991 resultados para Extraintestinal manifestations


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As neurociências aliadas ao marketing, constituem um novo paradigma com grande potencial, no que diz respeito ao conhecimento profundo do consumidor e do seu comportamento de compra: o Neuromarketing. O Neuromarketing tem uma forte componente científica que estuda e define fisiologicamente os mecanismos subjacentes à cognição, com foco específico nas bases neurais dos processos mentais e suas manifestações comportamentais e uma componente económica e social em que os Marketeers se questionam acerca dos métodos tradicionais para conhecer profundamente o seu cliente e aplicar em toda a sua potencialidade o marketing one-to-one, criar relações de fidelidade e evitar a falta de diferenciação que ainda se verifica em algumas empresas. Na óptica do consumidor este tema é ainda desconhecido e podemos afirmar com alguma certeza que também será um pouco assustador pensar que seja possível conhecer tão bem o nosso cérebro e a nossa maneira de pensar enquanto consumidores, que nos consigam “manipular” no momento da decisão de compra. O presente estudo tem como finalidade perceber o que pensa o consumidor desta nova área, o que sente em relação aos métodos usados em Neuromarketing e se já têm alguma percepção de que diariamente já são confrontados com técnicas de Neuromarketing e ainda, o que pensam delas.


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Knowledge of anemophilous fungi in a given city or region is important for the ecological diagnosis and specific treatment of allergic manifestations induced by inhaled allergens. In order to diagnose the presence of anemophilous fungi, several qualitative and quantitative techniques are used depending on the study place. This study of fungal air spores was performed with a Rotorod Sampler®, an equipment which samples the air through a plastic rod attached to an electric engine that makes it spin fast enough to collect the particles in the air. The samples were collected once a week during 24 hours using the standard cycle of the manufacturers. A total of 52 samples were obtained from April 2000 through March 2001. The results revealed prevalence of ascosporos (50.49%), Cladosporium (17.86%), Aspergillus/Penicillium (15.03%), basidiosporos (3.84%), rusts (3.82%), and Helminthosporium (2.49%), and a lesser frequency of Botrytis (1.22%), Alternaria (1.19%), smuts (0.90%), Curvularia (0.87%), Nigrospora (0.61%), and Fusarium (0.08%). Also, 1.59% of the spores detected here could not be identified by the systematic key used. More fungal spores were observed during the summer than during the autumn.


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Abdominal and cerebral angiostrongyliasis are two important infections produced by metastrongylid worms, the former occurring in Central and South America and the later in Asia and Pacific Islands. Drug treatment is a challenge since the worms and its evolving larvae live or migrate inside vessels and efficient killing of the parasites may produce more severe lesions. Larvicidal effect of certain drugs appears to be more easily accomplished but this outcome is not useful in abdominal angiostrongyliasis since clinical manifestations appear to result from sexual maturation of the worms. We review the drug trials in murine experimental models and conclude that most of them could not be considered good candidates for treatment of human infection, except for PF1022A, pyrantel and flubendazole.


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The knowledge about typhoid fever pathogenesis is growing in the last years, mainly about the cellular and molecular phenomena that are responsible by clinical manifestations of this disease. In this article are discussed several recent discoveries, as follows: a) Bacterial type III protein secretion system; b) The five virulence genes of Salmonella spp. that encoding Sips (Salmonella invasion protein) A, B, C, D and E, which are capable of induce apoptosis in macrophages; c) The function of Toll R2 and Toll R4 receptors present in the macrophage surface (discovered in the Drosophila). The Toll family receptors are critical in the signalizing mediated by LPS in macrophages in association with LBP and CD14; d) The lines of immune defense between intestinal lumen and internal organs; e) The fundamental role of the endothelial cells in the inflammatory deviation from bloodstream into infected tissues by bacteria. In addition to above subjects, the authors comment the correlation between the clinical features of typhoid fever and the cellular and molecular phenomena of this disease, as well as the therapeutic consequences of this knowledge.


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Cerebral phaeohyphomycosis ("chromoblastomycosis") is a rare intracranial lesion. We report the first human culture-proven case of brain abscesses due to Fonsecaea pedrosoi in Brazil. The patient, a 28 year-old immunocompetent white male, had ocular manifestations and a hypertensive intracranial syndrome. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a main tumoral mass involving the right temporo-occipital area and another smaller apparently healed lesion at the left occipital lobe. A cerebral biopsy was performed and the pathological report was cerebral chromoblastomycosis. The main lesion was enucleated surgically and culture of the necrotic and suppurative mass grew a fungus identified as Fonsecaea pedrosoi. The patient had received a knife wound sixteen years prior to his hospitalization and, more recently, manifested a pulmonary granulomatous lesion in the right lung with a single non-pigmented form of a fungus present. It was speculated that the fungus might have gained entrance to the host through the skin lesion, although a primary respiratory lesion was not excluded. The patient was discharged from the hospital still with ocular manifestations and on antimycotic therapy and was followed for eight months without disease recurrence. Few months after he had complications of the previous neuro-surgery and died. A complete autopsy was performed and no residual fungal disease was found.


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Fishes of family Batrachoididae are responsible for great number of injuries in fishermen in North and Northeast regions of Brazil. The genus Thalassophryne presents various venomous species of fishes found in the Brazilian coast, T. nattereri being the most common of them. The venom is ejected through two hollow spines on the dorsal fin and two on pre-opercular regions, which present a venomous gland in the base and can be erected or depressed by the fish. The manifestations of the envenoming were intense local pain, edema and erythema in 43 patients observed in Salinópolis (Pará State) and Aracaju (Sergipe State). There were no systemic manifestations, but necrosis was detected in eight and bacterial infection in ten injured fishermen. The circumstances of the contacts and therapeutic aspects are discussed. Envenoming by the genus Thalassophryne is important and frequent and should be considered of moderate severity grade, since there are not the excruciating pain or the massive local necrosis provoked by scorpionfishes (Scorpaena) or stingrays injuries nor the systemic manifestations that are the most important marker of severe envenoming.


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Dermatophytosis are superficial mycoses caused by fungi that can invade stratum corneum and keratinized tissues. In order to study the frequency of dermatophytes species and the clinical manifestations caused by these fungi, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, the authors analyzed cultures isolated at the Mycology Laboratory from a selected population (15,300 out-patients of the Hospital das Clínicas, Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine of University of São Paulo) from January 1992 to June 2002. The most prevalent dermatophyte was Trichophyton rubrum (48.7%), followed by Microsporum canis (20.9%), Trichophyton tonsurans (13.8%), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (9.7%), Epidermophyton floccosum (4.1%), and Microsporum gypseum (2.5%). These agents determined more than one clinical manifestation, i.e., tinea corporis (31.5%), tinea capitis (27.5%), tinea unguium (14.8%), tinea cruris (13.9%), tinea pedis (9.9%), and tinea manuum (1.9%). Clinical variants of dermatophytosis and their relationship to the etiologic agents were studied and the results were compared to those obtained in previous studies in other regions of Brazil and in other countries.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of radiological manifestations of chest tuberculosis among the tuberculosis outpatients at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Hospital, and to correlate these radiological findings with the sputum bacilloscopy. SAMPLE AND METHODS: A review was made of the medical record cards and chest X-rays of all patients attended between January 1996 and December 1998. Patients with a diagnosis of tuberculosis who presented intrathoracic manifestations of the disease and negative anti-HIV serology were selected. RESULTS: The selection included 153 patients, with an average age of 37.5 years, who were predominantly male (60.8%) and white (56.9%). Pulmonary lesions were present in 121 (79.9%) and extrapulmonary lesions in 32 (20.1%). Parenchymal-infiltrate lesions appeared in 56 patients (36.6%), cavity lesions in 55 (36.0%), pleural effusion in 28 (18.3%), isolated nodules in 6 (3.9%), mediastinal enlargement in 4 (2.6%) and miliary pattern in 4 (2.6%). Cavities were present in 45.5% of the patients with pulmonary lesions, generally in association with the parenchymal-infiltrate lesions. Parenchymal infiltrate was present in 86.8% of the patients with pulmonary lesions. There was significant presence of alcohol-acid resistant bacillus in the sputum of patients with cavities (76.4%), in comparison with those without cavities (50%) (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Parenchymal-infiltrate lesions are the most frequent radiological manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis, and they are generally associated with cavities. There is a relationship between the presence of acid fast bacilli in sputum and pulmonary cavity lesions.


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A two year-old female child was admitted at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in a septic shock associated with a lymphoproliferative syndrome, with history of fever, adynamia and weight loss during the last two months. On admission, the main clinical and laboratory manifestations were: pallor, jaundice, disseminated enlarged lymph nodes, hepatosplenomegaly, crusted warts on face, anemia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, increased direct and indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, and gammaglutamyl transpeptidase. A parenteral administration of fluids, dobutamine and mechanical ventilation was started, without improvement of the clinical conditions. A direct examination of exsudate collected from cervical lymph node revealed numerous oval-to-around cells with multiple budding, like a "pilot wheel" cell, suggesting Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Even though treatment with intravenous sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprine was soon started, the child died 36 hours after hospital admission. Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis was confirmed in the autopsy. This is the youngest case of paracoccidioidomycosis in children reported in the literature.


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The manifestations caused by Africanized bee stings depend on the sensitivity of the victim and the toxicity of the venom. Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated cardiac changes and acute tubular necrosis (ATN) in the kidney of rats inoculated with Africanized bee venom (ABV). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) over a period of 24 h after intravenous injection of ABV in awake rats. A significant reduction in basal HR as well as in basal MAP occurred immediately after ABV injection in the experimental animals. HR was back to basal level 2 min after ABV injection and remained normal during the time course of the experiment, while MAP returned to basal level 10 min later and remained at this level for the next 5 h. However, MAP presented again a significant reduction by the 7th and 8th h and returned to the basal level by the 24th h. The fall in MAP may contribute to the pathogenesis of ATN observed. The fall in MAP probably is due to several factors, in addition to the cardiac changes already demonstrated, it is possible that the components of the venom themselves or even substances released in the organism play some role in vascular beds.


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Gottfried Leibniz generalized the derivation and integration, extending the operators from integer up to real, or even complex, orders. It is presently recognized that the resulting models capture long term memory effects difficult to describe by classical tools. Leon Chua generalized the set of lumped electrical elements that provide the building blocks in mathematical models. His proposal of the memristor and of higher order elements broadened the scope of variables and relationships embedded in the development of models. This paper follows the two directions and proposes a new logical step, by generalizing the concept of junction. Classical junctions interconnect system elements using simple algebraic restrictions. Nevertheless, this simplistic approach may be misleading in the presence of unexpected dynamical phenomena and requires including additional “parasitic” elements. The novel γ-junction includes, as special cases, the standard series and parallel connections and allows a new degree of freedom when building models. The proposal motivates the search for experimental and real world manifestations of the abstract conjectures.


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Primary Systemic Amyloidosis (AL) is the most frequent form of systemic amyloidosis and its morbilility is associated with immunoglobulin light chains deposition in vital organs. The mucocutaneous manifestations occur in about 30-40% of the cases and are important in diagnostic suspicion, once they appear in early stages of disease. We report a 71-years-old female patient, with disseminated purpura and cutaneous fragility with 6 months of evolution, accompanied by recent complaints of dysphagy. The first laboratory evaluation didn't show any alterations. The histological and immunohistochemical study of subcutaneous abdominal fat and skin biopsy showed lambda type amyloid protein. In the systemic work-up, we highlight a proteinúria > 1g/24h with Bence Jones proteins and the presence of monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain (lambda type) in serum immunoelectrophoresis. With the diagnosis of primary systemic amyloidosis, treatment with prednisolone and melphalan was started.


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Ollier Disease and Maffucci Syndrome are two rare diseases that can cause tumors in several organs, having a special predilection for the hand. However, there have been very few reports in the literature focusing on hand manifestations of these diseases. We report the cases of three female patients: one with Ollier Disease, and two other with Maffucci Syndrome. All patients had hand involvement as their initial primary complaint. The Ollier Disease patient developed chondrosarcomas of two digits and had to have these fingers amputated. One of the Maffucci patients died one year after presentation from a brain glioblastoma. These cases emphasize the importance of early diagnosis of Ollier Disease and Maffucci Syndrome, as these two conditions are associated not only to crippling hand deformity, but also to a significant risk of chondrosarcoma, and other malignant tumors.


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From February, 1981 to May, 2001, 63 children under 15 y old (ages 2 - 15 y, median = 8 y, mean ± 1 SD = 8 ± 3 y) presenting 70 episodes of Paracoccidioidomycosis were admitted. The main clinical manifestations and laboratory features observed upon admission were: lymph node enlargement (87.1%), fever (75.7%), weakness (48.6%), pallor (41.4%), hepatomegaly (40%), splenomegaly (35.7%), anemia (90%), hypergammaglobulinemia (88.5%), eosinophilia (75.5%) and hypoalbuminemia (72.5%). Moderate to severe malnutrition was detected in 35.7% of the episodes (Gomez's criterion). Radiographic and technetium studies showed bone lesions in 20 of the episodes, most of them being multiple lytic lesions, involving both long (70%) and plain bones (30%). First line treatment consisted of an association of sulfametoxazole-trimethoprin, which was used, exclusively, in 50 episodes. Follow-up of hemoglobin levels, number of eosinophils in the peripheral blood, albumin and gammaglobulin serum levels revealed significant sequential improvement one and six months after hospital admission, being quite useful to evaluate treatment effectiveness. Six patients died (9.3%) and four developed sequelae (6.3%) . In conclusion, the juvenile and disseminated forms can be observed in about 70% of the episodes of PCM occurring in children younger than 15 y old, most of them presenting with a febrile lymphoproliferative syndrome associated to anemia, eosinophilia and hypergammaglobulinemia.


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Airbone fungi are considered important causes of allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. The knowledge of these fungi in a city or region is important for the ecological diagnosis and specific treatment of allergic manifestations induced by inhalation of fungal allergens. The airborne fungi of Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil, were studied during a one year period. Five hundred and twenty Petri dishes with Sabouraud dextrose agar medium were exposed at ten different locations in the city. The dishes exposed yielded one thousand and five hundred and twenty one colonies of twenty four genera. The most predominants were: Aspergillus (44.7%), Penicillium (13.3%), Curvularia (9.8%), Cladosporium (6.8%), Mycelia sterilia (6.0%), Fusarium (3.5%), Rhizopus (3.1%), Drechslera (2.6%), Alternaria (2.4%) and Absidia (2.2%). The results shown that Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mycelia sterilia, Fusarium and Alternaria were found during all months in the year. Absidia was more frequent during the dry season. Anemophilous fungi and the high concentration of spores in the air are important because may result in an increased number of people with allergic respiratory disease.