1000 resultados para Enfermagem : Prática profissional


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O relatório de estágio apresentado foi elaborado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este incide sobre o desenvolvimento da prática profissional em duas valências, nomeadamente no 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico e na Educação Pré-Escolar. A primeira foi realizada na Escola Básica de 1º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar do Galeão, numa sala de 3.º ano, com 19 alunos, situada no Funchal e a segunda foi efetivada na Escola Básica de 1º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar de Santa Cruz, numa sala com 26 crianças, localizada em Santa Cruz. A partir do contexto observado foram desenvolvidas diversas atividades, tendo sempre por base a aprendizagem ativa. Procurou-se compreender a importância do papel ativo da criança na construção do seu próprio conhecimento no Pré-Escolar, bem como, a importância da diferenciação pedagógica, da aprendizagem cooperativa e do trabalho em projeto no processo do ensino/aprendizagem dos alunos no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, através das práticas interventivas. Partindo destes objetivos foi delineada uma investigaçãoação, fazendo-se recorrer de instrumentos que permitiram observar e analisar os dados que contribuíram para as respostas às perguntas iniciais. É, também, apresentada a intervenção realizada com a comunidade educativa que inclui diversas atividades, nas quais participaram vários intervenientes, nomeadamente, as crianças, os encarregados de educação e a comunidade pedagógica. O presente relatório desfecha com as considerações finais de todo o estágio, constituídas pelos aspetos mais pertinentes que contribuíram para o progresso profissional.


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O Estágio Pedagógico (EP) é um dos momentos com mais significado para a formação inicial dos professores. O objetivo deste relatório foi descrever e refletir as estratégias pedagógicas utilizadas nas quatro áreas de intervenção das linhas programáticas do EP: a prática letiva, as atividades de integração no meio, as atividades de intervenção na comunidade escolar e as atividades de natureza científico-pedagógica. O nosso EP foi realizado na Escola Básica dos 2º e 3º Ciclos Dr. Eduardo Brazão de Castro durante o ano letivo de 2014/2015. O núcleo de estágio foi constituído por duas estagiárias. A prática letiva foi realizada em duas turmas da escola, uma do 9º ano do ensino regular e uma do 12º ano do ensino profissional (turma partilhada). Inclui-se ainda neste ponto a conceptualização de um instrumento de observação e a assistência a aulas. As atividades de integração no meio foram compostas pelas atividades de apoio à direção de turma: (1) caraterização da turma, e (2) estudo caso. Um conhecimento aprofundado da turma permite aos professores delinear de uma forma mais adequadas as atividades pedagógicas ao longo do ano letivo. Estas atividades culminaram com a ação de extensão curricular, onde se promoveu a aproximação entre a escola e os encarregados de educação. Relativamente à atividade de intervenção na comunidade escolar, dirigida para toda a comunidade educativa, teve como objetivo a promoção de atividade física na escola. Finalmente, as atividades de natureza científico-pedagógica tiveram como propósito refletir sobre o papel e a importância do Professor de Educação Física na promoção da atividade física utilizando o exemplo do Voleibol e do Atletismo (ação coletiva), e consciencializar os professores sobre as potencialidades e contributos do Voleibol num plano formativo/educativo, facultando ferramentas metodológicas (ação individual). O Estágio Pedagógico veio contribuir para a aquisição de uma nova visão sobre a prática profissional docente em Educação Física e um desenvolvimento da capacidade autocrítica sobre a prática profissional.


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O presente relatório é o culminar do trabalho realizado durante o estágio no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, para a obtenção do grau de Mestre. O estágio incide no desenvolvimento da prática profissional em duas valências, nomeadamente na Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. A intervenção educativa no Pré-Escolar foi efetivada na sala Pré-II da Escola Básica com Pré-Escolar de São Martinho e no 1.º Ciclo na turma 2.º B da Escola Básica com Pré-Escolar da Nazaré. Este relatório visa uma análise e uma reflexão às práticas desenvolvidas em cada um dos contextos, as quais serão acompanhadas de fundamentação teórica, de forma a dar consistência às afirmações proferidas. Perspetiva ainda o processo inerente a essas práticas, sobretudo a metodologia subjacente, o modo de organização do trabalho e os tópicos alvos de reflexão. O planeamento da ação e a reflexão sobre a prática revelaram-se a base de uma boa intervenção. Neste âmbito, privilegiaram-se as estratégias de ensino com enfoque nas atividades de aprendizagem centradas nos alunos. As estratégias de ensinoaprendizagem assentaram numa perspetiva construtivista de ensino mútuo, na aprendizagem cooperativa e em atividades significativas para estas crianças. Para além das atividades desenvolvidas com as crianças, apresenta-se também a intervenção realizada com a comunidade educativa, nomeadamente com os encarregados de educação e com a comunidade pedagógica.


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Este estudio que busca para identificar como la formación de un grupo de profesores experimentados ocurrió, el tener como objetivo para saber el modelo formativo de curso de Pedagogía conveniado con el pasillo de cuidad municipal de Teresina páctico acentuar el educativo en la forma de período supervisado de entrenamiento, para saberlos que habían sido construidos y reconstruidos por medios de learnings continuos de estas noticias para saber que son decurrente del proceso formativo. Para lograr la investigación adentro los dirigimos en la pregunta siguiente: ¿a donde estará eficaz la medida el proceso formativo en la pregunta provoque los cambios cualitativos en el práctico de los profesores, objeto de estudio? Tomando para la base este preguntar, defendimos la tesis de eso que el proceso formativo debe promover cambios cualitativos en práctico el pedagógico y en desarrollo profesional de el colectivo de experimentado profesores. En nosotros todavía los apoyamos, en las cuestiones siguientes de los norteadoras del estudio: 1- ¿Cono el proyecto formativo del departamento de métodos y las técnicas de la técnicas de la educación del UFPI era considerado, en vista del perfil de profesores con el promedio de diez años de experiencia? 2- ¿Cono el proyecto citado contribuye a la cuenta de la elasticidad del necesidades profesionales de los profesores en quienes dice práctico respecto el educativo el período del entrenamiento supervisó elevado a través en servicio? 3- ¿Que obstáculos las dificultades pedagógicas emergen del proceso formativo? Uno esta sobre una investigación que si los rellenos en os parámetros del investigación cualitativa de la matriz del etnográfica, soporte en el método de autobiogáfico, sin, sin embargo, asumís el cono solamente referencia: valorizou desde el punto de vista teórico conceptual y del perspectiva en el paradigma centrado en lo pensamiento de lo profesor. Varios autores fueran consultados para la composición de lo referencial teórico, opción esta que expresa las orientaciones de la línea de la pesquisa Formación y profesionalización docente del Programa de Pós Graduación de la UFRN. Dentre los autores podemos citar: Brzezinski; Freire; García; Gatti; Gauthier; Imbernón; Nóvoa; Nuñez; Perrenoud; Steves; Stenhouse; Schön; Ramalho; Tardif e Zeichner, entre otros. Tomando cono base es a perspectiva, consideramos que la práctica profesional debe ser iluminada por un teoria. Cuando lo profesor se apoya en una referencia su lado profesional gana una consistencia cualitativa e la aprendizaje de los alumnos consiguen niveis deseaveis. Asi, nos apoyamos nos aportes teóricos metodológicos encima citados, para iluminar nuestra relexión sobre nuestro objeto de estudio. La investigación que desarrollada teniendo cono ciudadanos 8 formadoras e 8 profesores pupilas de practico la educativa periodo supervisado del entrenamiento del curso del conveniado Pedagogía. Cono campo de la colección de información, habían estado implicados 7 escuelas de la ciudad, sitio de trabajo de los profesores y la agencia de formadora el UFPI. Los datos recogidos que analizamos habían sido recogidos por medio de cuestionarios, entrevistas biograficas, documentos personales (proyecto de la intervención práctica y diaria del el educativo), comentarios y proyecto del político pedagógico de la agencia formadora. Los resultados confirman que el modele formativo desarrollado práctico adentro el educativo el período supervisado del entrenamiento contribuyo de la manera significativa para avance del profissionalidade de los profesores. Los descubrimientos sugieren, la emergencia de un nuevo perfil de docente, siendo observado la parte de las características ligadas al sexo, edad, tiempo de ejercicio de la docencia, de la formación y de los saberes profesionales adquiridos y construidos en longo del proceso formativo. Lo proceso formativo posibilitó las docente la capacidad de transformación y rompimiento con antiguas practicas tradicionales por uso de nuevas estrategias de acción pedagógica


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This work aims to examine the television social representation by mothers/educators as a TV viewers, to understand the meaning of this media in their quotidian and which relations occur between teachers and students in the classroom. The study purpose is the educational television rule, based on a social representation approach. It look for to reveal, through the discourses of five educators who are engaged in pedagogic activities in the Public Elementary School of the Natal city, a significant experience in the media education field progress. It’s also a way to understand which representations the educators have about the television can contribute to aid the idea and critic analysis about the media meaning in the teacher’s formation. Some questions were in the basis of the investigation as: What is the television for the educators who are also TV viewers? How it reaches the classroom? Their relation with the media interfere in the pedagogic practice? Assuming that the verbal technical is one of the formal ways to access the representations, the methodological strategy employed was the open interview, guided by a wide and flexible schedule, leaving the interviewees free to expose their ideas, a attitude adopted to avoid the imposition of interviwer’s points of view, that result in a rich material. Through this strategy it was possible to confirm or to reject presumptions raised in the beginning of the investigation and modify some planning direction lines. The study has as the theory presupposition the contribution of the Mexican researcher Guillermo Orozco Gómez, who, based on the Paulo Freire e Jesús Martín-Barbero ideas, establishes a dialogue between popular Education and the communication theories, mainly the television reception, when he develops an integral view focused on the audience or on the multiple mediations model. The school – and the family, as well – is an important mediator of the media information. The relationship which the teachers establish between the television and their representations about it in their lives reflects effectively and directly on their professional practice and on the media dialogue within the school, it can contribute to the critic reflection which students establish with the media trough the educators mediation


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This study focuses on the central Brazilian historiography of science, focusing specifically on the life and work of a contemporaneous mathematician-physicist, and becomes part of the set of research results that investigate, organize and describe personal, intellectual and professional itineraries of Brazilian scientists and educators. The theme chosen for the study ran from seminars on Mathematics in Pará and is up to organize and describe the life history, education, professional experience and scientific production of William Mauricio Souza Marcos de La Penha (Guilherme de La Penha), considering their academic, professional and intellectual life history, so that their academic and intellectual production be spread over the Brazilian scientific and academic community. We adopted the historical research as theoretical and methodological base for the development of this study, rising arguments about the profile of Guilherme de La Penha to characterize him as a multiskill intellectual and to reveal that his thoughts about science, technology, training scientists and educators were in accordance with their writings and their professional practice in order to build a first story about the life and work of William de La Penha. In this sense, we took the theoretical aspects related to historical research, biographies, intellectual itineraries, files and inventories as sources and historical construction vehicles in order to point out the essential elements to form a profile of the transdisciplinary intellectual historians, ie a profile scientist who carries out the research, management and administration, as well as a committed educator to the on-going training and forming process. The results pointed in different directions, among which we highlight the creation of Seção Guilherme de La Penha at Universidade da Amazonia, producing several articles about the life and work of William de La Penha presented at national and international conferences and the proposal for documentary displays which could contribute to understanding the implementation of a scientific area in Pará State, an area that would not only be restricted to the production of knowledge, but more than that, it would include the spreading, which provides various means, primarily through education. Thus it was possible to ensure that La Penha has an intellectual profile that can be considered a multi-and transdisciplinary intellectual who defends the possibility of forming a scientist one and multiple, non-linear attitudes and dialogues with all other areas in order to be understood under a model scientist for the twenty-first century based on the model clearly inspired by the scientist authors with which he identified throughout their training and professional activities, like the three that stood out in their relationship science: Archimedes, Leonhard Euler and Cliford Ambrose Truesdell


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This dissertation aims to analyze the relevant knowledge in countryside History teachers practice in high school and understand how these teachers themselves construct school knowledge in History, from the mobilization of different knowledge that make up teaching practice. Tree teachers from State Jacumauma High School and the researcher himself worked together in order to carry out this survey. The main theoretical-methodological elements of this research are based on assumptions of a qualitative research in cooperation. This approach was used to make possible to construct knowledge between teachers and researcher considering a less oppressive relationship as well as to help a continuous school upbringing of the individuals what can make them to understand the professional practice as an aspect in which one can exercise autonomy and criticism. The empirical research procedures were oral individual interviews, reflexive sessions and cooperative observations. Individuals speeches have presented, in some moments, teachers concerns about the educational fragmented system in which there are few opportunities to dialogic interactions among educationalists making still more difficult the dialog between school and reality surrounds it. Their assertions pointed out that relevant knowledge can be identified during the daily educational work and that they find proper reasons from the aim that each knowledge exerts in relation to the construction of professional practice. Classroom connections points out to more intense interactions between teachers and students, by recognizing affection as an important tool in order to make the interactions not so authoritarian at all. Regarding the countryside teachers understanding, the school knowledge in History is produced by sharing concerns and senses assigned by the individuals who are involved in the teaching-learning process. The referential science knowledge pervade History teaching, however they take another meaning according to specific features of the school environment. The intense and complex dynamic of the educational context makes that historical knowledge acquires specific characteristics that are constantly changing. As they change, there are some marks of elaborations and re-elaborations not only the new but also the traditional


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Posture is one of the most worrying problems dentists face. That is because of the high incidence of low back pathologies regarding the professional activity, despite the development on the field of Dental Ergonomics. This work took place at the dental schoolclinic at a Federal University, and it was grounded on the Ergonomic Principles in the workplace. Its main objective was to analyze the determinants of inadequate posture adopted by students inasmuch as the adoption of non ergonomic methods at the school-clinic may influence them to develop inadequate postures in their working environment. The analysis of the activity showed us that it requires some complex procedures in the patient s mouth. Thus, when the students carry out the activity, they start to adopt, although unconsciously, inadequate postures which will make easier the visual accuracy and the access to the operation focus. In case there is no internal (body awareness) or external warning mechanisms (the professor s or the partner s counseling) regarding posture or possible risks which lead them to self-correction, the students become vulnerable to osteomuscle disorders. The time pressure, because the students are expected to perform their task in a predetermined clinical time. The facts related to each patient s variability as well as the stress caused by the expectations to get their work done in time make the students to advance it believing they will waste time if they help their partners or using an indirect view. We could also notice that there was no assistant to perform the job of minor ones, as well as there was no professor who could actually connect the knowledge on Ergonomics to its working practice. The conclusions of this work stand out the need of widen the discussion at the academic environment regarding health professionals in places such as universities. The ergonomic principles in the workplace aim a multidisciplinary analysis based on the experience of students, professors, staff members and janitors that can contribute to some reflection upon the issue and consequently actions which will bring positive changes at the working environment


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Este artigo, ancorado em estudos recentes e antigos, mostra o afastamento dos cursos de formação de professores em relação aos elementos que compõem a prática profissional docente. Favorável a uma aproximação efetiva com o contexto das práticas de sala de aula, o autor defende a idéia de uma formação de professores atrelada aos problemas e necessidades da prática docente no ensino formal de 1º e 2º graus.


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Research in the area of teacher training in English as a Foreign Language (CELANI, 2003, 2004, 2010; PAIVA, 2000, 2003, 2005; VIEIRA-ABRAHÃO, 2010) articulates the complexity of beginning teachers classroom contexts aligned with teaching language as a social and professional practice of the teacher in training. To better understand this relationship, the present study is based on a corpus of transcribed interviews and questionnaires applied to 28 undergraduate students majoring in Letters/English emphasis, at a public university located in the interior of the Western Amazon region, soliciting their opinions about the reforms made in the curriculum of this Major. Interviews and questionnaires were used as data collection instruments to trace a profile of the students organized in Group 1, with freshmen and sophomore undergraduates who are following the 2009 curriculum, and Group 2, with junior and senior undergraduates who are following the 2006 curriculum. The objectives are to identify, to characterize and to analyze the types of pronouns, roles and social actors represented in the opinions of these students in relation to their teacher training curriculum. The theoretical support focuses on the challenge of historical and contemporary routes from English teachers initial education programs (MAGALHÃES; LIBERALLI, 2009; PAVAN; SILVA, 2010; ALVAREZ, 2010; VIANA, 2011; PAVAN, 2012). Our theoretical perspective is based on the Systemic Functional Grammar of Halliday (1994), Halliday and Hasan (1989), Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994; 2004) and Thompson (2004). We focus on the concept of the Interpersonal meaning, specifically regarding the roles articulated in the studies by Delu (1991), Thompson and Thetela (1995), and in the Portuguese language such as Ramos (1997), Silva (2006) and Cabral (2009). Moreover, we ascribe van Leeuwen s (1997; 2003) theory of Representation of Social Actors as a theoretical framework in order to identify the sociological aspect of social actors represented in the students discourse. Within this scenario, the analysis unfolds on three levels: grammatical (pronouns), semantic (roles), and discursive (social actors). For the analysis of interpersonal realizations present in the students opinions, we use the computational program WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 2010) and its applications Wordlist and Concord to quantify the occurrences of the pronouns I, You and They, which characterize the roles and social actors of the corpus. The results show that the students assigned the following roles to themselves: (i) apprentice to express their initial process of English language learning; (ii) freshman to reveal their choice of Major in Letters/English emphasis; (iii) future teacher to relate their expectations towards a practicing professional. To assign the roles to professors in the major, the students used the metaphor of modality (I think) to indicate the relationship of teacher training, while they are in the role of a student and as a future teacher. From these evidences the representation of the students as social actors emerges in roles such as: (i) active roles; (ii) passive roles and (iii) personalized roles. The social actors represented in the opinions of the students reflect the inclusion of these roles assigned to the actions expressed about their experiences and expectations derived from their teacher training classroom


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Este estudo visa compreender a produção do lugar social do fisioterapeuta brasileiro por meio de suas práticas. O material empírico utilizado foram 89 entrevistas, dados do I Censo de Fisioterapeutas do Estado de São Paulo e informações sobre os cursos de graduação em Fisioterapia no Brasil. A análise dos dados mostrou que o lugar social do fisioterapeuta está fortemente ligado ao modelo curativo, identificado com o ideário liberal-privatista, com instituições formadoras predominantemente privadas e concentradas na região Sudeste. Os resultados sustentam evidências de uma prática profissional fragmentada, estimulada pelo modelo hegemônico, mas também apresenta marcas de superação, mostrando a disputa de dois modelos na atenção à saúde: hegemônico e contra-hegemônico. O primeiro toma a parte pelo todo, fragmenta o conhecimento e o corpo, identifica-se com o liberalismo e tem a saúde como mercadoria; a organização dos serviços é centrada na doença e na especialização. O segundo, sem negar a importância do conhecimento técnico, valoriza as dimensões sociais e humanas na prática profissional, está centrado na pessoa e busca a integralidade e a interdisciplinaridade. Esse modelo permite ampliar a prática do fisioterapeuta para além da clínica, em direção a um lugar social mais humano e solidário, identificado com os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde. Também permite repensar o atual lugar social, oferecendo parâmetros para a reorientação dos caminhos da profissão.


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Bioethics studies human behavior in the fields ofbiological sciences and health care. Tt strives for humanization in health services along with promoting the rights of patients. In view of the lack of dental research dealing with this topic, the present study was undertaken to identify, from the viewpoint of dental surgeons, ethical problems experienced in dental practice,understand how they occur and how professionals deal with them. It is a descriptive exploratory investigation within a qualitative approach. Empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews performed with 15 dental surgeons who work both in private and public practice in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The content of the interviews was systemized and organized, resulting in the identification of topics, from which were grouped the ethical problems reported by the participants. The resu1ts indicate that many of the ethical problems coincide with infringements of the norms and mIes of the Dental Code of Ethics, confirming a dental ethic acquired during professional formation and therefore, inadequate for solving the problems that emerge in professional practice. Other questions stand out such as low salaries, competition and poor working conditions. Associated to these problems are lack of commitment and professional responsibility with the patients. Concem with maintaining user autonomy, guaranteeing access to specialized services, and the need for performing only procedures for which they are technically qualified arise in the responses, leading to difficulties in consolidating the principIes proclaimed by bioethics: autonomy, justice, nonmaleficence and beneficence. We concluded that the ethical problems identified in professional practice need to be understood beyond the dental dimension, towards a human approach. It is therefore necessary to incorporate health care management technologies into health practices, including dentistry, which implies recognizing the difTerent dimensions that surround individuaIs, that is, social, economic, political and cultural


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Criticism done to the undergraduate training process of the psychologist in Brazil raised debates known as "dilemmas of training". In recent years the classic training model, based on the Minimum Curriculum has undergone a series of changes after the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN), modifying the context of courses. Thus, this paper aimed to investigate, in a post- DCN context how undergraduate courses in Psychology in Brazil have been dealing with the dilemmas of training. So, we decided to analyze the Course Pedagogical Projects (CPPs) of Psychology in the country. Forty CPPs, selected by region, academic organization and legal status were collected. The data was grouped into three blocks of discussions: theoretical, philosophical and pedagogical foundations; curriculum emphases and disciplines; and professional practices. The results were grouped into four sets of dilemmas: a) ethical and political; b) theoreticalepistemological; c) professional practice of the psychologist and d) academic-scientific. Courses claim a socially committed, generalist, pluralistic training, focusing on research, non-dissociation of teaching-research-extension, interdisciplinary training and defending a vision of man and of critical and reflective and non-individualistic psychology. The curriculum keeps the almost exclusive teaching of the classical areas of traditional fields of applied Psychology. Training is content based. The clinic is hegemonic, both in theory and in application fields. The historical debate is scarce and themes linked to the Brazilian reality are missing, despite having social policies present in the curricula. Currently, DCNs have a much greater impact on courses due to the influence of the control agencies, fruit of current educational policy, and the result is felt in the homogenization of curriculum discourses


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Psychologists‟ insertion in mental healthcare ambulatory clinics occurred during the decade of 1980, in the context of the claims disseminated by sanitary and psychiatric reforms, of the formation of minimum mental healthcare teams and of the retraction of the private clinic. Historically, this migration had been accompanied by the importation of practices traditionally applied at the clinics. Furthermore, the lack of clear guidelines from the Health Ministery occasioned the opening of ambulatory clinics with diversified structures at each city. The objective of this dissertation was to study the practices of psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references at Aracaju-SE. Were interviewed psychologists of these services and managers of the municipal health secretary using a semi-structured interview guideline, in addition to the analysis of management reports. It was observed that the mental healthcare references had experienced substantial changes referred to its structures and operation, leading to a present framework of expansion and readjustment. It was realized that there is an effort by the psychologists to maintain individual and group assistance, using adjustments in the frequency of the sessions and in the focus of the activities. Besides the progresses, the relation with the psychiatrist still works basically through the medical record, blocking advances on joint discussions of the cases. Some advances toward the amplified clinic are notable, like the overcoming of the isolated usage of psychiatric diagnostic and the replacement of the line‟ criterion by the urgency one. Sheltering had become an interesting strategy on flux ordination, however the mismatch between offer and demand seems to be a matter which extrapolates the psychologists‟ sphere at the references. For this reason the narrow of the relation with family healthcare centers seems to be the major challenge to be faced by psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references


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The present research aimed to analyze the presence of national scientific production in undergraduate studies in Psychology of Rio Grande do Norte. Therefore, the bibliographical references contained in education plan of subjects linked to the common center of the courses, which were taught in 2011 in three Psychology courses of the state, were focused. The analysis of the material was based on bibliographical and contextual aspects of the production, such as year, nationality, type of material, authorship (including the link of authors to PPGs), structuring axis of the subject in which it was mentioned, among others. The results showed that the national production is predominant in all courses, and they are, mostly, originated from PPGs of Psychology. Among these, the publications resulted from programs in Southwest, with emphasis to PUC-SP, are recent (mostly from 2000s) and they are predominantly composed by books (organizations and full texts). Regarding the distribution of Psychology PPGs production by the structuring axes, it is observed that it surpasses the foreign production only in axis C (procedures of scientific investigation and professional practice) and axis F (professional practices). Accordingly, it is concluded that Psychology production is found in graduation, sharing space with foreign publications and from other areas of knowledge. On the one hand, this is positive, by taking into account the importance of several foreign works and from other fields to build the knowledge in Psychology; on the other hand, it shows that the production from this area is inserted in graduation in a less significant way than its growth, which points out the existence of gaps in the development of some investigative domains from national Psychology