971 resultados para HEIGHTS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo apresenta a estimativa dos parâmetros florísticos e estruturais (determinação da espécie, altura, diâmetro a altura do Peito - DAP e biomassa) do mangue a partir de informações da superfície adquiridas remotamente com os sensores Laser Detection and Range (LIDAR), Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) e ortofotos na Ilha dos Guarás, conjunto de arquipélagos localizado a 30 km da desembocadura do rio amazonas. Para esse trabalho foram utilizadas informações do SRTM, LIDAR e fotografias aéreas processadas e ortorretificadas durante dois sobrevôos realizados entre o mês de julho e agosto de 2011. Com a ortofoto foi feito o mapa do reconhecimento de unidades geobotânicas que delimitou apenas a classe mangue. Em seguida, foi realizada a correção da altura elipsoidal para a altura ortométrica, onde a nuvem de pontos foi interpolada pelo método vizinho mais próximo, gerando Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) LIDAR (full points) com RMSE de 0,88 cm e por meio de uma linguagem macro foi estatisticamente separadas as informações do último pulso da superfície, conhecido também por ground points. Em seguida, os dados foram interpolados pelo método de krigeagem que gerou o valor de Modelo Digital de Superfície (MDS), o qual foi subtraído do MDE. Com base no Modelo Digital de Vegetação (MDV) foram definidos os sítios de coleta e selecionadas as árvores ascendentes, intermediárias e emergentes, porte no qual foi medido o DAP e altura. No total foram coletadas 212 amostras individuais de mangue e para assegurar o nível de acurácia do conjunto coletado, foi realizado o cálculo de RMSE entre as alturas do LIDAR e Campo, que resultou em RMSE= 1,10 m. Os modelos escolhidos para calibração LIDAR e altura de campo foi do tipo linear, com R2 = 91% e RMSE= 0,98 cm e para calibração da DAP e altura de campo foi escolhido o modelo Logarítmico R2 = 74,1%. Nos resultados da calibração do SRTM o modelo logarítmico também foi o mais adequado para a relação entre altura média e SRTM com R2 = 91% e RMSE de 2,2 m e DAP Médio e SRTM, com R2 = 88% e RMSE 2,2 cm. A partir de um inventário foi realizada a estimativa da biomassa por espécie por meio das equações alométricas de Fromard e posteriormente os resultados foram espacializados em forma de mapas com alto nível de detalhamento oriundo das informações LIDAR e SRTM corrigido e ortofotos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O experimento foi realizado na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas – Unesp/Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, em duas estufas dispostas em diferentes orientações geográficas, Leste/Oeste e Norte/Sul. A alface (Lactuva sativa L.) cv. Elisa foi cultivada em ambas estufas, sendo semeada em 05/05/99, transplantada em 29/05/99 e colhida em 31/06/99. Utilizou-se tensiômetros para monitorar o potencial de água no solo para realizar o manejo do sistema de irrigação por gotejamento. Microevaporímetros eqüidistantes de 3 m e colocados em 3 alturas, 0.50, 1.00 e 1.50 m, termohigrógrafos e tanques Classe “A” foram instalados nas duas estufas. Através de análise geoestatística, não se observou dependência espacial nem variabilidade espacial da evaporação nas duas estufas. Entretanto, a altura dos evaporímetros apresentou diferenças significativas: a evaporação à altura de 1.50 foi menor que nas outras duas.As médias de temperatura, umidade relativa e déficit de pressão de vapor do arnão diferiram estatisticamente entre as estufas e o ambiente externo. Os valores médios de evaporação de água no tanque Classe A instalado fora das estufas diferiram estatisticamente quando comparados com os instalados no interior das estufas, porém, entre as orientações não se constatou diferença significativa. Pôde-se verificar que não houve diferença significativa das características agronômicas da alface em ambas orientações estudadas. No entanto, houve diferença significativa para essas características entre os canteiros no interior das mesmas, havendo variância espacial para os dados de matéria fresca apenas na estufa N/S.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Each year, there is an increase in pesticide consumption and in its importance of use in the large-scale agricultural production, being fundamental the knowledge of application technology to the activity success. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of working pressure on the drift generated by different spray nozzles, assessed in wind tunnel. The treatments were composed of two spray nozzles AXI 110015 and AXI 11002 with pressure levels of 276 and 414 kPa. The spray solution was composed by water and NaCl at 10%. The applications were conducted at wind speed of 2.0 m s-1, being the drift collected at 5.0; 10.0 and 15.0 m away from the spray boom and at heights of 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 e 1.0 m from the tunnel floor. To both spray nozzles, the greatest drift was collected at the smallest distance to the spray-boom and at the lowest height. The AXI 11002 nozzle gave a smaller drift relative to the AXI 110015 nozzle for the two tested pressures and for all the collection points. Regardless of the nozzle, a rise in the working pressure increases the spray drift percentage at all distances in the wind tunnel.


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The objective of the present study was to analyze the influence of spray mixture volume and flight height on herbicide deposition in aerial applications on pastures. The experimental plots were arranged in a pasture area in the district of Porto Esperidião (Mato Grosso, Brazil). In all of the treatments, the applications contained the herbicides aminopyralid and fluroxypyr (Dominum) at the dose of 2.5 L c.p. ha-1, including the adjuvant mineral oil (Joint Oil) at the dose of 1.0 L and a tracer to determine the deposition by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (rhodamine at a concentration of 0.6%). The experiment consisted of nine treatments that comprised the combinations of three spray volumes (20, 30 and 50 L ha-1) and three flight heights (10, 30 and 40 m). The results showed that, on average, there was a tendency for larger deposits for the smallest flight heights, with a significant difference between the heights of 10 and 40 m. There was no significant difference among the deposits obtained with the different spray mixture volumes.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of four grazing heights under continuous stocking of Tanzânia grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. Cv. Tanzânia) on the stocking rate, performance and beef production per hectare. The experimental area was 12 hectares, divided into paddocks with one hectare each, with three replicates each (20, 40, 60 and 80 cm). There were three male Nellore bovines per paddock, adding animals as needed to adjust the desired heights in a completely randomized design. The stocking rate had a negative linear function of grazing heights in all seasons regarding yield per hectare, while the average daily gain showed opposite behavior. Apparently, Tanzânia grass heights between 40 and 60cm under continuous stocking enable good average daily weight gain in beef cattle, and high yield per hectare.


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The experiment was conducted to study the relationship between the number and weight of tiller categories in Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk pasture managed under continuous stocking with cattle. The pasture was managed with an average height of about 25 cm. Plants of four different heights (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm) were evaluated by means of the randomized block design with two replications. The number of vegetative tillers, both live and total, reduced linearly according to the plant height. The number of reproductive tillers increased linearly according to pasture plant height (from 8 to 84 tillers m-2 when comparing plants 10 to 40 cm high). Vegetative and reproductive tiller weight increased linearly according to pasture plant height. Vegetative tiller weight (0.316 g average) was lower than the reproductive tiller weight (0.401 g average). A linear and negative relationship was found between the number and weight of the vegetative tillers, whereas a linear and positive one was found for the reproductive tillers. There are fewer vegetative tillers, and a greater number of reproductive and dead tillers in places with tall plants. At the places with high B. decumbens plants, tillers are heavier.


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Tillering dynamics during regrowth in the spring (September to December 2009) on signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk) pastures deferred in the beginning of April 2009 is evaluated. Four pasture heights were evaluated at the beginning of deferment (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm). The experimental design consisted of completely randomized blocks with two replications. Rise in pasture height at the beginning of deferment decreased the appearance rate, increased the mortality rate and reduced the survival rate, the balance between appearance and mortality and the stability index of the tiller population at the beginning of the spring. Pastures deferred at initial height of 30 and 40 cm presented relatively stable tiller appearance rate between the beginning and end of spring. However, these pastures presented greater mortality rate, lower survival rate, lower balance between appearance and mortality and lower stability index of the tiller population at the beginning of spring when compared to rates at the end of spring. Pastures managed with shorter initial heights (10 and 20 cm) provided more tissue renewal in the subsequent growth season after their utilization in the winter.


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INTRODUCTION: The relationship between the orientation of the segments and the adjustments that can be triggered by shoe lift and insoles in scoliotic patients during maintenance of standing position is unclear. OBJECTIVE: To verify static changes and those associated with unilateral manipulations of shoe lift in the postural orientation in people with idiopathic scoliosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experimental group composed of ten patients with idiopathic scoliosis with double curve (less 10°) and control group with ten participants without scoliosis (aging from 13 to 24 years). Participants were videotaped in upright stance, standing with no, low (1 cm), and high (3 cm) shoe lift, which were placed under right and left shoe. In each condition, the participant maintain upright stance for 15 seconds and reflective markers were affixed on specific anatomical places. Postural angles were obtained: high thoracic; medium thoracic; thoracolumbar; and lumbar, as well segmental angles: shoulder; scapula; pelvis; and knee. RESULTS: In the no shoe lift condition, differences were observed between groups for high and medium thoracic angles and for shoulder. With low and high shoe lift under the right foot, difference was observed between shoe lift heights for high thoracic, for pelvis and knee angles. With low and high shoe lift under the left foot, differences between groups were observed for thoracolumbar angle and between shoe lift heights for pelvis and knee angles. CONCLUSIONS: The shoe lift promotes reorientation in the lower regions of the spine and segments of pelvis and knee. It might be suggested that in the scoliosis with double curves, manipulation in the basis of support changes the alignment of the trunk that might promote structural reorganization and the search of new adjustments among segments in individuals with idiopathic scoliosis.


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The chemical control of the causal agent of citrus black spot (CBS) has been highlighted for the excessive required number of sprayings, considerably increasing citrus production costs. Improvements in the spray efficiency and reductions in the quantity of phytosanitary products have already been searched, but the results of that practice are not consistent yet for its use at commercial scale. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the interference of reduced spray volumes in black spot control in citrus fruits. The experiment was carried out in commercial citrus orchard with 16-year-old plants of 'Valencia' variety, during 2007 agricultural season. Treatments consisted of three spray volumes: 3.5; 4.5 and 8.5 liters.plant-1, applied with Arbus 2000/Export airblast sprayer with special manifold of hydraulic nozzles, using fungicides and periods recommended for the disease control, totaling four sprayings plus a control treatment (without spray). The disease incidence and severity were evaluated by visual diagrammatic scale of notes in two different periods (preharvest and harvest), at three plant heights (low, middle and top) and three horizontal sections (entrance, frontal and exit) in two sides of the plant. The fallen fruits were counted every fifteen days, for previously selected plants, from the beginning of maturation to harvest, and the production was quantified (kg.plant-1). The disease incidence and severity were significantly lower when sprayings were done with 8.5 liters.plant-1 in the first evaluation period (pre-harvest), but in the harvest period there were not differences between the same parameters when 4.5 or 8.5 liters.plant-1 were sprayed. None of those treatments reduced the disease on the top section of plants, compared to control. The plant sections with fruits more exposed to sun rays, top and right side of the plant, demonstrated higher disease incidence and severity. The volume reduction from 8.5 to 4.5 liters.plant-1 can be adopted for citrus orchards without damaging the CBS control level.


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CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO:O manuseio de materiais está ainda presente nos setores industriais e é associado a lesões na coluna lombar e membros superiores. A inserção de alças em caixas industriais é uma forma de reduzir os riscos relacionados à tarefa, porém a posição e a angulação das alças, que são fatores importantes para o conforto e segurança durante o manuseio, são ainda pouco investigadas objetivamente.OBJETIVOS:Comparar o manuseio de uma caixa comercial e de protótipos com alças e avaliar seus efeitos na postura de membros superiores, atividade elétrica muscular e percepção de agradabilidade em diferentes empunhaduras durante manuseio entre diferentes alturas.MÉTODO:Trinta e sete voluntários saudáveis avaliaram as alças dos protótipos que possibilitavam mudança nas posições (superior e inferior) e angulações (0°, 15° e 30º). Os movimentos dos punhos, cotovelos e ombros foram avaliados por meio da eletrogoniometria e inclinometria. A atividade elétrica muscular dos extensores do punho, bíceps braquial e porção superior do trapézio foi avaliada por um eletromiógrafo portátil. Os registros de movimento e atividade elétrica muscular foram sincronizados. Aspectos subjetivos de agradabilidade foram avaliados por meio de uma escala visual analógica.RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES:Os protótipos com alças inclinadas em 30° apresentaram as melhores avaliações de agradabilidade, posturas mais neutras de punho, menores níveis de atividade eletromiográfica do trapézio superior e menores ângulos de elevação dos braços. Os diferentes métodos de medida se mostraram complementares para a avaliação dos membros superiores durante as tarefas de manuseio.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR