647 resultados para Eyewitness Testimony
Description based on: 1980; title from cover.
Christ's spirit ... -- Uniformity examined ... -- The building, beauty, teaching and establishment of The truly Christian and spiritual church ... -- Right reformation ... -- The way of true peace and unity ... -- The crucified and quickend Christian ... -- The stumbling-stone ... -- The doctrine of batisms ... -- The trial of spirits ... -- A plain and necessary confrontation ... -- A testimony against divinity-degrees ... -- The right reformation of learning ...
Reviews of On the formation of Christian character and 0utline of Scripture testimony against the Trinity by Henry Ware.
v.3 A true and faithful account of the most material passages of a dispute.--Quakerism confirmed: or, A vindication of the chief doctrines and principles of the people called Quakers.--Universal love considered, and established upon its right foundation.--An epistle of love and friendly advice.--R. B.'s apology for the true Christian divinity vindicated.--The possibility and necessity of the inward and immediate revelation of the spirit of God.--R. B.'s testimony concerning his father.
The report also includes testimony of the proceedings of the council convened in Providence, R.I., December 31, 1822.
Bound with: G̲ouge, W.M. A short history of paper-money and banking in the United States. 1840.--A̲ppleton, Nathan. Remarks on currency and banking. 1841.--Ṯilden, S.J. Speech ... on currency, prices and wages. [1840?]--Ṉew York (City) Recorder's court. Testimony relating to the great election frauds of 1838. 1840.--W̲right, Silas. Speech ... on the permanent prospective pre-emption bill, delivered in Senate U.S. January 27, 1841. 1841.
"Contains all the printed papers which display the religious principles of the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania." -- Pref. signed: William Marshall.
"The ancient testimony of the people called Quakers, revived" (p. [145]-163) has special t.-p.
Prologue [on the essay] Dr. Rawley's life of Lord Bacon. Ben Jonson's testimony. Aubrey's gossip. Introduction. Contemporary bibliography. Later bibliography. Lists of texts comprised in this harmony.--I. A harmony of the first group of ten essays.--II. Meditiations sacræ.--III. Of the colours of good and evil.--IV. A harmony of the second group of twenty-four essays.--V. A harmony of the third group of six essays.--VI. A harmony of the fourth group of eighteen essays.--VII. The fragment of an essay, Of fame.--Additional notes.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on religion.
v. 1. Judaism at Rome.--v. 2. Indirect testimony of history of the genuineness of the Gospels. 4th ed.
Adaptation of: Life's last hours, or, The final testimony. London : Religious Tract Society, 1850.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on religion.
Originally published: Washington, D.C. : American Federation of Labor, [1914?]
Proceedings in the Circuit court in the cause of the Consolidated Gas Company "against William S. Jackson, as attorney general, et al.," originally instituted against "Julius M. Mayer, as attorney general, et al."