550 resultados para F-DWARF


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Ornamental fish are more expensive in comparison with the other fish. It especially highlights in non-breeding fish (in imported one for importation costs). But of course, with entering the new and unhealthy fishes to aquarium or ponds, they may transmit a pathogen to others (interfere with Iran ornamental fish parasitic fauna). In this study (Dec. 2008- Sep. 2009), 400 fish gill arch from 4 species of ornamental fish (within focus on imported fish); namely, i.e. Goldfish (Carassius auratus), platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus), Dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia) and Catfish (Hypostomus plecostomus) were inspected for gill ectoparasites and then pathologic effects (but in high- affected gill). In this study, seven protozoan and ten metazoan species, indeed seventeen parasite species were identified. Protozan parasites consist of: Trichodina spp. and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis were found in four fish species; Ichthyobodo necatrix (Costia necator/C. necatrix) and Cryptobia branchialis, were respectively found in Dwarf gourami and goldfish. The highest prevalence belongs to Ichthyophthirius (47%) in platyfish. Metazoan parasites consist of: Ancyrocephalus sp. (Dwarf gourami), Ancylodiscoides spp. (catfish and platyfish), Dactylogyrus vastator, D. baueri, D. formosus (only in goldfish) and Gyrodactylus spp. (in four fish species). The highest prevalence was related to Dactylogyrus vastator(82%) in goldfish. Histological effects in case with high prevalence of parasite were also observed, e.g., hypertrophy, Lamellar hyperplasia and fusion. In high-parasitized gill, there is dysfunction of gill.


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Management of coconut ( Cocos nucifera ) lethal yellowing disease (CLYD), which has killed about eight million coconut trees in Mozambique, has proved challenging. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of farming practices and related history, on the CLYD incidence in Mozambique. The methodology included a socioeconomic questionnaire to the households and direct observations on the palm farms. The collected data were analysed using logistic regression. Five out of 11 explanatory variables tested, namely farm age, availability of other palm species on the coconut farm, type of coconut varieties grown, root cut practices, and intercropping had a significant (P< 0.05) effect on CLYD incidence. Coconut farms <10 years had higher odds of higher disease incidence compared to the farms between 10 to 40 years old. The presence of other palm species in the coconut farms had two times higher odds of having higher disease incidence levels compared to farms without other palm species. Tall coconut varieties were likely to be more tolerant to CLYD compared to dwarf varieties. Coconut farms with some kind of intercropping had two times higher odds of having higher disease incidence levels compared to pure stands. The practice of cutting coconut roots had three times higher odds of having high disease incidence levels compared to non-practicing farms. Farm age, availability of other palm species on the coconut farm, type of coconut varieties grown, root cut practices and intercropping need to be considered for integrated CLYD management.


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Le but de cette thèse est d’explorer le potentiel sismique des étoiles naines blanches pulsantes, et en particulier celles à atmosphères riches en hydrogène, les étoiles ZZ Ceti. La technique d’astérosismologie exploite l’information contenue dans les modes normaux de vibration qui peuvent être excités lors de phases particulières de l’évolution d’une étoile. Ces modes modulent le flux émergent de l’étoile pulsante et se manifestent principalement en termes de variations lumineuses multi-périodiques. L’astérosismologie consiste donc à examiner la luminosité d’étoiles pulsantes en fonction du temps, afin d’en extraire les périodes, les amplitudes apparentes, ainsi que les phases relatives des modes de pulsation détectés, en utilisant des méthodes standards de traitement de signal, telles que des techniques de Fourier. L’étape suivante consiste à comparer les périodes de pulsation observées avec des périodes générées par un modèle stellaire en cherchant l’accord optimal avec un modèle physique reconstituant le plus fidèlement possible l’étoile pulsante. Afin d’assurer une recherche optimale dans l’espace des paramètres, il est nécessaire d’avoir de bons modèles physiques, un algorithme d’optimisation de comparaison de périodes efficace, et une puissance de calcul considérable. Les périodes des modes de pulsation de modèles stellaires de naines blanches peuvent être généralement calculées de manière précise et fiable sur la base de la théorie linéaire des pulsations stellaires dans sa version adiabatique. Afin de définir dans son ensemble un modèle statique de naine blanche propre à l’analyse astérosismologique, il est nécessaire de spécifier la gravité de surface, la température effective, ainsi que différents paramètres décrivant la disposition en couche de l’enveloppe. En utilisant parallèlement les informations obtenues de manière indépendante (température effective et gravité de surface) par la méthode spectroscopique, il devient possible de vérifier la validité de la solution obtenue et de restreindre de manière remarquable l’espace des paramètres. L’exercice astérosismologique, s’il est réussi, mène donc à la détermination précise des paramètres de la structure globale de l’étoile pulsante et fournit de l’information unique sur sa structure interne et l’état de sa phase évolutive. On présente dans cette thèse l’analyse complète réussie, de l’extraction des fréquences à la solution sismique, de quatre étoiles naines blanches pulsantes. Il a été possible de déterminer les paramètres structuraux de ces étoiles et de les comparer remarquablement à toutes les contraintes indépendantes disponibles dans la littérature, mais aussi d’inférer sur la dynamique interne et de reconstruire le profil de rotation interne. Dans un premier temps, on analyse le duo d’étoiles ZZ Ceti, GD 165 et Ross 548, afin de comprendre les différences entre leurs propriétés de pulsation, malgré le fait qu’elles soient des étoiles similaires en tout point, spectroscopiquement parlant. L’analyse sismique révèle des structures internes différentes, et dévoile la sensibilité de certains modes de pulsation à la composition interne du noyau de l’étoile. Afin de palier à cette sensibilité, nouvellement découverte, et de rivaliser avec les données de qualité exceptionnelle que nous fournissent les missions spatiales Kepler et Kepler2, on développe une nouvelle paramétrisation des profils chimiques dans le coeur, et on valide la robustesse de notre technique et de nos modèles par de nombreux tests. Avec en main la nouvelle paramétrisation du noyau, on décroche enfin le ”Saint Graal” de l’astérosismologie, en étant capable de reproduire pour la première fois les périodes observées à la précision des observations, dans le cas de l’étude sismique des étoiles KIC 08626021 et de GD 1212.


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This study aimed at determining the incidence and pattern of pneumonia, in slaughtered goats in Kumasi abattoir, Ghana. One thousand three hundred and fifty lungs of goats; (1,012 Sahelian and 338 West Africa Dwarf goats (WAD) lungs) of different ages (less than a year to above 4 years) were used in this study. The frequency of occurrence of pneumonia, the degree of consolidation as a percentage of the total lung volume and histological assessment were determined by standard techniques. Fifty five (55) lungs (39 Sahelian, 16 WAD goats) were pneumonic (4.07% prevalence). The right lungs had a significant higher average lung consolidation percentage (19.11) while the right cranial lobes were more affected (9.37). WAD goats of 1-2 years are mostly affected with an average percentage consolidation of 11.73% while Sahelian goats above 4 years of age were the most affected with 32.59% consolidation. Does of both breeds were more while Sahelian goats had higher consolidation than other breeds. Histological examination revealed the presence of giant cell, fibrinous and suppurative bronchointerstitial pneumonia suggesting complicated viral pneumonia which was observed to be the most important caprine pneumonia in slaughtered goats in Ghana. Transportation and pregnancy stress were the major contributory factor to the pneumonia observed hence effective ante-mortem examinations will help to minimize the slaughter of pregnant does and transportation stress in Ghana.


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Standing dead biomass retention is considered one of the most relevant fuel structural traits to affect plant flammability. However, very little is known about the biological significance of this trait and its distribution between different functional groups. Our aim was to analyse how the proportion of dead biomass produced in Mediterranean species is related to the successional niche of species (early-, mid- and late-successional stages) and the regeneration strategy of species (seeders and resprouters). We evaluated biomass distribution by size classes and standing dead biomass retention in nine dominant species from the Mediterranean Basin in different development stages (5, 9, 14 and 26 years since the last fire). The results revealed significant differences in the standing dead biomass retention of species that presented a distinct successional niche or regeneration strategy. These differences were restricted to the oldest ages studied (>9 years). Tree and small tree resprouters, typical in late-successional stages, presented slight variations with age and a less marked trend to retain dead biomass, while seeder shrubs and dwarf shrubs, characteristic of early-successional stages, showed high dead biomass loads. Our results suggest that the species that tend to retain more dead branches are colonising species that may promote fire in early-successional stages.


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One of the most exciting discoveries in astrophysics of the last last decade is of the sheer diversity of planetary systems. These include "hot Jupiters", giant planets so close to their host stars that they orbit once every few days; "Super-Earths", planets with sizes intermediate to those of Earth and Neptune, of which no analogs exist in our own solar system; multi-planet systems with planets smaller than Mars to larger than Jupiter; planets orbiting binary stars; free-floating planets flying through the emptiness of space without any star; even planets orbiting pulsars. Despite these remarkable discoveries, the field is still young, and there are many areas about which precious little is known. In particular, we don't know the planets orbiting Sun-like stars nearest to our own solar system, and we know very little about the compositions of extrasolar planets. This thesis provides developments in those directions, through two instrumentation projects.

The first chapter of this thesis concerns detecting planets in the Solar neighborhood using precision stellar radial velocities, also known as the Doppler technique. We present an analysis determining the most efficient way to detect planets considering factors such as spectral type, wavelengths of observation, spectrograph resolution, observing time, and instrumental sensitivity. We show that G and K dwarfs observed at 400-600 nm are the best targets for surveys complete down to a given planet mass and out to a specified orbital period. Overall we find that M dwarfs observed at 700-800 nm are the best targets for habitable-zone planets, particularly when including the effects of systematic noise floors caused by instrumental imperfections. Somewhat surprisingly, we demonstrate that a modestly sized observatory, with a dedicated observing program, is up to the task of discovering such planets.

We present just such an observatory in the second chapter, called the "MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array," or MINERVA. We describe the design, which uses a novel multi-aperture approach to increase stability and performance through lower system etendue, as well as keeping costs and time to deployment down. We present calculations of the expected planet yield, and data showing the system performance from our testing and development of the system at Caltech's campus. We also present the motivation, design, and performance of a fiber coupling system for the array, critical for efficiently and reliably bringing light from the telescopes to the spectrograph. We finish by presenting the current status of MINERVA, operational at Mt. Hopkins observatory in Arizona.

The second part of this thesis concerns a very different method of planet detection, direct imaging, which involves discovery and characterization of planets by collecting and analyzing their light. Directly analyzing planetary light is the most promising way to study their atmospheres, formation histories, and compositions. Direct imaging is extremely challenging, as it requires a high performance adaptive optics system to unblur the point-spread function of the parent star through the atmosphere, a coronagraph to suppress stellar diffraction, and image post-processing to remove non-common path "speckle" aberrations that can overwhelm any planetary companions.

To this end, we present the "Stellar Double Coronagraph," or SDC, a flexible coronagraphic platform for use with the 200" Hale telescope. It has two focal and pupil planes, allowing for a number of different observing modes, including multiple vortex phase masks in series for improved contrast and inner working angle behind the obscured aperture of the telescope. We present the motivation, design, performance, and data reduction pipeline of the instrument. In the following chapter, we present some early science results, including the first image of a companion to the star delta Andromeda, which had been previously hypothesized but never seen.

A further chapter presents a wavefront control code developed for the instrument, using the technique of "speckle nulling," which can remove optical aberrations from the system using the deformable mirror of the adaptive optics system. This code allows for improved contrast and inner working angles, and was written in a modular style so as to be portable to other high contrast imaging platforms. We present its performance on optical, near-infrared, and thermal infrared instruments on the Palomar and Keck telescopes, showing how it can improve contrasts by a factor of a few in less than ten iterations.

One of the large challenges in direct imaging is sensing and correcting the electric field in the focal plane to remove scattered light that can be much brighter than any planets. In the last chapter, we present a new method of focal-plane wavefront sensing, combining a coronagraph with a simple phase-shifting interferometer. We present its design and implementation on the Stellar Double Coronagraph, demonstrating its ability to create regions of high contrast by measuring and correcting for optical aberrations in the focal plane. Finally, we derive how it is possible to use the same hardware to distinguish companions from speckle errors using the principles of optical coherence. We present results observing the brown dwarf HD 49197b, demonstrating the ability to detect it despite it being buried in the speckle noise floor. We believe this is the first detection of a substellar companion using the coherence properties of light.


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Sandflies stand out as important vectors of leishmaniasis. The females need to ingest blood meals, enabling them to transmit protozoa of the genus Leishmania, which may give rise to visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL), in addition to transmitting other parasites. Leishmaniasis are important infirmities, distributed worldwide, whose infection results from the interaction of reservoir animals, the vector insect, parasitic protozoa and the healthy host. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, these insects are important transmitters of VL, which usually presents in the most serious form. It occurs mainly in metropolitan areas, with the dog as its main reservoir and Lutzomyia longipalpis as the vector. ATL is most present in the highland areas of the state. In addition to hematophagia, engaged in by the females, both sexes need to ingest carbohydrates, which are essential to the sand flies energy requirements and may interfere in the development of Leishmania. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence and abundance of sand flies in different environments on the farm belonging to the Empresa de Pesquisas Agropecuárias do RN (Institute of Agricultural Research of RN), in the municipality of Parnamirim, in order to relate this occurrence with climatological and biological references and eating habits. Three consecutive monthly collections were carried out with CDC traps in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest, in a residence, on a goat breeding farm and on cashew, dwarf and giant coconut, mango, banana, eucalyptus, acacia and bean plantations. A total of 1241 sandflies from eight species (Lutzomyia evandroi, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Lutzomyia shannoni, Lutzomyia sordellii Lutzomyia walkeri, Lutzomyia wellcomei, Lutzomyia whitmani, and Lutzomyia intermedia) were collected, most in the forest environment. L. longipalpis, the main VL transmitter, was confirmed as a species adapted to anthropic environments, whereas others such as L. wellcomei, the vector of ATL, occurred predominantly in forests. Carbohydrate characterization of the sand flies and plants of the region demonstrated that a number of exotic plants such as hay and eucalyptus may play some role in the adaptation of these species to modified environments. Breeding in laboratory showed a mean biological cycle of 53.5 days from egg to adulthood for L. shannoni and the possibility of diapause behavior in L. wellcomei. This study serves as a source of information that may contribute to the epidemiological vigilance of tegumentary and visceral leishmaniasis in the state, given that it analyzes the bioecology of transmitting species, as well as their potential to adapt to new environments


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Ce mémoire présente une recherche détaillée et une analyse des étoiles naines blanches hybrides chimiquement stratifiées dans le Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Une seule étoile stratifiée, PG 1305-017, était connue avant notre recherche. L'objectif principal est de confirmer l'existence de plusieurs nouvelles étoiles stratifiées. Pour ce faire, il a fallu dans un premier temps développer une nouvelle génération de modèles d'atmosphère à partir de ceux de Bergeron et al. (1991) et Tremblay & Bergeron (2009). Nous y avons ajouté l'opacité de toutes les raies d'hélium et les calculs nécessaires pour tenir compte de la stratification chimique de l'atmosphère, où une mince quantité d’hydrogène flotte en équilibre diffusif au-dessus d’une enveloppe massive d’hélium. En parallèle, nous avons aussi calculé des modèles standards, chimiquement homogènes. Ensuite, nous avons sélectionné des naines blanches chaudes (Teff > 30,000 K) de type spectral hybride (traces d'hélium et d'hydrogène) parmi les ~38,000 naines blanches répertoriées dans le SDSS. Un total de 52 spectres d'étoile a été retenu dans notre échantillon final. La technique spectroscopique, c'est-à-dire l'ajustement des raies spectrales des modèles sur un spectre observé, a été appliquée à toutes les étoiles de notre échantillon. Nous avons ainsi mesuré la température effective, la gravité de surface et la composition chimique de l'atmosphère de ces étoiles. Par l'ajustement simultané de modèles stratifiés et homogènes, nous avons aussi pu déterminer si les étoiles étaient stratifiées ou non. Nous identifions ainsi 14 naines blanches stratifiées. Nous tirons de ces résultats plusieurs conclusions sur les processus physiques expliquant la présence d'hélium dans l'atmosphère.


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Ce mémoire présente une recherche détaillée et une analyse des étoiles naines blanches hybrides chimiquement stratifiées dans le Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Une seule étoile stratifiée, PG 1305-017, était connue avant notre recherche. L'objectif principal est de confirmer l'existence de plusieurs nouvelles étoiles stratifiées. Pour ce faire, il a fallu dans un premier temps développer une nouvelle génération de modèles d'atmosphère à partir de ceux de Bergeron et al. (1991) et Tremblay & Bergeron (2009). Nous y avons ajouté l'opacité de toutes les raies d'hélium et les calculs nécessaires pour tenir compte de la stratification chimique de l'atmosphère, où une mince quantité d’hydrogène flotte en équilibre diffusif au-dessus d’une enveloppe massive d’hélium. En parallèle, nous avons aussi calculé des modèles standards, chimiquement homogènes. Ensuite, nous avons sélectionné des naines blanches chaudes (Teff > 30,000 K) de type spectral hybride (traces d'hélium et d'hydrogène) parmi les ~38,000 naines blanches répertoriées dans le SDSS. Un total de 52 spectres d'étoile a été retenu dans notre échantillon final. La technique spectroscopique, c'est-à-dire l'ajustement des raies spectrales des modèles sur un spectre observé, a été appliquée à toutes les étoiles de notre échantillon. Nous avons ainsi mesuré la température effective, la gravité de surface et la composition chimique de l'atmosphère de ces étoiles. Par l'ajustement simultané de modèles stratifiés et homogènes, nous avons aussi pu déterminer si les étoiles étaient stratifiées ou non. Nous identifions ainsi 14 naines blanches stratifiées. Nous tirons de ces résultats plusieurs conclusions sur les processus physiques expliquant la présence d'hélium dans l'atmosphère.


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