982 resultados para Fluid Balance
The numerical solutions of or(R) given by two different methods (Samsonov et al., 2003; and Lu et al., 2005) are compared with the result that they are coincident closely (the difference is within 4%). We conclude that it is necessary to consider the Tolman correction in the calculation of fluid dynamics in carbon nanotubes. Although our conclusion is the same as that of Prylutskyy et al. (2005), the sign of our Tolman correction is opposite to theirs, and the difference can be attributed to the errors appeared in the paper of Prylutskyy et al.
The hydrothermal wave was investigated numerically for large-Prandtl-number fluid (Pr = 105.6) in a shallow cavity with different heated sidewalls. The traveling wave appears and propagates in the direction opposite to the surface flow (upstream) in the case of zero gravity when the applied temperature difference grows and over the critical value. The phase relationships of the disturbed velocity, temperature and pressure demonstrate that the traveling wave is driven by the disturbed temperature, which is named hydrothermal wave. The hydrothermal wave is so weak that the oscillatory flow field and temperature distribution can hardly be observed in the liquid layer. The exciting mechanism of hydrothermal wave is analyzed and discussed in the present paper.
Modeling of fluid flows in crystal growth processes has become an important research area in theoretical and applied mechanics. Most crystal growth processes involve fluid flows, such as flows in the melt, solution or vapor. Theoretical modeling has played an important role in developing technologies used for growing semiconductor crystals for high performance electronic and optoelectronic devices. The application of devices requires large diameter crystals with a high degree of crystallographic perfection, low defect density and uniform dopant distribution. In this article, the flow models developed in modeling of the crystal growth processes such as Czochralski, ammonothermal and physical vapor transport methods are reviewed. In the Czochralski growth modeling, the flow models for thermocapillary flow, turbulent flow and MHD flow have been developed. In the ammonothermal growth modeling, the buoyancy and porous media flow models have been developed based on a single-domain and continuum approach for the composite fluid-porous layer systems. In the physical vapor transport growth modeling, the Stefan flow model has been proposed based on the flow-kinetics theory for the vapor growth. In addition, perspectives for future studies on crystal growth modeling are proposed. (c) 2008 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.
In this article the UDF script file in the Fluent software was rewritten as the "connecting file" for the Fluent and the ANSYS/ABAQUS in order that the joined file can be used to do aero-elastic computations. In this way the fluid field is computed by solving the Navier-Stokes equations and the structure movement is integrated by the dynamics directly. An analysis of the computed results shows that this coupled method designed for simulating aero-elastic systems is workable and can be used for the other fluid-structure interaction problems.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un balance de la política exterior de Raúl Alfonsín (1983-1989). Dicho análisis se sustentará en una contextualización histórica de su acción externa, en los fundamentos y creencias que sostuvieron su acción internacional y en sus objetivos principales. La reconstrucción en este punto de la investigación se basa especialmente en fuentes bibliográficas, dado que forma parte de los aspectos teóricos de un análisis más amplio, que incluye un análisis de casos de dicho período.
Resumen: La historia de la Iglesia Católica en Uruguay ha sido un tema controversial. Los cultores de la “historia oficial” y la gran mayoría de los historiadores profesionales lo relativizaron considerándolo un asunto menor, con relevancia exclusivamente en el ámbito de la historia de la cultura o de las ideas. Las iniciativas de la propia institución en pro del conocimiento de su pasado han sido exiguas. En este artículo ensayamos un revisión crítico-descriptiva de la producción sobre el tema, con los objetivos de: a) dar cuenta del estado de la cuestión a partir de un relevamiento exhaustivo y representativo de las publicaciones realizadas especialmente por religiosos uruguayos y extranjeros; y b) esbozar algunas explicaciones en torno al escaso interés que el asunto ha generado
The instability of Poiseuille flow in a fluid-porous system is investigated. The system consists of a fluid layer overlying porous media and is subjected to a horizontal plane Poiseuille flow. We use Brinkman's model instead of Darcy's law to describe the porous layer. The eigenvalue problem is solved by means of a Chebyshev collocation method. We study the influence of the depth ratio (d) over cap and the Darcy number delta on the instability of the system. We compare systematically the instability of Brinkman's model with the results of Darcy's model. Our results show that no satisfactory agreement between Brinkman's model and Darcy's model is obtained for the instability of a fluid-porous system. We also examine the instability of Darcy's model. A particular comparison with early work is made. We find that a multivalued region may present in the (k, Re) plane, which was neglected in previous work. Here k is the dimensionless wavenumber and Re is the Reynolds number. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3000643]
In this paper, equations calculating lift force of a rigid circular cyclinder at lock-in uniform flow are deduced in detail. Besides, equations calculating the lift force on a long flexible circular cyclinder at lock-in are deduced based on mode analysis of a multi-degree freedom system. The simplified forms of these equations are also given. Furthermore, an approximate method to predict the forces and response of rigid circular cyclinders and long flexible circular cyclinders at lock-in is introduced in the case of low mass-damping ratio. A method to eliminate one deficiency of these equations is introduced. Comparison with experimental results show the effectiveness of this approximate method.
This paper reports that an optical diagnostic system consisting of Mach-Zehnder interferometer with a phase shift device and image processor has been used for study of the kinetics of protein crystal growing process. The crystallization process of protein crystal by vapour diffusion is investigated. The interference fringes are observed in real time. The present experiment demonstrates that the diffusion and the sedimentation influence the crystallization of protein crystal which grows in solution, and the concentration capillary convection associated with surface tension occurs at the vicinity of free surface of the protein mother liquor, and directly affects on the outcome of protein crystallization. So far the detailed analysis and the important role of the fluid phenomena in protein crystallization have been discussed a little in both space- and ground-based crystal growth experiments. It is also found that these fluid phenomena affect the outcome of protein crystallization, regular growth, and crystal quality. This may explain the fact that many results of space-based investigation do not show overall improvement.
Introducción: La primea idea que debemos asociar a la tarea de elaboración del Balance Social es la de “proceso”. Algunos autores acertadamente sostienen que esta actividad debe entenderse como un viaje y no como un destino. El Balance Social no es un producto a lograr ni consiste en llenar un formulario ni tampoco debe iniciarse el proceso de preparación al final del año fiscal, ya que no se trata simplemente de una actividad de recolección de datos. Es más bien la culminación de una etapa de conversión de la empresa hacia prácticas de Responsabilidad Social Empresaria (RSE). Para desarrollar el “proceso” de elaboración del Balance Social, seguiremos el Marco de la Guía para Elaboración de Memorias de Sostenibilidad1
This short communication presents our recent studies to implement numerical simulations for multi-phase flows on top-ranked supercomputer systems with distributed memory architecture. The numerical model is designed so as to make full use of the capacity of the hardware. Satisfactory scalability in terms of both the parallel speed-up rate and the size of the problem has been obtained on two high rank systems with massively parallel processors, the Earth Simulator (Earth simulator research center, Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan) and the TSUBAME (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan) supercomputers.
The thermovibrational instability of Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard convection in a two-layer system under the high-frequency vibration has been investigated by linear instability analysis in the present paper. General equations for the description of the convective flow and within this framework, the generalized Boussinesq approximation are formulated. These equations are dealt with using the averaging method. The theoretical analysis results show that the high-frequency thermovibrations can change the Marangoni-Benard convection instabilities as well as the oscillatory gaps of the Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard convection in two-layer liquid systems. It is found that vertical high-frequency vibrations can delay convective instability of this system, and damp the convective flow down. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work, the drag reduction by gas injection for power-law fluid flow in stratified and slug flow regimes has been studied. Experimentswere conducted to measure the pressure gradient within air/CMC solutions in a horizontal Plexiglas pipe that had a diameter of 50mm and a length of 30 m. The drag reduction ratio in stratified flow regime was predicted using the two-fluid model. The results showed that the drag reduction should occur over the large range of the liquid holdup when the flow behaviour index remained at the low value. Furthermore, for turbulent gas-laminar liquid stratified flow, the drag reduction by gas injection for Newtonian fluid was more effective than that for shear-shinning fluid, when the dimensionless liquid height remained in the area of high value. The pressure gradient model for a gas/Newtonian liquid slug flow was extended to liquids possessing the Ostwald–de Waele power law model. The proposed model was validated against 340 experimental data point over a wide range of operating conditions, fluid characteristics and pipe diameters. The dimensionless pressure drop predicted was well inside the 20% deviation region for most of the experimental data. These results substantiated the general validity of the model presented for gas/non-Newtonian two-phase slug flows.
Se estableció un experimento de un sistema agroforestal con el cultivo de café en el año 2001 en el Municipio de Masatepe, Nicaragua; estableciéndose en las parcelas principales especies arbóreas leguminosas y no leguminosas y en las subparcelas niveles de fertilizantes orgánicos y químicos aplicados a diferentes cantidades para el manejo de la fertilidad del suelo, enfermedades, plagas insectiles y malezas, con el propósito de establecer los cambios en la fertilidad del suelo, la producción de residuos vegetales y el balance de Nitrógeno. Para la determinación de las variables del suelo, mineralización del nitrógeno, carbono y biomasa microbiana se extrajo por parcela experimental un volumen de suelo para constituir una muestra compuesta. Para la producción de biomasa fueron muestreados dos árboles por parcela y determinados los contenidos de N; fue considerada la cantidad de N aportados por la adición de fertilizantes orgánicas y químicos. El N extraído por medio de la cosecha (grano uva) fue determinado para incluirlo en el balance. Los resultados muestran que se produce una menor acidez del suelo, y estadísticamente diferente en el Orgánico Intensivo comparado al manejo Convencional Moderado, y similar comportamiento en Fósforo, Potasio y la biomasa microbiana. En tanto la CIC, el N y el C total , resultó menor en el 2004 con respecto al 200l, en ambos años no hubo diferencias estadísticas entre los tratamientos. La tasa de mineralización del N es menor en el tratamiento a pleno sol con fertilizante químico con respecto a los tratamientos con sombra arbórea; mientras que los fertilizantes orgánicos muestran ser diferentes estadísticamente con respecto a fertilizantes químicos aplicados al suelo. Las cantidades de residuos vegetales producidos por la poda es dado por lnga. laurina, sin embargo, en el raleo Tabebuia. rosea la supera en esta actividad. El balance de Nitrógeno resulta negativo en los niveles de fertilizante Moderado Convencional y Orgánico Moderado dado que las extracciones por cosecha de los frutos de café y extracciones de leña son superiores a las adiciones de N vía fertilización provocando un empobrecimiento de este elemento mineral en el suelo.