998 resultados para Habilidade motora


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O parasitoide de ovos Telenomus podisi Ashmead, 1893 é um importante agente de controle natural de percevejos e seu sucesso de parasitismo está associado à habilidade para a localização do hospedeiro, sendo a aprendizagem e a memória um dos fatores que podem influenciar esta interação. O trabalho avaliou a capacidade de aprendizagem e tempo de retenção da memória de T. podisi ao extrato de capim-limão [Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. (Poales, Poaceae)], em diferentes estágios do desenvolvimento da fase imatura. Ovos de Euschistus heros (Fabricius, 1798) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) parasitados por T. podisi foram individualizados em tubos de vidro contendo papel filtro com extrato de capim-limão ou solvente acetona (controle) e mantidos em diferentes estágios do desenvolvimento jovem dos parasitoides. Após a emergência, fêmeas de T. podisi foram testadas em olfatômetro tipo "Y" aos odores de ambos tratamentos. Fêmeas inexperientes foram submetidas aos mesmos odores das experientes. Para avaliar a memória, fêmeas oriundas de ovos que permaneceram em contato com o extrato de capim-limão por todo o desenvolvimento do estágio imaturo, foram testadas, após 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas de idade ao odor de capim-limão e acetona. Fêmeas que permaneceram em contato com o capim-limão por toda a fase jovem, direcionaram-se preferencialmente para este extrato, diferente das inexperientes ou das expostas à acetona, as quais preferiram o solvente. A presença do capim-limão, durante todo o estágio do desenvolvimento imaturo, alterou a orientação quimiotáxica de T. podisi, desencadeando aprendizagem nestes organismos, a qual se manteve por até 72 horas.


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Nos ultimos annos teem sido observadas mortandades de peixes nos rios do Estado de S. Paulo. Vê-se, das informações obtidas pelo autor e por outros pesquisadores, que o phenomeno não parece novo entre nós; elle tem sido tambem verificado em outros rios do Brasil, embora não repetido com tanta regularidade como agora. Ficou demonstrado no presente trabalho, tratar-se de uma doença contagiosa, causada por um virus filtravel. Apparecem, a principio, alguns peixes doentes ou mortos; seu numero cresce muito nos dias seguintes. Parece serem atacados logo a maioria dos peixes do local onde ella surge porque, em 2 a 3 dias adoecem milhares e, em poucos, 8 a 15, decresce rapidamente o numero de animaes doentes e mortos. Nesse tempo a doença propagou-se a outros rios, relacionados com o primeiro, a montante ou a jusante delle, até muito distante do ponto onde começou a doença. A doença caracterisa-se clinicamente pela diminuição da capacidade motora dos peixes, que se movem com pouca actividade, deixando-se levar pela correnteza ou procurando permanecer nos pontos remansosos do rio; e pela tendencia a subir á superficie das aguas, em posição vertical ou obliqua, differente dos peixes sãos, que sobem horizontalmente. No inicio da doença os peixes defendem-se da captura, mais tarde são facilmente apprehendidos com a mão. As lesões se resumem em manchas, de tamanho variavel, situadas de cada lado do dorso. Essas manchas nem sempre são presentes. Mais constante é a congestão das nadadeiras, principalmente das nadadeiras peitoraes. Internamente ha augmento de muco na garganta, pallidez do figado e congestão da vesicula biliar, cuja bile é amarellada. Essas lesões internas tambem não são constantes. A doença transmitte-se: directamente, pela cohabitação de peixes seguramente sãos com peixes doentes, ou pela juncção de virus á água contendo peixes sãos; indirectamente, pela agua contaminada, ou pela agua filtrada em vela Chamberland F, cuja integridade foi verificada bacteriologicamente. O virus causador da doença é attenuado e destruido em temperaturas acima de 15° ou só age bem sobre peixes conservados em agua com temperaturas proximas de 12°. Conserva-se perfeitamente a 0°. Esta particularidade explica a coincidencia da doença sempre no inverno e nos rios de menor volume, onde as mudanças bruscas de temperatura são possiveis. Entretanto, a agua fria por si só não reproduz a doença nos animaes testemunhas, collocados em aquarios ao lado dos infectados, em todas as experiencias. A vista desta particularidade foi dada á doença a denominação de cryoichtyozoose. Verificações histologicas revelaram nos peixes doentes um processo inflammatorio na mucosa buccal, cujas cellulas apresentavam inclusões acidophilas, suggerindo-se então o nome estomatite contagiosa dos peixes, mais apropriado que o nome anterior, porque tem um substracto anatomico para a especificação da doença. Essas lesões permittem um diagnostico da doença a posteriori e á distancia. Investigações feitas sobre a etiologia permittiram afastar todas as outras causas conhecidas de mortandades em peixes: bacteiras, protozoarios, agentes physicos, incluindo o frio, e agentes chimicos, occasionando todos lesões bem conhecidas nesses animaes. Além disso, taes causas são facilmente constatadas por technicas simples de laboratorio ou pelo aspecto dos peixes atacados. Na «discussão» do assumpto ficou patente haver analogias dessa doença com certas mortandades observadas em outros paizes, particularmente com a estudada por Huxley, nos rios do Sul da Escossia, observada durante varios annos. Não é impossivel, tambem, que algumas das doenças descriptas em peixes como causadas por bacterias ou parasitos, sem prova segura da pathogenia desses agentes pathogenicos, tenham sua origem em agentes da mesma natureza da doença de S. Paulo.


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Estudando a incidência de fatores infecciosos de resistência, em amostras de Salmonella, foi verificado apresentarem as amostras de S. typhi uma fraca habilidade receptora inicial a esses fatores.


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Com a conseqüència dels canvis legislatius introduïts en el Codi penal i l’augment de la població penitenciària per delictes contra la seguretat del trànsit, es va elaborar i implementar el programa CONTE (Conducció Temerària). Des del seu inici, 93 interns han participat en el programa i sobre aquests s’han recollit dades sociopersonals i altres d’específiques relacionades amb la conducció. Davant de l’absència de dades sobre subjectes empresonats per delictes contra la seguretat viària, es va plantejar avaluar el perfil psicològic d’aquests. En relació amb les dades sociopersonals cal destacar que la franja d’edat en la qual se situa el major nombre d’interns és entre els 30 i 40 anys i un 50% presenta una problemàtica d’alcoholisme. Pel que fa als trets de personalitat, destaquen un elevat neuroticisme, una baixa responsabilitat i obertura i una puntuació elevada en l’agressivitat física i en la impulsivitat motora. La realització d’aquest tipus d’estudis podria afavorir el disseny de programes ajustats a les característiques sociopersonals d’aquesta tipologia d’interns.


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El objetivo del presente estudio es encontrar la relación que existe entre los síntomas de deterioro cognitivo y el grosor cortical cerebral en una muestra de 45 pacientes con Enfermedad de Parkinson diagnosticados y tratados en la consulta externa del Servicio de Neurología del Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona, quienes fueron sometidos a tests neuropsicológicos que evaluaban su función mental y motora y a quienes se les realizó un estudio de Resonancia Magnética 3 Tesla para evaluar, mediante técnicas de postprocesados, su grosor cortical. Los resultados demostraron una clara disminución del grosor cortical en determinadas áreas que se correlacionaban con las funciones cognitivas afectadas en estos pacientes.


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L’objectiu d’aquest estudi es investigar l’organització cortical junt amb la connectivitat còrtico-subcortical en subjectes sans, com a estudi preliminar. Els mapes corticals s’han fet per TMS navegada, i els punts motors obtinguts s’han exportant per estudi tractogràfic i anàlisi de las seves connexions. El coneixement precís de la localització de l’àrea cortical motora primària i les seves connexions es la base per ser utilitzada en estudis posteriors de la reorganització cortical i sub-cortical en pacients amb infart cerebral. Aquesta reorganització es deguda a la neuroplasticitat i pot ser influenciada per els efectes neuromoduladors de la estimulació cerebral no invasiva.


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INTRODUCTION In the prevention for being overweight and for obesity, much attention is given to the influence of dietary factors, making the joint evaluation with other modifiable factors necessary. OBJECTIVES The aim of this project is to study the association between modifiable factors (physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, and dietary habits) with the prevalence of being overweight or obese in the youth population. METHODS Cross-Sectional study of 1283 school children between the ages of 3 and 16 years old, with measurements of the MBI, dietary habits, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and family history of being overweight. Physical activity measured in MET was classified according to Pate criteria. RESULTS 22.4% of the boys and 32.9% of the girls were overweight. The presence of a BMI>25 in parents multiplied by 2.4 the risk of being overweight in children (OR CI 95% 1.5-3.7). 63.6% of overweight boys meet physical activity recommendations compared with 52.2% of girls, although in their case, it was greater than the average (45%). Sedentary time was 141 minutes for men and 128 minutes for women, with more sedentary behaviors associated with being overweight, especially in girls over 12 years of age (66.7%). Consuming cereal (OR 0.8) and having five meals per day (OR 0.5) act as protective factors. CONCLUSIONS In subjects with overweight, the levels of physical activity are close to those recommended levels, so which the values of a sedentary lifestyle together with dietary habits (if the parents have overweight) acquire a new relevance in intervention strategies of this problem.


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Alterations in motor functions are well-characterized features observed in humans and experimental animals subjected to thyroid hormone dysfunctions during development. Here we show that congenitally hypothyroid rats display hyperactivity in the adult life. This phenotype was associated with a decreased content of cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB(1)) mRNA in the striatum and a reduction in the number of binding sites in both striatum and projection areas. These findings suggest that hyperactivity may be the consequence of a thyroid hormone deficiency-induced removal of the endocannabinoid tone, normally acting as a brake for hyperactivity at the basal ganglia. In agreement with the decrease in CB(1) receptor gene expression, a lower cannabinoid response, measured by biochemical, genetic and behavioral parameters, was observed in the hypothyroid animals. Finally, both CB(1) receptor gene expression and the biochemical and behavioral dysfunctions found in the hypothyroid animals were improved after a thyroid hormone replacement treatment. Thus, the present study suggests that impairment in the endocannabinoid system can underlay the hyperactive phenotype associated with hypothyroidism.


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En aquest treball exploratori s’ha estudiat les diferencies entre un grup d’interns penitenciaris, de 4 Centres diferents de la Comunitat Autònoma de Catalunya i un grup d’alumnes universitaris de semblants característiques en les seves variables de subjecte de sexe i edat. L’instrument psicològic emprat ha estat el Psicodiagnòstic Miokinètic Revisat i Digitalitzat (PMK-RD) que ha posat de manifest diferències estadísticament significatives en 4 dels 6 trets de personalitat estudiats: excitació, impulsivitat, emotivitat i agressivitat. Ha permès classificar globalment als interns en un 94,7% i els universitaris en un 100 %. Un posterior anàlisis discriminant a partir tan sols d’aquelles variables que han resultat significativament diferents en un i altre grup, ha classificat segons l’excitació i l’emotivitat un 86,8 % d’interns i un 97,4% d’universitaris. L’interès d’aquest treball resideix en que aquestes dades s’han obtingut a partir d’un instrument psicològic que mesura la conducta motora de les persones, a pols i sense visió, o sigui que avalua la influencia de l’activitat propioceptiva, en el control motor de la conducta voluntària. S’ha emprat un disseny de doble cec, segons el qual els administradors de la prova no coneixien que s’avaluava i els correctors de la mateixa no coneixien als participants. Per aquests motius la interpretació dels resultats no es fonamenta en altres fonts ( entrevista, qüestionaris verbals, etc.) que no sigui el test emprat. Els autors consideren que per les seves característiques no verbals i per els resultats aconseguits aquesta prova pot ser un magnífic instrument per a la classificació de les característiques de personalitat d’alt risc per la conducta delictiva i per consegüent útil per a una formació preventiva de les persones, i a tenir en compte per a la rehabilitació de les mateixes.


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BACKGROUND There is a growing worldwide trend of obesity in children. Identifying the causes and modifiable factors associated with child obesity is important in order to design effective public health strategies.Our objective was to provide empirical evidence of the association that some individual and environmental factors may have with child excess weight. METHOD A cross-sectional study was performed using multi-stage probability sampling of 978 Spanish children aged between 8 and 17 years, with objectively measured height and weight, along with other individual, family and neighborhood variables. Crude and adjusted odds ratios were calculated. RESULTS In 2012, 4 in 10 children were either overweight or obese with a higher prevalence amongst males and in the 8-12 year age group. Child obesity was associated negatively with the socio-economic status of the adult responsible for the child's diet, OR 0.78 (CI95% 0.59-1.00), girls OR 0.75 (CI95% 0.57-0.99), older age of the child (0.41; CI95% 0.31-0.55), daily breakfast (OR 0.59; p = 0.028) and half an hour or more of physical activity every day. No association was found for neighborhood variables relating to perceived neighborhood quality and safety. CONCLUSION This study identifies potential modifiable factors such as physical activity, daily breakfast and caregiver education as areas for public health policies. To be successful, an intervention should take into account both individual and family factors when designing prevention strategies to combat the worldwide epidemic of child excess weight.


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BACKGROUND Understanding of the genetic basis of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has progressed rapidly, but the interactions between common genetic variants and lifestyle risk factors have not been systematically investigated in studies with adequate statistical power. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the combined effects of genetic and lifestyle factors on risk of T2D in order to inform strategies for prevention. METHODS AND FINDINGS The InterAct study includes 12,403 incident T2D cases and a representative sub-cohort of 16,154 individuals from a cohort of 340,234 European participants with 3.99 million person-years of follow-up. We studied the combined effects of an additive genetic T2D risk score and modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors using Prentice-weighted Cox regression and random effects meta-analysis methods. The effect of the genetic score was significantly greater in younger individuals (p for interaction  = 1.20×10-4). Relative genetic risk (per standard deviation [4.4 risk alleles]) was also larger in participants who were leaner, both in terms of body mass index (p for interaction  = 1.50×10-3) and waist circumference (p for interaction  = 7.49×10-9). Examination of absolute risks by strata showed the importance of obesity for T2D risk. The 10-y cumulative incidence of T2D rose from 0.25% to 0.89% across extreme quartiles of the genetic score in normal weight individuals, compared to 4.22% to 7.99% in obese individuals. We detected no significant interactions between the genetic score and sex, diabetes family history, physical activity, or dietary habits assessed by a Mediterranean diet score. CONCLUSIONS The relative effect of a T2D genetic risk score is greater in younger and leaner participants. However, this sub-group is at low absolute risk and would not be a logical target for preventive interventions. The high absolute risk associated with obesity at any level of genetic risk highlights the importance of universal rather than targeted approaches to lifestyle intervention.


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Different studies4, 5 relate that stress increases in children and adolescents with overweight and obesity, and consequently their salivary physiological responses (AEA salivary alpha-amylase, cortisol, cytokines, leptin), so in this study we relate these two parameters to see their progress through a program of physical activity. If we manage to reduce overweight or obesity, these physiological responses and stress should also be reduced, thus improving the overall health status of these children and adolescents. The overall objective of the study was to determine the influence of physical activity in obese children and adolescents in perceived stress. An observational, descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study will be carried out. The universe is made up of 60 overweight / obese children and adolescents aged between 10 and 18 years. The assessment will take place from September 2012 to September 2013. To collect saliva samples, the ELISA8 method will be used. Variables such as BMI, lifestyle and diet will also be collected. Among the expected results are to lower overweight and obesity in children through physical activity program. To reduce stress and to normalize physiological salivary parameters.


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FNDC5/irisin has been recently postulated as beneficial in the treatment of obesity and diabetes because it is induced in muscle by exercise, increasing energy expenditure. However, recent reports have shown that WAT also secretes irisin and that circulating irisin is elevated in obese subjects. The aim of this study was to evaluate irisin levels in conditions of extreme BMI and its correlation with basal metabolism and daily activity. The study involved 145 female patients, including 96 with extreme BMIs (30 anorexic (AN) and 66 obese (OB)) and 49 healthy normal weight (NW). The plasma irisin levels were significantly elevated in the OB patients compared with the AN and NW patients. Irisin also correlated positively with body weight, BMI, and fat mass. The OB patients exhibited the highest REE and higher daily physical activity compared with the AN patients but lower activity compared with the NW patients. The irisin levels were inversely correlated with daily physical activity and directly correlated with REE. Fat mass contributed to most of the variability of the irisin plasma levels independently of the other studied parameters. Conclusion. Irisin levels are influenced by energy expenditure independently of daily physical activity but fat mass is the main contributing factor.


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BACKGROUND Cancer survivors are advised to follow lifestyle recommendations on diet, physical activity, and body fatness proposed by the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute of Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) for cancer prevention. Previous studies have demonstrated that higher concordance with these recommendations measured using an index score (the WCRF/AICR score) was associated with lower cancer incidence and mortality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between pre-diagnostic concordance with WCRF/AICR recommendations and mortality in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. METHODS The association between the WCRF/AICR score (score range 0-6 in men and 0-7 in women; higher scores indicate greater concordance) assessed on average 6.4 years before diagnosis and CRC-specific (n = 872) and overall mortality (n = 1,113) was prospectively examined among 3,292 participants diagnosed with CRC in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort (mean follow-up time after diagnosis 4.2 years). Multivariable Cox proportional hazard models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for mortality. RESULTS The HRs (95% CIs) for CRC-specific mortality among participants in the second (score range in men/women: 2.25-2.75/3.25-3.75), third (3-3.75/4-4.75), and fourth (4-6/5-7) categories of the score were 0.87 (0.72-1.06), 0.74 (0.61-0.90), and 0.70 (0.56-0.89), respectively (P for trend <0.0001), compared to participants with the lowest concordance with the recommendations (category 1 of the score: 0-2/0-3). Similar HRs for overall mortality were observed (P for trend 0.004). Meeting the recommendations on body fatness and plant food consumption were associated with improved survival among CRC cases in mutually adjusted models. CONCLUSIONS Greater concordance with the WCRF/AICR recommendations on diet, physical activity, and body fatness prior to CRC diagnosis is associated with improved survival among CRC patients.


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Oleoylethanolamide (OEA) is an agonist of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) and has been described to exhibit neuroprotective properties when administered locally in animal models of several neurological disorder models, including stroke and Parkinson's disease. However, there is little information regarding the effectiveness of systemic administration of OEA on Parkinson's disease. In the present study, OEA-mediated neuroprotection has been tested on in vivo and in vitro models of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OH-DA)-induced degeneration. The in vivo model was based on the intrastriatal infusion of the neurotoxin 6-OH-DA, which generates Parkinsonian symptoms. Rats were treated 2 h before and after the 6-OH-DA treatment with systemic OEA (0.5, 1, and 5 mg/kg). The Parkinsonian symptoms were evaluated at 1 and 4 wk after the development of lesions. The functional status of the nigrostriatal system was studied through tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH) and hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1, oxidation marker) immunostaining as well as by monitoring the synaptophysin content. In vitro cell cultures were also treated with OEA and 6-OH-DA. As expected, our results revealed 6-OH-DA induced neurotoxicity and behavioural deficits; however, these alterations were less severe in the animals treated with the highest dose of OEA (5 mg/kg). 6-OH-DA administration significantly reduced the striatal TH-immunoreactivity (ir) density, synaptophysin expression, and the number of nigral TH-ir neurons. Moreover, 6-OH-DA enhanced striatal HO-1 content, which was blocked by OEA (5 mg/kg). In vitro, 0.5 and 1 μM of OEA exerted significant neuroprotection on cultured nigral neurons. These effects were abolished after blocking PPARα with the selective antagonist GW6471. In conclusion, systemic OEA protects the nigrostriatal circuit from 6-OH-DA-induced neurotoxicity through a PPARα-dependent mechanism.