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For the first time we report full numerical NLSE-based modeling of generation properties of random distributed feedback fiber laser based on Rayleigh scattering. The model which takes into account the random backscattering via its average strength only describes well power and spectral properties of random DFB fiber lasers. The influence of dispersion and nonlinearity on spectral and statistical properties is investigated. The evidence of non-gaussian intensity statistics is found. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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Distributed network utility maximization (NUM) is receiving increasing interests for cross-layer optimization problems in multihop wireless networks. Traditional distributed NUM algorithms rely heavily on feedback information between different network elements, such as traffic sources and routers. Because of the distinct features of multihop wireless networks such as time-varying channels and dynamic network topology, the feedback information is usually inaccurate, which represents as a major obstacle for distributed NUM application to wireless networks. The questions to be answered include if distributed NUM algorithm can converge with inaccurate feedback and how to design effective distributed NUM algorithm for wireless networks. In this paper, we first use the infinitesimal perturbation analysis technique to provide an unbiased gradient estimation on the aggregate rate of traffic sources at the routers based on locally available information. On the basis of that, we propose a stochastic approximation algorithm to solve the distributed NUM problem with inaccurate feedback. We then prove that the proposed algorithm can converge to the optimum solution of distributed NUM with perfect feedback under certain conditions. The proposed algorithm is applied to the joint rate and media access control problem for wireless networks. Numerical results demonstrate the convergence of the proposed algorithm. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Trauma and damage to the delicate structures of the inner ear frequently occurs during insertion of electrode array into the cochlea. This is strongly related to the excessive manual insertion force of the surgeon without any tool/tissue interaction feedback. The research is examined tool-tissue interaction of large prototype scale (12.5:1) digit embedded with distributive tactile sensor based upon cochlear electrode and large prototype scale (4.5:1) cochlea phantom for simulating the human cochlear which could lead to small scale digit requirements. This flexible digit classified the tactile information from the digit-phantom interaction such as contact status, tip penetration, obstacles, relative shape and location, contact orientation and multiple contacts. The digit, distributive tactile sensors embedded with silicon-substrate is inserted into the cochlea phantom to measure any digit/phantom interaction and position of the digit in order to minimize tissue and trauma damage during the electrode cochlear insertion. The digit is pre-curved in cochlea shape so that the digit better conforms to the shape of the scala tympani to lightly hug the modiolar wall of a scala. The digit have provided information on the characteristics of touch, digit-phantom interaction during the digit insertion. The tests demonstrated that even devices of such a relative simple design with low cost have potential to improve cochlear implants surgery and other lumen mapping applications by providing tactile feedback information by controlling the insertion through sensing and control of the tip of the implant during the insertion. In that approach, the surgeon could minimize the tissue damage and potential damage to the delicate structures within the cochlear caused by current manual electrode insertion of the cochlear implantation. This approach also can be applied diagnosis and path navigation procedures. The digit is a large scale stage and could be miniaturized in future to include more realistic surgical procedures.


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The behavior of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based nonlinear loop mirror with feedback has been investigated as a potential device for all-optical signal processing. In the feedback device, input signal pulses (ones) are injected into the loop, and amplified reflected pulses are fed back into the loop as switching pulses. The feedback device has two stable modes of operation - block mode, where alternating blocks of ones and zeros are observed, and spontaneous clock division mode, where halving of the input repetition rate is achieved. Improved models of the feedback device have been developed to study its performance in different operating conditions. The feedback device could be optimized to give a choice of either of the two stable modes by shifting the arrival time of the switching pulses at the SOA. Theoretically, it was found possible to operate the device at only tens of fJ switching pulse energies if the SOA is biased to produce very high gain in the presence of internal loss. The clock division regime arises from the combination of incomplete SOA gain recovery and memory of the startup sequence that is provided by the feedback. Clock division requires a sufficiently high differential phase shift per unit differential gain, which is related to the SOA linewidth enhancement factor.


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The 2011 National Student Survey (NSS) revealed that 40% of full-time students in England do not think that the feedback on their work has been helpful, even though 66% of these students agreed that the feedback was detailed and 62% of them agreed that the feedback has been prompt. Detailed feedback that is not considered helpful by students means a waste of tutors' time while students continue to struggle with their learning. What do students consider as helpful feedback? What are the qualities of helpful feedback? What are the preferred forms of feedback? How should tutors write feedback so that students will find it helpful? Can ICT help to improve the quality of feedback? In our ongoing search for answers to the above questions, we have trialled the use of a novel online application (eCAF) to assess programming coursework from engineering, mathematics and computing students and, through a survey, have collected their views on the feedback received. The survey reveals that most students prefer electronic feedback as given through eCAF, with verbal feedback ranked second and hand-written feedback ranked even lower. The survey also indicates that the feedback from some tutors is considered more helpful than others. We report on the detailed findings of the survey. By comparing the kinds of feedback given by each tutor who took part in the trial, we explore ways to improve the helpfulness of feedback on programming coursework in a bid to promote learning amongst engineering students.


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Multiwavelength lasing in the random distributed feedback fiber laser is demonstrated by employing an all fiber Lyot filter. Stable multiwavelength generation is obtained, with each line exhibiting sub-nanometer line-widths. A flat power distribution over multiple lines is also obtained, which indicates the contribution of nonlinear wave mixing towards power redistribution and equalization in the system. The multiwavelength generation is observed simultaneously in first and second Stokes waves. © 2014 SPIE.


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In this work we propose a NLSE-based model of power and spectral properties of the random distributed feedback (DFB) fiber laser. The model is based on coupled set of non-linear Schrödinger equations for pump and Stokes waves with the distributed feedback due to Rayleigh scattering. The model considers random backscattering via its average strength, i.e. we assume that the feedback is incoherent. In addition, this allows us to speed up simulations sufficiently (up to several orders of magnitude). We found that the model of the incoherent feedback predicts the smooth and narrow (comparing with the gain spectral profile) generation spectrum in the random DFB fiber laser. The model allows one to optimize the random laser generation spectrum width varying the dispersion and nonlinearity values: we found, that the high dispersion and low nonlinearity results in narrower spectrum that could be interpreted as four-wave mixing between different spectral components in the quasi-mode-less spectrum of the random laser under study could play an important role in the spectrum formation. Note that the physical mechanism of the random DFB fiber laser formation and broadening is not identified yet. We investigate temporal and statistical properties of the random DFB fiber laser dynamics. Interestingly, we found that the intensity statistics is not Gaussian. The intensity auto-correlation function also reveals that correlations do exist. The possibility to optimize the system parameters to enhance the observed intrinsic spectral correlations to further potentially achieved pulsed (mode-locked) operation of the mode-less random distributed feedback fiber laser is discussed.


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The simplest model for a description of the random distributed feedback (RDFB) Raman fiber laser is a power balance model describing the evolution of the intensities of the waves over the fiber length. The model predicts well the power performances of the RDFB fiber laser including the generation threshold, the output power and pump and generation wave intensity distributions along the fiber. In the present work, we extend the power balance model and modify equations in such a way that they describe now frequency dependent spectral power density instead of integral over the spectrum intensities. We calculate the generation spectrum by using the depleted pump wave longitudinal distribution derived from the conventional power balance model. We found the spectral balance model to be sufficient to account for the spectral narrowing in the RDFB laser above the threshold of the generation. © 2014 SPIE.


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We demonstrate a random fiber laser of ultimate efficiency. More than 2 Watts are generated from 0.5W of pump excess over the generation threshold. At higher power, an optical efficiency corresponds to the quantum limit.


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In this letter, the polarization properties of a random fiber laser operating via Raman gain and random distributed feedback owing to Rayleigh scattering are investigated for the first time. Using polarized pump, the partially polarized generation is obtained with a generation spectrum exhibiting discrete narrow spectral features contrary to the smooth spectrum observed for the depolarized pump. The threshold, output power, degree of polarization and the state of polarization (SOP) of the lasing can be significantly influenced by the SOP of the pump. Fine narrow spectral components are also sensitive to the SOP of the pump wave. Furthermore, we found that random lasing's longitudinal power distributions are different in the case of polarized and depolarized pumping that results in considerable reduction of the generation slope efficiency for the polarized radiation. Our results indicate that polarization effects play an important role on the performance of the random fiber laser. This work improves the understanding of the physics of random lasing in fibers and makes a step forward towards the establishment of the vector model of random fiber lasers.


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One of the simplest ways to create nonlinear oscillations is the Hopf bifurcation. The spatiotemporal dynamics observed in an extended medium with diffusion (e.g., a chemical reaction) undergoing this bifurcation is governed by the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, one of the best-studied generic models for pattern formation, where besides uniform oscillations, spiral waves, coherent structures and turbulence are found. The presence of time delay terms in this equation changes the pattern formation scenario, and different kind of travelling waves have been reported. In particular, we study the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation that contains local and global time-delay feedback terms. We focus our attention on plane wave solutions in this model. The first novel result is the derivation of the plane wave solution in the presence of time-delay feedback with global and local contributions. The second and more important result of this study consists of a linear stability analysis of plane waves in that model. Evaluation of the eigenvalue equation does not show stabilisation of plane waves for the parameters studied. We discuss these results and compare to results of other models.


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The longitudinal distribution of the Stokes-component power in a Raman fibre laser with a random distributed feedback and unidirectional pumping is measured. The fibre parameters (linear loss and Rayleigh backscattering coefficient) are calculated based on the distributions obtained. A numerical model is developed to describe the lasing power distribution. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental data. © 2012 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd.


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A range of physical and engineering systems exhibit an irregular complex dynamics featuring alternation of quiet and burst time intervals called the intermittency. The intermittent dynamics most popular in laser science is the on-off intermittency [1]. The on-off intermittency can be understood as a conversion of the noise in a system close to an instability threshold into effective time-dependent fluctuations which result in the alternation of stable and unstable periods. The on-off intermittency has been recently demonstrated in semiconductor, Erbium doped and Raman lasers [2-5]. Recently demonstrated random distributed feedback (random DFB) fiber laser has an irregular dynamics near the generation threshold [6,7]. Here we show the intermittency in the cascaded random DFB fiber laser. We study intensity fluctuations in a random DFB fiber laser based on nitrogen doped fiber. The laser generates first and second Stokes components 1120 nm and 1180 nm respectively under an appropriate pumping. We study the intermittency in the radiation of the second Stokes wave. The typical time trace near the generation threshold of the second Stokes wave (Pth) is shown at Fig. 1a. From the number of long enough time-traces we calculate statistical distribution between major spikes in time dynamics, Fig. 1b. To eliminate contribution of high frequency components of spikes we use a low pass filter along with the reference value of the output power. Experimental data is fitted by power law, ~(P-Pth)y, where is a mean time between pikes. There are two different intermittency regimes. Just above Pth, the mean time is approximated by the -3/2 power law. The -3/2 power law is typical to the on-off intermittency with hopping between two states (first and second Stokes waves in our case) [7]. At higher power, the mean time is approximated by -4 power law, that indicates a change in intermittency type to multistate. Multistable dynamics is observed in erbium-doped fiber lasers [8]. The origin of multiples states in our system could be probably connected with polarization hopping or other reasons and should be further investigated. We have presented a first experimental statistical characterisation of the on-off and multistate intermittencies that occur in the generation of the second Stokes wave in nitrogen doped random DFB fiber laser. References [1] H. Fujisaka and T. Yamada, “A New Intermittency in Coupled Dynamical Systems,” Prog. Theor. Phys. 74, 918 (1985). [2] S. Osborne, A. Amann, D. Bitauld, and S. O’Brien, “On-off intermittency in an optically injected semiconductor laser,” Phys. Rev. E 85, 056204 (2012). [3] S. Sergeyev, K. O'Mahoney, S. Popov, and A. T. Friberg, “Coherence and anticoherence resonance in high-concentration erbium-doped fiber laser,” Opt. Lett. 35, 3736 (2010). [4] A.E. El-Taher, S.V. Sergeyev, E.G. Turitsyna, P. Harper, and S. K. Turitsyn, “Intermittent Self-Pulsing in a Fiber Raman Laser”, In proc. Conf. Nonlin. Photon., paper ID 1367139, Colorado Springs, USA, 2012 [5] S.K. Turitsyn, S.A. Babin, A.E. El-Taher, P. Harper, D.V. Churkin, S.I. Kablukov, J.D. Ania-Castañón, V. Karalekas, and E.V. Podivilov, “Random distributed feedback fibre laser”, Nat. Photon..4, 231 (2010). [6] I. D. Vatnik, D. V. Churkin, S. A. Babin, and S. K. Turitsyn, "Cascaded random distributed feedback Raman fiber laser operating at 1.2 μm," Opt. Express 19, 18486 (2011). [7] W. Feller, An introduction to probability theory and its applications, Vol. 1, 3rd ed. (Wiley, New-York, 1968). [8] G. Huerta-Cuellar, A.N. Pisarchik, and Y.O. Barmenkov, “Experimental characterization of hopping dynamics in a multistable fiber laser,” Phys. Rev. E 78, 035202(R) (2008).