801 resultados para Good, Adolphus Clemens, 1856-1894.
This study examined the effectiveness of context on the acquisition of new vocabulary for good and poor readers. Twentyeight Grade Three children, fourteen good readers and fourteen poor readers, took part in a word-learning task within three conditions: (1) strong sentence context, (2) weak sentence context, and (3) list condition. The primary hypothesis was that poor readers would show less learning in the list condition than good readers and that there would be no difference in the amount of learning in the sentence conditions. Results revealed that: (a) Words are read faster in sentence contexts than in 1 ist contexts; (b) more learning or greater improvement in performance occurs in list contexts and weak sentence contexts as opposed to strong sentence contexts; and (c) that most of these differences can be attributed to the build-up of meaning in sentences. Results indicated that good and poor readers learned more about words in all three condi tions. More learning and greater performance occurred in the list condition as opposed to the two sentence conditions for both subject groups. However, the poor readers learned significantly more about words in both the list condition and the weak sentence condition than the good readers.
Forty students from regular, grade five classes were divided into two groups of twenty, a good reader group and a' poor reader group, on the basis. of their reading scores on Canadian Achievement Tests. .The subjects took. part in four experimental conditions iM which they .learned lists of pronounceable and unprono~nceable pseudowords, some with semantic referents, and responded to questions designed tci test visual perceptu~l learning and lexical ·and semantic association learning. It' was hypothesized "that the good reade~ group would be able to make use of graphemic and phonemic redundancy patterns in order to improv~·visuSl perceptual learning and lexical and semantic association lea~ningto a greater extent. than would .the poor reader gr6up. The data supported this hypothesis, and also indicated that, although the poor readers were less adept at using familiar sound and letter patterns, they were more dependent on· such pa~terns as an aid to visual recognition memory and semantic recall than were the good readers. It wa.s postulated that poor readers are in a double- ~ . bind situatio~ of having to choose between using weak graphemic-semantic associations or gr~pheme-phoneme associations which are also weak and which have hindered them in developing automaticity in. reading.
Description based on: 16th ed. (1901).
February 13, 1815. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
The collection consists of 37 plans, surveys or maps of the City of Niagara Falls beginning in 1846 until 1928. Some of the plans were created for the Falls Company, a group of land speculators that included Buchanan, Murray, Street, Allen, Robinson and others. Other plans relate to the building of the suspension bridge and the railway. Some plans and drawing may refer to estate documents in RG 167 Niagara South estate and legal documents collection. Item 22 has been scanned for preservation purposes.
A number of frameworks have been suggested for online retailing, but still there exists little consensus among researchers and practitioners regarding the appropriate amount of information critical and essential to the improvement of customers' satisfaction and their purchase intention. Against this backdrop, this study contributes to the current practical and theoretical discussions and conversations about how information search and perceived risk theories can be applied to the management of online retailer website features. This paper examines the moderating role of website personalization in studying the relationship between information content provided on the top US retailers' websites, and customer satisfaction and purchase intention. The study also explores the role played by customer satisfaction and purchase intention in studying the relationship between information that is personalized to the needs of individual customers and online retailers' sales performance. Results indicate that the extent of information content features presented to online customers alone is not enough for companies looking to satisfy and motivate customers to purchase. However, information that is targeted to an individual customer influences customer satisfaction and purchase intention, and customer satisfaction in tum serves as a driver to the retailer's online sales performance.
These are the annual proceedings of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario covering a single year of activity. The entire collection of proceedings cover the years 1855 to 2010. Future proceedings will be added to the website. Freemasonry is the oldest and largest worldwide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. In Ontario, the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over the 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 571 lodges in his jurisdiction.
On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
February 13, 1815. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States. Printed by Roger C. Weightman
The text reads as follows: Narrator: Passio domini nostri iesu christi secundum matheum. In illo tempore dixit iusus discipulis suis. Christ: Scritis quia post biduum pascha fiet, et filius hominis tradetur ut crucifigatur. Narrator: Tumc congregati sunt principes sacerdotum et seniores populi, in atrium principis… Translated: Narrator: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew. “And it came to pass when Jesus had finished all of these words that he said to his disciples: Christ: You know that after two days the Passover will be here; and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified. Narrator: Then the chief priests and the elders of the people gathered together in the court of the high priest…
Recent studies have shown that providing learners Knowledge of Results (KR) after “good trials” rather than “poor trials” is superior for learning. The present study examined whether requiring participants to estimate their three best or three worst trials in a series of six trial blocks before receiving KR would prove superior to learning compared to not estimating their performance. Participants were required to push and release a slide along a confined pathway using their non-dominant hand to a target distance (133cm). The retention and transfer data suggest those participants who received KR after good trials demonstrated superior learning and performance estimations compared to those receiving KR after poor trials. The results of the present experiment offer an important theoretical extension in our understanding of the role of KR content and performance estimation on motor skill learning.
Robert Campbell was the son of Robert Campbell and Jannette Miller, born about 1836 in Pelham North Township. He married Elizabeth Ann Ingram on Saturday, September 7, 1878 in Pelham Township, and they had 2 sons: Robert Carson Campbell and George D. Campbell. He died on February 27, 1908 in Malahide Township, Norfolk County, Ontario.
Annual Convocation proceedings for the year 1894. The title varies slightly and convocation is held at different cities or towns in Canada. Thirty-seventh annual convocation.
The reports are also published in the Annual report of the Department of Agriculture of the province of Ontario, and in the Sessional papers of the province of Ontario "Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly" [-1923] "Printed by order of ... Minister of Agriculture" [1924-] 25th, 1893- pub. by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto 1890 -1908 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1894 -1905 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario 1906 -1910 reports are bound with the corresponding Report of the Fruit Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ontario