804 resultados para Engagement (compromiso)
Prominent challenges facing nurse leaders are the growing shortage of nurses and the increasingly complex care required by acutely ill patients. In organizations that shortage is exacerbated by turnover and intent to leave. Unsatisfactory working conditions are cited by nurses when they leave their current jobs. Disengagement from the job leads to plateaued performance, decreased organizational commitment, and increased turnover. Solutions to these challenges include methods both to retain and to increase the effectiveness of each nurse. ^ The specific aim of this study was to examine the relationships among organizational structures thought to foster the clinical development of the nurse, with indicators of the development of clinical expertise, resulting in outcomes of positive job attitudes and effectiveness. Causal loop modeling is incorporated as a systems tool to examine developmental cycles both for an organization and for an individual nurse to look beyond singular events and investigate deeper patterns that emerge over time. ^ The setting is an academic specialty-care institution, and the sample in this cross-sectional study consists of paired data from 225 RNs and their nurse managers. Two panels of survey instruments were created based on the model's theoretical variables, one completed by RNs and the other by their Nurse Managers. The RN survey panel examined the variables of structural empowerment, magnet essentials, knowledge as identified by the Benner developmental stage, psychological empowerment, job stage, engagement, intent to leave, job satisfaction and the early recognition of patient complications. The nurse manager survey panel examined the Benner developmental stage, job stage, and overall level of nursing performance. ^ Four regression models were created based on the outcome variables. Each model identified significant organizational and individual characteristics that predicted higher job satisfaction, decreased intent to leave, more effectiveness as measured by early recognition and acting upon subtle patient complications, and better job performance. ^ Implications for improving job attitudes and effectiveness focus on ways that nursing leaders can foster a more empowering and healthy work environment. ^
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of work engagement of Taiwanese nurses with 3 specific aims: (1) understand Taiwanese nurses' perceptions of work engagement; (2) explore the factors influencing work engagement, and (3) examine how work engagement impacts nursing care for patients. ^ Design. The study used an ethnographic approach with participant observation and semi-structured interviews with RNs. ^ Setting. The study was conducted in the highest and lowest nurse turnover medical surgical units at a regional teaching hospital in southwestern Taiwan. ^ Sample. Purposive sampling resulted in 28 formal interviews with RNs who provided direct patient care, had at least 3 months experience in nursing, and were full-time employees. ^ Methods. Descriptive data were collected through participant observation in each unit. Observations were made while attending meetings, continuing education sessions, and informal conversations with RNs. Field notes and audio recorded semi-structured interviews were analyzed using qualitative thematic analytic techniques. ^ Findings. Findings revealed perceptions of work engagement spanned four domains: patients ("wholehearted care"), work (positive attitude), self (fulfillment and happiness), and others (relationships with colleagues). Providing "wholehearted care" toward patients was the foundation of work engagement for nurses in Taiwan. Engaged nurses felt fulfilled, happy, and found "meaning" through the process of patient care. The study revealed five factors that influenced work engagement: personal, organizational, social, patient, and professional. The impact of work engagement on nurse and patient outcomes are confirmed. ^ Conclusions. Taiwanese nurses connect work engagement with patients, the job, oneself, and colleagues. "Wholehearted patient care" is the core manifestation of work engagement among these nurses. In contrast, studies in western business only focused on work attitudes. Losing interest and "heart" lead to work routines which can lead to individual unhappiness. Findings from this study validate the multiple factors contributing to work engagement of nurses. Job demands and resources can only partially explain what hinders work engagement. Work disengagement and burnout share some commonality but should be measured differently. An understanding of RNs' perceptions of work engagement may provide direction for strategies that improve work engagement leading to decreased RN turnover. ^
The natural environment and green spaces are settings that may facilitate physical activity and, as a result, combat childhood obesity and benefit children's physical health. A systematic review was conducted to assess the effect of children's engagement in outdoor activity on children's physical activity levels. A total of 169 articles were initially identified, of which 11 were eligible for inclusion in the systematic review. Studies were heterogeneous: cross-sectional, RCT, cohort, and direct observation. Study participants were between the ages of 3-15 years, and physical activity was measured by accelerometers, pedometers, direct observation or surveys. A majority of the studies (9/11) found a positive association between time spent outdoors and physical activity in children and adolescents. Of these 9 studies, 5 found this association specifically between time spent outdoors in greenspace and physical activity. Despite limitations, the findings of this review support the positive association between time spent outdoors and physical activity in children and adolescents, and the notion that children and adolescents who spend more time outdoors are more physically active. This demonstrates the need to use outdoor environments as settings for children's and adolescents' physical activity.^
Over the years, federal child welfare policy has supported parent engagement and family support strategies through various Children’s Bureau funded state formula grant programs, research and demonstration discretionary grants, and technical assistance. This article highlights programs funded by two federal laws, Promoting Safe and Stable Families and the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, and Children’s Bureau’s efforts to test innovations and disseminate knowledge about promising and evidence-based practices regarding parent engagement and family support. The article begins with a brief legislative history and then describes several grant programs that are supported by the legislation. The article concludes with lessons learned and a discussion of the new opportunities for system changes through the Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration projects.
Norbert Elias señalaba que calificar a las investigaciones según su grado de compromiso o distanciamiento de los objetos de estudio, es parte de los valores en tanto juicios prácticos que los intelectuales empleamos en el desarrollo de nuestra actividad. La profusa invocación al compromiso en la antropología latinoamerican, habla de lo que quienes lo invocan desean hacer con sus antropologías, y también de cómo este ideal nos ha modelado a los antropólogos. En este artículo muestro las formas y razones antropológicas y específicamente argentinas por las cuales la “antropología social” y el “compromiso” se constituyeron recíprocamente en el sentido común de nuestra subdisciplina en la Argentina. un doble posicionamiento -político-universitario y epistemológico- de un sector de los antropólogos argentinos que caracterizaré como profético.
Fil: Vermeren, Patrice.
Fil: Martín, Alberto José. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Odontología
Fil: Rendón, Graciela.
Fil: García Crimi, Graciela Edith. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Odontología
Fil: D'Amico, María Victoria. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
El propósito de esta ponencia es reflexionar en torno al compromiso que toda didáctica crítica evidencia con la transformación de la sociedad, dando cuenta del alcance de los sentidos teórico-prácticos en que se manifiesta. En este encuadre nos interesa, al mismo tiempo, destacar la importancia de los estudios pedagógicos y didácticos para el mejoramiento de la formación docente, la enseñanza y el desarrollo del curriculum. Nuestros planteos discurren en torno de dos sentidos fundantes de la didáctica crítica: por un lado, el reconocimiento de las prácticas educativas como prácticas político-ideológicas y, por otro lado, la transformación de la práctica como núcleo identitario de las concepciones críticas. Desde el encuadre teórico-epistemológico mencionado, nos proponemos analizar más específicamente algunos aspectos de la formación docente en ejercicio que puedan ser interpretados como propios de posicionamientos críticos. Entre ellos consideramos: ambiente, ciudadanía, autonomía y participación. La referencia empírica de dicho análisis, en la que podemos reconocer algunas tendencias y tensiones de interés, se conforma a partir de indagaciones realizadas en La Plata, Berisso y Ensenada, respecto del período 2005-2012
La pregunta central para la elaboración de este trabajo es: ¿De qué manera se manifiesta el compromiso político de Juan Goytisolo dentro del juego -de doble mecánica- de presencia y borramiento en la estructura narratológica de El sitio de los sitios? La respuesta está orientada a pensar los juegos del autor que se presentan ante un lector desorientado. Para esto se revisarán las instancias de la enunciación -es decir, el intrincado laberinto de narradores, (personajes escritores y lectores) que aparecen en la novela-, que, por momentos, parecen borrar todo posible rasgo de la figura del autor en su sentido tradicional. Para ello se revisarán tres aspectos: rasgos lingüísticos y literarios que emplean los diferentes narradores de la novela; las técnicas pertenecientes a una escritura posmoderna típica del siglo XX, y, por último, las marcas autorales de todos sus relatos (alteración de voces narrativas, polifonía lingüística y discursiva, experimentos morfosintácticos, el collage, las elipsis temporales y espaciales, digresiones, interpolaciones irónicas, monólogos interiores, diálogo intertextual y simbolización)