1000 resultados para HECHICERÍA - HISTORIA - COLOMBIA


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In Colombia, pentavalent antimonials and miltefosine are the drugs of choice for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis; however, their toxicity, treatment duration, (treatment adherence problems), cost, and decreased parasite sensitivity make the search for alternative treatments of American cutaneous leishmaniasis necessary. Based on the results found in a controlled, open, randomized, phase III clinical trial, the efficacy and safety of miltefosine was compared to that of thermotherapy for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Colombia. Adult patients from the Colombian army participated in the study; they received either 50 mg of miltefosine three times per day for 28 days by the oral route (n = 145) or a thermotherapy (Thermomed®) application of 50 °C for 30 seconds over the lesion and surrounding area (n = 149). Both groups were comparable with respect to their sociodemographic, clinical, and parasitological characteristics. The efficacy of miltefosine by protocol and by intention to treat was 70% (85/122 patients) and 69% (85/145 patients), respectively. The adverse effects were primarily gastrointestinal for miltefosine and pain at the lesion site after treatment for thermotherapy. No statistically significant difference was found in the efficacy analysis (intention to treat and protocol) between the two treatments. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00471705.


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Colombian physician Luis Benigno Patiño Camargo was one of the pioneers in the study of rickettsioses in South America, demonstrating for the first time in Colombia the presence of Rickettsia rickettsii as the etiological agent of a highly deadly exanthematic febrile syndrome in the 1930s. However, Patiño-Camargo performed other investigations from 1917-1943, which represent the first descriptions and scientific evidence of the presence ofR. prowazekii and R. typhi in Colombia. Almost 60 years after the latest research conducted by Dr. Patiño-Camargo, rickettsioses were again a matter of interest and research. In the last decade over 20 research studies have been published, showing new endemic areas forR. rickettsii, as well as the description of new rickettsial species in Colombia.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estudos Portugueses


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A study on the presence of Babesia in humans was performed in Puerto Berrío (Latitude 6.50deg. Longitude: -74.38deg. River: Magdalena. Area: 74.410km², Colombia-South America). Indirect immunofluorescence, thin and thick blood smears were used to study 194 individuals. Patients were grouped according to their risk-factors for Babesia infection: (group 1) individuals with fever, chills, sweating and other malaria-type symptoms; (group 2) symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals from local cattle ranches, which were enrolled in an active form, and (group 3) workers from the local slaughterhouse. Seven individuals were serologically positive for Babesia: Three individuals presented IgM antibodies against B. bovis, while one had IgG against this species; one individual had IgM against B. bigemina, another had IgG and a third both IgM and IgG against this species. Only one individual was parasitologically positive for Babesiaand serologically positive for Babesia bovis (IgM 1:64)


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La historiografía dedicada a la lepra, a los leprosos y a las leproserías en la época medieval ha desarrollado en las últimas décadas interesantes y innovadoras perspectivas de análisis. El trabajo enseguida presentado intenta explorar algunas de esas perspectivas aplicadas al caso portugués en los siglos XIV y XV. Entre varios aspectos, el principal objetivo es llamar la atención para la noción de leproso y para los diferentes factores que deben ser tenidos en consideración cuando el historiador piensa lo individuo enfermo. En realidad, la diversidad y complejidad de las situaciones verificadas exige no un abordaje simplista y general (leproso igual a excluido) pero una mirada que no deje de lado los aspectos que definen y caracterizan el leproso mas allá de la lepra.La historiografía dedicada a la lepra, a los leprosos y a las leproserías en la época medieval ha desarrollado en las últimas décadas interesantes y innovadoras perspectivas de análisis. El trabajo enseguida presentado intenta explorar algunas de esas perspectivas aplicadas al caso portugués en los siglos XIV y XV. Entre varios aspectos, el principal objetivo es llamar la atención para la noción de leproso y para los diferentes factores que deben ser tenidos en consideración cuando el historiador piensa lo individuo enfermo. En realidad, la diversidad y complejidad de las situaciones verificadas exige no un abordaje simplista y general (leproso igual a excluido) pero una mirada que no deje de lado los aspectos que definen y caracterizan el leproso mas allá de la lepra.


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Introduction Thrombocytopenia is a common complication in malaria patients. The relationship between abnormal platelet profile and clinical status in malaria patients is unclear. In low and unstable endemic regions where vivax malaria predominates, the hematologic profiles of malaria patients and their clinical utility are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to characterize the thrombograms of malaria patients from Colombia, where Plasmodium vivax infection is common, and to explore the relationship between thrombograms and clinical status. Methods Eight hundred sixty-two malaria patients were enrolled, including 533 (61.8%) patients infected with Plasmodium falciparum, 311 (36.1%) patients infected with Plasmodium vivax and 18 (2.1%) patients with mixed infections. Results The most frequently observed changes were low platelet count (PC) and high platelet distribution width (PDW), which were observed in 65% of patients; thrombocytopenia with <50,000 platelets/µL was identified in 11% of patients. Patients with complications had lower PC and plateletcrit (PT) and higher PDW values. A higher risk of thrombocytopenia was identified in patients with severe anemia, neurologic complications, pulmonary complications, liver dysfunction, renal impairment and severe hypoglycemia. The presence of thrombocytopenia (<150,000 platelets/µL) was associated with a higher probability of liver dysfunction. Conclusions Young age, longer duration of illness and higher parasitemia are associated with severe thrombocytopenia. Our study showed that thrombocytopenia is related to malaria complications, especially liver dysfunction. High PDW in patients with severe malaria may explain the mechanisms of thrombocytopenia that is common in this group of patients.


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Introduction This study was conducted in Brazil and Colombia,where dengue is endemic and vector control programs use chemical insecticides. Methods We identified knowledge, attitudes, and practices about dengue and determined the infestation levels of Aedes aegypti in one Brazilian and four Colombian communities. Results The surveys show knowledge of the vector, but little knowledge about diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Vector infestation indices show Brazil to have good relative control, while Colombia presents a high transmission risk. Conclusions Given the multidimensionality of dengue control, vertical control strategies are inadequate because they deny contextualized methods, alternative solutions, and local empowerment.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Cryptococcosis is an invasive disease acquired by inhalation of infectious propagules from the environment. Currently, compulsory notification of the spread of this disease is not required in Colombia. However, reporting of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome cases to the National Surveillance System has suggested that there is a growing population at risk of contracting cryptococcosis. Few studies have described the occurrence of cryptococcosis in Colombia. Therefore, in this study, we examined the pathology of this disease in Atlántico, Colombia and determined the distributions of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in the environment.METHODS:Clinical samples/isolates were gathered from cases of cryptococcosis previously diagnosed at health institutions in Atlántico, and surveys were completed by clinicians. The environmental study considered 32 sampling points and three tree species, i.e., Quickstick ( Gliricidia sepium ), Almond ( Terminalia catappa ), and Pink trumpet ( Tabebuia rosea ). Environmental and clinical samples/isolates were analyzed for phenotypic and genotypic confirmation.RESULTS:From 1997-2014, 41 cases of cryptococcosis were reported. The mean patient age was 40.5 years (range: 18-63 years); 76% were men, and 78% were HIV positive. Isolation was possible in 38 cases ( C. neoformans , molecular type VNI in 37 cases and C. gattii , molecular type VGI in one case). In 2012-2014, 2,068 environmental samples were analyzed with a positivity of 0.4% ( C. neoformans , molecular type VNI) in Almond and Pink trumpet trees.CONCLUSIONS:Cryptococcus neoformans , molecular type VNI had a higher prevalence than C. gattii and was associated with human exposure and the pathogenesis of cryptococcosis in this geographical region.


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Apanhado histórico do PROGRAMA FLORA do Brasil, contendo as razões que levaram o CHPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico) a criá-lo, e a situação atual desse projeto. São as seguintes as funções básicas do PROGRAMA FLORA: a) pesquisa fundamental sobre a vegetação e a flora silvestres do Brasil; b) organização de centros de excelência em Botânica em cada Estado e Território do país, especificamente para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas sobre os recursos vegetais silvestres da respectiva região, aqui incluindo a formação de novos botânicos e técnicos auxiliares, em todos os níveis; e c) desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação relacionados ao conhecimento dos recursos vegetais silvestres do Brasil, especialmente a criação e manutenção de bancos de dados com informações as mais completas possíveis sobre esses recursos. Depois de oito anos de funcionamento, e devido à falta de interesse das autoridades competentes, o PROGRAMA FLORA foi implantado em apenas 10 dos 26 Estados e Territórios do Brasil e está, no momento, quase desativado, esperando que o novo governo o reanime, criando núcleos nas demais áreas do pais e continuando a cumprir o projeto inicial, Enquanto o FLORA estava funcionando, ainda que com apenas Ínfimo auxílio governamental, ele proporcionou a contratação de 52 botânicos iniciantes que, sob a orientação de botânicos experimentados, deram grande impulso no estudo das flores de cada região. Os herbários que sediaram núcleos do FLORA foram modernizados, sendo que alguma, como os da Amazônia e do Nordeste, tiveram [zm apenas 5 anos) seus acervos duplicados ou mesmo triplicados. Vários dos botânicos iniciantes ingressaram em cursos de pos-graduação, sendo que alguns já receberam o grau de Mestre e já estão caminhando para a obtenção do grau de Doutor. Na área da Informática, dois técnicos brasileiros foram enviados aos EE.UU., para estágio visando à formação e tratamento de bancas de dados especificamente para o PROGRAMA FLORA. Posteriormente, dois professores norteamericanos vieram ao Brasil, trazendo sistemas de processamento de dados especificamente montados para uso em Botânica Sistemática. Tais sistemas foram implantados no CPD do Centro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CEPF), do CNPq, no Rio de Janeiro. Foram preenchidos mais de 400.000 formulários de coleta de dados nos herbários dos núcleos do FLORA. O SERPRO (Serviço federal de Processamento de Dados) providenciou a digitação dos dados dos formulários, produziu os arquivos, em fitas magnéticas, e o CPD do CBPF organizou e está mantendo o Banco de Dados referente às informações contidas nos herbários levantados.Estes dados dão uma idéia do que poderíamos esperar do PROGRAMA FLORA, se a este tivessem tido dados os indispensáveis recursos e tivesse sido cumprido o programa de ação inicialmente proposto. É, realmente, uma grande pena que as autoridades competentes tenham decidido desativar o PROGRAMA FLORA, justamente quando ele estava precisando ser fortalecido nos núcleos já implantados, e ter novos núcleos criados, cobrindo todo o território do Brasil.


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Atas: V Simpósio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en el Ámbito Iberoamericano & Congresso Internacional das XIII Jornadas de Educação Histórica. Evento realizado em 29, 30, 31 de maio e 1 de junho de 2013, Universidade de Barcelona.


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