980 resultados para FIELD EMISSION
Since dilute Bose gas condensates were first experimentally produced, the Gross-Pitaevskii equation has been successfully used as a descriptive tool. As a mean-field equation, it cannot by definition predict anything about the many-body quantum statistics of condensate. We show here that there are a class of dynamical systems where it cannot even make successful predictions about the mean-field behavior, starting with the process of evaporative cooling by which condensates are formed. Among others are parametric processes, such as photoassociation and dissociation of atomic and molecular condensates.
The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) uses the secretion of the chin gland in the maintenance of social status. Previous work has concentrated on secretion collected directly from the animal. In this study, the analysis was conducted by collecting scent marks made by free-ranging animals. Scent marks were found to be concentrated at the center of the area controlled by a social group, and at the boundaries between two adjacent social groups. Only the mark from dominant animals could be identified. Marks were also collected from the skin of rabbits, where they had been placed by the dominant individual. The mark found on the head of a subordinate animal may, in the future, be used to identify the dominant animal of the social group, who placed the mark.
The synthetic organic compound λ(BETS)2FeCl4 undergoes successive transitions from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a metal and then to a superconductor as a magnetic field is increased. We use a Hubbard-Kondo model to clarify the role of the Fe3+ magnetic ions in these phase transition. In the high-field regime, the magnetic field acting on the electron spins is compensated by the exchange field He due to the magnetic ions. This suggests that the field-induced superconducting state is the same as the zero-field superconducting state which occurs under pressure or when the Fe3+ ions are replaced by non-magnetic Ga3+ ions. We show how Hc can be extracted from the observed splitting of the Shybnikov-de Haas frequencies. Furthermore, we use this method of extracting He to predict the field range for field-induced superconductivity in other materials. We also show that at high fields the spin fluctuations of the localized spins are not important.
Using data from the H I Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS), we have searched for neutral hydrogen in galaxies in a region similar to25x25 deg(2) centred on NGC 1399, the nominal centre of the Fornax cluster. Within a velocity search range of 300-3700 km s(-1) and to a 3sigma lower flux limit of similar to40 mJy, 110 galaxies with H I emission were detected, one of which is previously uncatalogued. None of the detections has early-type morphology. Previously unknown velocities for 14 galaxies have been determined, with a further four velocity measurements being significantly dissimilar to published values. Identification of an optical counterpart is relatively unambiguous for more than similar to90 per cent of our H I galaxies. The galaxies appear to be embedded in a sheet at the cluster velocity which extends for more than 30degrees across the search area. At the nominal cluster distance of similar to20 Mpc, this corresponds to an elongated structure more than 10 Mpc in extent. A velocity gradient across the structure is detected, with radial velocities increasing by similar to500 km s(-1) from south-east to north-west. The clustering of galaxies evident in optical surveys is only weakly suggested in the spatial distribution of our H I detections. Of 62 H I detections within a 10degrees projected radius of the cluster centre, only two are within the core region (projected radius
In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, rapidly switching magnetic gradient fields that, in extreme cases, may be able to elicit nerve stimulation. This paper presents theoretical investigations into the spatial distribution of induced current inside human tissues caused by pulsed z-gradient fields. A variety of gradient waveforms have been studied. The simulations are based on a new, high-definition, finite-difference time-domain method and a realistic inhomogeneous 10-mm resolution human body model with appropriate tissue parameters. it was found that the eddy current densities are affected not only by the pulse sequences but by many parameters such as the position of the body inside the gradient set, the local biological material properties and the geometry of the body. The discussion contains a comparison of these results with previous results found in the literature. This study and the new methods presented herein will help to further investigate the biological effects caused by the switched gradient fields in a MRI scan. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Effects of variation in larval quality on post-metamorphic performance in marine invertebrates are increasingly apparent. Recently, it has been shown that variation in offspring size can also strongly affect post-settlement survival, but variation in environmental conditions can mediate this effect. The quality of habitat into which marine invertebrate larvae settle can vary markedly, and 1 influence on quality is the number of conspecifics present. We tested the effects of settler size and settler density on early (1 wk after settlement) post-settlement survival in the field for the solitary ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Larger settlers survived better than smaller settlers, within and among groups of siblings. Increases in the density of settlers decreased survival, but the density-dependent effects were much stronger for smaller settlers. We suggest that larger settlers are better able to cope with intra-specific competition because they have greater energetic reserves or a greater capacity to feed than smaller settlers.
Dormancy release was studied in four populations of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) seeds to determine whether loss of dormancy in the field can be predicted from temperature alone or whether seed water content (WC) must also be considered. Freshly matured seeds were after-ripened at the northern and southern extremes of the Western Australian cereal cropping region and at constant 37degreesC. Seed WC was allowed to fluctuate with prevailing humidity, but full hydration was avoided by excluding rainfall. Dormancy was measured regularly during after-ripening by germinating seeds with 12-hourly light or in darkness. Germination was lower in darkness than in light/dark and dormancy release was slower when germination was tested in darkness. Seeds were consistently drier, and dormancy release was slower, during after-ripening at 37degreesC than under field conditions. However, within each population, the rate of dormancy release in the field (north and south) in terms of thermal time was unaffected by after-ripening site. While low seed WC slowed dormancy release in seeds held at 37degreesC, dormancy release in seeds after-ripened under Western Australian field conditions was adequately described by thermal after-ripening time, without the need to account for changes in WC elicited by fluctuating environmental humidity.
This paper is concerned to demonstrate the usefulness of the theory of Bourdieu, including the concepts of field, logics of practice and habitus, to understanding relationships between media and policy, what Fairclough has called the 'mediatization' of policy. Specifically, the paper draws upon Bourdieu's accessible account of the journalistic field as outlined in On television and journalism. The usefulness of this work is illustrated through a case study of a recent Australian science policy, The chance to change. As this policy went through various iterations and media representations, its naming and structure became more aphoristic. This is the mediatization of contemporary policy, which often results in policy as sound bite. The case study also shows the cross-field effects of this policy in education, illustrating how today educational policy can be spawned from developments in other public policy fields.
In stingless bees, recruitment of hive bees to food sources involves thoracic vibrations by foragers during trophallaxis. The temporal pattern of these vibrations correlates with the sugar concentration of the collected food. One possible pathway for transfering such information to nestmates is through airborne sound. In the present study, we investigated the transformation of thoracic vibrations into air particle velocity, sound pressure, and jet airflows in the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. Whereas particle velocity and sound pressure were found all around and above vibrating individuals, there was no evidence for a jet airflow as with honey bees. The largest particle velocities were measured 5 mm above the wings (16.0 +/- 4.8 mm s(-1)). Around a vibrating individual, we found maximum particle velocities of 8.6 +/- 3.0 mm s(-1) (horizontal particle velocity) in front of the bee`s head and of 6.0 +/- 2.1 mm s(-1) (vertical particle velocity) behind its wings. Wing oscillations, which are mainly responsible for air particle movements in honey bees, significantly contributed to vertically oriented particle oscillations only close to the abdomen in M. scutellaris(distances <= 5 mm). Almost 80% of the hive bees attending trophallactic food transfers stayed within a range of 5 mm from the vibrating foragers. It remains to be shown, however, whether air particle velocity alone is strong enough to be detected by Johnston`s organ of the bee antenna. Taking the physiological properties of the honey bee`s Johnston`s organ as the reference, M. scutellaris hive bees are able to detect the forager vibrations through particle movements at distances of up to 2 cm.
Larval quality may be capable of explaining much of the variation in the recruitment and subsequent population dynamics of benthic marine invertebrates. Whilst the effects of larval nutritional condition on adult performance have received the most attention, recent work has shown that larval size may also be an important and ubiquitous source of variation in larval quality. We examined the effects of variation in larval size on the post-metamorphic survival and growth of Watersipora subtorquata in 2 very different habitats - experimental substrata and pier pilings. We found strong effects of larval size on colony performance, although these varied among experiments. For colonies on experimental substrata, larval size positively affected adult survival and, initially, growth. However, after 3 wk in the field, there was no relationship between larval size and colony size, possibly because colonies were completely surrounded by newly settled organisms. Larval size also positively affected post-metamorphic growth of colonies on pier pilings, but, surprisingly, colonies that came from larger larvae had lower survival than colonies from smaller larvae. Overall, variation in larval size will strongly affect the recruitment and subsequent performance of adults in this species, although this may vary among different habitats. This study highlights the importance of examining the effects of larval quality on adult performance in as realistic conditions as possible, because of the strong interaction between larval size effects and the environment.
A central tenet of life-history theory is the presence of a trade-off between the size and number of offspring that a female can produce for a given clutch. A crucial assumption of this trade-off is that larger offspring perform better than smaller offspring. Despite the importance of this assumption empirical, field-based tests are rare, especially for marine organisms. We tested this assumption for the marine invertebrate, Diplosoma listerianum, a colonial ascidian that commonly occurs in temperate marine communities. Colonies that came from larger larvae had larger feeding structures than colonies that came from smaller larvae. Colonies that came from larger larvae also had higher survival and growth after 2 weeks in the field than colonies that came from smaller larvae. However, after 3 weeks in the field the colonies began to fragment and we could not detect an effect of larval size. We suggest that offspring size can have strong effects on the initial recruitment of D. listerianum but because of the tendency of this species to fragment, offspring size effects are less persistent in this species than in others.
Magnetic field effects on the conductivity of different types of organic devices: undoped and dye doped aluminium (III) 8-hydroxyquinoline (Alq(3))-based organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), electron-only Alq(3)-based diodes, and a hole-only N,N`-diphenyl-N,N`-bis(1-naphthyl)1,1`-biphenyl-4,4`-diamine (alpha-NPD)-based diode were studied at room temperature. Only negative magnetoresistance (MR) was observed for the Alq(3)-based devices. The addition of a rubrene dye in Alq(3)-based OLEDs quenches the MR by a factor of 5. The alpha-NPD hole-only device showed only positive MR. Our results are discussed with respect to the actual models for MR in organic semiconductors. Our results are in good agreement with the bipolaron model. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study reports on the development and characterization of bovine serum albumin (BSA) nanospheres containing Silicon(IV) phthalocyanine (NzPc) and/or maghemite nanoparticles (MNP), the latter introduced via ionic magnetic fluid (MF). The nanosized BSA-loaded samples were designed for synergic application while combining Photodynamic Therapy and Hyperthermia. Incorporation of MNP in the albumin-based template, allowing full control of the magnetic content, was accomplished by adding a highly-stable ionic magnetic fluid sample to the albumin suspension, following heat denaturing. The material`s evaluation was performed using Zeta potential measurements and scanning electron microscopy. The samples were characterized by steady-state techniques and time-resolved fluorescence. The in vitro assay, using human fibroblasts, revealed no cytotoxic effect in all samples investigated, demonstrating the potential of the tested system as a synergistic drug delivery system.
wPrey species show specific adaptations that allow recognition, avoidance and defense against predators. For many mammalian species this includes sensitivity towards predator-derived odors. The typical sources of such odors include predator skin and fur, urine, feces and anal gland secretions. Avoidance of predator odors has been observed in many mammalian prey species including rats, mice, voles, deer, rabbits, gophers, hedgehogs, possums and sheep. Field and laboratory studies show that predator odors have distinctive behavioral effects which include (1) inhibition of activity, (2) suppression of non-defensive behaviors such as foraging, feeding and grooming, and (3) shifts to habitats or secure locations where such odors are not present. The repellent effect of predator odors in the field may sometimes be of practical use in the protection of crops and natural resources, although not all attempts at this have been successful. The failure of some studies to obtain repellent effects with predator odors may relate to (1) mismatches between the predator odors and prey species employed, (2) strain and individual differences in sensitivity to predator odors, and (3) the use of predator odors that have low efficacy. In this regard, a small number of recent studies have suggested that skin and fur-derived predator odors may have a more profound lasting effect on prey species than those derived from urine or feces. Predator odors can have powerful effects on the endocrine system including a suppression of testosterone and increased levels of stress hormones such as corticosterone and ACTH. Inhibitory effects of predator odors on reproductive behavior have been demonstrated, and these are particularly prevalent in female rodent species. Pregnant female rodents exposed to predator odors may give birth to smaller litters while exposure to predator odors during early life can hinder normal development. Recent research is starting to uncover the neural circuitry activated by predator odors, leading to hypotheses about how such activation leads to observable effects on reproduction, foraging and feeding. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.