estimators with minimal covariance matrices whatever the variance components. Lastly, see ([Pereira et al. (2014)]), we study the algebraic structure of orthogonal models, mixed models whose variance covariance matrices are all positive semi definite, linear combinations of known orthogonal pairwise orthogonal projection matrices, OPOPM, and whose least square estimators, LSE, of estimable vectors are best linear unbiased estimator, BLUE, whatever the variance components, so they are uniformly BLUE, UBLUE. From the results of the algebraic structure we will get explicit expressions for the LSE of these models.
Both culture coverage and digital journalism are contemporary phenomena that have undergone several transformations within a short period of time. Whenever the media enters a period of uncertainty such as the present one, there is an attempt to innovate in order to seek sustainability, skip the crisis or find a new public. This indicates that there are new trends to be understood and explored, i.e., how are media innovating in a digital environment? Not only does the professional debate about the future of journalism justify the need to explore the issue, but so do the academic approaches to cultural journalism. However, none of the studies so far have considered innovation as a motto or driver and tried to explain how the media are covering culture, achieving sustainability and engaging with the readers in a digital environment. This research examines how European media which specialize in culture or have an important cultural section are innovating in a digital environment. Specifically, we see how these innovation strategies are being taken in relation to the approach to culture and dominant cultural areas, editorial models, the use of digital tools for telling stories, overall brand positioning and extensions, engagement with the public and business models. We conducted a mixed methods study combining case studies of four media projects, which integrates qualitative web features and content analysis, with quantitative web content analysis. Two major general-interest journalistic brands which started as physical newspapers – The Guardian (London, UK) and Público (Lisbon, Portugal) – a magazine specialized in international affairs, culture and design – Monocle (London, UK) – and a native digital media project that was launched by a cultural organization – Notodo, by La Fábrica – were the four case studies chosen. Findings suggest, on one hand, that we are witnessing a paradigm shift in culture coverage in a digital environment, challenging traditional boundaries related to cultural themes and scope, angles, genres, content format and delivery, engagement and business models. Innovation in the four case studies lies especially along the product dimensions (format and content), brand positioning and process (business model and ways to engage with users). On the other hand, there are still perennial values that are crucial to innovation and sustainability, such as commitment to journalism, consistency (to the reader, to brand extensions and to the advertiser), intelligent differentiation and the capability of knowing what innovation means and how it can be applied, since this thesis also confirms that one formula doesn´t suit all. Changing minds, exceeding cultural inertia and optimizing the memory of the websites, looking at them as living, organic bodies, which continuously interact with the readers in many different ways, and not as a closed collection of articles, are still the main challenges for some media.
Neurological disorders are a major concern in modern societies, with increasing prevalence mainly related with the higher life expectancy. Most of the current available therapeutic options can only control and ameliorate the patients’ symptoms, often be-coming refractory over time. Therapeutic breakthroughs and advances have been hampered by the lack of accurate central nervous system (CNS) models. The develop-ment of these models allows the study of the disease onset/progression mechanisms and the preclinical evaluation of novel therapeutics. This has traditionally relied on genetically engineered animal models that often diverge considerably from the human phenotype (developmentally, anatomically and physiologically) and 2D in vitro cell models, which fail to recapitulate the characteristics of the target tissue (cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, cell polarity). The in vitro recapitulation of CNS phenotypic and functional features requires the implementation of advanced culture strategies that enable to mimic the in vivo struc-tural and molecular complexity. Models based on differentiation of human neural stem cells (hNSC) in 3D cultures have great potential as complementary tools in preclinical research, bridging the gap between human clinical studies and animal models. This thesis aimed at the development of novel human 3D in vitro CNS models by integrat-ing agitation-based culture systems and a wide array of characterization tools. Neural differentiation of hNSC as 3D neurospheres was explored in Chapter 2. Here, it was demonstrated that human midbrain-derived neural progenitor cells from fetal origin (hmNPC) can generate complex tissue-like structures containing functional dopaminergic neurons, as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Chapter 3 focused on the development of cellular characterization assays for cell aggregates based on light-sheet fluorescence imaging systems, which resulted in increased spatial resolu-tion both for fixed samples or live imaging. The applicability of the developed human 3D cell model for preclinical research was explored in Chapter 4, evaluating the poten-tial of a viral vector candidate for gene therapy. The efficacy and safety of helper-dependent CAV-2 (hd-CAV-2) for gene delivery in human neurons was evaluated, demonstrating increased neuronal tropism, efficient transgene expression and minimal toxicity. The potential of human 3D in vitro CNS models to mimic brain functions was further addressed in Chapter 5. Exploring the use of 13C-labeled substrates and Nucle-ar Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy tools, neural metabolic signatures were evaluated showing lineage-specific metabolic specialization and establishment of neu-ron-astrocytic shuttles upon differentiation. Chapter 6 focused on transferring the knowledge and strategies described in the previous chapters for the implementation of a scalable and robust process for the 3D differentiation of hNSC derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). Here, software-controlled perfusion stirred-tank bioreactors were used as technological system to sustain cell aggregation and dif-ferentiation. The work developed in this thesis provides practical and versatile new in vitro ap-proaches to model the human brain. Furthermore, the culture strategies described herein can be further extended to other sources of neural phenotypes, including pa-tient-derived hiPSC. The combination of this 3D culture strategy with the implemented characterization methods represents a powerful complementary tool applicable in the drug discovery, toxicology and disease modeling.
This work project is based on the MIES (Map of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Portugal) database and it aims to understand the characteristics of social business models in the context of the portuguese market, by determining whether they follow the proposed characteristics by John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan, and then adding to their matrix. Furthermore, it tries to determine success patterns by comparing a group of successful social ventures with a group of less successful ones, with the objective of increasing the knowledge of social entrepreneurship as it applies to Portugal and provide a framework for future study.
This paper aims at developing a collision prediction model for three-leg junctions located in national roads (NR) in Northern Portugal. The focus is to identify factors that contribute for collision type crashes in those locations, mainly factors related to road geometric consistency, since literature is scarce on those, and to research the impact of three modeling methods: generalized estimating equations, random-effects negative binomial models and random-parameters negative binomial models, on the factors of those models. The database used included data published between 2008 and 2010 of 177 three-leg junctions. It was split in three groups of contributing factors which were tested sequentially for each of the adopted models: at first only traffic, then, traffic and the geometric characteristics of the junctions within their area of influence; and, lastly, factors which show the difference between the geometric characteristics of the segments boarding the junctionsâ area of influence and the segment included in that area were added. The choice of the best modeling technique was supported by the result of a cross validation made to ascertain the best model for the three sets of researched contributing factors. The models fitted with random-parameters negative binomial models had the best performance in the process. In the best models obtained for every modeling technique, the characteristics of the road environment, including proxy measures for the geometric consistency, along with traffic volume, contribute significantly to the number of collisions. Both the variables concerning junctions and the various national highway segments in their area of influence, as well as variations from those characteristics concerning roadway segments which border the already mentioned area of influence have proven their relevance and, therefore, there is a rightful need to incorporate the effect of geometric consistency in the three-leg junctions safety studies.
BACKGROUND: Lean Production Systems (LPS) have become very popular among manufacturing industries, services and large commercial areas. A LPS must develop and consider a set of work features to bring compatibility with workplace ergonomics, namely at a muscular, cognitive and emotional demands level. OBJECTIVE: Identify the most relevant impacts of the adoption of LPS from the ergonomics point of view and summarizes some possible drawbacks for workplace ergonomics due to a flawed application of the LPS. The impacts identified are focused in four dimensions: work pace, intensity and load; worker motivation, satisfaction and stress; autonomy and participation; and health outcome. This paper also discusses the influence that the work organization model has on workplace ergonomics and on the waste elimination previewed by LPS. METHODS: Literature review focused LPS and its impact on occupational ergonomics conditions, as well as on the Health and Safety of workers. The main focus of this research is on LPS implementations in industrial environments and mainly in manufacturing industry workplaces. This is followed by a discussion including the authors’ experience (and previous research). RESULTS: From the reviewed literature it seems that there is no consensus on how Lean principles affect the workplace ergonomics since most authors found positive (advantages) and negative (disadvantages) impacts. CONCLUSIONS: The negative impacts or disadvantages of LPS implementations reviewed may result from the misunderstanding of the Lean principles. Possibly, they also happen due to partial Lean implementations (when only one or two tools were implemented) that may be effective in a specific work context but not suitable to all possible situations as the principles of LPS should not lead, by definition, to any of the reported drawbacks in terms of workplace ergonomics.
Developing and implementing data-oriented workflows for data migration processes are complex tasks involving several problems related to the integration of data coming from different schemas. Usually, they involve very specific requirements - every process is almost unique. Having a way to abstract their representation will help us to better understand and validate them with business users, which is a crucial step for requirements validation. In this demo we present an approach that provides a way to enrich incrementally conceptual models in order to support an automatic way for producing their correspondent physical implementation. In this demo we will show how B2K (Business to Kettle) system works transforming BPMN 2.0 conceptual models into Kettle data-integration executable processes, approaching the most relevant aspects related to model design and enrichment, model to system transformation, and system execution.
ETL conceptual modeling is a very important activity in any data warehousing system project implementation. Owning a high-level system representation allowing for a clear identification of the main parts of a data warehousing system is clearly a great advantage, especially in early stages of design and development. However, the effort to model conceptually an ETL system rarely is properly rewarded. Translating ETL conceptual models directly into something that saves work and time on the concrete implementation of the system process it would be, in fact, a great help. In this paper we present and discuss a hybrid approach to this problem, combining the simplicity of interpretation and power of expression of BPMN on ETL systems conceptualization with the use of ETL patterns to produce automatically an ETL skeleton, a first prototype system, which has the ability to be executed in a commercial ETL tool like Kettle.
This work reports the implementation and verification of a new so lver in OpenFOAM® open source computational library, able to cope with integral viscoelastic models based on the integral upper-convected Maxwell model. The code is verified through the comparison of its predictions with analytical solutions and numerical results obtained with the differential upper-convected Maxwell model