883 resultados para Exotic dancing
The fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA) has been constructed in the momentum representation in the first part of this paper. In this part we describe the numerical details for solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation. The numerical results are checked by the inverse energy weighted sum rules in the isoscalar giant monopole resonance, which are obtained from the constraint relativistic mean field theory and also calculated with the integration of the RCRPA strengths. Good agreement between the misachieved. We study the effects of the self-consistency violation, particularly the currents and Coulomb interaction to various collective multipole excitations. Using the fully consistent RCRPA method, we investigate the properties of isoscalar and isovector collective multipole excitations for some stable and exotic from light to heavy nuclei. The properties of the resonances, such as the centroid energies and strength distributions are compared with the experimental data as well as with results calculated in other models.
核反应总截面是表征原子核反应基本特征的一个基本量,从实验测得的核反应总截面中可以得到有关核反应、核结构和核内核子分布的信息。在由放射性束流所产生奇的结构与各种反应机制研究中,反应总截面的测量更是具有特殊的重要性,具有奇异晕核结构的核的一个典型的物理现象就是其反应总截面要比稳定核大很多,Tanihata等人最早就是通过对放射性束流的相互作用截面的测量发现了具有奇异结构的核,即中子晕核。这次实验结果得出的跟放射性奇异核性质等有关的一些有趣现象,为放射性束核物理的研究注入了新的活力。我们采用能量为80MeV/u的初级~(20)Ne束轰击3mm厚的初级Be靶,在RIBLL上测量了由初级靶上产生碎裂反应所得到的次级~(12)N, ~(17)F和~(17)Ne等质子滴线核在硅靶上的中能核反应总截面,从而进一步补充了现有的中能区奇异核反应总截面测量的空白,并对现有的数据进行了检验。由于~(12)N, ~(17)F和~(17)Ne都是有争议的可能具有奇异质子结构(质子晕或质子皮)的核,测量它们在中能区的核反应总截面,可以对上述说法的成立与否提供实验上的验证。在与相邻同位素核的反应截面测量结果的比较中,发现实验得出的这些奇异核的截面值都偏大,而且由相对论平均场(RMF)计算得到的它们的质子密度分布明显比中子分布松散的多,因此推断它们可能具有奇异质子分布结构。并且基于库仑修正后的微观Glauber模型的理论计算出这些奇异核反应截面的结果同我们得出的实验数据吻合得很好。为了更精确地进行奇异核反应总截面的测量,研制了两种双维位置灵敏平行板雪崩电离室(PPAC),可以放在待测硅靶前,用来选择小于一定入射角的次级束粒子,有助于得到更准确的结果。该PPAC的有效探测面积为50 * 50mm~2,分别采用电荷分除法和延迟线读出的方法确定入射粒子的位置,并具有结构简单、价格便宜的特点。用三组分α源(5.155Mev~(239)Pu, 5.486 Mev~(241)Am, 5.806Mev~(244)Cm) 对探测器进行了测试,由阴极电荷分除读出法得到的位置分辨(FWHM)约为1.5mm。
本论文通过在兰州放射性束流线(RIBLL)上进行的6He同Si靶和Pb靶反应实验测量得到了6He与Si靶、Pb靶反应总截面和去除双中子截面以及6He与Si靶、Pb靶反应弹核碎裂产生4He碎片的纵向动量分布。采用能够很好描述正常核反应总截面的半经验的Shen公式计算了4,6 He同Be,C,Al,Si靶的反应总截面。对于4He,从低能到高能理论计算和实验数据符合很好。但是对于6He,理论计算和实验数据符合不好。通过SHF理论、RMF理论、RDDH理论、各种核子密度分布形式(2PHO-tyPe,HO-tyPe,2PFM-tyPe及新提出的修正的费米密度分布MFM-type)计算出6He的各种密度分布(包括晕核密度、皮核密度及正常核密度),带入Glotlber模型计算了6He同Be,C,Al,Si靶的反应总截面以及双中子去除截面,只有使用晕核密度理论计算才能够很好地符合实验数据,进一步证实6He具有双中子晕核结构,确定其基本构型。比较了轻靶(Si革巴)和重靶(Pb靶)电磁离解效应刘一反应总截面和去除双中子截面的影响,重靶电磁离解效应明显。采用能够很好描述稳定核的动量分布宽度的Goldllaber理论、Morrissey经验公式、W.A.Friedman的重离子弹核碎裂模型,以及Lise小组发展的Lise程序,计算了6He与Si靶和Pb靶反应弹核碎裂产生的4He碎片的纵向动量分布,也同样证实了6He具有双中子晕核结构。论文最后,利用同位旋相关的Boltzmann-Langevin方程(IBLE)计算稳定核4He和奇异核6He同c靶的反应系统来研究6He反应动力学特性,研究反应产生的核素产生截面,以及4,5 He产生截面随碰撞参数的变化。
A series of liquid crystalline copolyethers has been synthesized from 1-(4-hydroxy-4'-biphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane and different alpha,omega-dibromoalkanes [coTPP(n/m)]. In this report, coTPPs having n = 5, 7, 9, 11 and m = 12 are studied, which represent copolyethers having both varying odd number and a fixed even number of methylene units. The compositions were fixed at an equal molar ratio (50/50). These coTPPs(nlm) show multiple phase transitions during cooling and heating in differential scanning calorimetry experiments. The undercooling dependence of these transitions is found to be small, indicating that these transitions are close to equilibrium, Although the coTPPs possess a high-temperature nematic (N) phase, the periodicity order along the chain direction is increasingly disturbed when the length of the odd-numbered methylene units decreases from n 11 to 5. in the coTPPs(5/12, 7/12, and 9/12), wide-angle X-ray diffraction experiments at different temperatures show that, shortly after the N phase formation during cooling, the lateral molecular packing improves toward a hexagonal lattice, as evidenced by a gradual narrowing of the scattering halo. This process represents the possible existence of an exotic N phase, which serves as a precursor to the columnar (Phi(H)) phase. A further decrease in temperature leads to a (PH phase having a long-range ordered, two-dimensional hexagonal lattice. In coTPP(11/12), the phase structures are categorized as highly ordered and tilted, smectic and smectic crystal phases, similar to homoTPPs, such as the smectic F (S-F) and smectic crystal G (SCG) phases. An interesting observation is found for coTPP(9/12), wherein a structural change from the high-temperature Phi(H) phase to the low-temperature S-F phase occurs. It can be proven that, upon heating, the well-defined layer structure disappears and the lateral packing remains hexagonal. The overall structural differences in this series of coTPPs between those of the columnar and highly ordered smectic phases are related to the disorders introduced into the layer structure by the dissimilarity of the methylene unit lengths in the comonomers.
The Mesozoic pyroclastic rocks cover a vast coastal area in southeastern China, which is an important part of volcanic belt around Pacific Ocean. However, the previous dates for these rocks are confused and conflicted with each other, which have limited the further researches. It is difficult to date pyroclastic rocks, for almost all the dating methods, due to the multiple sources during their formation. Single crystal laser probe 40Ar/39Ar method is a powerful means to date pyroclastic rocks with complex sources. By distinguishing the xenocrysts and altered materials, Singe crystal total fusions of CO2 lasing on the sanidine separates could yield rational 40Ar/39Ar results and distinguish their sources. Timing on formations of the Moshishan Group, after avoiding the exotic and altered grains by lasing on the single sanidine separate, was reported in this study. 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating results of Cement part of the pyroclastic rocks show that the age spectrums are too complex to interpret for geological significance because of the alteration and 39Ar recoil. Incremental heating on K-feldspar separate from pyroclastic rocks give reliable data. Combining 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating ages and laser total fusion ages, we suggest the age was 125Ma-120Ma for Dashuang Fm, 120-119 Ma for Gaowu Fm, 119-114Ma for Xishantou Fm, 114-112Ma for Chawan Fm and 112-110Ma for Jiuliping Fm. The most intense period of volcanic activity in eastern Zhejiang Province was at about 120Ma. These new ages are much younger than the previous ones, suggesting that these thick volcanic formations had been formed in very short durations.
High sensation seekers have unusual creativities. Recent years Furnham Adrian et al, found that the groups have different arts tendency have higher difference in Sensation seeking dimension than in Big 5. Some studies found arts students have higher level in many dimension. Sensation seeking has an important influence to peoples` aesthetic conception. This thesis measured art (including painting, music, dancing) students and non-art students` trait of sensation seeking Personality, and looked for the similarities and differences between art students and non-art students in development of sensation seeking personality. Try to find the influence of different procession of art study to sensation seeking level. The outcome of this study: 1. In non-art students, sensation seeking level has a decrease from Grade 1 to Grade 3 in college students, especially in males. Male has higher sensation seeking level than female, especially in TAS, DIS and GEN. 2. There are differences between art students and non-art students in sensation seeking. In ES and GEN Painting students have higher level than non-art students, but in TAS dancing students have lower level than non-art students, in BS students studied in music have lower level than non-art students. 3. Tendency of arts development in art students and non-art students has difference from grade 1 to grade 3. Tendency in non-art students has a decrease, but in art students is not so obviously. The developments in TAS、ES、GEN of painting students, in ES、BS、GEN of dancing students, in TAS、ES、GEN of music major students have differences towards to non-art students. Different art studies have possibility to improve opening of experiment and normal sensation seeking level. All the Different art kinds may affect the development of ES and GEN, and ES and GEN may become commonness gradually within all kind art groups. But this commonness is not so notable in Grade 1-3. 4. Between different art kinds have differences. TAS Scores of dancing group is notably lower than scores of music and painting groups, score of painting group in ES BS and GEN is remarkably higher than that of music and dancing groups, and painting group in DIS has a higher score than music group and dancing group. Painting group has highest sensation seeking in all art kinds students, and dancing group has lowest score in TAS. 5. For female, development tendency of all art kinds dimensions have no remarkable difference, except DIS. Interaction in female DIS dimension may be aroused by scores increase of painting group. In other scores development tendency of different kinds arts have no notable difference.
Blanket bog lakes are a characteristic feature of blanket bog habitats and harbour many rare and threatened invertebrate species. Despite their potential conservation value, however, very little is known about their physico-chemical or biological characteristics in western Europe, and their reference conditions are still unknown in Ireland. Furthermore, they are under considerable threat in Ireland from a number of sources, particularly afforestation of their catchments by exotic conifers. Plantation forestry can potentially lead to the increased input of substances including hydrogen ions (H+), plants nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), heavy metals and sediment. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of conifer plantation forestry on the hydrochemistry and ecology of blanket bog lakes in western Ireland. Lake hydrochemistry, littoral Chydoridae (Cladocera) and littoral macroinvertebrate communities were compared among replicate lakes selected from three distinct catchment land use categories: i) unplanted blanket bog only present in the catchment, ii) mature (closed-canopy) conifer plantation forests only present in the catchment and iii) catchments containing mature conifer plantation forests with recently clearfelled areas. All three catchment land uses were replicated across two geologies: sandstone and granite. Lakes with afforested catchments across both geologies had elevated concentrations of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), total dissolved organic carbon (TDOC), aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe), with the highest concentrations of each parameter recorded from lakes with catchment clearfelling. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were also significantly reduced in the afforested lakes, particularly the clearfell lakes. This change in lake hydrochemistry was associated with profound changes in lake invertebrate communities. Within the chydorid communities, the dominance of Alonopsis elongata in the unplanted blanket bog lakes shifted to dominance by the smaller bodied Chydorus sphaericus, along with Alonella nana, Alonella excisa and Alonella exigua, in the plantation forestry-affected lakes, consistent with a shift in lake trophy. Similarly, there was marked changes in the macroinvertebrate communities, especially for the Coleoptera and Heteroptera assemblages which revealed increased taxon richness and abundance in the nutrient-enriched lakes. In terms of conservation status, despite having the greatest species-quality scores (SQS) and species richness, three of the four International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red-listed species of Coleoptera and Odonata recorded during the study were absent from lakes subject to catchment clearfelling. The relative strengths of bottom-up (forestry-mediated nutrient enrichment) and top-down (fish) forces in structuring littoral macroinvertebrate communities was investigated in a separate study. Nutrient enrichment was shown to be the dominant force acting on communities, with fish having a lesser influence. These results confirmed that plantation forestry poses the single greatest threat to the conservation status of blanket bog lakes in western Ireland. The findings of this study have major implications for the management of afforested peatlands. Further research is required on blanket bog lakes to prevent any further plantation forestry-mediated habitat deterioration of this rare and protected habitat.
The population structure of an organism reflects its evolutionary history and influences its evolutionary trajectory. It constrains the combination of genetic diversity and reveals patterns of past gene flow. Understanding it is a prerequisite for detecting genomic regions under selection, predicting the effect of population disturbances, or modeling gene flow. This paper examines the detailed global population structure of Arabidopsis thaliana. Using a set of 5,707 plants collected from around the globe and genotyped at 149 SNPs, we show that while A. thaliana as a species self-fertilizes 97% of the time, there is considerable variation among local groups. This level of outcrossing greatly limits observed heterozygosity but is sufficient to generate considerable local haplotypic diversity. We also find that in its native Eurasian range A. thaliana exhibits continuous isolation by distance at every geographic scale without natural breaks corresponding to classical notions of populations. By contrast, in North America, where it exists as an exotic species, A. thaliana exhibits little or no population structure at a continental scale but local isolation by distance that extends hundreds of km. This suggests a pattern for the development of isolation by distance that can establish itself shortly after an organism fills a new habitat range. It also raises questions about the general applicability of many standard population genetics models. Any model based on discrete clusters of interchangeable individuals will be an uneasy fit to organisms like A. thaliana which exhibit continuous isolation by distance on many scales.
In stable solar systems, planets remain in nearly elliptical orbits around their stars. Over longer timescales, however, their orbital shapes and sizes change due to mutual gravitational perturbations. Orbits of satellites around a planet vary for the same reason. Because of their interactions, the orbits of planets and satellites today are different from what they were earlier. In order to determine their original orbits, which are critical constraints on formation theories, it is crucial to understand how orbits evolve over the age of the Solar System. Depending on their timescale, we classify orbital interactions as either short-term (orbital resonances) or long-term (secular evolution). My work involves examples of both interaction types. Resonant history of the small Neptunian satellites In satellite systems, tidal migration brings satellite orbits in and out of resonances. During a resonance passage, satellite orbits change dramatically in a very short period of time. We investigate the resonant history of the six small Neptunian moons. In this unique system, the exotic orbit of the large captured Triton (with a circular, retrograde, and highly tilted orbit) influences the resonances among the small satellites very strongly. We derive an analytical framework which can be applied to Neptune's satellites and to similar systems. Our numerical simulations explain the current orbital tilts of the small satellites as well as constrain key physical parameters of both Neptune and its moons. Secular orbital interactions during eccentricity damping Long-term periodic changes of orbital shape and orientation occur when two or more planets orbit the same star. The variations of orbital elements are superpositions of the same number of fundamental modes as the number of planets in the system. We investigate how this effect interacts with other perturbations imposed by external disturbances, such as the tides and relativistic effects. Through analytical studies of a system consisting of two planets, we find that an external perturbation exerted on one planet affects the other indirectly. We formulate a general theory for how both orbits evolve in response to an arbitrary externally-imposed slow change in eccentricity.
Musical exoticism is the evocation of a culture different from that of the composer. It occurs anytime a composer tries to conjure up the music of a country not his own. Although there have been studies of exoticism in the piano works of an individual composer, namely Debussy, there has not been a comprehensive study of musical exoticism in the piano literature as a whole. Upon chronological examination of the piano repertoire, general trends exhibiting exoticism become evident. The first general trend is the emergence of the Turkish style (alia turca) in the eighteenth century. Turkish style soon transmuted to the Hungarian-Gypsy style (all 'ongarese or style hongrois). [In Beethoven's Op. 129, it is alia ingharese.] Composers often alternated between the two styles even in the same composition. By the late nineteenth century, style hongrois was firmly entrenched in the musical language of Austro-German composers, as seen in the works of Brahms. In the nineteenth century, composers turned to the Middle East, North Africa and Spain for inspiration. In particular are several compositions emulating Spanish dance music, culminating in the Spanish works of Debussy and Ravel. The gamelans from Indonesia and objects from the Far East of Japan and China, brought by advances in trade and transportation, captivated the imagination of composers at the turn of the twentieth century. Also in the early twentieth century, composers tried emulating dance and jazz music coming from the Americas, such as the cakewalk, minstrelsy, and the blues. One sees the ever widening sphere of exotic inspiration for western music composers: from the Turkish invasions to the traveling Gypsies of Hungary; to the captivating dance rhythms, soulful cante jondo sections, and guitar flourishes of Spain; expanding further to the far reaches of Asia and the jazzy rhythms of the Americas. This performance dissertation consists of three recitals presented at the University of Maryland, and is documented on compact disc recordings which are housed within the University of Maryland Library System. The recordings present the music of Balakirev, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Debussy, Haydn, Hummel, Milhaud, Moszkowski, Mozart, Ravel, and Schubert.
Motivated by both the delicacy of French music, such as La Mer by Claude Debussy, and the exotic atmosphere of Spanish music, such as Zigeunerweisen by Pablo Sarasate, I decided to investigate the characteristics of French and Spanish cello music from Camille Saint-Saens to Gaspar Cassad6. French cello music flourished from the end ofthel9th to the middle of the 20th century because of the innovation of many unprecedented techniques and experimentation with a variety of sonorities. The Spanish were heavily influenced by the French due to the geographical connection. Cello virtuosi like Auguste Tolbecque, August Franchomme, Pierre Fournier, and Paul Tortelier inspired composers of their day, creating a "golden age" of cello music. This dissertation consisted of three recitals in Gildenhom Recital Hall. The first recital was held on May lOth, 2007 at 5:30pm with pianist David Ballena. The second recital was held on October 14th, 2007 at 2pm with collaborators Minna Han, piano and Jenny Wu, violin. The third recital was held on March 301 2008 at 5:30 with pianist Naoko Takao. Here is the program of the recitals: The first recital: Gabriel Faure(1856-1924): Sonate pour Violoncello et Piano Op.109(1917) Gaspar Cassad6 (1897-1966): Suite per Violoncello Solo (1926) Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Sonate pour Violoncelle et Piano (1915) The second recital: Manuel de Falla (1876-1946): Melodia (1897), Romanza (1898) Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921): Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No.1 in A minor Op.33 (1873) Maurice Ravel (1875-1973): Sonata for Violin and Cello (1920-22) The third recital: Pablo Casals (1876-1973): Song of the Birds (1925) Edouard Lalo (1823-1892): Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in D Minor (1877) Franscis Poulenc (1899-1963): Sonata for Cello and Piano Op.l43(1940-48)
The act of playing percussion is innately theatrical. The motions by which a percussionist plays his instruments often resemble a carefully choreographed dance. Our bodies are freed from having to hold or blow into an instrument. We are free to move to and from our instruments, to change our facial expressions, and to vocalize. This performance dissertation consists of three recitals featuring theatrical music for solo percussion. The selections are limited to works in which the composer instructs the solo percussion performer to perform in an extra-musical capacity, whether it be by singing, speaking, moving, acting, dancing, or any other action. On all three recitals, I performed established works for solo theatrical percussion. However, on the first recital, I also played the world premiere performance of The Authors, a new work by Stuart Saunders Smith. This half-hour long marimba opera requires the solo performer to speak, sing, and act while playing the marimba. For the final recital, I featured pieces commissioned from two professional composers, John Leupold II and Daniel Adams. Through this series, I hope to both pay tribute to existing great works and to encourage new composition of solo theatrical percussion music.
Las hierbas aromáticas han tenido en la última década un auge mundial y su demanda cada vez se incrementa más. En Colombia la producción y exportación de estas hierbas viene en aumento. En los últimos 4 años la exportación colombiana creció en 142 por ciento y el principal país de destino fue Estados Unidos a donde se exporto el 74 por ciento de las hierbas aromáticas. En este momento la tendencia del mercado mundial, es hacia los productos orgánicos o limpios, así que algunos productores se han dedicado a buscar los mecanismos para generar producciones y procesos con certificados orgánicos, para acceder a los mercados demandantes. Estas certificaciones son bastante exigentes y requieren un cambio y adaptación de las organizaciones, además de una fuerte inversión económica. El objetivo general de este trabajo es estudiar por medio del caso de la empresa colombiana C.I. Organic Aromatic S.A. la forma de adaptación a la demanda creciente del nuevo mercado internacional de hierbas aromáticas. Se realiza un análisis estructural discreto para el sector y de estar forma comprender el marco general donde se mueve la empresa. Al igual, se describe la empresa y su funcionamiento, los puntos críticos de la misma y de las transacciones que realiza. La cadena del sector esta descrita en el trabajo, los principales actores son: los proveedores, los productores donde se diferencian los pequeños de los medianos y grandes (los grandes productores son los exportadores de la cadena), los importadores o mayoristas, los transformadores, los minoristas, supermercados o tiendas especializadas y por último el cliente final, que cada vez más busca este tipo de productos por salud. C.I. Organic Aromatic S.A., es una empresa dedicada a la producción 100 por ciento orgánica y exportación de hierbas aromáticas y culinarias. La empresa tiene certificación de producto 100 por orgánico, buenas prácticas de manejo y certificación ISO entre otros. Llevan 7 años de funcionamiento, pero con esta razón social trabajan desde 2012 cuando decidieron exportar directamente a Estados Unidos y convertirse en C.I. (comercializadora internacional). Para disminuir la incertidumbre se integran verticalmente hacia adelante, bajo la marca Exotic Organic Herbs, quienes están ubicados en Miami, para manejar la logística de la importación en Estados Unidos.
The welcome emergence of a Gypsy/Roma/Traveller academic and intellectual community has stimulated new reflections on and reassessments of many of the established ideas surrounding Romani history and culture. New questions are being asked and, in turn, new critical challenges have arisen, in part because, for these individuals, Gypsy identity has never been something exotic and Other, but their own.