982 resultados para Foucault, Michele


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In den 1960er und 1970er Jahren durchläuft das intellektuelle Feld in Frankreich einen grundlegenden Wandel, der eine Reihe von sich rasch abwechselnden Theorien und Tendenzen nachsichzieht. Der hegemoniale Erfolg von "Meisterdenkern" wie Lacan, Althusser und Foucault kann auf eine Verbindung verschiedener Faktoren zurückgeführt werden: die schnelle Ausweitung des akademischen Felds, die Krise des freischaffenden Künstlers und Privatgelehrten und die zunehmende Rolle gewisser "peripherer Institutionen" (ENS, EHESS, Collège de France). Um einen gegebenen Diskurs nicht auf eine vorgegebene Realität zu reduzieren, zielt diese Dissertation auf eine Öffnung der Bourdieu'schen Feldtheorie für eine struktural-pragmatische Diskurstheorie, die die Kontingenz der Artikulation von Struktur und diskursivem Geschehnis betont. Die Analyse von Werken und Karrieren bestimmter Produzenten (wie Derrida, Barthes, Tel Quel) wird zeigen, wie die Produzenten intellektuelle Hegemonien artikulieren und sich gegen ihre Konkurrenten positionieren.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a dieta e a morfologia do trato digestório do linguado, Catathyridium jenynsii (Günther, 1862) (Achiridae), em seus estágios iniciais de vida. Para análise do trato digestório, foi utilizado um exemplar de cada estágio larval, de pré-flexão até pós-flexão, e juvenil. Um total de 256 larvas e 16 juvenis, pertencentes a cinco classes de comprimento padrão, foi analisado quanto à dieta. Os dados foram coletados no reservatório de Itaipu, rio Paraná, Brasil, de setembro/2001 a março/2002 e setembro/2002 a fevereiro/2003. Para análise dos dados, foram aplicados os métodos de ocorrência e numérico para a determinação da frequência de ocorrência e numérica de cada item alimentar nas diferentes classes de comprimento padrão. A região anterior do trato digestório de C. jenynsii, começou a diferenciar-se em estômago partir de 4,70 mm CP (não apresentou cecos pilóricos). Desde o estágio de pré-flexão, verificou-se três dobras intestinais e várias estrias no trato digestório. A análise da dieta revelou que as larvas menores (classe 1) apresentaram uma dieta distinta, com dominância de cladóceros (especialmente Bosmina hagmanni e Bosminopsis deitersi). Para a classe 2, o copépodo Notodiaptomus sp. foi importante tanto em número quanto em ocorrência, entretanto B. hagmanni, ainda teve participação significativa na dieta. Já as larvas maiores (classes 3, 4) e juvenis (classe 5) apresentaram uma dieta similar, consumindo principalmente os copépodos (Notodiaptomus sp.). Portanto, neste estudo as larvas de C. jenynsii podem ser consideradas zooplanctívoras, já que em todos os estágios de desenvolvimento, cladóceros e copédodos dominaram a dieta. As alterações na dieta acompanharam as modificações morfológicas dos estágios iniciais de C. jenynsii.


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Within last few years a new type of instruments called Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS) entered to the commercial market. These devices brought a possibility to obtain completely new type of spatial, three dimensional data describing the object of interest. TLS instruments are generating a type of data that needs a special treatment. Appearance of this technique made possible to monitor deformations of very large objects, like investigated here landslides, with new quality level. This change is visible especially with relation to the size and number of the details that can be observed with this new method. Taking into account this context presented here work is oriented on recognition and characterization of raw data received from the TLS instruments as well as processing phases, tools and techniques to do them. Main objective are definition and recognition of the problems related with usage of the TLS data, characterization of the quality single point generated by TLS, description and investigation of the TLS processing approach for landslides deformation measurements allowing to obtain 3D deformation characteristic and finally validation of the obtained results. The above objectives are based on the bibliography studies and research work followed by several experiments that will prove the conclusions.


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Après avoir situé la question de la dangerosité dans les perspectives psychiatriques actuelles, l'auteur propose de penser cette notion complexe dans un renversement du paradigme couramment admis : ainsi la référence à la dangerosité témoignerait-elle, au premier plan, de la part non symbolisée de la rencontre de la violence. Cette proposition prend appui dans un premier temps sur les propositions esquissées par M. Foucault dans sa compréhension du rapport à la violence et à la dangerosité. Puis, le recours au concept psychanalytique d'identification projective permet de proposer une modélisation clinique de la dangerosité, qui sera discutée à partir de deux observatoires dans le champ des violences sexuelles : celui d'une recherche menée auprès d'adolescents engagés dans des agirs sexuels violents et celui d'une pratique d'expertise judiciaire. First the author proposes to situate dangerousness's question in actual psychiatric field. Then, he proposes to think this complex notion into a reversal of dangerousness's paradigm: the reference to dangerousness will be thought as the expression of non-symbolized part through violence's meeting. This proposition relies in a first time on M. Foucault's propositions about a comprehension of the relation with violence and dangerousness. In a second time, the psychoanalytic concept of projective identification allows to propose clinical comprehension of dangerousness's notion. Two clinical situations about sexual violences will be asked in this plan: a research with Young sexual offenders and practice of judiciary evaluation.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Ethique de la biologie, mais aussi éthique de la science, des affaires, des assurances, de lentreprise, du corps et de la sexualité, de la communication, de lenvironnement, de la famille... Les champs dapplication de léthique sont sans limites. ... Composé de trois parties, cet ouvrage présente dabord les grandes options philosophiques (libéralisme, utilitarisme, éthique de la discussion, etc.) et les grandes figures (Aristote, Kant, Spinoza, Heidegger, Foucault, etc.) en matière déthique, puis les différents domaines concernés, et enfin les grands débats (pour ou contre la pornographie, le clonage, l'euthanasie, l'éducation, l'avortement...). Écrit de façon pédagogique, il donne une bibliographie très actuelle pour chaque entrée, un index des thèmes et des noms. L'ouvrage rassemble plus de cinquante intervenants francophones. ...


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VAR methods have been used to model the inter-relationships between inflows and outfl ows into unemployment and vacancies using tools such as impulse response analysis. In order to investigate whether such impulse responses change over the course of the business cycle or or over time, this paper uses TVP-VARs for US and Canadian data. For the US, we find interesting differences between the most recent recession and earlier recessions and expansions. In particular, we find the immediate effect of a negative shock on both in ow and out flow hazards to be larger in 2008 than in earlier times. Furthermore, the effect of this shock takes longer to decay. For Canada, we fi nd less evidence of time-variation in impulse responses.


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La proposta de tesi pren com a punt de partida les respostes artístiques i teòriques dutes a terme a partir dels anys seixanta contra un context de coneixement tradicional fonamentalment racionalista, que segueix la tradició lògica de la modernitat i que troba el seu reflex i aplicació social en l’ordre espaial i per extensió, en la geometria. Un cop descrites les nocions que d’aquesta modernitat han estat aplicades a l’art dels anys 50 i 60, es mostra com les crítiques de determinats filòsofs i artistes han anat conformant un corpus teòric i artístic que ha implicat un intent d’enderrocament d’aquest sistema tradicional de coneixement, interpretació, lectura i atorgament de sentit a les obres artístiques. Aquests són: M.Foucault, J.Derrida, R. Smithson, R. Serra, R. Morris, Mona Hatoum, Imi Knoebel o Tacita Dean, entre d’altres. Seguidament es presenta un anàlisi més profund i detallat d’aquelles respostes artístiques més paradigmàtiques, tant al sistema de pensament tradicional com a l’ordre espaial que aquest conseqüentment implica. Aquestes crítiques s’organitzen en dues parts antagòniques: l’una és “L’adveniment del caos”, i l’altra és la “Crítica de l’ordre”. Els artistes són: L. Bourgeois, E.Hesse, A.Mendieta i P.Halley. En una tercera part, es descriu com aquest inici deconstructor del paradigma de coneixement tradicional iniciat als anys seixanta es desenvolupa durant els següents vint anys tenint en aquest cas com a fonament teòric les crítiques de R.Krauss, J. Baudrillard, P.Virilio, i com artistes els arquitectes P. Eienmann i F. Gehri, entre d’altres. La conclusió fonamental d’aquests apartats intenta posar de manifest la subversió o infracció de la geometria com a contenidora dels conceptes de la modernitat: raó i ordre moral. Finalment, en una quarta part s’inclou el propi projecte artístic que representa l’experimentació i praxi de les conclusions teòriques d’aquesta tesi.


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We provide field experimental evidence of the effects of monitoring in a context where productivity is multi-dimensional and only one dimension is monitored and incentivised. We hire students to do a job for us. The job consists of identifying euro coins. We study the effects of monitoring and penalising mistakes on work quality, and evaluate spillovers on non- incentivised dimensions of productivity (punctuality and theft). We .nd that monitoring improves work quality only if incentives are large, but reduces punctuality substantially irrespectively of the size of incentives. Monitoring does not affect theft, with ten per cent of participants stealing overall. Our setting also allows us to disentangle between possible theoretical mechanisms driving the adverse effects of monitoring. Our .ndings are supportive of a reciprocity mechanism, whereby workers retaliate for being distrusted.


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We provide experimental evidence on the ability to detect deceit in a buyer-seller game with asymmetric information. Sellers have private information about the buyer's valuation of a good and sometimes have incentives to mislead buyers. We examine if buyers can spot deception in face-to-face encounters. We vary (1) whether or not the buyer can interrogate the seller, and (2) the contextual richness of the situation. We find that the buyers' prediction accuracy is above chance levels, and that interrogation and contextual richness are important factors determining the accuracy. These results show that there are circumstances in which part of the information asymmetry is eliminated by people's ability to spot deception.


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This study investigates the issue of self-selection of stakeholders into participation and collaboration in policy-relevant experiments. We document and test the implications of self-selection in the context of randomised policy experiment we conducted in primary schools in the UK. The main questions we ask are (1) is there evidence of selection on key observable characteristics likely to matter for the outcome of interest and (2) does selection matter for the estimates of treatment eff ects. The experimental work consists in testing the e ffects of an intervention aimed at encouraging children to make more healthy choices at lunch. We recruited schools through local authorities and randomised schools across two incentive treatments and a control group. We document the selection taking place both at the level of local authorities and at the school level. Overall we nd mild evidence of selection on key observables such as obesity levels and socio-economic characteristics. We find evidence of selection along indicators of involvement in healthy lifestyle programmes at the school level, but the magnitude is small. Moreover, We do not find signifi cant di erences in the treatment e ffects of the experiment between variables which, albeit to a mild degree, are correlated with selection into the experiment. To our knowledge, this is the rst study providing direct evidence on the magnitude of self-selection in fi eld experiments.


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The future of antimalarial chemotherapy is particulary alarming in view of the spread of parasite cross-resistances to drugs that are not even structurally related. Only the availability of new pharmacological models will make it possible to select molecules with novel mechanisms of action, thus delaving resistance and allowing the development of new chemotherapeutic strategies. We reached this objective in mice. Our approach is hunged on fundamental and applied research begun in 1980 to investigate to phospholipid (PL) metabolism of intraerythrocytic Plasmodium. This metabolism is abundant, specific and indispensable for the production of Plasmodium membranes. Any drug to interfere with this metabolism blocks parasitic development. The most effective interference yet found involves blockage of the choline transporter, which supplies Plasmodium with choline for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, its major PL, this is a limiting step in the pathway. The drug sensitivity thereshold is much lower for the parasite, which is more dependent on this metabolism than host cells. The compounds show in vitro activity against P. falciparum at 1 to 10 nM. They show a very low toxicity against a lymphblastoid cell line, demonstrating a total abscence of correlation between growth inhibition of parasites and lymphoblastoid cells. They show antimalarial activity in vivo, in the P. berghei or P. chabaudi/mouse system, at doses 20-to 100-fold lower than their in acute toxicity limit. The bioavailability of a radiolabeled form of the product seemed to be advantageous (slow blood clearance and no significant concentration in tissues). Lastly, the compounds are inexpensive to produce. They are stable and water-soluble.


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Alors que l'oeuvre de M. de Certeau rencontre une audience de plus en plus grande, il n'a jusqu'alors jamais été question d'un apport de sa réflexion à la pratique psychiatrique institutionnelle. La récurrence des questions ouvertes à la fin des années 1960 par l'antipsychiatrie pourrait trouver dans sa pensée un nouvel élan, non plus dans une dénonciation de l'ordre social mais dans une attention toujours plus fine aux pratiques inventives et originales des patients et des soignants. Confrontant la réflexion certalienne à celle d'autres penseurs majeurs de son époque (Foucault, Derrida), il sera question d'une lecture renouvelée des représentations qui sous-tendent la psychiatrie institutionnelle contemporaine.


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The systematic screening of more than 250 molecules against Plasmodium falciparum in vitro has previously shown that interfering with phospholipid metabolism is lethal to the malaria parasite. These compounds act by impairing choline transport in infected erythrocytes, resulting in phosphatidylcholine de novo biosynthesis inhibition. A thorough study was carried out with the leader compound G25, whose in vitro IC50 is 0.6 nM. It was very specific to mature parasites (trophozoïtes) as determined in vitro with P. falciparum and in vivo with P. chabaudi -infected mice. This specificity corresponds to the most intense phase of phospholipid biosynthesis activity during the parasite cycle, thus corroborating the mechanism of action. The in vivo antimalarial activity (ED50) against P. chabaudi was 0.03 mg/kg, and a similar sensitivity was obtained with P. vinckei petteri, when the drug was intraperitoneally administered in a 4 day suppressive test. In contrast, P. berghei was revealed as less sensitive (3- to 20-fold, depending on the P. berghei-strain). This difference in activity could result either from the degree of synchronism of every strain, their invasion preference for mature or immature red blood cells or from an intrinsically lower sensitivity of the P. berghei strain to G25. Irrespective of the mode of administration, G25 had the same therapeutic index (lethal dose 50 (LD50)/ED50) but the dose to obtain antimalarial activity after oral treatment was 100-fold higher than after intraperitoneal (or subcutaneous) administration. This must be related to the low intestinal absorption of these kind of compounds. G25 succeeded to completely inhibiting parasitemia as high as 11.2% without any decrease in its therapeutic index when administered subcutaneously twice a day for at least 8 consecutive days to P. chabaudi -infected-rodent model. Transition to human preclinical investigations now requires a synthesis of molecules which would permit oral absorption.


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In this paper we study how the access price affects the choice of the tariff regime taken by the network operators. We show that for high values of the access price, that is taken as a parameter by the firms, networks decide to charge only the callers. Otherwise, for low values of the access charge, networks charge also the receivers. Moreover, we compare market penetration and total welfare between the two price regimes. Our model suggests that, for high values of call externality, market penetration and total welfare are larger in Receiving Party Pays regime when the access charge is close to zero.


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The morphology of the spiracles of fourth instar larva in eight sandfly species were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Species studied were: Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva), L. ovallesi (Ortiz), L. youngi Feliciangeli & Murillo, L. evansi (Nuñez-Tovar), L. trinidadensis (Newstead), L. migonei (França), L. absonodonta Feliciangeli, and L. venezuelensis (Floch & Abonnenc). In larvae of all eight species both thoracic and abdominal spiracles are located at the top of a globular bulge. Their structure consists of a spiracular plate with a sclerotized central portion and a rose-like peripheral portion. The latter has circularly arranged papillae, separated from each other by elongated septa. Each papilla is longitudinally crossed by a fine cleft dividing it into two identical parts. The taxonomic and adaptative value of spiracular morphology is discussed