849 resultados para Fadiga dos materiais


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The approach of the subject matter in this work relies on the fact that the reliability of methods for performance analysis of materials proves critical for the result. This work focused on the development and presentation of the methodology for lifting probability curves for fatigue test (SN) according to standard E739, this focus is justified by the fact that the results in fatigue test show considerable dispersion making it difficult to reading and interpretation of data, this dispersion arises because the phenomenon of rupture is strongly influenced by internal characteristics of the material, we can then have much data ranging from test to test. Thus we set out originally for a brief study of aluminum alloys in question, as well as the treatments to which they were subjected. We also studied the behavior of materials when subjected to cyclic loading, which configures process of fatigue failure, and even fatigue test method in question. This statistical analysis is based on the ASTM E739 standard, so its contents was studied in detail so that we could present in detail the methodology and raise SN curves for different aluminum alloy 7012 subjected to fatigue test. Data were collected from tests conducted in the department of materials from two samples of aluminum alloy 7012 solubilized and precipitated by different time intervals and assayed temperature fatigue-type traction-compression, these data were then analyzed and used to survey curves using the base as E739. After lifting the curve analyzed the characteristics of the test samples and their correlation with the test results. We confirmed the effectiveness of the method of statistical analysis by ASME E739, which allowed the reading of data without this method would be very difficult to have a reading and comparison of the results for the two types... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Due to the great impact caused by construction, the university has a major role in the development of alternative projects and studies aimed at sustainable development. This project presents the advantages and importance of building in a sustainable manner from the beginning to end of the Center of Experiences at UNESP, Rio Claro / SP. It will be presented alternative building materials that have high environmental performance and that bring the least negative impacts as possible. Providing a Center of Experiences through a sustainable building is in need of the university to renovate the new trends of society in which the construction is in harmony with the environment in which it is inserted. This sustainable building will serve as a model for students and residents of Rio Claro, since the building itself will serve as a way of learning to the audience goer, as well as for the other campuses of UNESP. Thus, this project will serve as a guide for decision makers facing the huge amount of building materials available in the market


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Exemplos da perturbação do meio ambiente pela ação humana são recorrentes. Frente a isto, fica evidente a necessidade de mudança deste quadro, pois áreas com alto valor ecológico são amplamente afetadas, prejudicando as interações entre animais e plantas, nas quais as aves se destacam, sendo elas um grupo com claro papel na dinâmica de ecossistemas e de fácil identificação. Em vários aspectos, o conhecimento científico pode ser visto como um grande aliado para esta mudança. Visando a formação de cidadãos, a Educação Ambiental mostra-se como um importante meio de conscientização. Neste contexto, este trabalho se dispôs a confeccionar um guia didático e um jogo educativo sobre as aves, destinados a alunos do 7º ano do Ensino Fundamental,, visando propiciar aprendizado durante a observação das mesmas. Os materiais foram propostos a partir de uma lista elaborada no presente estudo, que reuniu nove levantamentos realizados na Fazenda Experimental Edgardia, vinculada à Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, SP, de 1992 a 2010. Uma primeira versão dos materiais foi confeccionada e avaliada por um grupo de alunos, possibilitando a produção de sua versão final


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This graduation project aims to study and analyze the reuse of solid waste projects in Civil Construction, checking the different factors such as economic viability, production processes, classification of the main materials, advantages and disadvantages, always seeking to guide themselves according Brazilian legislation establishing criteria for Waste Management of Construction. In addition, points are studied that prevent the expansion of recycling construction waste. It also offers needs improvements to the implementation of recycling to be carried out on a more expressive than current


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This work examines the possible effects of successive repair procedures on the microstructure of welded steel SAE 4130 by TIG welding process. Discussions and results were made about the metallographic analysis , non-metallic inclusions and microhardness tests , which were conducted on samples taken from the cradle engine component after the end of its life , a model airplane T-27 Tucano , made by EMBRAER and belonging were performed FAB . The choice of such component is due to the fact that this is critical to flight safety since it provides support for the aircraft engine . Thus regions of the weld metal , base metal and heat affected , with samples of the original weld bead , free of weld bead and also with four rework procedures for TIG welding zone were analyzed . It was found that after the fourth rework there is an increase in the amount of martensite , which may weaken the material with respect to resistance to fatigue. It was also found that the regions of the heat affected zone and weld metal have higher microhardness values when compared to those found in the base metal due to favoring the formation of ferritic and tempered martensite microstructures . Moreover, a welding process promotes a region with less non-metallic inclusions than metal base , which also explains the difference in the results obtained


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Fracture surfaces are the fracture process marks, taht it is characterized by energy release guieded by failure mode. The fracture toughness express this energy em stress and strain terms in pre-cracked samples. The strectch zone is the characteristic region forms by the transition of fatigue fracture and final fracture and it width demonstrate the relation with failure energy release.The quantitative fractography is a broadly tool uses in failure surfaces characterization that it can point to a material’s aspect or a fracture process. The image processing works like an investigation tool, guinding a lot of studies in this area. In order to evaluate the characterization effectivity and it respectivity studies, it used 300M steel that it was thermal treated by an aeronautical process known and it characterized by tensile test and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The tensile test of this material, made by ASTM E8, allowed the head treatment effectivity confirmation, beyond of mechanics porperties determination. The EDS confirmed the material composition, beyond of base the discussion about fracture mechanism presence. The fracture toughness test has also made, that it works to obtain the fracture surfeaces studies below self-similarity and self-affinity approaches. In front of all the exposed it was possible to conclude that the fractal dimension works like a study parameter of fracture process, allowinf the relation of their values with changes in thickness, which interferes directly in material’s behaviour in fracture toughness approach


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The use of polymeric materials has grown in recent years due to its high durability features, atoxicity, shaping versatility and environment resistance. However, while these features represent good advantages to several industry sectors, it results in one of the most serious environmental problems of contemporary society: the rising accumulation of these material, mainly due to the inadequate disposal of waste. Meanwhile, in order to minimize this problem, some mitigation techniques comes up (arises), among which the use of biodegradable polymers has been gaining attention. Because of their easily action of microorganisms, such material degrade more rapidly, becoming integrated to nature. Furthermore, due to the fact of biodegradation is a natural process, occurring through the action if micro-organisms in the environment itself, it is considered the “cleaner” alternative found so far to plastic components reincorporation in the nature. Among the micro-organisms capable of biodegradation process are the filamentous fungi. These micro-organisms have many advantages over the others, the major one being the capacity to produce a range of enzymes capable of degrading different materials. In this context, the present review made it possible to see the importance of this process as an agent of environmental preservation, suggest the use of blends to minimize the problems of cost and flexibility of biodegradable polymeric materials, as well as noting the lack of studies related to this subject nowadays


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar a fadiga muscular por meio da amplitude e freqüência do sinal eletromiográfico (EMG) do músculo vasto lateral (VL) e reto femoral (RF) do membro inferior direito, durante protocolo incremental de corrida em esteira e nas contrações isométricas submáximas realizadas no início e após cada velocidade. Participaram deste estudo 07 voluntários saudáveis, do gênero masculino, experientes em corrida na esteira, com idade média de 25 anos (± 4,3), sem antecedentes de doenças músculo-esqueléticas nos membros inferiores e de antropometria semelhante. Foram realizadas três contrações isométricas voluntárias máximas (CIVM = 100%) de extensão do joelho para posterior determinação da contração submáxima de 50% da CIVM (CI-50%). O protocolo de corrida foi composto de um aquecimento de 5 minutos (9 km/h), e após iniciou-se o teste com velocidade inicial de 10 km/h e incremento de 1 km/h a cada 3 minutos, até a exaustão voluntária, havendo uma pausa entre cada velocidade de aproximadamente 2 minutos. Antes do início da corrida e após cada velocidade realizou-se uma contração isométrica com 50% da CIVM (CI-50%) de 5s de duração. No sinal eletromiográfico coletado durante a corrida, os valores de RMS (Root Mean Square) dos músculos VL e RF foram obtidos no período correspondente a um ciclo completo da passada a 10% e 100% do tempo analisado (120 segundos finais de cada velocidade) por meio de rotina específica (Matlab). No sinal eletromiográfico coletado durante as CI-50% (5s), os valores de RMS e FM (freqüência mediana) foram obtidos no período de 1s (intervalo de 1 a 2s). A normalidade dos dados foi determinada através do teste de Shapiro-Wilk. Utilizou-se teste-t de Student para amostras pareadas, e o nível de significância (p) adotado foi de p<0,05. Os resultados...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The development of technology for structural composites has as one of its ends form a set of materials that combine high values of mechanical strength and stiffness and low density. Today, companies like Embraer and PETROBRAS and research institutions like NASA, working with these materials with recognized advantages in terms of weight gain, increased performance and low corrosion. We have developed a systematic study to determine the bond strength between composite carbon fiber / epoxy and fiberglass / epoxy laminate both bonded to a carbon steel which are widely used in the petrochemical industry and repair. For morphological evaluation and bonding between materials of different natures, ultrasound analysis, optical microscopy and stereoscopy were performed. To simulate actual conditions, the composites were subjected to conditioning by using heat shock temperatures from -50 to 80 ° C for 1000 cycles for composite carbon fiber / epoxy composites and 2000 cycles for fiberglass / epoxy . The use of composites studied here proved to be efficient to perform repairs in metallic pipes with application petrochemical, as when exposed to sudden changes of temperature (-50 ° to 80 ° C) cycling at 1000 to 2000 times, its mechanical properties (shear and tensile) practically do not change


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This work discusses the importance of the language varieties in the Spanish language to the process of teaching and learning Spanish as a foreign language (ELE), focusing on the approach, ie, how to deal with the phenomenon voseo in Brazilian textbooks. It presents a brief historical overview on the arising of this language and its implementation in Latin America. From an educational approach that values a good development of communicative competence, it’s driven to a presentation of the Spanish schoolbooks selected by PNLD for the year 2012, as well as an observation of activities that demonstrate the phenomenon called voseo, in other words, the use of the variety of the pronoun vos instead of tú for the treatment of the second person. Given the vast range of Spanish courses as a foreign language for high school students, and the growing interest of young people in learning a second language, this study addresses the importance of developing the communicative competence of a foreign language


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This work performs a comparative study of fatigue life of riveted lap joints involving classes of drilling which adjustment is made with interference or clearance. For this study, representative specimens of this joints were manufactured with four rivets distributed in two rows. In this context, are presented the test matrix, the methodology employed in performing of the tests, the used mathematical modeling, and that methods that are the basis for the latter are described through the theoretical foundation. Next, are present the results obtained in fatigue tests and images of the region of failure of the specimens. Finally, are present some comments and conclusions related to the results obtained


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Recently, research on energy harvesting has increased substantially. Many researchers have concentrated their efforts to find the best configuration for these systems and to optimize their output power. In the process of energy harvesting, the electric energy is obtained by converting mechanics energy created by an environment vibration source by a transducer, for example, a thin piezoceramic film. That vibration source is, for example, a beam suffering some mechanic force able to generate a vibration in it, an oscillating beam is the best properly used example. Different mechanisms of electromechanical coupling have been developed to harvesting devices, and a particular interest has been given to the use of models that transform the mechanical vibration into electrical current using a piezoelectric element. In this paper we propose a model to energy harvesting from vibrations, from an oscillating beam, including non-linearities in the piezoelectric coupling and a non-ideal excitation in the material. From this model, it was developed a system to obtain some results about the harvested power by the material. It was demonstrated that the power captured was influenced by the effect of the nonlinearities of the piezoelectric coupling, modifying the system dynamic behavior


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This work proposes a study on the materials selections and processes for the manufacture of aircraft and showing a methodology to reduce the manufacturing cost. The DFMA can be understood as a methodology that aims at reducing manufacturing and assembly costs and coupled with the increase of product quality through design simplifications. The most commonly material used in the manufacture of aircraft is aluminum alloys due to these possess great structural strength, good elasticity, and being stainless having a low specific weight (about 1/3 that of steel), reducing the weight of the aircraft. A case study in which an operation in the process of verifying the quality was generating unnecessary costs time / man for the company was also developed. The problem solution was simple, just removing the attachment process. It was found that the DFMA methodology is extremely important for the simplification of processes and projects, contributing to the reduction of manufacturing costs of aircraft


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The oil extraction in deep waters sparked new areas of knowledge, the creation of engineering courses dedicated just to these processes and a wide field of analysisvoiding multiple impacts in case of faults, mainly the economic and environmental. This paper aims to show on the effects and causes of fatigue failure in steel tubes used for oil and gastransportation (linepipe), mainly caused by vortex induced vibrations, or VIV. To make this, through laboratory tests, it found trough the curve Stress versus Number of Cycles, and thus estimating that with a stress value of 350 MPa or less, the fatigue life cycle of the API 5CT T95 (1% Cr) pipe is estimated infinite. It could conclude that the analyzed material has good fatigue failure resistance for offshore use, taking into account only the influence of VIV's, since there are no stress concentrators


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The increasing demand for devices for solid state applications in many technological areas has resulted in a high demand for new materials. Among these material have the advantage of being manufactured with different chemical compositions, and may have physical properties equal to or higher than the corresponding crystalline material. The aim of this paper was to produce borate glass system 50B2O3 – 15CuO – 20Li2O – 15X (X = Na2O, K2O, RbCl e Cs2O) to analyze the influence of the atomic radius of alkali in the physical properties of this glass system. The glasses were synthesized by the process of melting and molding. The characteristic temperatures were determined by the technique of scanning calorimetry (DSC). The non-crystalline was determined by x-ray diffraction. In order to determine the molar volume a density measurement by using the Archimedes method was used. The structural characterization was carried out using the technique of infrared spectroscopy