998 resultados para H(1S)-H(1S) COLLISIONS


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Energy levels and oscillator strengths (transition probabilities) have been calculated for transitions among 46 fine-structure levels of the (1s(2)) 2s(2) 2p(2), 2s2p(3),2p(4), 2s(2)2p3s, 2s(2) 2p3p and 2s(2)2p3d configurations of C-like K XIV, Sc XVI, Ti XVII, V XVIII, Cr XIX and Mn XX using the GRASP code. Configuration interaction and relativistic effects have been included while generating the wavefunctions. Calculated values of energy levels agree within 3% with the experimentally compiled results, and the length and velocity forms of oscillator strengths agree within 20% for a majority of allowed transitions.


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Energy levels and radiative rates have been calculated for fine-structure transitions among the lowest 89 levels of the (1s(2)) 2s(2)2p(6), 2s(2) 2p(5) 3 l, 2s(2) 2p(5) 4l, 2s2p(6) 3 l, and 2s2p(6)4l configurations of Fe XVII using the GRASP code of Dyall et al. Collision strengths have also been calculated, for transitions among the lowest 55 levels, using the recently developed Dirac atomic R-matrix code (DARC) of Norrington & Grant. The results are compared with those available in the literature, and the accuracy of the data is assessed.


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Effective collision strengths for transitions among the ten energetically lowest fine-structure levels belonging to the (1s(2)2s(2)2p(6))3s(2), 3s3p and 3p(2) configurations of Fe xv have been calculated in the electron temperature range of 10(5)-10(7) K, using the recent Dirac atomic R-matrix code of Norrington and Grant. The results are compared with the other recently available independent Breit-Pauli R-matrix calculations of Eissner et al (Eissner W, Galavis M E, Mendoza C and Zeippen C J 1999 Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 137 165) and Griffin et al (Griffin DC, Badnell N R, Pindzola M S and Shaw J A 1999 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 32 2139, 4129). Large differences are observed for many transitions over almost the entire temperature range. These differences are analysed and discussed, and the accuracy of the calculations is assessed.


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Energy levels and oscillator strengths (transition probabilities) have been calculated for the fine-structure transitions among the levels of the (1s(2)) 2s(2)2p(2), 2s2p(3), 2p(4), 2s(2)2p3s, 2s(2)2p3p, and 2s(2)2p3d configurations of C-like F IV, Na VI, Al VIII, P X, Cl XII, and Ar XIII using the CIV3 program. The extensive configuration interaction and relativistic effects have been included while generating the wavefunctions. Calculated values of energy levels generally agree within 5% with the experimentally compiled results, and the length and velocity forms of oscillator strengths agree within 20% for a majority of allowed transitions.


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Collision strengths for all transitions up to and including the n = 5 levels of Al XIII have been computed in the LS coupling scheme using the R-matrix code. All partial waves with angular momentum L less than or equal to 45 have been included, and resonances have been resolved in a fine energy grid in the threshold region. Collision strengths are tabulated at energies above thresholds in the range 162.30 less than or equal to E less than or equal to 220.0 Ry, and results for the 1s-2s and 1s-2p transitions are compared with those of previous authors. Additionally, effective collision strengths, obtained after integrating the collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities, are tabulated over a wide temperature range of 4.40 less than or equal to log T-e less than or equal to 6.40 K.


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Energy levels and radiative rates for transitions among the 107 finestructure levels belonging to the (1s(2)2s(2)2p(6)) 3s(2)3p(6)3d(10), 3s(2)3p(6)3d(9)4l, 3s(2)3p(5)3d(10)4l, and 3s3p(6)3d(10)4l configurations of Ni-like ions with 60 less than or equal to Z less than or equal to 90 have been calculated using the GRASP code. The collision strengths (Omega) have also been computed for transitions in Gd XXXVII at energies below 800 Ryd, using the DARC code. Resonances have been resolved in a fine energy mesh in the threshold region, and excitation rate coefficients have been calculated for transitions from the ground level to excited levels at temperatures below 2500 eV. These have been compared with those available in the literature, and enhancement in the values of rates, due to resonances, has been observed up to an order of magnitude for some of the transitions.


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The configuration-interaction method as implemented in the computer code CIV3 is used to determine energy levels, electric dipole radiative transition wavelengths, oscillator strengths and transition probabilities for inner-shell excitation of transitions in Fe XV and Fe XVI. Specifically, transitions are considered of the type 1s(2) 2s(2) 2p(6) 3s(2) -1s(2) 2s(2) 2p(5) 3l3l' 3l" (l, l' and l" = s,p or d) in FeXV and 1s(2) 2s(2) 2p(6) 3s- 1s(2) 2s(2) 2p(5) 3l3l' (l and l' = s,p or d) in FeXVI, using the relativistic Breit-Pauli approach. An assessment of the accuracy of the derived atomic data is performed.


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Energy levels for transitions among the lowest 24 fine- structure levels belonging to the 1s(2)nl(n greater than or equal to 5) configurations of Li-like Ar XVI and Fe XXIV have been calculated using the fully relativistic GRASP code. Oscillator strengths, radiative rates and line strengths have also been generated among these levels for the four types of transitions: electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2). Comparisons are made for the electric dipole transitions with other available results, and the accuracy of the present data is assessed.


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Results are presented of high-resolution scattering experiments involving electron collisions with CO2 and CS2, between a few meV and 200 meV impact energy. Virtual state scattering is shown to dominate the low-energy behaviour for both species. The most striking features of the scattering spectrum for CS2 are, however, giant resonances with cross sections greater by more than an order of magnitude than those generally encountered in low-energy scattering. A strong feature centred at 15 meV is attributed to the involvement of CS2- and is interpreted to be a consequence of the virtual state effect.


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The first complete multi-state CDW close coupling calculations which use a fully normalized basis set are performed. The results obtained at impact energies in the region of 10 keV for total and n = 2 capture cross sections are in reasonably good accord with experiment despite the fact that only the ground states of both species and the n = 2 states of the projectile are incorporated into the model. The theory has significant advantages over other atomic and molecular expansions which may require extensive bases to obtain similar accuracy.


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Recent experimental data for fully differential cross sections have been compared to various continuum-distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state models without much success, despite good agreement with double-differential cross sections. A four-body model is formulated here and results are presented both when the internuclear potential is omitted and when it is included. They are compared with recent experimental data for fully differential cross sections for 3.6 MeV/u Au-P(Z)++He collisions, Z(P)=24,53.


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We extend the semiclassical description of two-state atomic collisions to low energies for which the impact parameter treatment fails. The problem reduces to solving a system of first-order differential equations with coefficients whose semiclassical asymptotes experience the Stokes phenomenon in the complex coordinate plane. Primitive semiclassical and uniform Airy approximations are discussed.


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Simple electron capture processes are studied using an orthonormal two state continuum-distorted-wave (CDW) basis. The suitability of the basis set is tested by comparing predictions for total and differential cross sections with available experimental data. Overall good agreement is obtained and the authors conclude that a relatively small CDW basis set may be suitable to model a wide variety of low-energy collisions if the members of this extended set are astutely chosen.


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In 'Charge transfer from the negative-energy continuum: alternative mechanism for pair production in relativistic atomic collisions', Eichler (1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 3653) proposes an alternative mechanism for capture by pair production, and from it derives an analytic expression for the total cross section with a surprisingly strong energy dependence. We show that, in fact, there is no alternative mechanism; rather the above mechanism may be more transparently viewed as an ionization-like transition in one centre with inclusion of continuum distortion by the second centre. We further show that to Centre the initial and final states on the target and projectile leads to confusion in the momentum transfer vectors, and hence, respectively that the alleged high-energy behaviour is erroneous.


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Results are presented for simulations of electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions leading to electron capture and positron ejection. We apply a two-center relativistic continuum distorted-wave model to represent the electron or positron dynamics during the collision process. The results are compared with experimental cross-section data for La57+ and Au79+ impact on gold, silver, and copper targets. The theory is in good agreement with experiment for La57+ impact, verifying the result that the process increases in importance with both collision energy and target atomic number, and improves upon previous simulations of this process.