959 resultados para Francesco II Borbone, King of the Two Sicilies, 1836-1894.
The objective of this paper was to analyse the activity of the longissimus dorsi and the iliocostalis lumborum muscles--components of the erector spinae muscle--in order to determine: their action potentials during the use of a plain and a tilt Roman table; 2) to compare the action potentials of the two muscles; 3) to verify if the action potential of these two muscles remain constant during the arc of movement--knee flexion and extension--divided into angle ranges, and 4) to compare the action potentials of the muscles in movements performed in a free manner and against resistance. Twenty-three young volunteers were studied electromyographically and each muscle received a needle electrode (Mise) and a surface electrode. The results showed that the table model did not determine any difference in the action potential of the muscles and that, on average, the iliocostalis lumborum muscle developed a slightly higher action potential than the longissimus dorsi muscle during the free flexion of knees on the plain table. In more than 70% of the cases, there was no difference between the action potential of the muscles over the various angle ranges of knee flexion and extension. Relatively higher action potentials were recorded during knee flexion and extension against resistance than during the same movements performed in a free manner. This shows that the paravertebral musculature responds better to an overload (8 kg) imposed on the knee flexor group, confirming the stabilizing role of the longissimus dorsi and iliocostalis lumborum muscles during knee flexion and extension on a Roman table.
Studies using quantitative neuroimaging have shown subtle abnormalities in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). These findings have several locations, but the midline parasagittal structures are most commonly implicated. The cingulate cortex is related and may be involved. The objective of the current investigation was to perform a comprehensive analysis of the cingulate cortex using multiple quantitative structural neuroimaging techniques. Thirty-two patients (18 women, 30 ± 10 years) and 36 controls (18 women, 32 ± 11 years) were imaged by 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A volumetric three-dimensional (3D) sequence was acquired and used for this investigation. Regions-of-interest were selected and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analyses compared the cingulate cortex of the two groups using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM8) and VBM8 software. Cortical analyses of the cingulate gyrus was performed using Freesurfer. Images were submitted to automatic processing using built-in routines and recommendations. Structural parameters were extracted for individual analyses, and comparisons between groups were restricted to the cingulate gyrus. Finally, shape analyses was performed on the anterior rostral, anterior caudal, posterior, and isthmus cingulate using spherical harmonic description (SPHARM). VBM analyses of cingulate gyrus showed areas of gray matter atrophy, mainly in the anterior cingulate gyrus (972 mm(3) ) and the isthmus (168 mm(3) ). Individual analyses of the cingulate cortex were similar between patients with IGE and controls. Surface-based comparisons revealed abnormalities located mainly in the posterior cingulate cortex (718.12 mm(2) ). Shape analyses demonstrated a predominance of anterior and posterior cingulate abnormalities. This study suggests that patients with IGE have structural abnormalities in the cingulate gyrus mainly localized at the anterior and posterior portions. This finding is subtle and variable among patients.
Objective. This study reports a case in which elastic band use culminated in the loss of the incisors. Case Report. An 11-year-old white girl was seen complaining of pain, with purulent discharge and severe tooth mobility. The bone destruction detected radiographically in the region, despite its single location and absence in posterior quadrants of the maxilla and/or mandible, was similar to that observed in Langerhans cell disease. To our surprise, an elastic band involving the midportion of the roots of the two upper central incisors was found during biopsy. The debris was removed and a metal wire was placed in permanent maxillary right and left incisors. The patient was followed up, but no improvement in tooth mobility was observed. Bone loss increased, and internal resorption and root exposure occurred, which culminated in the extraction of permanent maxillary right and left incisors. Conclusion. The present case highlights the fact that professionals sometimes are confronted by anamnestic reports never seen before.
On morphological and zoogeographical grounds, discussed in the present paper, it is concluded that the narrow-skulled vole in North America, previously designated Microtus (Stenocranius) miurus Osgood, is conspecific with the Eurasian M. (Stenocranius) gregalis Pallas. Fourteen subspecies in Eurasia and 5 in North America are now recognized, but it is probable that the number in Eurasia will be reduced through future investigation. The Eurasian subspecies of this vole comprise two major groups, of which one occupies the tundra zone and the other occurs across central Asia below latitude 60° N; their geographic ranges are largely separate but evidently become confluent in northeastern Siberia. The members of the northern group of Eurasian subspecies and the North American forms are closely related; the present distribution of the latter indicates post-glacial dispersal from the Amphiberingian Refugium. It is believed that the tundra-inhabiting voles in Eurasia likewise survived the Pleistocene glaciations in northern refugia, while the members of the southern group of subspecies probably represent populations that survived south of the limits of the continental glaciers. The ranges of the two Eurasian groups probably have become confluent during post-glacial time in northeastern Siberia as a result of the southward spread of the northern forms. At least, the subspecies having the intervening range closely resembles members of the northern group. Some of the ecological and ethological characteristics of these voles are briefly discussed. The chromosome number of one of the North American subspecies of narrow-skulled vole was determined to be 54; this is the first time that the chromosomes of a member of the subgenus Stenocranius have been investigated. A karyogram has been included. German abstract: Auf morphologischen und tiergeographischen Grundlagen, die in dieser Arbeit besprochen wurden, ist festgestellt worden, daß die schmalschädlige Wiihlmaus in Nordamerika, friiher Microtus (Stenocranius) miurus Osgood bezeichnet, mit der palaearktischen Art M. (Stenocranius) gregalis Pallas identisch ist. Zur Zeit gelten 14 Unterarten in Eurasien und 5 in Nordamerika als unterscheidbar; vermutlich aber wird die Zahl der palaearktischen Unterarten durch eingehendere Untersuchungen künftig vermindert werden. Auf Grund ihrer Verbreitung bilden die palaearktischen Unterarten zwei beinahe vollständig getrennte Gruppen. Die Wühlmäuse der nördlichen Gruppe bewohnen die Tundrazone, während die Vertreter der zweiten Gruppe über Mittelasien südlicher als 60° N.B. verbreitet sind. Die Verbreitungsgebiete der zwei Gruppen verbinden sich anscheinend. Die nordamerikanischen schmalschädligen Wühlmäuse sind mit den in der Tundrazone vorkommenden palaearktischen Formen nahe verwandt; sie haben sich wahrscheinlich während der Postglazialzeit aus dem Amphiberingschen Refugium verbreitet. Möglicherweise überlebten die tundrabewohnenden Wühlmäuse Eurasiens die Eiszeit ebenfalls in vereinzelten Refugien in Nordostsibirien, während die Formen der südlichen Gruppe sie jenseits der Grenzen des Festlandsgletschers überlebten. Wahrscheinlich wurden die zwei Verbreitungsgebiete dieser Art in Eurasien erst während der Postglazialzeit durch das Vordringen der nordischen Formen verbunden, da eine nähere Verwandtschaft zwischen den nördlichen und der dazwischenliegenden Unterart besteht. Einige ökologische und ethologische Eigentümlichkeiten dieser Wühlmäuse werden kurz besprochen. Es wurde festgestellt, daß eine der nordamerikanischen Unterarten der schmalschädligen Wühlmaus 54 Chromosomen hat; sie ist der einzige Vertreter der Untergattung Stenocranius, dessen Chromosomen untersucht worden sind.
We investigate the interface dynamics of the two-dimensional stochastic Ising model in an external field under helicoidal boundary conditions. At sufficiently low temperatures and fields, the dynamics of the interface is described by an exactly solvable high-spin asymmetric quantum Hamiltonian that is the infinitesimal generator of the zero range process. Generally, the critical dynamics of the interface fluctuations is in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of critical behavior. We remark that a whole family of RSOS interface models similar to the Ising interface model investigated here can be described by exactly solvable restricted high-spin quantum XXZ-type Hamiltonians. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The taxonomic status of the species Clibanarius sclopetarius (Herbst, 1796) and Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), which have sympatric biogeographical distributions restricted to the western Atlantic Ocean, is based only on differences in the colour pattern of the walking legs of adults. Their morphological similarity led to the suggestion that they be synonymised. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we included species of Clibanarius Dana, 1892 in a molecular phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene and the COI barcode region. In addition, we combined the molecular results with morphological observations obtained from several samples of these two species. The genetic divergences of the 16S rDNA and COI sequences between C. sclopetarius and C. vittatus ranged from 4.5 to 5.9% and 9.4 to 11.9%, which did not justify their synonymisation. Differences in the telson morphology, chela ornamentation, and coloration of the eyestalks and antennal peduncle provided support for the separation of the two species. Another interesting result was a considerable genetic difference found between populations of C. vittatus from Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico, which may indicate the existence of two homonymous species.
Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV coinfection adversely affects the lives of individuals in both the biological and psychosocial aspects. Aiming to describe the quality of life of individuals with HIV/TB coinfection, this descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Ribeirao Preto-SP. Participants were HIV-seropositive individuals with and without TB, using the WHOQOL HIV BREF. 115 individuals who were HIV-positive participated: 57 were coinfected and 58 were not; most were male heterosexuals, predominantly aged 40-49 years. Of those coinfected, most had lower education and income. In assessing the quality of life the coinfected individuals showed lower results in all areas, with significant differences in the Physical, Psychological, Level of Independence and Social Relations areas. TB and HIV / AIDS are stigmatized diseases, and overlap of the two may have severe consequences on the physical and psychosocial health of the individual.
We have performed multicanonical simulations to study the critical behavior of the two-dimensional Ising model with dipole interactions. This study concerns the thermodynamic phase transitions in the range of the interaction delta where the phase characterized by striped configurations of width h = 1 is observed. Controversial results obtained from local update algorithms have been reported for this region, including the claimed existence of a second-order phase transition line that becomes first order above a tricritical point located somewhere between delta = 0.85 and 1. Our analysis relies on the complex partition function zeros obtained with high statistics from multicanonical simulations. Finite size scaling relations for the leading partition function zeros yield critical exponents. that are clearly consistent with a single second-order phase transition line, thus excluding such a tricritical point in that region of the phase diagram. This conclusion is further supported by analysis of the specific heat and susceptibility of the orientational order parameter.
Solar infrared colors provide powerful constraints on the stellar effective temperature scale, but they must be measured with both accuracy and precision in order to do so. We fulfill this requirement by using line-depth ratios to derive in a model-independent way the infrared colors of the Sun, and we use the latter to test the zero point of the Casagrande et al. effective temperature scale, confirming its accuracy. Solar colors in the widely used Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) JHK(s) and WISE W1-4 systems are provided: (V - J)(circle dot) = 1.198, (V - H)(circle dot) = 1.484, (V - K-s)(circle dot) = 1.560, (J - H)(circle dot) = 0.286, (J - K-s)(circle dot) = 0.362, (H - K-s)(circle dot) = 0.076, (V - W1)(circle dot) = 1.608, (V - W2)(circle dot) = 1.563, (V - W3)(circle dot) = 1.552, and (V - W4)(circle dot) = 1.604. A cross-check of the effective temperatures derived implementing 2MASS or WISE magnitudes in the infrared flux method confirms that the absolute calibration of the two systems agrees within the errors, possibly suggesting a 1% offset between the two, thus validating extant near-and mid-infrared absolute calibrations. While 2MASS magnitudes are usually well suited to derive T-eff, we find that a number of bright, solar-like stars exhibit anomalous WISE colors. In most cases, this effect is spurious and can be attributed to lower-quality measurements, although for a couple of objects (3%+/- 2% of the total sample) it might be real, and may hint at the presence of warm/hot debris disks.
The Gedunin compound (C28H34O6) is a natural product extracted from Trichilia pallida that has shown a wide activity. The crystallographic structure shows two conformers in the asymmetric unit, which differ in a rotation of the furan group. To understand this molecular arrangement, the density functional calculations. Molecular Electrostatic Potential (MEP) and thermodynamic function calculation have been performed at the B3LYP/6-311++g(d,p) level. Both conformers were optimized and the agreement with the experimental structure was very good, making possible further theoretical analysis of the structure. The inter-conversion between two conformers depends on the energy barrier. This process is studied in the vacuum and shows two transition states with a low energetic barrier for a potential energy curve scanning rigid around furan group: 4.37 kcal/mol and 16.52 kcal/mol. As the first transition state has a notably lower energetic barrier, the preferred inter-conversion pathway between the conformers involves the first rather than the second transition state. Understanding this transition state in detail led us to perform its optimization, showing an energetic barrier around 3.66 kcal/mol. The negative free energy and low enthalpy confirm that the process is spontaneous and exothermic. The results show that this requirement makes the existence of the two conformers in the asymmetric unit possible. The structure of molecules in the asymmetric unit is better understood when the MEP is used on the interaction between molecules. For Gedunin, both molecules have shown MEP with well-defined regions, and this behavior contributes to the observed link between molecules and for the negative regions complementing positive regions of another molecule. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background The Zaprionus genus shares evolutionary features with the melanogaster subgroup, such as space and time of origin. Although little information about the transposable element content in the Zaprionus genus had been accumulated, some of their elements appear to be more closely related with those of the melanogaster subgroup, indicating that these two groups of species were involved in horizontal transfer events during their evolution. Among these elements, the Gypsy and the Micropia retroelements were chosen for screening in seven species of the two Zaprionus subgenera, Anaprionus and Zaprionus. Results Screening allowed the identification of diverse Gypsy and Micropia retroelements only in species of the Zaprionus subgenus, showing that they are transcriptionally active in the sampled species. The sequences of each retroelement were closely related to those of the melanogaster species subgroup, and the most parsimonious hypothesis would be that 15 horizontal transfer events shaped their evolution. The Gypsy retroelement of the melanogaster subgroup probably invaded the Zaprionus genomes about 11 MYA. In contrast, the Micropia retroelement may have been introduced into the Zaprionus subgenus and the melanogaster subgroup from an unknown donor more recently (~3 MYA). Conclusion Gypsy and Micropia of Zaprionus and melanogaster species share similar evolutionary patterns. The sharing of evolutionary, ecological and ethological features probably allowed these species to pass through a permissive period of transposable element invasion, explaining the proposed waves of horizontal transfers.
This study compared the effectiveness of the multifocal visual evoked cortical potentials (mfVEP) elicited by pattern pulse stimulation with that of pattern reversal in producing reliable responses (signal-to-noise ratio >1.359). Participants were 14 healthy subjects. Visual stimulation was obtained using a 60-sector dartboard display consisting of 6 concentric rings presented in either pulse or reversal mode. Each sector, consisting of 16 checks at 99% Michelson contrast and 80 cd/m² mean luminance, was controlled by a binary m-sequence in the time domain. The signal-to-noise ratio was generally larger in the pattern reversal than in the pattern pulse mode. The number of reliable responses was similar in the central sectors for the two stimulation modes. At the periphery, pattern reversal showed a larger number of reliable responses. Pattern pulse stimuli performed similarly to pattern reversal stimuli to generate reliable waveforms in R1 and R2. The advantage of using both protocols to study mfVEP responses is their complementarity: in some patients, reliable waveforms in specific sectors may be obtained with only one of the two methods. The joint analysis of pattern reversal and pattern pulse stimuli increased the rate of reliability for central sectors by 7.14% in R1, 5.35% in R2, 4.76% in R3, 3.57% in R4, 2.97% in R5, and 1.78% in R6. From R1 to R4 the reliability to generate mfVEPs was above 70% when using both protocols. Thus, for a very high reliability and thorough examination of visual performance, it is recommended to use both stimulation protocols.
Signal transduction pathways mediated by cyclic-bis(3'→5')-dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP) control many important and complex behaviors in bacteria. C-di-GMP is synthesized through the action of GGDEF domains that possess diguanylate cyclase activity and is degraded by EAL or HD-GYP domains with phosphodiesterase activity. There is mounting evidence that some important c-di-GMP-mediated pathways require protein-protein interactions between members of the GGDEF, EAL, HD-GYP and PilZ protein domain families. For example, interactions have been observed between PilZ and the EAL domain from FimX of Xanthomonas citri (Xac). FimX and PilZ are involved in the regulation of type IV pilus biogenesis via interactions of the latter with the hexameric PilB ATPase associated with the bacterial inner membrane. Here, we present the crystal structure of the ternary complex made up of PilZ, the FimX EAL domain (FimXEAL) and c-di-GMP. PilZ interacts principally with the lobe region and the N-terminal linker helix of the FimXEAL. These interactions involve a hydrophobic surface made up of amino acids conserved in a non-canonical family of PilZ domains that lack intrinsic c-di-GMP binding ability and strand complementation that joins β-sheets from both proteins. Interestingly, the c-di-GMP binds to isolated FimXEAL and to the PilZ-FimXEAL complex in a novel conformation encountered in c-di-GMP-protein complexes in which one of the two glycosidic bonds is in a rare syn conformation while the other adopts the more common anti conformation. The structure points to a means by which c-di-GMP and PilZ binding could be coupled to FimX and PilB conformational states
The structural peculiarities of a protein are related to its biological function. In the fatty acid elongation cycle, one small carrier protein shuttles and delivers the acyl intermediates from one enzyme to the other. The carrier has to recognize several enzymatic counterparts, specifically interact with each of them, and finally transiently deliver the carried substrate to the active site. Carry out such a complex game requires the players to be flexible and efficiently adapt their structure to the interacting protein or substrate. In a drug discovery effort, the structure-function relationships of a target system should be taken into account to optimistically interfere with its biological function. In this doctoral work, the essential role of structural plasticity in key steps of fatty acid biosynthesis in Plasmodium falciparum is investigated by means of molecular simulations. The key steps considered include the delivery of acyl substrates and the structural rearrangements of catalytic pockets upon ligand binding. The ground-level bases for carrier/enzyme recognition and interaction are also put forward. The structural features of the target have driven the selection of proper drug discovery tools, which captured the dynamics of biological processes and could allow the rational design of novel inhibitors. The model may be perspectively used for the identification of novel pathway-based antimalarial compounds.
Nuclear charge radii of short-lived isotopes can be probed in a nuclear-model independent way via isotope shift measurements. For this purpose a novel technique was developed at GSI, Darmstadt. It combines two-photon laser spectroscopy in the 2s-3s electronic transition of lithium, resonance ionization, and detection via quadrupole mass spectrometry. In this way an accuracy of 5e-5 which is necessary for the extraction of nuclear charge radii, and an overall detection efficiency of 1e-4 is reached. This allowed an isotope shift measurement of Li-11 for the first time at the TRIUMF facility in Vancouver. Additionally, uncertainties in the isotope shift for all other lithium isotopes were reduced by about a factor of four compared to previous measurements at GSI. Results were combined with recent theoretical mass shift calculations in three-electron systems and root-mean-square nuclear charge radii of all lithium isotopes, particulary of the two-neutron halo nucleus Li-11, were determined. Obtained charge radii decrease continuously from Li-6 to Li-9, while a strong increase between Li-9 and Li-11 is observed. This is compared to predictions of various nuclear models and it is found that a multicluster model gives the best overall agreement. Within this model, the increase in charge radius between Li-9 and Li-11is to a large extend caused by intrinsic excitation of the Li-9-like core while the neutron-halo correlation contributes only to a small extend.