971 resultados para HOMOZYGOUS MUTATION


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Background: We and others have described the neurodegenerative disorder caused by G51D SNCA mutation which shares characteristics of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and multiple system atrophy (MSA). The objective of this investigation was to extend the description of the clinical and neuropathological hallmarks of G51D mutant SNCA-associated disease by the study of two additional cases from a further G51D SNCA kindred and to compare the features of this group with a SNCA duplication case and a H50Q SNCA mutation case. Results: All three G51D patients were clinically characterised by parkinsonism, dementia, visual hallucinations, autonomic dysfunction and pyramidal signs with variable age at disease onset and levodopa response. The H50Q SNCA mutation case had a clinical picture that mimicked late-onset idiopathic PD with a good and sustained levodopa response. The SNCA duplication case presented with a clinical phenotype of frontotemporal dementia with marked behavioural changes, pyramidal signs, postural hypotension and transiently levodopa responsive parkinsonism. Detailed post-mortem neuropathological analysis was performed in all cases. All three G51D cases had abundant α-synuclein pathology with characteristics of both PD and MSA. These included widespread cortical and subcortical neuronal α-synuclein inclusions together with small numbers of inclusions resembling glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCIs) in oligodendrocytes. In contrast the H50Q and SNCA duplication cases, had α-synuclein pathology resembling idiopathic PD without GCIs. Phosphorylated α-synuclein was present in all inclusions types in G51D cases but was more restricted in SNCA duplication and H50Q mutation. Inclusions were also immunoreactive for the 5G4 antibody indicating their highly aggregated and likely fibrillar state. Conclusions: Our characterisation of the clinical and neuropathological features of the present small series of G51D SNCA mutation cases should aid the recognition of this clinico-pathological entity. The neuropathological features of these cases consistently share characteristics of PD and MSA and are distinct from PD patients carrying the H50Q or SNCA duplication.


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P>Objective Adiponectin is an important mediator of insulin sensitivity, encoded by the ADIPOQ gene. Here we describe two Japanese-Brazilian families with hypoadiponectinaemia due to a novel mutation in ADIPOQ. Design and patients In this study, we examined the entire translated regions of adiponectin in Japanese-Brazilians, a population with one of the highest prevalence rates of diabetes worldwide. We screened 200 patients with type 2 diabetes (DM) and 240 age-matched subjects with normal glucose tolerance. Results A novel heterozygous T deletion at position 186 in exon 2 of ADIPOQ, causing a frameshift at codon 62 and leading to a premature termination at codon 168 (p.Gly63ValfsX106), was found in two individuals with diabetes. This mutation was not found in 240 nondiabetic control subjects. In addition, we screened the mutation in an expanded set of 100 nondiabetic subjects from the general Brazilian population, but we found no mutations. In addition, six family members of the probands were identified as mutation-carriers. Individuals who were mutation-carriers had markedly low plasma adiponectin concentrations compared with those without the mutation [DM: 0 center dot 65 (0 center dot 59-1 center dot 34) mu g/ml vs. 5 center dot 30 (3 center dot 10-8 center dot 55) mu g/ml, P < 0 center dot 0001; normal glucose tolerance: 0 center dot 95 (0 center dot 76-1 center dot 48) mu g/ml vs. 8 center dot 50 (5 center dot 52-14 center dot 55) mu g/ml, P = 0 center dot 003]. All individuals carrying the p.Gly63ValfsX106 mutation and older than 30 years were found to be diabetic. Conclusions We describe for the first time a frameshift mutation in exon 2 of the ADIPOQ gene, which modulates adiponectin levels and may contribute to the genetic risk of late-onset diabetes in Japanese-Brazilians.


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The etiologies and clinical spectra of HPE are extremely heterogeneous. Here, we report a Brazilian boy with lobar holoprosencephaly who was ascertained in a sample of 60 patients with HPE and HPE-like phenotypes and screened for molecular analysis of the major HPE causative genes: SHH, PTCH, SIX3, GLI2, and TGIF This boy presented a p.K44N (c.132G > T) mutation in exon 2 of the TGIF gene which was inherited from his phenotypically normal mother. This mutation leads to lysine to arginine amino acid change and is predicted to be a damaging mutation. Clinical aspects involving variable phenotypical manifestations in different mutations of TGIF are discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mice selected for a strong (AIRmax) or weak (AIRmin) acute inflammatory response present different susceptibilities to bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases and carcinogenesis. Variations in these phenotypes have been also detected in AIRmax and AIRmin mice rendered homozygous for Slc11a1 resistant (R) and susceptible (S) alleles. Our aim was to investigate if the phenotypic differences observed in these mice was related to the complement system. AIRmax and AIRmin mice and AIRmax and AIRmin groups homozygous for the resistance (R) or susceptibility (S) alleles of the solute carrier family 11a1 member (Slc11a1) gene, formerly designated Nramp-1. While no difference in complement activity was detected in sera from AIRmax and AIRmin strains, all sera from AIRmax Slc11a1 resistant mice (AIRmax(RR)) presented no complement-dependent hemolytic activity. Furthermore, C5 was not found in their sera by immunodiffusion and, polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing of its gene demonstrated that AIRmax(RR) mice are homozygous for the C5 deficient (D) mutation previously described in A/J. Therefore, the C5D allele was fixed in homozygosis in AIRmax(RR) line. The AIRmax(RR) line is a new experimental mouse model in which a strong inflammatory response can be triggered in vivo in the absence of C5.


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Muscle coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10) or ubiquinone) deficiency has been identified in more than 20 patients with presumed autosomal-recessive ataxia. However, mutations in genes required for CoQ(10) biosynthetic pathway have been identified only in patients with infantile-onset multisystemic diseases or isolated nephropathy. Our SNP-based genome-wide scan in a large consanguineous family revealed a locus for autosomal-recessive ataxia at chromosome 1q41. The causative mutation is a homozygous splice-site mutation in the aarF-domain-containing kinase 3 gene (ADCK3). Five additional mutations in ADCK3 were found in three patients with sporadic ataxia, including one known to have CoQ(10) deficiency in muscle. All of the patients have childhood-onset cerebellar ataxia with slow progression, and three of six have mildly elevated lactate levels. ADCK3 is a mitochondrial protein homologous to the yeast COQ8 and the bacterial UbiB proteins, which are required for CoQ biosynthesis. Three out of four patients tested showed a low endogenous pool of CoQ(10) in their fibroblasts or lymphoblasts, and two out of three patients showed impaired ubiquinone synthesis, strongly suggesting that ADCK3 is also involved in CoQ(10) biosynthesis. The deleterious nature of the three identified missense changes was confirmed by the introduction of them at the corresponding positions of the yeast COQ8 gene. Finally, a phylogenetic analysis shows that ADCK3 belongs to the family of atypical kinases, which includes phosphomositide and choline kinases, suggesting that ADCK3 plays an indirect regulatory role in ubiquinone biosynthesis possibly as part of a feedback loop that regulates ATP production.


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To investigate the kdr (knockdown resistance) resistance-associated gene mutation and determine its frequency in pyrethroid-resistant horn fly (Haematobia irritans) populations, a total of 1,804 horn flies of 37 different populations from all Brazilian regions (North, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast, and South) were molecular screened through polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The kdr gene was not detected in 87.08% of the flies. However, the gene was amplified in 12.92% of the flies, of which 11.70% were resistant heterozygous and 1.22% were resistant homozygous. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was found only in 1 ranch with an excess of heterozygous. When populations were grouped by region, three metapopulations showed significant deviations of HWE (Central-West population, South population and Southeast population). This indicates that populations are isolated one from another and kdr occurrence seems to be an independent effect probably reflecting the insecticide strategy used by each ranch. Although resistance to pyrethroids is disseminated throughout Brazil, only 48% of resistant populations had kdr flies, and the frequency of kdr individuals in each of these resistant populations was quite low. But this study shows that, with the apparent exception of the Northeast region, the kdr mechanism associated with pyrethroid resistance occurs all over Brazil.


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We identified a 4-year-old Brazilian boy from a family of Japanese descent and history of consanguinity, who suffered from severe recurrent pneumonia. He carries factor H (FH) deficiency associated with reduced levels of component C9 and low serum levels of C3 and factor B. His mother also presented low levels of these proteins and factor I, while his father and sister had only lower levels of FH. Western blot assays confirmed the complete absence of FH and FHL-1 polypeptides in this patient. Sequencing of the proband`s FH cDNA revealed a homozygous G453A substitution, encoding an Arg(127)His change. His mother, father and sister are heterozygous for this substitution. Despite the absence of FH in the plasma, this protein was detected in the patient`s fibroblasts, suggesting that Arg(127) may be important for FH secretion. Low concentrations of C9 were detected in the proband serum but no mutations in the patient`s C9 gene or promoter have been identified, suggesting that this is a consequence of uncontrolled complement activation and high C9 consumption.


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Systemic amyloid light-chain (LC) amyloidosis is a disease process characterized by the pathological deposition of monoclonal LCs in tissue. All LC subtypes are capable of fibril formation although lambda chains, particularly those belonging to the lambda 6 type, are overrepresented. Here, we report the thermodynamic and in vitro fibrillogenic properties of several mutants of the lambda 6 protein 6aJL2 in which Pro7 and/or His8 was substituted by Ser or Pro. The H8P and H8S mutants were almost as stable as the wildtype protein and were poorly fibrillogenic. In contrast, the P7S mutation decreased the thermodynamic stability of 6aJL2 and greatly enhanced its capacity to form amyloid-like fibrils in vitro. The crystal structure of the P7S mutant showed that the substitution induced both local and long-distance effects, such as the rearrangement of the V(L) (variable region of the light chain)-V(L) interface. This mutant crystallized in two orthorhombic polymorphs, P2(1)2(1)2(1) and C222(1). In the latter, a monomer that was not arranged in the typical Bence-Jones dimer was observed for the first time. Crystal-packing analysis of the C222(1) lattice showed the establishment of intermolecular beta-beta interactions that involved the N-terminus and beta-strand B and that these could be relevant in the mechanism of LC fibril formation. Our results strongly suggest that Pro7 is a key residue in the conformation of the N-terminal sheet switch motif and, through long-distance interactions, is also critically involved in the contacts that stabilized the V(L) interface in lambda 6 LCs. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objetivo: A trombose da veia porta é uma causa importante de hiper-tensão porta em crianças e adolescentes, porém, em uma proporção importante dos casos, não apresenta fator etiológico definido. O objetivo desse estudo é determinar a freqüência de deficiência das proteínas inibidoras da coagulação – proteínas C, S e antitrombina − e das mutações fator V Leiden, G20210A no gene da protrombina e C677T da metileno-tetraidrofolato redutase em crianças e adolescentes com trom-bose da veia porta, definir o padrão hereditário de uma eventual deficiência das pro-teínas inibidoras da coagulação nesses pacientes e avaliar a freqüência da deficiên-cia dessas proteínas em crianças e adolescentes com cirrose. Casuística e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo com 14 crianças e adolescentes com trombose da veia porta, seus pais (n = 25) e dois gru-pos controles pareados por idade, constituídos por um grupo controle sem hepato-patia (n = 28) e um com cirrose (n = 24). A trombose da veia porta foi diagnosticada por ultra-sonografia abdominal com Doppler e/ou fase venosa do angiograma celíaco seletivo. A dosagem da atividade das proteínas C, S e antitrombina foi determinada em todos os indivíduos e a pesquisa das mutações fator V Leiden, G20210A da pro-trombina e C677T da metileno-tetraidrofolato redutase, nas crianças e adolescentes com trombose da veia porta, nos pais, quando identificada a mutação na criança, e nos controles sem hepatopatia. Resultados: Foram avaliados 14 pacientes caucasóides, com uma média e desvio padrão de idade de 8 anos e 8 meses ± 4 anos e 5 meses e do diagnóstico de 3 anos e 8 meses ± 3 anos e seis meses. Metade dos pacientes pertenciam ao gênero masculino. O motivo da investigação da trombose da veia porta foi hemorra-gia digestiva alta em 9/14 (64,3%) e achado de esplenomegalia ao exame físico em 5/14 (35,7%). Anomalias congênitas extra-hepáticas foram identificadas em 3/14 (21,4%) e fatores de risco adquiridos em 5/14 (35,7%) dos pacientes. Nenhum pa-ciente tinha história familiar de consangüinidade ou trombose venosa. A deficiência das proteínas C, S e antitrombina foi constatada em 6/14 (42,9%) (p < 0,05 vs con-troles sem hepatopatia), 3/14 (21,4%) (p > 0,05) e 1/14 (7,1%) (p > 0,05) pacientes com trombose da veia porta, respectivamente. A deficiência dessas proteínas não foi identificada em nenhum dos pais ou controles sem hepatopatia. A mutação G20210A no gene da protrombina foi identificada em um paciente com trombose da veia porta e em um controle sem hepatopatia (p = 0,999), mas em nenhum desses foi identificado a mutação fator V Leiden. A mutação C677T da metileno-tetraidrofo-lato redutase foi observada na forma homozigota, em 3/14 (21,4%) dos pacientes com trombose da veia porta e em 5/28 (17,9%) controles sem hepatopatia (p = 0,356). A freqüência da deficiência das proteínas C, S e antitrombina nos pacientes com cir-rose foi de 14/24 (58,3%), 7/24 (29,2%) e 11/24 (45,8%), respectivamente (p < 0,05 vs controles sem hepatopatia), sendo mais freqüente nos pacientes do subgrupo Child-Pugh B ou C, que foi de 11/12 (91,7%), 5/12 (41,7%) e 9/12 (75%), respectivamente (p < 0,05 vs controles sem hepatopatia). Conclusões: A deficiência de proteína C foi freqüente nas crianças e adolescentes com trombose da veia porta e não parece ser de origem genética. A deficiência de proteína S, antitrombina e as presenças das mutações G20210A da protrombina e C677T da metileno-tetraidrofolato redutase foram observadas mas não apresentaram diferença estatística significativa em relação ao grupo controle sem hepatopatia. O fator V Leiden não foi identificado. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a deficiência da proteína C pode ocorre como conseqüência da hiper-tensão porta. Os distúrbios pró-trombóticos hereditários não parecem apresentar um papel importante em relação à trombose nas crianças e adolescentes estudadas.


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Beta thalassemia arises as a consequence of the reduction (β+, β++, βsilent) or absence (β0) of beta globin chain synthesis and results from a number of mechanisms that lead to genetic defects. The inheritance of beta thalassemia is characterized by the existence of heterozygous individuals, compound heterozygotes, homozygotes and those with coinheritance of beta thalassemia allele and other thalassemias and/or hemoglobin variants. The aim of this study was to perform molecular and laboratory characterization of beta thalassemia in heterozygous and homozygous individuals and in those with coinheritance of S beta thalassemia. A total of 48 individuals were included (35 heterozygotes, 4 homozygotes and 9 S beta thalessemia carriers) referred to the Integrated Laboratory of Clinical Analyses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and the Hematology Ambulatory Facility of the Dalton Barbosa Cunha Hemocenter (Hemonorte Natal, Brazil). Peripheral blood samples form each patient underwent the following laboratory examinations: erythrogram, hemoglobin electrophoresis at alkaline pH, measurements of Hb A2, Fetal Hb and serum ferritin. DNA was extracted using the illustra blood genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit and molecular characterization was performed by the PCR/RFLP technique, which involves digestion with specific restriction enzymes for IVS-1 nt 1 (G®A), IVS-1 nt 6 (T®C) and codon 39 (CAG®TAG) mutations. Of the 35 heterozygotes, 37.1% showed IVS-1 nt 6 mutation, 42.9% IVS-1 nt 1 and 20% were carriers of other mutations not identified by the technique used. The four homozygous patients presented with the IVS-1 nt 6 mutation, while 66.7% of the individuals with S beta thalassemia had the IVS-1 nt 1 mutation. Codon 39 was not detected in any of the patients investigated. Of the thallasemic alleles found, 40.4% were IVS- 1 nt 1, 40.4% IVS-1 nt 6 and 19.2% were not identified. Laboratory data showed that the heterozygotes exhibited microcytosis and hypochromia, evidenced by MCV ranging from 57 to 75fL and MCH from 15.9 to 23.6 pg. Hemoglobin A2 varied between 3.7 and 7.2%. The homogygotes also showed reduced MCV and MCH and elevated HbA2.. Comparison of laboratory data between heterozygous individuals with IVS-1 nt 1 and IVS-1 nt 6 mutations showed that heterozygotes for the IVS1-1 mutation had significantly lower mean MCV and MCH (p = 0.023 and 0.007, respectively) and significantly higher hemoglobin A2 (p < 0.001) when compared to heterozygotes for the IVS-1 nt 6 mutation. PCR/RFLP was useful in identifying the presence or absence of IVS-1 nt 6, IVS-1 nt 1 and codon 39 mutations in most of the patients investigated here. This is the first study conducted in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil aimed at identifying beta thalassemia mutations and represents an important contribution to the knowledge regarding the molecular profile of beta thalassemia in our country