773 resultados para Educator Ironist
The use of information technology (IT) in dentistry is far ranging. In order to produce a working document for the dental educator, this paper focuses on those methods where IT can assist in the education and competence development of dental students and dentists (e.g. e-learning, distance learning, simulations and computer-based assessment). Web pages and other information-gathering devices have become an essential part of our daily life, as they provide extensive information on all aspects of our society. This is mirrored in dental education where there are many different tools available, as listed in this report. IT offers added value to traditional teaching methods and examples are provided. In spite of the continuing debate on the learning effectiveness of e-learning applications, students request such approaches as an adjunct to the traditional delivery of learning materials. Faculty require support to enable them to effectively use the technology to the benefit of their students. This support should be provided by the institution and it is suggested that, where possible, institutions should appoint an e-learning champion with good interpersonal skills to support and encourage faculty change. From a global prospective, all students and faculty should have access to e-learning tools. This report encourages open access to e-learning material, platforms and programs. The quality of such learning materials must have well defined learning objectives and involve peer review to ensure content validity, accuracy, currency, the use of evidence-based data and the use of best practices. To ensure that the developers' intellectual rights are protected, the original content needs to be secure from unauthorized changes. Strategies and recommendations on how to improve the quality of e-learning are outlined. In the area of assessment, traditional examination schemes can be enriched by IT, whilst the Internet can provide many innovative approaches. Future trends in IT will evolve around improved uptake and access facilitated by the technology (hardware and software). The use of Web 2.0 shows considerable promise and this may have implications on a global level. For example, the one-laptop-per-child project is the best example of what Web 2.0 can do: minimal use of hardware to maximize use of the Internet structure. In essence, simple technology can overcome many of the barriers to learning. IT will always remain exciting, as it is always changing and the users, whether dental students, educators or patients are like chameleons adapting to the ever-changing landscape.
The Melungeons, a minority recognized in Southern Appalachia where they settled in the early 1800s, have mixed heritage—European, Mediterranean, Native American, and Sub-Saharan African. Their dark skin and distinctive features have marked them and been the cause of racial persecution both by custom and by law in Appalachia for two centuries. Their marginalization has led to an insider mentality, which I call a “literacy” of Melungeon-ness that affects every facet of their lives. Just a century ago, while specialized practices such as farming, preserving food, hunting, gathering, and distilling insured survival in the unforgiving mountain environment, few Melungeons could read or write. Required to pay property taxes and render military service, they were denied education, suffrage, and other legal rights. In the late 1890s visionary Melungeon leader Batey Collins invited Presbyterian homemissionaries to settle in one Tennessee Melungeon community where they established a church and built a school of unparalleled excellence. Educator-ministers Mary Rankin and Chester Leonard creatively reified the theories of Dewey, Montessori, and Rauschenbusch, but, despite their efforts, school literacy did not neutralize difference. Now, taking reading and writing for granted, Melungeons are exploring their identity by creating websites and participating in listserv discussions. These online expressions, which provide texts for rhetorical, semiotic, and socio-linguistic analysis, illustrate not solidarity but fragmentation on issues of origins and legitimacy. Armed with literacies of difference stemming from both nature and nurture, Melungeons are using literacy practices to embrace the difference they cannot escape.
Herman Stein, President of the International Association of Schools of Social Work from 1968 - 1976, has for more than sixty years excelled as an educator, scholar, internationalist, university administrator, and leader in a variety of professional associations. From almost the beginning of his career, the world has been the stage on which he has played those many roles, all of them with an abundance of talent. In fact, while he was in the graduate program of what is now the Columbia University School of Social Work, he had to decide whether to become a social worker or an actor. As an undergraduate he became involved in student theatrical productions, where he teamed up with the famous comedian, Danny Kaye, who became a life-long companion and friend. At the end of Steins first year in the social work program, he was invited to join an off-Broadway variety show that helped to launch Kaye on his meteoric rise on both stage and screen. "If I´d joined," Stein has said, "the theater probably was going to be where I would make my career as a character actor." Fortunately for social work and social work education, he chose instead to continue his studies at the School of Social Work, from which he received his master's degree in 1941 and the doctoral degree in 1958. While the world has been his stage, education has been at the heart of his manifold activities. Following a period of direct service practice as a caseworker in a well-known private agency in New York City, he was recruited by the Columbia School of Social Work in 1945 as a faculty member. With an interruption for a significant overseas assignment from 1947 to 1950, he continued at Columbia for another fourteen years, rising through all professorial ranks to Professor and Director of the School's Research Center.
Herman Stein, President of the International Association of Schools of Social Work from 1968 - 1976, has for more than sixty years excelled as an educator, scholar, internationalist, university administrator, and leader in a variety of professional associations.
BACKGROUND Little is known about medical educators' self-definition. AIMS The aim of this study is to survey an international community of medical educators focusing on the medical educators' self-definition. METHODS Within a comprehensive, web-based survey, an open question on the participants' views of how they would define a "medical educator" was sent to 2200 persons on the mailing list of the Association for Medical Education in Europe. The free text definitions were analysed using qualitative thematic analysis. RESULTS Of the, 200 medical educators invited to participate, 685 (31.1%) provided a definition of a "medical educator". The qualitative analysis of the free text definitions revealed that medical educators defined themselves in 13 roles, primarily as "Professional Expert", "Facilitator", "Information Provider", "Enthusiast", "Faculty Developer", "Mentor", "Undergraduate and Postgraduate Trainer", "Curriculum Developer", "Assessor and Assessment Creator", and "Researcher". CONCLUSIONS Our survey revealed that medical educators predominantly define themselves as "Professional Experts" and identified 12 further self-defined roles of a medical educator, several of which not to have been reported previously. The results can be used to further the understanding of our professional identity.
This research project sought to answer the primary research question: What occurs when the music program in a church changes its emphasis from performance to education? This qualitative study of a church choir included participant observation of Wednesday evening and Sunday morning rehearsals over a 12 week period, individual interviews, group interviews, written responses, and written and visual assessment of musical skills. The goal was a rich description of the participants and emerging themes resulting from the shift in emphasis. Analysis of data occurred through inductive processing. Data was initially coded and then the codes were categorized into sub-themes, and finally into major themes. Early analysis of the data began with reflection in a researcher journal. Following the completion of the study the journal was entered into a word processor, as were transcriptions of videotaped rehearsals, and written reflections from the participants. After all data had been reviewed repeatedly and entered into the word processor, it was coded, reexamined, and finally categorized into sub-themes and themes. After coding and identification of major themes and sub-themes the finding were challenged by looking for disconfirming evidence. Finally, after the completion of the analysis stage, member checks were conducted. The results of the analysis of data revealed themes that could be associated either with the choir or the director. The key themes primarily associated with the choir were: Response to the change in rehearsal format; Attitude toward learning; Appropriateness of community learning model; and, Member's perceptions of the results of the program. The key themes associated with the director were identified as: Conductor assuming the role of educator; Conductor recognizing the choir as learners; Conductor treating rehearsals as a time for teaching and learning; and, Conductor's perception of the effectiveness of the change in focus. The study concluded that a change in focus from performance to education did not noticeably improve the sound of the choir after twelve-weeks. There were however, indications that improvements were being made by the individual members. Further study of the effects over a longer period of time is recommended.
Research on lifestyle physical activity interventions suggests that they help individuals meet the new recommendations for physical activity made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The purpose of this research was to describe the rates of adherence to two lifestyle physical activity intervention arms and to examine the association between adherence and outcome variables, using data from Project PRIME, a lifestyle physical activity intervention based on the transtheoretical model and conducted by the Cooper Institute of Aerobics Research, Dallas, Texas. Participants were 250 sedentary healthy adults, aged 35 to 70 years, primarily non-Hispanic White, and in the contemplation and preparation stages of readiness to change. They were randomized to a group (PRIME G) or a mail- and telephone-delivered condition (PRIME C). Adherence measures included attending class (PRIME G), completing a monthly telephone call with a health educator (PRIME C), and completing homework assignments and self-monitoring minutes of moderate- to vigorous physical activity (both groups). In the first results paper, adherence over time and between conditions was examined: Attendance in group, completing the monthly telephone call, and homework completion decreased over time, and participants in PRIME G were more likely to complete homework than those in PRIME C. Paper 2 aimed to determine whether the adherence measures predicted achievement of the CDC/ACSM physical activity guideline. In separate models for the two conditions, a latent variable measuring adherence was found to predict achievement of the guideline. Paper 3 examined the association between adherence measures and the transtheoretical model's processes of change within each condition. For both, participants who completed at least two thirds of the homework assignments improved their use of the processes of change more than those who completed less than that amount. These results suggest that encouraging adherence to a lifestyle physical activity intervention, at least among already motivated volunteers, may increase the likelihood of beneficial changes in the outcomes. ^
Nos proponemos conmemorar aquí los cien años del nacimiento de uno de los destacados intelectuales del siglo XX, cuya obra fuera ampliamente reconocida en nuestro ámbito cultural: nos referimos al escritor venezolano Arturo Uslar Pietri (1906- 2001) quien dedicara su larga vida a transitar diversos caminos del saber. Publicó su primer artículo periodístico a los catorce años; el último, el de la despedida, en su columna del diario El Nacional, aparecería en enero de 1998. Habían transcurrido setenta y ocho años. Cumplirá este aspecto relevante de su producción desde la mirada que le imprime el comunicador social, tarea que se suma a su labor de educador, en los escritos de la columna semanal que titulara Pizarrón. Dejará registrados así destacados artículos de opinión que darán a conocer las ideas de nuestros grandes hombres, entre los que se encuentra el propio Uslar, al tiempo que contribuyen a formar la opinión pública desde las columnas de la prensa y de este modo procura testimoniar tanto nuestra historia política como los registros más destacados de nuestra cultura.
The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities
En el campo de la historia de la educación, el artículo presenta el análisis de la biografía de la educadora Anunciada Mastelli. El trabajo se complementa con el archivo personal de Mastelli, en el que se conserva una importante cantidad de folletos, recortes periodísticos, discursos manuscritos, publicaciones gremiales, estatutos de gremios del magisterio, actas de reuniones y congresos y notas a las autoridades nacionales. Este artículo expone cómo el archivo testimonia la continua experiencia política de la educadora, desarrollada a la par de una constante labor pedagógica que no ha quedado documentada del mismo modo. Bajo la inspiración de las ideas de la escuela nueva, genera una práctica propia que encarna en las condiciones existentes en la escuela de su tiempo y se vincula así con otros docentes que comparten similares preocupaciones pedagógicas y políticas. Mastelli comparte con Cossettini, Jesualdo e Iglesias la oposición al "modelo normalizador"; sin embargo, lo que de ella heredamos fundamentalmente es un archivo que da cuenta de su actividad política y gremial. Los documentos atestiguan la activa participación gremial de esta educadora, sus acciones por la unidad de la lucha del magisterio y una preocupación sostenida por el "afianzamiento de la nacionalidad y espíritu de argentinidad en la escuela y la docencia".
Considerando que es posible pensar la historia de la educación como un camino para lograr reconstruir la producción y circulación de ideas de una determinada época, el presente trabajo tiene como objeto no solo iniciar el estudio de un pedagogo como lo es Víctor Mercante (1870-1934) involucrado en la educación argentina de finales del Siglo XIX y principios del XX-sino comenzar a recorrer una trayectoria profesional permeada de las discusiones y debates de la época. Mercante aporta una mirada que presenta aspectos innovadores en clave de un período histórico determinado rico por el abanico de perspectivas culturales que en él se concentran. Con este objeto hemos trabajado en el análisis del contenido de la reforma educativa Saavedra-Lamas de la cual es mentor y en su sustento teórico, a partir del propio pensamiento de Mercante y de las condiciones en las que la misma fue implementada y en las que fue derogada. La intención final es alcanzar una explicación que de cuenta de las condiciones de la relación entre corrientes y tradiciones intelectuales, fuerzas políticas y actores sociales en el marco de un proceso de reforma educativa
Este ensayo se propone realizar una lectura particular de diferentes trabajos de Ricardo Nassif. Si bien la profusa obra de este pedagogo no focaliza en la extensión universitaria, se pretende encontrar distintas alusiones y emergentes que aporten elementos para reflexionar sobre esta función, en tanto hoy puesta en la agenda de discusión en el marco del Centenario de su institucionalización y de la actualidad y potencialidad que conlleva para la Universidad y para la formación y transformación de la Sociedad. Su obra se presenta como una clara manifestación de un lazo con la Sociedad que la pedagogía no debe perder en su camino como disciplina científica. Este pedagogo falleció el 30 de Noviembre de 1984 y, en el vigésimo aniversario de su muerte, estas líneas se constituyen en un humilde homenaje.
En el campo de la historia de la educación, el artículo presenta el análisis de la biografía de la educadora Anunciada Mastelli. El trabajo se complementa con el archivo personal de Mastelli, en el que se conserva una importante cantidad de folletos, recortes periodísticos, discursos manuscritos, publicaciones gremiales, estatutos de gremios del magisterio, actas de reuniones y congresos y notas a las autoridades nacionales. Este artículo expone cómo el archivo testimonia la continua experiencia política de la educadora, desarrollada a la par de una constante labor pedagógica que no ha quedado documentada del mismo modo. Bajo la inspiración de las ideas de la escuela nueva, genera una práctica propia que encarna en las condiciones existentes en la escuela de su tiempo y se vincula así con otros docentes que comparten similares preocupaciones pedagógicas y políticas. Mastelli comparte con Cossettini, Jesualdo e Iglesias la oposición al "modelo normalizador"; sin embargo, lo que de ella heredamos fundamentalmente es un archivo que da cuenta de su actividad política y gremial. Los documentos atestiguan la activa participación gremial de esta educadora, sus acciones por la unidad de la lucha del magisterio y una preocupación sostenida por el "afianzamiento de la nacionalidad y espíritu de argentinidad en la escuela y la docencia".
Considerando que es posible pensar la historia de la educación como un camino para lograr reconstruir la producción y circulación de ideas de una determinada época, el presente trabajo tiene como objeto no solo iniciar el estudio de un pedagogo como lo es Víctor Mercante (1870-1934) involucrado en la educación argentina de finales del Siglo XIX y principios del XX-sino comenzar a recorrer una trayectoria profesional permeada de las discusiones y debates de la época. Mercante aporta una mirada que presenta aspectos innovadores en clave de un período histórico determinado rico por el abanico de perspectivas culturales que en él se concentran. Con este objeto hemos trabajado en el análisis del contenido de la reforma educativa Saavedra-Lamas de la cual es mentor y en su sustento teórico, a partir del propio pensamiento de Mercante y de las condiciones en las que la misma fue implementada y en las que fue derogada. La intención final es alcanzar una explicación que de cuenta de las condiciones de la relación entre corrientes y tradiciones intelectuales, fuerzas políticas y actores sociales en el marco de un proceso de reforma educativa