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The IEEE Subcommittee on the Application of Probability Methods (APM) published the IEEE Reliability Test System (RTS) [1] in 1979. This system provides a consistent and generally acceptable set of data that can be used both in generation capacity and in composite system reliability evaluation [2,3]. The test system provides a basis for the comparison of results obtained by different people using different methods. Prior to its publication, there was no general agreement on either the system or the data that should be used to demonstrate or test various techniques developed to conduct reliability studies. Development of reliability assessment techniques and programs are very dependent on the intent behind the development as the experience of one power utility with their system may be quite different from that of another utility. The development and the utilization of a reliability program are, therefore, greatly influenced by the experience of a utlity and the intent of the system manager, planner and designer conducting the reliability studies. The IEEE-RTS has proved to be extremely valuable in highlighting and comparing the capabilities (or incapabilities) of programs used in reliability studies, the differences in the perception of various power utilities and the differences in the solution techniques. The IEEE-RTS contains a reasonably large power network which can be difficult to use for initial studies in an educational environment.
The IEEE Reliability Test System (RTS) developed by the Application of Probability Method Subcommittee has been used to compare and test a wide range of generating capacity and composite system evaluation techniques and subsequent digital computer programs. A basic reliability test system is presented which has evolved from the reliability education and research programs conducted by the Power System Research Group at the University of Saskatchewan. The basic system data necessary for adequacy evaluation at the generation and composite generation and transmission system levels are presented together with the fundamental data required to conduct reliability-cost/reliability-worth evaluation
A set of basic reliability indices at the generation and composite generation and transmission levels for a small reliability test system are presented. The test system and the results presented have evolved from reliability research and teaching programs. The indices presented are for fundamental reliability applications which should be covered in a power system reliability teaching program. The RBTS test system and the basic indices provide a valuable reference for faculty and students engaged in reliability teaching and research
Knowledge of cable parameters has been well established but a better knowledge of the environment in which the cables are buried lags behind. Research in Queensland University of Technology has been aimed at obtaining and analysing actual daily field values of thermal resistivity and diffusivity of the soil around power cables. On-line monitoring systems have been developed and installed with a data logger system and buried spheres that use an improved technique to measure thermal resistivity and diffusivity over a short period. Results based on long term continuous field data are given. A probabilistic approach is developed to establish the correlation between the measured field thermal resistivity values and rainfall data from weather bureau records. This data from field studies can reduce the risk in cable rating decisions and provide a basis for reliable prediction of “hot spot” of an existing cable circuit
In this paper a combined subtransmission and distribution reliability analysis of SEQEB’s outer suburban network is presented. The reliability analysis was carried out with a commercial software package which evaluates both energy and customer indices. Various reinforcement options were investigated to ascertain the impact they have on the reliability of supply seen by the customers. The customer and energy indices produced by the combined subtransmission and distribution reliability studies contributed to optimise capital expenditure to the most effective areas of the network.
Given the paradigm of smart grid as the promising backbone for future network, this paper uses this paradigm to propose a new coordination approach for LV network based on distributed control algorithm. This approach divides the LV network into hierarchical communities where each community is controlled by a control agent. Different level of communication has been proposed for this structure to control the network in different operation modes.
This paper presents a new approach for network upgrading to improve the penetration level of Small Scale Generators in residential feeders. In this paper, it is proposed that a common DC link can be added to LV network to alleviate the negative impact of increased export power on AC lines, allowing customers to inject their surplus power with no restrictions to the common DC link. In addition, it is shown that the proposed approach can be a pathway from current AC network to future DC network.
Capacity probability models of generating units are commonly used in many power system reliability studies, at hierarchical level one (HLI). Analytical modelling of a generating system with many units or generating units with many derated states in a system, can result in an extensive number of states in the capacity model. Limitations on available memory and computational time of present computer facilities can pose difficulties for assessment of such systems in many studies. A cluster procedure using the nearest centroid sorting method was used for IEEE-RTS load model. The application proved to be very effective in producing a highly similar model with substantially fewer states. This paper presents an extended application of the clustering method to include capacity probability representation. A series of sensitivity studies are illustrated using IEEE-RTS generating system and load models. The loss of load and energy expectations (LOLE, LOEE), are used as indicators to evaluate the application
The majority of distribution utilities do not have accurate information on the constituents of their loads. This information is very useful in managing and planning the network, adequately and economically. Customer loads are normally categorized in three main sectors: 1) residential; 2) industrial; and 3) commercial. In this paper, penalized least-squares regression and Euclidean distance methods are developed for this application to identify and quantify the makeup of a feeder load with unknown sectors/subsectors. This process is done on a monthly basis to account for seasonal and other load changes. The error between the actual and estimated load profiles are used as a benchmark of accuracy. This approach has shown to be accurate in identifying customer types in unknown load profiles, and is used in cross-validation of the results and initial assumptions.
This paper present an efficient method using system state sampling technique in Monte Carlo simulation for reliability evaluation of multi-area power systems, at Hierarchical Level One (HLI). System state sampling is one of the common methods used in Monte Carlo simulation. The cpu time and memory requirement can be a problem, using this method. Combination of analytical and Monte Carlo method known as Hybrid method, as presented in this paper, can enhance the efficiency of the solution. Incorporation of load model in this study can be utilised either by sampling or enumeration. Both cases are examined in this paper, by application of the methods on Roy Billinton Test System(RBTS).
This paper presents a reliability assessment of a substation, part of the Queensland transmission network in Australia. As part of a maintenance considerations, this study utilises the substation reliability assessment package STAREL to quantitatively compare the reliability improvement achieved by two circuit breaker reinforcement alternatives for Swanbank circuit breaker replacement or refurbishment. Substation reliability is interpreted on the basis of outage frequency and outage duration indices for each individual transmission line terminated in Swanbank 'B' substation. By considering the reliability indices in this paper with the cost associated conducted by POWERLINK Queensland, a Swanbank 'B' reinforcement alternative can be selected that optimises both transmission line security and the costs incurred in achieving it.
Reliability is an integral component of modern power system design, planning and management. This paper uses the Markov approach to substation reliability evaluation using dedicated reliability software. This technique was applied to yield reliability indices for an existing and important substation in the POWERLINK QUEENSLAND 275 kV transmission network. Reliability indices were also determined for several reinforcement alternatives for this substation with the aim of improving substation reliability. The economic feasibility of achieving higher levels of reliability was also taken into account.
This paper describes a new approach to establish the probabilistic cable rating based on cable thermal environment studies. Knowledge of cable parameters has been well established. However the environment in which the cables are buried is not so well understood. Research in Queensland University of Technology has been aimed at obtaining and analysing actual daily field values of thermal resistivity and diffusivity of the soil around power cables. On-line monitoring systems have been developed and installed with a data logger system and buried spheres that use an improved technique to measure thermal resistivity and diffusivity over a short period. Based on the long-term continuous field data for more than 4 years, a probabilistic approach is developed to establish the correlation between the measured field thermal resistivity values and rainfall data from weather bureau records. Hence, a probabilistic cable rating can be established based on monthly probabilistic distribution of thermal resistivity