947 resultados para Foley Catheter
Sur la base de données ethnographiques rendant compte d'échanges quotidiens entre une équipe mobile de soins palliatifs et différents services de « première ligne » d'un hôpital, cet article considère les relations d'intermédicalité entre ces cultures médicales divergentes. Dans un premier temps, les obstacles qui émergent lors de tentatives d'intégration du nouveau modèle proposé par les soins palliatifs seront discutés. En effet, celui-ci introduit une conception nouvelle de la trajectoire de la maladie incurable traduisant des valeurs fondamentales telles que prendre du temps et s'adapter aux besoins du patient tout en soulageant efficacement les symptômes liés à l'incurabilité et à la fin de vie. Les données recueillies dans cette enquête montrent que, tout en se confrontant à l'ordre hospitalier, les soins palliatifs participent dans une certaine mesure au renouvellement de pratiques institutionnelles. Dans un deuxième temps, ces confrontations et transformations seront lues à la lumière d'enjeux de pouvoir sous-jacents influençant le processus de reconnaissance des soins palliatifs dans le champ médical. En tant que nouvelle spécialité « à contre-courant », une forte adaptation est requise laissant poindre le risque d'assimilation de l'équipe mobile à l'institution hospitalière.
Infection of an intervertebral disk is a serious condition. Diagnosis often is elusive and difficult. It is imperative to obtain appropriate microbiological specimens before initiation of treatment. The authors describe a 51-year-old woman with lumbar spondylodiscitis that was because of infection after the placement of an epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia. A spinal magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis, but computed tomography-guided fine needle biopsy did not provide adequate material for a microbiologic diagnosis. Laparoscopic biopsies of the involved disk provided good specimens and a diagnosis of Propionibacterium acnes infection. The authors believe that this minimally invasive procedure should be performed when computed tomography-guided fine needle biopsy does not provide a microbiologic diagnosis in spondylodiscitis.
Barrett's esophagus consists of the replacement of normal squamous epithelium by a specialised columnar lined epithelium referred to as intestinal metaplasia in the esophagus. It represents a premalignant lesion. The prevalence of Barrett's esophagus is around 1.6%. Esophageal adenocarcinoma results from the development of dysplasia progressing from low to high grade dysplasia and finally adenocarcinoma. Radiofrequency ablation currently represents the treatment of choice in eradicating Barrett's esophagus with associated dysplasia. The technique is based on the application of a radiofrequency current that enables the destruction of the superficial modified epithelium. This new approach presents a good security profile and, compared to other ablative techniques, shows superior results regarding Barrett's eradication.
pH monitoring has been used as a diagnostic tool in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for many years. Recent studies have shown that wireless capsule pH monitoring is better tolerated and interferes less with daily activities as compared to traditional catheter-based pH monitoring. Moreover, prolonged recording time (48 h instead of 24 h) is possible with wireless pH monitoring. The main secondary effect of wireless capsule pH monitoring is induction of thoracic discomfort in 10-65% of the patients, which can vary from mild foreign body sensation to severe chest pain. Sensitivity and specificity of wireless capsule monitoring is comparable to that of traditional pH monitoring. It has not been proven yet that better tolerability and a longer recording time increases the diagnostic yield of wireless capsule monitoring in GERD.
BACKGROUND: Radiofrequency (RF) ablation is used to obtain local control of unresectable tumors in liver, kidney, prostate, and other organs. Accurate data on expected size and geometry of coagulation zones are essential for physicians to prevent collateral damage and local tumor recurrence. The aim of this study was to develop a standardized terminology to describe the size and geometry of these zones for experimental and clinical RF. METHODS: In a first step, the essential geometric parameters to accurately describe the coagulation zones and the spatial relationship between the coagulation zones and the electrodes were defined. In a second step, standard terms were assigned to each parameter. RESULTS: The proposed terms for single-electrode RF ablation include axial diameter, front margin, coagulation center, maximal and minimal radius, maximal and minimal transverse diameter, ellipticity index, and regularity index. In addition a subjective description of the general shape and regularity is recommended. CONCLUSIONS: Adoption of the proposed standardized description method may help to fill in the many gaps in our current knowledge of the size and geometry of RF coagulation zones.
We tested the hypothesis that hyperoxemia defined as arterial PO2 above 12 kPa can be detected by pulse oximetry using 95% oxygen saturation as the upper limit. Thirty artificially ventilated neonates with an indwelling arterial catheter were studied registrating transcutaneous oxygen saturation (Ohmeda Biox 3700 Pulse Oximeter) and transcutaneous PO2 continuously during a 4-hour period and measuring arterial oxygen saturation and PO2 intermittently. 46 episodes of arterial hyperoxemia were observed. Pulse oximetry had a sensitivity of 30%, detecting 14 of these 46 hyperoxemic episodes, and a specificity of 93%. The accuracy for separating hyperoxemia from normoxemia by pulse oximetry could be improved by shifting the cut-off point from 95% to 92%. With this optimal cut-off point sensitivity was 70% and specificity 62%. We conclude that pulse oximetry is not reliable for detection of hyperoxemia.
OBJECTIVES: Long occlusions in calcified crural arteries are a major cause of endovascular technical failure in patients with critical limb ischaemia. Therefore, distal bypasses are mainly performed in patients with heavily calcified arteries and with consequently delicate clamping. A new reverse thermosensitive polymer (RTP) is an alternative option to occlude target vessels. The aim of the study is to report our technical experience with RTP and to assess its safety and efficiency to temporarily occlude small calcified arteries during anastomosis time. METHODS: Between July 2010 and December 2011, we used RTP to occlude crural arteries in 20 consecutive patients with 20 venous distal bypasses. We recorded several operative parameters, such as volume of injected RTP, duration of occlusion and anastomotic time. Quality of occlusion was subjectively evaluated. Routine on-table angiography was performed to search for plug emboli. Primary patency, limb salvage and survival rates were reported at 6 months. RESULTS: In all patients, crural artery occlusion was achieved with the RTP without the use of an adjunct occlusion device. Mean volume of RTP used was 0.3 ml proximally and 0.25 ml distally. Mean duration of occlusion was 14.4 ± 4.5 min, while completion of the distal anastomosis lasted 13.4 ± 4.3 min. Quality of occlusion was judged as excellent in eight cases and good in 12 cases. Residual plugs were observed in two patients and removed with an embolectomy catheter, before we amended the technique for dissolution of RTP. At 6 months, primary patency rate was 75% but limb salvage rate was 87.5%. The 30-day mortality rate was 10%. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that RTP is safe when properly dissolved and effective to occlude small calcified arteries for completion of distal anastomosis.
Résumé : Ce travail comprend deux parties : La première partie a pour but de présenter une revue des techniques de gastrostomie chez l'enfant. La gastrostomie est, par définition, un tractus fistuleux entre l'estomac et la paroi abdominale. Le but de la gastrostomie est de permettre la décompression gastrique, la nutrition entérale et l'apport médicamenteux. Les indications et contre-indications à la confection et utilisation de la gastrostomie sont détaillées dans ce travail. Historiquement, les premières gastrostomies étaient d'origine accidentelle ou infectieuse (fistule gastro-cutanée), incompatibles avec la vie. Sedillot, en 1845 décrivit la première gastrostomie chirurgicale sans cathéter, qui avait comme désavantage la présence de fuites. Depuis, les techniques se sont multipliées en évoluant vers la continence et l'utilisation de cathéters. En 1979 Gauderer décrivit pour la première fois une technique percutanée, réalisée sur un enfant âgé de 5 mois. Cette technique est appelée « Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy » (PEG). Elle a ensuite été élargie à la population adulte. Actuellement, il existe une grande multiplicité de techniques par abord « laparotomique », laparoscopique ou percutanée (endoscopique ou radiologique). Ces techniques peuvent être combinées. Toutes ces techniques nécessitent la présence intermittente ou continue d'un dispositif, qui permet le maintient de la gastrostomie ouverte et évite les fuites gastriques. Ces dispositifs sont multiples; initialement il s'agissait de cathéters rigides (bois, métal, caoutchouc). Ensuite ils ont été fabriqués en silicone, ce qui les rend plus souples et mieux tolérés par le patient. Pour éviter leur dislocation, ils possèdent un système d'amarrage intra-gastrique tel que : un champignon (Bard®), un ballonnet (Foley®, Mic-Key®), ou une forme spiralée du cathéter (« pig-tail ») et possèdent un système d'amarrage extra-gastrique (« cross-bar »). En 1982, Gauderer créa le premier dispositif à fleur de peau : le bouton de gastrostomie (BG). Actuellement, il en existe deux types : à champignon (Bard®) et à ballonnet (Mic-Key®). Il existe plusieurs types de complications liées à la technique opératoire, à la prise en charge et au matériel utilisé. Une comparaison des différentes techniques, matériaux utilisés et coûts engendrés est détaillée dans ce travail. La deuxième partie de ce travail est dédiée aux BG et plus spécifiquement au BG à ballonnet (Mic-Key®). Nous présentons les différents boutons et les techniques spécifiques. Le BG est inséré soit dans une gastrostomie préformée, soit directement lors de la confection d'une gastrostomie par laparotomie, laparoscopie ou de façon percutanée. Les complications liées au BG sont rapportées. D'autres utilisations digestives ou urologiques sont décrites. Nous présentons ensuite notre expérience avec 513 BG à ballonnet (Mic-Key®) dans une revue de 73 enfants. La pose du BG est effectuée dans une gastrostomie préformée sans recours à une anesthésie générale. La technique choisie pour la confection de la gastrostomie dépend de la pathologie de base, de l'état général du patient, de la nécessité d'une opération concomitante et du risque anesthésique. Nous apportons des précisions sur le BG telles que la dimension en fonction de l'âge, la durée de vie, et les causes qui ont amené au changement du BG. Nos résultats sont comparés à ceux de la littérature. Sur la base de notre expérience et après avoir passé en revue la littérature spécialisée, nous proposons des recommandations sur le choix de la technique et le choix du matériel. Ce travail se termine avec une réflexion sur le devenir de la gastrostomie. Si le futur consiste à améliorer et innover les techniques et les matériaux, des protocoles destinés à la standardisation des techniques, à la sélection des patients et à l'enseignement des soins devraient s'en suivre. La prise en charge de l'enfant ne se limite pas à la sélection appropriée de la technique et des matériaux, mais il s'agit avant tout d'une approche multidisciplinaire. La collaboration entre le personnel soignant, la famille et l'enfant est essentielle pour que la prise en charge soit optimale et sans risques.
En Riegel v. Medtronic Inc. (552 U.S.__2008; February 20, 2008), el Sr. Riegel tuvo que ser sometido a un by-pass como consecuencia de la rotura del catéter, fabricado por Medtronic, con el que su médico le practicaba una angioplastia. A pesar de que el catéter había obtenido la autorización de comercialización de la FDA y cumplía los requisitos de seguridad previstos por el sistema regulatorio federal, el Sr. Riegel y su mujer interpusieron una acción de daños contra Medtronic –y no contra el médico- conforme a las reglas de responsabilidad civil objetiva y por negligencia del Common Law neoyorquino. Sin embargo, el Tribunal Supremo federal de los EE.UU., en ponencia del Magistrado Antonin Gregory Scalia, votó, por mayoría de ocho magistrados, rechazar el recurso de la Sra. Riegel y confirmar la sentencia de segunda instancia, desestimatoria de la demanda, porque consideró que la regla de primacía del derecho regulatorio federal sobre seguridad de productos sanitarios [Medical Device Amendments de 1976, 21 U.S.C. Artículo 360k(a)] excluye la aplicabilidad no sólo del derecho regulatorio estatal sobre seguridad de productos sanitarios, sino también del Common Law sobre responsabilidad civil del fabricante.
The EAUN Guidelines Working Group for indwelling catheters have prepared this guideline document to help nurses assess the evidence-based management of catheter care and to incorporate the guidelines’ recommendations into their clinical practice. These guidelines are not meant to be proscriptive, nor will adherence to these guidelines guarantee a successful outcome in all cases. Ultimately, decisions regarding care must be made on a case-by-case basis by healthcare professionals after consultation with their patients using their clinical judgement, knowledge and expertise.
Severe acute refractory respiratory failure is considered a life-threatening situation, with a high mortality of 40 to 60%. When conservative oxygenation methods fail, a lifesaving measure is the introduction of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Venovenous ECMO (VV-ECMO) is a preferred modality of support for patients with refractory acute respiratory failure. Specifically, bicaval VV-ECMO is a well-recognized and validated therapy, where single or double periphery venous access is used for the insertion of two differently sized cannulas in order to achieve adequate blood oxygenation. Compared to venoarterial ECMO, in VV-ECMO, the rate of complications, such as thrombosis, bleeding, infection and ischemic events, is lower. On the other hand, the size and insertion location is an obstacle to patient mobilization. This is a considerable problem for patients where the time interval for lung recovery and the bridge to the transplantation is prolonged. To address this issue, a dual-lumen, single venovenous cannula was introduced. Here, by insertion of one single catheter in one target vessel, in a majority of cases in the right internal jugular vein, satisfactory oxygenation of the patient is achieved. In this form, the instituted VV-ECMO enables patient mobility, better physical rehabilitation and facilitates pulmonary extubation and toilet. However, relatively early, after the first short-term reports were published, a relatively high complication rate became evident. In the recent literature, the complication rate using actual commercially available double-lumen venovenous cannula ranges between 5 and 30%. These cases were mostly conjoined to the implantation phase or the early postoperative phase and vary between right heart perforation to migration of the cannula. This review focuses on complications allied to commercially available dual-lumen, single, venovenous cannula implantation, pointing out the critical segments of the implantation process and analyzing the structure of the device.
PURPOSE: (1) To assess the outcomes of minimally invasive simple prostatectomy (MISP) for the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia in men with large prostates and (2) to compare them with open simple prostatectomy (OSP). METHODS: A systematic review of outcomes of MISP for benign prostatic hyperplasia with meta-analysis was conducted. The article selection process was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. RESULTS: Twenty-seven observational studies with 764 patients were analyzed. The mean prostate volume was 113.5 ml (95 % CI 106-121). The mean increase in Qmax was 14.3 ml/s (95 % CI 13.1-15.6), and the mean improvement in IPSS was 17.2 (95 % CI 15.2-19.2). Mean duration of operation was 141 min (95 % CI 124-159), and the mean intraoperative blood loss was 284 ml (95 % CI 243-325). One hundred and four patients (13.6 %) developed a surgical complication. In comparative studies, length of hospital stay (WMD -1.6 days, p = 0.02), length of catheter use (WMD -1.3 days, p = 0.04) and estimated blood loss (WMD -187 ml, p = 0.015) were significantly lower in the MISP group, while the duration of operation was longer than in OSP (WMD 37.8 min, p < 0.0001). There were no differences in improvements in Qmax, IPSS and perioperative complications between both procedures. The small study sizes, publication bias, lack of systematic complication reporting and short follow-up are limitations. CONCLUSIONS: MISP seems an effective and safe treatment option. It provides similar improvements in Qmax and IPSS as OSP. Despite taking longer, it results in less blood loss and shorter hospital stay. Prospective randomized studies comparing OSP, MISP and laser enucleation are needed to define the standard surgical treatment for large prostates.
PURPOSE: Implanted venous access devices (IVADs) are often used in patients who require long-term intravenous drug administration. The most common causes of device dysfunction include occlusion by fibrin sheath and/or catheter adherence to the vessel wall. We present percutaneous endovascular salvage techniques to restore function in occluded catheters. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of these techniques. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Through a femoral or brachial venous access, a snare is used to remove fibrin sheath around the IVAD catheter tip. If device dysfunction is caused by catheter adherences to the vessel wall, a new "mechanical adhesiolysis" maneuver was performed. IVAD salvage procedures performed between 2005 and 2013 were analyzed. Data included clinical background, catheter tip position, success rate, recurrence, and rate of complication. RESULTS: Eighty-eight salvage procedures were performed in 80 patients, mostly women (52.5 %), with a mean age of 54 years. Only a minority (17.5 %) of evaluated catheters were located at an optimal position (i.e., cavoatrial junction ±1 cm). Mechanical adhesiolysis or other additional maneuvers were used in 21 cases (24 %). Overall technical success rate was 93.2 %. Malposition and/or vessel wall adherences were the main cause of technical failure. No complications were noted. CONCLUSION: These IVAD salvage techniques are safe and efficient. When a catheter is adherent to the vessel wall, mechanical adhesiolysis maneuvers allow catheter mobilization and a greater success rate with no additional risk. In patients who still require long-term use of their IVAD, these procedures can be performed safely to avoid catheter replacement.