962 resultados para Environmental policy instruments
Wetlands that are lost to development are not effectively compensated by the current wetland mitigation banking regulatory program due to inadequate monitoring and compliance. Based on a critical investigation of two wetland mitigation banks in Colorado described herein, recommendations are given to improve the effectiveness of the wetland mitigation banking program. The recommendations to improve mitigation banking are to specify and follow comprehensive monitoring and reporting plans, develop solid contingency and adaptive management plans, utilize specially developed checklists and templates, and impose enforcement when compliance is not met. Implementing these recommendations will assist regulators and bankers in achieving more effective wetland mitigation and will help the United States reach its no net loss of wetlands goal.
Increasing demand from mountain bikers for greater access to riding in National Park Service (NPS) units is driving the need for park managers to seriously look at the impacts from and feasibility of permitting this recreational use. Currently, NPS units that permit mountain bicycling do not have formal mountain bicycling management plans. An analysis of recreational policies and existing research was conducted to identify criteria for effective mountain bicycling management strategies. Criteria were developed for trail selection, establishment, use, closures and rehabilitation. Criteria were also developed for user education, participatory planning and monitoring. This study shows that the NPS needs formal mountain bicycling management plans that focus on the preservation of natural and cultural resources and consider the appropriateness of proposed recreational uses.
The following document identifies the impact to the current management plan of the Rio Salado Riparian Habitat Restoration Area in the event the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher is found nesting at the project site. Rio Salado is managed by the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, and consists of a low-flow channel with native vegetation and wildlife along the Salt River. This paper analyzes the regulatory responsibilities of project site management and discusses the necessary adjustments to the management plan. Despite the current absence of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher from Rio Salado, management should enter into a Safe Harbor Agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to legally protect themselves from the regulations stipulated in the Endangered Species Act.
Nonnative aquatic species are invasive worldwide. These species adversely affect natural aquatic ecosystems in a variety of ways and can negatively affect agriculture, recreation and industry. This study addresses identification and control of aquatic plant species of concern in Colorado State Parks. Seventeen species identified as potential threats to the parks and safe, effective chemical control methodologies were determined for each species. A matrix was developed to include the plants, appropriate chemical controls and the type of aquatic habitat where chemical use would be safe and effective. The matrix and recommendations for its use will be provided to the Colorado Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation to develop a management plan under Section 1204 of the National Invasive Species Act.
Trihalomethanes are organic compounds formed in drinking water distribution systems as a result of disinfection. This capstone project researched and evaluated the statistical correlation of trihalomethanes in finished drinking water and total organic carbon in source water using data generated by Denver area utilities. Results of the study conclude that some drinking water supply systems show a slight correlation between source water total organic carbon levels and trihalomethane levels in finished water. Results of the study also verify the assertion that changes to treatment for the reduction of trihalomethanes, for the protection of human health under the Safe Drinking Water Act should be determined by each utility, using information from gathered data, seasonal trends, and small scale batch testing.
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 strengthen roles of the community in the CERCLA process. Many layers of bureaucracy and the complexity of regulations make the implementation and enforcement of environmental policy a burdensome process. Local government, the public and private corporations have a critical role in the CERCLA decision-making process by implementing a comprehensive public participation process. This paper examines a case study in which a local Colorado health department implemented a successful public participation process in order to positively affect the remediation decision-making process.
Energy production throughout the greater Rocky Mountain Region has increased dramatically in the past decade. Pristine habitat areas historically home to the greater sage grouse are being impaired by these energy development actions. Ongoing studies by state and federal biologists have shown a decrease in overall reproductive activity and a decrease in population on historical mating grounds. This project identifies actions to conserve and restore the habitat of sage grouse populations and reverse the decline of the species. Recommended measures presented in this project include using directional drilling of multiple wells from one single drill pad, creating a GIS mapping data base, funding additional scientific studies regarding impacts from energy development and improved cooperation between state, federal and private agencies.
The implementation of sustainable construction practices aims to reduce the environmental impact of development without hindering the economic or social growth of society and industry. An analysis of sustainable construction was conducted to understand the viability, environmental and economic impacts of sustainable building practices. The research indicates sustainable construction offers substantial economic and environmental advantages. However, the construction industry has yet to universally adopt sustainable practices. The solutions I have determined to help foster the adoption of sustainable construction include enhanced planning and design, implementing waste management, educating industry professionals and increasing public awareness about the benefits. The research and recommendations in this project prove the hypothesis and offer solutions that, when implemented will benefit society.
Copper Mountain, a Colorado ski area, evaluated onsite renewable energy generation to save on energy costs and reduce carbon emissions. Multiple resort locations were analyzed to determine suitable sites for implementation of solar electricity generation, wind electricity generation and biomass heat production. Potential project sites were assessed based on four criteria: costs and financial returns, environmental impacts, implementation and maintenance, and public relations/marketing opportunities. Solar projects had the lowest capital cost of the three types of renewable energy, and wind projects had high capital costs and low financial returns. Biomass projects had high capital costs, solid financial projections and good marketing value compared to wind and solar technologies. Project implementation recommendations were given based upon the evaluation.
The Alabama beach mouse (ABM) was listed an an endangered species in 1985. The ABM has been cited as being minimally managed since its listing. The Sierra Club points out the lack of Primary Consituent Elements (PCE) that are required by the Endangered Species Act of 1973. While traditional habitat status is mired in legal and bureaucratic delays, effective management remains less than optimal. Ecosystem management presents with it, new observable and technological tools that may present a panacea in the ABM's paradox. This Capstone looks at the possible implementation of an ecosystems management alternative in aiding the persistence of a small isolated and endangered species.
Renewable energy such as biomass has given markets, including dairy farms, an effective approach to reducing the costs of sustaining a profitable business. Anaerobic digestion systems offer dairy farms a very effective way to reduce manure odor, comply with soil and water pollution regulations, manufacture compost for general market sales, produce irrigation capacity and generate on-site electricity as well as the ability to sell excess electricity back to the local utilities. This project defines anaerobic digestion technologies and practices, analyzes case studies and presents a step-by-step anaerobic digestion project startup checklist. The result is an anaerobic digestion project working guide that acts as a tool to aid dairy farmers in their own potential anaerobic digestion project.
U.S. Air Force installations by virtue of their isolation and often remote locations provide protection to critical habitats that would otherwise be susceptible to development and other stressors. While Air Force activities may not always compliment environmental protection, a balance between environmental protection and Air Force requirements must be achieved to minimize conflict. Special Area Management Plans (SAMPs) are a possible solution in the quest to balance conservation with mission requirements. Beale Air Force Base, California is the first military installation to pursue implementation of a SAMP. This project found that SAMP implementation could be a tool to successfully balance conservation efforts with military requirements on other Air Force installations; however, further education on the SAMP process would be required.
Highways can be effective barriers to animal migration. Where highways cross over streams, a passageway, typically a culvert, not designed for fish access can cut off an organism from miles of habitat. Traditional methods of culvert design, to convey floodwaters, reduced access to aquatic and riparian range. The Colorado Department of Transportation likely has numerous culverts that restrict aquatic passage. This paper provides guidance to CDOT for assessment of stream geomorphic conditions affecting culvert performance for fish passage, understanding aquatic organism habitat requirements, and incorporating ecological parameters into culvert designs that benefit fish and other organisms. A case study illustrates culvert problems in a difficult geomorphic setting including a fish passage assessment to evaluate stream stability for long-term culvert reliability.
Phosphorus pollution is a major concern in Illinois. Excessive amounts of phosphorus can be detrimental to water bodies. To help control phosphorus, the Illinois Pollution Control Board has proposed phosphorus limits on wastewater treatment facility discharges. If enacted, these limits will have negative impacts on the Springbrook Water Reclamation Center in Naperville, Illinois. To minimize these impacts, Naperville can utilize various non-point controls recommended in this paper to decrease the amount of phosphorus entering into the DuPage River and the Springbrook Water Reclamation Center. While these controls will not reduce levels low enough to totally satisfy limits on phosphorus discharges, they will significantly reduce the treatment costs Naperville will need to expend to meet them and be more environmentally effective.
The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) is required to better manage, operate and control municipal solid waste (MSW) after the Anchorage Assembly instituted a Zero Waste Policy. Two household curbside recycling programs (CRPs), pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) and single-stream, were compared and evaluated to determine an optimal municipal solid waste diversion method for households within the MOA. The analyses find: (1) a CRP must be designed from comprehensive analysis, models and data correlation that combine demographic and psychographic variables; and (2) CRPs can be easily adjusted towards community-specific goals using technology, such as Geographic Information System (GIS) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Combining resources of policy-makers, businesses, and other viable actors are necessary components to produce a sustainable, economically viable curbside recycling program.