999 resultados para Fator de aumento dinâmico
Centrándonos en la exploración del paciente que ha sufrido o sufre caídas frecuentes, presentamos unas pruebas específicas para valorar el alcance de las alteraciones que provocan pérdidas de equilibrio. Exposición de varios casos clínicos que presentan afecciones podológicas que alteran la estabilidad, y ofreceremos una alternativa de Tratamiento Ortopodológico demostrando su acción en favor del mantenimiento del equilibrio. Conclusiones referidas al diagnóstico y expectativas de Tratamientos Ortopodológicos en los pacientes ancianos.
The FTIR spectroscopy has been used to quantify the secondary structures of proteins, using amide I band (1600 - 1700 cm-1). The resolution enhancement methods have been used to resolve the individual components of this band that correlate to the secondary structure. In this paper we discuss the methods of derivative, Fourier deconvolution and fitting with simulated spectra. The results shows that they have serious problems and can be used only as a qualitative or semiquatitative method.
The impact factor of scientific journals has been used to evaluate them, as well as the quality of scientific research. This parameter was recently used by CAPES as an important criterion for the evaluation of Brazilian postgraduate courses. The main objective of this paper is to show how impact factor is calculated and to discuss its importance and limitations, with special emphasis on chemistry journals.
Arterial stiffness assessed by carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV) measurement is now well accepted as an independent predictor of vascular mortality and morbidity. However, the value of cfPWV has been considered to be limited for risk classification in patients with several vascular risk factors. Magnetic resonance (MR) allows measurement of PWV between two points, though to date mainly used to study the aorta. To assess the common carotid artery pulse wave velocity by magnetic resonance, determine their association with classical vascular risk factors and ischemic brain injury burden in patients with suspected ischemic cerebrovascular disease
High levels of Fe and Mn present in some soils and compost organic matter decrease the resolution of 13C NMR spectra of humic substances. Addition of KCl up to a concentration of 0,03 mol L-1 to humic substances extracts followed by centrifugation is an efficient method of eliminating clays and minerals containing high levels of paramagnetic metals such as Fe and Mn thus increasing the resolution of 13C NMR spectra.
The analysis of water samples containing volatile organic compounds has become an important task in analytical chemistry. Gas chromatography has been widely used for the analysis of volatile organic compounds in water. The headspace analysis shows as a principal characteristic the possibility of determination of the volatile components in drinking water. Benzene, Toluene and Xylene (BTX) are important compounds usually present in drinking water, from contamination by petroleum derivatives. Since they are toxic compounds even when present in low concentration levels, their determination is important in order to define the quality of the water. The sampling technique using headspace, coupled with gas chromatography as the separation method, showed to be suitable for BTX analysis in several samples at the mug/L (ppb) level.
Spectrophotometry is one of the most widespread analytical techniques due to its simplicity, reliability, and low-cost instrumentation for both direct measurements and coupled to other techniques or processes such as chromatography, electrophoresis and flow analysis. However, the application is often limited by sensitivity. This article describes some advances that greatly improve the performance of spectrophotometric measurements, especially in order to increase sensitivity, including the employment of liquid-core waveguides and solid-phase spectrophotometry.
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is widely used in materials characterization. In this work, we briefly introduce the main concepts related to this technique such as, linear and non-linear viscoelasticity, relaxation time, response of material when it is submitted to a sinusoidal or other periodic stress. Moreover, the main applications of this technique in polymers and polymer blends are also presented. The discussion includes: phase behavior, crystallization; spectrum of relaxation as a function of frequency or temperature; correlation between the material damping and its acoustic and mechanical properties.
This review presents studies on methyl coenzyme M reductase, the biological system Factor 430 (F430) and the use of nickel(II) complexes as structural and functional models. The ability of F430 and nickel(II) macrocycle complexes to mediate the reductive dehalogenation of cyclohexyl halogens and the CH3-S bond cleavage of methyl CoM (by sodium borohydride and some intermediate species) proposed for the catalytic cycle of the biological system F430 was reviewed. The importance of the structure of the nickel complexes and the condition of the catalytic reduction reaction are also discussed.
Edible films are thin materials based on biopolymers and food additives. The aim of this work is a review on the application of dynamic mechanical analysis in edible film technology. After a brief review of the linear visco-elasticity theory, a description of some practical aspects related to dynamic mechanical analysis, such as sample fixation and sample dehydration during analysis and types and modes of tests are presented. Thus, the use of temperature scanning analysis for glass transition and for plasticizer-biopolymer compatibility studies and frequency scanning tests, less common in edible film technology, are critically reviewed.
Biospecific affinity chromatography was used to purify three cyclodextrin glycosyl transferases (CGTases) obtained from microorganisms isolated of soil. The cyclodextrins (CDs) production by CGTases was evaluated using starches from different sources. CDs were measured through the Complexation Theory and by HPLC. CGTase from Bacillus firmus strain 7B showed the best production (30 mmol/L of β-CD and 4.3 mmol/L of γ-CD), and its cultivation conditions were optimized. The maximum enzymatic activity was achieved using lung peptone, soluble starch and agitation speed of 160 rpm. Studied CGTases were shown quite interesting for the industrial production of CDs.
This paper reports the development of an easy, fast and effective procedure for the verification of the ideal gas law in splitless injection systems in order to improve the response. Results of a group of pesticides were used to demonstrate the suitability of the approach. The procedure helps establish experimental parameters through theoretical aspects. The improved instrumental response allowed extraction with lower sample volumes, the minimization of time and costs and the simplification of sample preparation.
Low-rank coals are an important source of humic acids, which are important in retention processes of water and nutrients in plants. In this study coal samples of Montelibano, Colombia, were oxidized with air at different temperatures and subsequently with H2O2 and HNO3. The materials were characterized by FTIR, proximate and elemental analysis, and quantification of humic acids. The oxidation process led to an increased content of oxygenated groups and humic acids in the carbonaceous structure. The solid oxidized with air at 200 ºC for 12 h and re-oxidized with HNO3 for 12 h showed the highest percentage of humic acids (85.3%).