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Este trabalho investiga o alinhamento das práticas de gestão de recursos humanos em relação à cultura organizacional, assim como a importância desse alinhamento no alcance das metas e objetivos da organização representada neste estudo pela Fundação Centro de Educação do Trabalhador Florestan Fernandes , localizada no Município de Diadema, no Grande ABCD paulista. Do mesmo modo, compreende estas práticas e pressupostos em um contexto mais amplo e em permanente interação com as demandas apresentadas pelo ambiente externo à organização. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho é de caráter qualitativo devido à possibilidade que apresenta em dar tratamento a um forte conteúdo comportamental e subjetivo, no qual interferem fatores diversificados e pouco controláveis que permitem através da descrição, decodificação e tradução chegar a uma conclusão, não quanto à freqüência, mas quanto ao significado de certos fenômenos do mundo social.(AU)


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Este trabalho investiga o alinhamento das práticas de gestão de recursos humanos em relação à cultura organizacional, assim como a importância desse alinhamento no alcance das metas e objetivos da organização representada neste estudo pela Fundação Centro de Educação do Trabalhador Florestan Fernandes , localizada no Município de Diadema, no Grande ABCD paulista. Do mesmo modo, compreende estas práticas e pressupostos em um contexto mais amplo e em permanente interação com as demandas apresentadas pelo ambiente externo à organização. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho é de caráter qualitativo devido à possibilidade que apresenta em dar tratamento a um forte conteúdo comportamental e subjetivo, no qual interferem fatores diversificados e pouco controláveis que permitem através da descrição, decodificação e tradução chegar a uma conclusão, não quanto à freqüência, mas quanto ao significado de certos fenômenos do mundo social.(AU)


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Tendo como pressuposto de que a Gestão de Pessoas por Competências deve agregar valor econômico para a organização e valor social para os indivíduos, a presente pesquisa investiga com os empregados de uma empresa quais os ganhos trazidos na sua vida, profissional e pessoal, pelo modelo implementado na organização em que trabalham. Para alcançar esse objetivo foi realizado um estudo de caso, de caráter qualitativo numa empresa do setor público, que possui há mais de cinco anos um sistema de gestão por competências, contemplando todos os subsistemas (seleção, treinamento, remuneração, avaliação de desempenho e carreira) para 100,0% dos empregados. Num processo de antes e depois do sistema de gestão por competências, a pesquisa foi realizada por meio de questionário e entrevista. Para medir o ganho dos empregados, foram utilizadas as categorias e subcategorias de ganho social definidas na tese de doutoramento de Amyra Sarsur, 2007. Os resultados dessa pesquisa indicaram que, na percepção do empregado, três subcategorias destacaram-se como ganho social: desenvolvimento, compreensão conceptual da organização e autodesenvolvimento. A importância da pesquisa se faz devido à crescente adoção desse modelo de gestão de pessoas pelas empresas brasileiras e a ausência de pesquisas que investigam os ganhos dos empregados com a Gestão por Competências.(AU)


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Tendo como pressuposto de que a Gestão de Pessoas por Competências deve agregar valor econômico para a organização e valor social para os indivíduos, a presente pesquisa investiga com os empregados de uma empresa quais os ganhos trazidos na sua vida, profissional e pessoal, pelo modelo implementado na organização em que trabalham. Para alcançar esse objetivo foi realizado um estudo de caso, de caráter qualitativo numa empresa do setor público, que possui há mais de cinco anos um sistema de gestão por competências, contemplando todos os subsistemas (seleção, treinamento, remuneração, avaliação de desempenho e carreira) para 100,0% dos empregados. Num processo de antes e depois do sistema de gestão por competências, a pesquisa foi realizada por meio de questionário e entrevista. Para medir o ganho dos empregados, foram utilizadas as categorias e subcategorias de ganho social definidas na tese de doutoramento de Amyra Sarsur, 2007. Os resultados dessa pesquisa indicaram que, na percepção do empregado, três subcategorias destacaram-se como ganho social: desenvolvimento, compreensão conceptual da organização e autodesenvolvimento. A importância da pesquisa se faz devido à crescente adoção desse modelo de gestão de pessoas pelas empresas brasileiras e a ausência de pesquisas que investigam os ganhos dos empregados com a Gestão por Competências.(AU)


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Hiring minority coaches is a serious concern in the National Football League (NFL). The NFL's hiring practices are inconsistent, specifically for minority candidates. The author investigates why NFL teams underutilize minority coaches with research from Central Florida University and the University of Pennsylvania. Research findings suggest that minority hires positively affect the NFL, yet the hiring process remains weak. Case study examples show the poor decision-making trends of NFL personnel, implying that although minority coaches' success is better than non-minorities, the negative perception of minorities, as aspiring head coaches and leaders, is a barrier. As a result, the NFL has a unique opportunity to improve its hiring process by aligning its approach to hiring within the guidelines of federal law.


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Non-traditional means of recruitment for the twenty-first century knowledge worker need to accompany traditional means of recruitment due to an increased usage of technology by the twenty-first century knowledge worker. In this capstone project, the author examined the recruiting efficacy of social networks. Non-traditional means of recruitment through social networks via the World Wide Web can help organizations compete for potential applicants and assist job seekers in securing employment. These means are cost effective for the employer. Examples of organizational usage in this investigation illustrate that social networking can improve efficacy for recruitment and generational needs.


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The Millennial generation is the largest generation to enter into the workforce. They are entering while older generations are still working. Previous generations in the workforce include Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, and Gen X. Millennials' have different expectations from past generations, particularly since they were born using technology as part of their daily lives. The recruiting approach to attract Millennials needs to be different from old traditional methods. Employers must recruit creatively by connecting to Millennials through Internet and technological tools all hours of the day. The use of social networks, virtual job fairs, and email campaigns are just a few ways to recruit the Millennials since they are the future of employment.


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Business organization executives today are routinely challenged to attract and retain key talent and employ innovative techniques to expand their consumer-base. Moreover, these executives have advanced their business initiatives to include workplace equality initiatives with a motivation to attract and retain key talent. In this research the author examined the contributing factors that lead executives in corporate America to implement Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) initiatives as business strategies. The case study methodology applied in this examination illustrated that the implementation of GLBT initiatives can increase a business organization's ability to attract and retain key talent, and increase employee work productivity while expanding the consumer base. Therefore, the business organization's competitive advantage in the marketplace is increased.


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The impending mass retirement of the Baby Boom generation in the United States may cause a drastic talent drain. Companies should pay attention to this upcoming problem now to alleviate an exodus by encouraging Baby Boomers to continue working past their normal retirement age. One solution is to offer them effective incentives. The most compelling incentives for Baby Boomers are the ability to choose their own hours (how many hours they wish to work, and when they wish to work them), the ability to telecommute from wherever they choose, and the offer of extra health care benefits.


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Washington and Lee University has developed and implemented a strategic plan and performance development initiative for 2007-2017. In concert with the strategic plan and performance development initiative, supportive manager core competencies have been identified. The deliverable for this capstone project is a documented methodology that supports the strategy for the design and implementation of a manager training and development program that ensures needed competencies are available. The author uses survey data to determine training needs and priorities and, through a review of literature, investigates effective strategies to arrive at a successful implementation methodology. The author presents findings and conclusions regarding design implementation methodology for manager training and development.


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Every year, obesity rates continue to rise and have reached epidemic proportions throughout the United States. The costs associated with obesity are staggering and many researchers feel that the workplace should be the new front line in the battle for a healthier workforce. Employers must take action to address this worsening health crisis and help reduce spiraling medical costs and absenteeism rates. This capstone reviews the current literature on wellness programs and discusses different companies' approaches to wellness programs that have special emphasis on nutrition and physical activity. It also provides strategies and recommendations for companies eager to initiate a comprehensive, dynamic and directed wellness program to improve the current and future health of their workforce.


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Progressive discipline has been utilized as a management tool to improve employee behavior since the 1930s. Research throughout the years has failed to determine if progressive discipline is actually successful in modifying employee behavior. This capstone addresses this issue and includes a review of literature on the subject of progressive discipline in the workplace, and a survey of human resources professionals determining the presence and success of progressive discipline in several organizations in Colorado. The results indicate that employee behavior modification may not be as strongly correlated to the type of discipline used, but that other factors related to disciplinary practices have more influence on employee behavior modification.


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As health care costs for companies continue to rise, more organizations are considering a consumer driven health plan option with the goal to engage employees so that they make better health care decisions. Although consumer driven health plan options present advantages to the employer and some employee groups, low income employees are negatively impacted by this option. Two major disadvantages include missed care and out of pocket obligations. This capstone reviews the current literature on consumer driven health care and discusses the disadvantages to low income employees. It also provides strategies and recommendations to employers who are considering a consumer driven health option plan to minimize the disadvantages to low income employees.


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The very purpose of a recruiting software program is to help the management of organizations, primarily the HR department to keep track of the job applications. An applicant tracking system can reduce an organization's overall recruitment cost, increase productivity, and raise the level of satisfaction due to faster and better completion of transactions and services. This project analyzes four software providers to discover an applicant tracking system which best suits an organization's recruiting needs. The capstone also highlights that great success an organization can be achieved by significantly improving the delivery of its recruiting services to employees, managers and applicants. The adoption of a well managed applicant tracking system can support this goal.


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In this digital age organizations must focus on connecting with candidates and aspire for innovation in recruiting practices to remain competitive. This author investigated social networking to determine whether or not it provides reliable candidate information when recruiting for hire. Online media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, have become an integrated part of social and professional lives. Analysis of social networking revealed use for recruiting but posed challenges and advantages for organizations. A quantitative cross-sectional survey of social network members (N=136) indicated discrepancy in generational use of social networks and concerns regarding the validity and reliability of candidate information. Social networking promotes innovation in recruiting, however, by itself might not endorse equitability, validity and reliability.