890 resultados para Executive Ability


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The main objective of this work was to investigate the ability of Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae to transmit Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) singly and mixed with two potyviruses (Papaya ringspot virus - type W, PRSV-W and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, ZYMV), to zucchini squash plants (Cucurbita pepo). The results showed that the potyviruses in general were more efficiently transmitted by both species of aphids as compared to CMV. The transmission of PRSV-W, ZYMV and CMV separately was more efficient than in mixture.


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In field experiments, the density of Macrophomina phaseolina microsclerotia in root tissues of naturally colonized soybean cultivars was quantified. The density of free sclerotia on the soil was determined for plots of crop rotation (soybean-corn) and soybean monoculture soon after soybean harvest. M. phaseolina natural infection was also determined for the roots of weeds grown in the experimental area. To verify the ability of M. phaseolina to colonize dead substrates, senesced stem segments from the main plant species representing the agricultural system of southern Brazil were exposed on naturally infested soil for 30 and 60 days. To quantify the sclerotia, the methodology of Cloud and Rupe (1991) and Mengistu et al. (2007) was employed. Sclerotium density, assessed based on colony forming units (CFU), ranged from 156 to 1,108/g root tissue. Sclerotium longevity, also assessed according to CFU, was 157 days for the rotation and 163 days for the monoculture system. M. phaseolina did not colonize saprophytically any dead stem segment of Avena strigosa,Avena sativa,Hordeum vulgare,Brassica napus,Gossypium hirsutum,Secale cereale,Helianthus annus,Triticosecalerimpaui, and Triticum aestivum. Mp was isolated from infected root tissues of Amaranthus viridis,Bidens pilosa,Cardiospermum halicacabum,Euphorbia heterophylla,Ipomoea sp., and Richardia brasiliensis. The survival mechanisms of M. phaseolina studied in this paper met the microsclerotium longevity in soybean root tissues, free on the soil, as well as asymptomatic colonization of weeds.


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Alzheimer`s disease (AD) is characterised neuropathologically by the presence of extracellular amyloid plaques, intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles, and cerebral neuronal loss. The pathological changes in AD are believed to start even decades before clinical symptoms are detectable. AD gradually affects episodic memory, cognition, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) represents a transitional state between normal aging and dementia disorders, especially AD. The predictive accuracy of the current and commonly used MCI criteria devide this disorder into amnestic (aMCI) and non-amnestic (naMCI) MCI. It seems that many individuals with aMCI tend to convert to AD. However many MCI individuals will remain stable and some may even recover. At present, the principal drugs for the treatment of AD provide only symptomatic and palliative benefits. Safe and effective mechanism-based therapies are needed for this devastating neurodegenerative disease of later life. In conjunction with the development of new therapeutic drugs, tools for early detection of AD would be important. In future one of the challenges will be to detect at an early stage these MCI individuals who will convert to AD. Methods which can predict which MCI subjects will convert to AD will be much more important if the new drug candidates prove to have disease-arresting or even disease–slowing effects. These types of drugs are likely to have the best efficacy if administered in the early or even in the presymptomatic phase of the disease when the synaptic and neuronal loss has not become too widespread. There is no clinical method to determine with certainly which MCI individuals will progress to AD. However there are several methods which have been suggested as predictors of conversion to AD, e.g. increased [11C] PIB uptake, hippocampal atrophy in MRI, low CSF A beta 42 level, high CSF tau-protein level, apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele and impairment in episodic memory and executive functions. In the present study subjects with MCI appear to have significantly higher [11C] PIB uptake vs healthy elderly in several brain areas including frontal cortex, the posterior cingulate, the parietal and lateral temporal cortices, putamen and caudate. Also results from this PET study indicate that over time, MCI subjects who display increased [11C] PIB uptake appear to be significantly more likely to convert to AD than MCI subjects with negative [11C] PIB retention. Also hippocampal atrophy seems to increase in MCI individuals clearly during the conversion to AD. In this study [11C] PIB uptake increases early and changes relatively little during the AD process whereas there is progressive hippocampal atrophy during the disease. In addition to increased [11C] PIB retention and hippocampal atrophy, the status of APOE ε4 allele might contribute to the conversion from MCI to AD.


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Brazilian poultry production nowadays occupies important position in world's economy due to its technological advancement, which associated to the development of genetic strains of high growth may cause deviation in the growth rate and harm production. Morphological asymmetry has been pointed as an indicator of welfare, as maintained the pattern that leads to balance, the broiler chicken would have its normal locomotion characteristics, freely reaching water and feed. Thus, the objective of this research was to verify the possibility of using morphological asymmetry for evaluating walking ability of broiler chicken. The research was done in the Technology Center, at UNICAMP. The experiment was made using biomechanics analysis and following, the toes were measured. Results found did not show asymmetry useful for determining the locomotion ability of broiler chicken. New studies are recommended in order to search for other correlations that might help to estimate at field level, the locomotion difficulties of broiler chicken.


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The general goal of the present work was to study whether spatial perceptual asymmetry initially observed in linguistic dichotic listening studies is related to the linguistic nature of the stimuli and/or is modality-specific, as well as to investigate whether the spatial perceptual/attentional asymmetry changes as a function of age and sensory deficit via praxis. Several dichotic listening studies with linguistic stimuli have shown that the inherent perceptual right ear advantage (REA), which presumably results from the left lateralized linguistic functions (bottom-up processes), can be modified with executive functions (top-down control). Executive functions mature slowly during childhood, are well developed in adulthood, and decline as a function of ageing. In Study I, the purpose was to investigate with a cross-sectional experiment from a lifespan perspective the age-related changes in top-down control of REA for linguistic stimuli in dichotic listening with a forced-attention paradigm (DL). In Study II, the aim was to determine whether the REA is linguistic-stimulus-specific or not, and whether the lifespan changes in perceptual asymmetry observed in dichotic listening would exist also in auditory spatial attention tasks that put load on attentional control. In Study III, using visual spatial attention tasks, mimicking the auditory tasks applied in Study II, it was investigated whether or not the stimulus-non-specific rightward spatial bias found in auditory modality is a multimodal phenomenon. Finally, as it has been suggested that the absence of visual input in blind participants leads to improved auditory spatial perceptual and cognitive skills, the aim in Study IV was to determine, whether blindness modifies the ear advantage in DL. Altogether 180-190 right-handed participants between 5 and 79 years of age were studied in Studies I to III, and in Study IV the performance of 14 blind individuals was compared with that of 129 normally sighted individuals. The results showed that only rightward spatial bias was observed in tasks with intensive attentional load, independent of the type of stimuli (linguistic vs. non-linguistic) or the modality (auditory vs. visual). This multimodal rightward spatial bias probably results from a complex interaction of asymmetrical perceptual, attentional, and/or motor mechanisms. Most importantly, the strength of the rightward spatial bias changed as a function of age and augmented praxis due to sensory deficit. The efficiency of the performance in spatial attention tasks and the ability to overcome the rightward spatial bias increased during childhood, was at its best in young adulthood, and decreased as a function of ageing. Between the ages of 5 and 11 years probably at first develops movement and impulse control, followed by the gradual development of abilities to inhibit distractions and disengage attention. The errors especially in bilateral stimulus conditions suggest that a mild phenomenon resembling extinction can be observed throughout the lifespan, but especially the ability to distribute attention to multiple targets simultaneously decreases in the course of ageing. Blindness enhances the processing of auditory bilateral linguistic stimuli, the ability to overcome a stimulus-driven laterality effect related to speech sound perception, and the ability to direct attention to an appropriate spatial location. It was concluded that the ability to voluntarily suppress and inhibit the multimodal rightward spatial bias changes as a function of age and praxis due to sensory deficit and probably reflects the developmental level of executive functions.


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the performance of Finnish equity funds and their market timing ability. Fund performance is evaluated by using annual returns and various risk-adjusted measures, including Sharpe ratio, DDSR, SKASR, Treynor ratio and Jensen’s alpha, whereas portfolio manager’s timing ability is examined with Treynor-Mazuy model and Henriksson-Merton model. The data is collected from the Finnish fund market during the sample period from January 1997 to February 2010. Results show that Finnish equity funds have been able to outperform the market return on a risk-adjusted basis, but these results are influenced heavily by the exceptionally good performance during the IT-bubble. Market timing models show that fund managers have been, to some degree, able to time the market but not a single fund have been able to possess security selection ability and market timing ability simultaneously.


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Competition between plants is one of the main interferences that occurs in agricultural systems and accounts for significant crop yield reductions. The aim of this study was to assess the competitive ability of corn in coexistence with the weed species Eleusine indica. The experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, in the growing season 2010/2011, and were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications. The experimental units consisted of plastic pots with a volumetric capacity of 8 L. Treatments were arranged in a replacement series with five proportions of corn plants and weed: 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100, respectively, with a constant population of eight plants per pot, at the end of each treatment. The competitiveness analysis was conducted through diagrams applied to the replacement series experiment and competitiveness index, and the variables evaluated were root, shoot, and total dry mass, and plant height. When in equal proportions, corn showed competitive ability equivalent to goosegrass in relation to the variables shoot, root, and total dry mass. Goosegrass was more competitive than the crop in relation to plant height.


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The existence of large areas infested with populations of Conyza spp. resistant to glyphosate in Brazil demands appropriate and integrated management strategies. This experiment aimed to identify soybean cultivars with greater competitive ability with horseweed plants and to determine plant characteristics associated with this ability. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with split plots. Seven soybean cultivars (CD 225 RR, BRS 232, CD 226 RR, NK 7054 RR, BMX Apollo RR, BRS 245 RR and BRS 255 RR) were allocated in the plots, and two interference situations (absence and 13.3 plants of Conyza m-2, transplanted seven days before soybean planting) in the subplots. The average yield loss due to competition with horseweed was 25%. Cultivar CD 226 RR showed no significant grain yield loss due to competition, compared to the control without infestation, but showed the lowest average grain yield. The BRS 232 genotype showed loss of grain yield of only 14%, and presented positive plant height and leaf mass at 20 DAE, as well as dry matter of stems+branches in all evaluations, features related to its higher performance and greater ability to withstand competition with horseweed plants.


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Weeds cause significant reduction in the irrigated rice crop yield. Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge) is adapted to irrigate environment. Information on the competitive ability of the weed to the culture, and their environmental adaptation, are scarce. In this study, we sought to determine the initial growth and competitive ability of yellow nutsedge and irrigated rice, as a function of cultivar growth cycle. Initial growth and competition studies were conducted in a randomized complete design in a greenhouse in the agricultural year 2010/11. For the initial growth study, the treatments consisted of a factorial combination of a biotype of yellow nutsedge and two rice cultivars in the function of the vegetative cycle (BRS Querência: early cycle - IRGA 424: intermediate cycle) and six evaluation times (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 days after emergence). Were evaluated: plant height, leaf area, aboveground dry biomass and root dry biomass. In the competitive ability study in the replacement series, the cultivar BRS Querência (early cycle) and yellow nutsedge were utilized and tested in different proportions of competition (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100). Were evaluated leaf area and aboveground dry biomass. In general, rice cultivars have an adaptive value equivalent to yellow nutsedge. IRGA 424 cultivar has less height than weed, becoming the weed control more important in this cultivar. For rice crop, intraspecific competition is more important, whereas for the weed, interspecific competition is the most pronounced.


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Ryegrass is the main weed in wheat crop, causing yield loss due to competition by environmental resources. The objectives of this study were to estimate the fitness cost of ryegrass biotypes with low-level resistance and susceptible to fluazifop and to investigate the relative competitive ability of these biotypes between themselves and against the crop. Thus, fitness cost and competitive ability experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions. For the fitness cost experiments, the low-level resistant ryegrass biotypes and those susceptible to fluazifop were used. For competitive ability, the treatments were arranged in a replacement series, with five proportions of the wheat cultivar FUNDACEP Horizonte and the low-level resistant and susceptible ryegrass biotypes 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100. Competitive analysis was carried out through diagrams applied to the replacement experiments and use of relative competitiveness indices. Variables evaluated were plant height, in the fitness cost experiment, and leaf area and shoot dry biomass in both experiments. The ryegrass biotypes show overall similar fitness cost and competitive ability. The wheat cultivar FUNDACEP Horizonte is superior in competitive ability to the ryegrass biotype with low-level resistance and equivalent to the susceptible biotype.


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The objective this work was to investigate the competitive ability between resistant and susceptible ryegrass biotypes and of these with soybean crop. Four experiments were carried under greenhouse, in a completely randomized design with four replications, in 2011 and 2012. Treatments were arranged in additive series and replacement series assay. In each series, the proportions among ryegrass resistant and susceptible plants related to soybean were: 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 e 0:100. Leaf area and shoot dry mass were evaluated. Competitiveness statistical analysis consisted in applying diagrams to the replacement series and alternative interpretations of the competitiveness indexes. The soybean crop had equivalent competitiveness to the susceptible ryegrass biotype and inferior to the resistant biotype, while the biotypes, both susceptible and resistant to glyphosate, present equivalent competitive ability. In general, the intraspecific competition is more harmful to ryegrass when in competition with soybean, while interspecific competition is predominant for culture.


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Rhynchosia capitata is a newly emerging threatening weed of summer crops in many Asian countries. We conducted 2-yr experiments to evaluate R. capitata competition with mungbean under irrigated conditions. Rhynchosia capitata was allowed to compete with mungbean for 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 weeks after planting and for full crop season. The competitive ability of R. capitata was assessed by measuring its dry weight, micro and macro nutrient contents and uptake; and its effects on mungbean growth and yield parameters. The results showed that full season weed competition produced highest dry weight of R. capitata and its macro and micronutrient contents and uptake. Yield and yield components of mungbean decreased in a linear fashion with increase in competition period of Rhynchosia capitata. Full season competition of R. capitata reduced the seed yield of mungbean by 49% and 46% during 2011 and 2012 respectively. In conclusion, damaging effect of R. capitata intrusion on mungbean yield is associated with duration of its presence in crop, accumulation of dry matter and the nutrient uptake by R. capitata, which otherwise should be available to crop.


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ABSTRACTThe objective of the study was to assess the relative competitive ability of canola hybrids in the presence of turnip (Raphanus sativus) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in different ratios of plants in the mixture. The experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, in a completely randomized design with four replications. Treatments were arranged in ratios of canola against turnip or ryegrass: 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100. Competitive analysis of the species was accomplished by means of diagrams usually applied to replacement series and also by the relative competitiveness indices. Fifty days after the emergence of the species, measurements of leaf area and shoot dry mass were performed. There was a competition between canola hybrids and weeds, with reduction for all variables. There was a differential competitive ability among canola hybrids in the presence of turnip and/or ryegrass. Canola hybrid Hyola 433 was more competitive in the presence of turnip than Hyola 61, 76 and 571 CL. Hyola 61, 76, 433 and 571 CL do not differ in terms of competition ability when growing with ryegrass.