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Recent attention in education within many western contexts has focused on improved outcomes for students, with a particular focus on closing the gap between those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and the rest of the student population. Much of this attention has supported a set of simplistic solutions to improving scores on high stakes standardized tests. The collateral damage (Nichols & Berliner, 2007) of such responses includes a narrowing of the curriculum, plateaus in gain scores on the tests, and unproductive blame games aimed by the media and politicians at teachers and communities (Nichols & Berliner, 2007; Synder, 2008). Alternative approaches to improving the quality and equity of schooling remain as viable alternatives to these measures. As an example in a recent study of school literacy reform in low SES schools, Luke, Woods and Dooley (2011) argued for the increase of substantive content and intellectual quality of the curriculum as a necessary means to re-engaging middle school students, improving outcomes of schooling and achieving a high quality, high equity system. The MediaClub is an afterschool program for students in years 4 to 7 (9-12 year old) at a primary school in a low SES area of a large Australian city. It is run as part of an Australian Research Council funded research project. The aim of the program has been to provide an opportunity for students to gain expertise in digital technologies and media literacies in an afterschool setting. It was hypothesized that this expertise might then be used to shift the ways of being literate that these students had to call on within classroom teaching and learning events. Each term, there is a different focus on digital media, and information and communication technology (ICT) activities in the MediaClub. The work detailed in this chapter relates to a robotics program presented as one of the modules within this afterschool setting. As part of the program, the participants were challenged to find creative solutions to problems in a constructivist-learning environment.
Internationally there has been a move towards standards-referenced assessment with countries such as Australia developing a National Curriculum and Achievement Standards, New Zealand adopting National Standards for literacy and numeracy that involve schools making and reporting judgements about the reading, writing and mathematics achievement of children up to Year 8 (the end of primary school) and in Canada, classroom assessment standards aimed at the improvement of assessment practice of K-12 education are being formulated. Standards-driven reform has major implications for teachers’ work. The consequences of adopting a standards-driven approach to educational change by systems are often under-estimated with the unintended effects not fully understood by either the policy writers, and the public, including parents. It is for these reasons that the contention developed in this article relates to the teacher’s role, which it is argued remains central to policy focused on the improvement of the quality of education and educational standards.
This article interrogates principles of ethnography in education proposed by Mills and Morton: raw tellings, analytic pattern, vignette and empathy. This article adopts a position that is uncomfortable, unconventional and interesting. It involves a deterritorialization/ rupture of ethnography in education in order to reterritorialize a different concept: rhizoanalysis, a way to position theory and data that is multi-layered, complex and messy. Rhizoanalysis, the main focus of this article is not a method. It is an approach to research conditioned by a reality in which Deleuze and Guattari disrupt representation, interpretation and subjectivity. In this article, Multiple Literacies Theory, a theoretical and practical framework, becomes a lens to examine a rhizomatic study of a Korean family recently arrived to Australia and attending English as a second language classes. Observations and interviews recorded the daily lives of the family. The vignettes were selected by reading data intensively and immanently through a process of palpation, an innovative approach to educational research. Rhizoanalysis proposes to abandon the given and invent different ways of thinking about and doing research and what might happen when reading data differently, intensively and immanently, through Multiple Literacies Theory. Rhizoanalysis, a game-changer in the way research can be conducted, affords a different lens to tackle issues in education through research.
This chapter extends the phenomenographical research method by arguing the merits of engineering the outcome space from these investigations to effectively communicate the outcomes to an audience in technology-based discipline areas. Variations discovered from the phenomenographical study are blended with pre and post tests and a frequency distribution. Outcomes are then represented in a visual statistical manner to suit the specific target audience. This chapter provides useful insights that will be of interest to researchers wishing to present findings from qualitative research methods, and particularly the outcomes of phenomenographic investigations, to an audience in technology-based discipline areas.
Global citizenship has emerged as a pressing curricular priority which all educational systems are currently grappling with. The challenge is to negotiate how this orientation might sit alongside the more traditional mission of mass school curriculum in building collective ballast for a national identity through a common morality and shared narratives, or may conflict with efforts to protect and promote indigenous and minority identities. As a case study of how these agendas interact, this chapter will consider curricular responses to global imperatives in the variegated conditions across the Australasian region (defined as Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea). The chapter will outline recent developments in the social, economic and political contexts surrounding curricular reforms in these settings, and demonstrate how these developments have changed the conditions of possibility and strength of purpose behind efforts to internationalise school curricula. Three types of systemic responses are then described: firstly, an appetite for globally branded curricula such as the International Baccalaureate, Montessori, and Cambridge University Certificates to distinguish some in a stratified market; secondly, convergence in curriculum to improve national performance on international standardised tests; and thirdly, the infusion of cosmopolitan sensibilities, regional identities and intercultural competencies as a core curricular goal for all. The chapter considers the various pragmatic interpretations of ‘internationalisation’ in these responses, and argues that the third response seems both the most difficult to enact, and the most vulnerable to political interference.
Aims. The main meals that youngsters have during the day are eaten at home and at school. In the Nordic countries breakfast and supper are often eaten with other members of the family. The way that Nordic countries arrange the school lunch and the frequency of family meals differ between countries. However, the challenges related to eating habits of the young are surprisingly similar. The aim of this study is to discuss how the Nordic countries could support youngsters’ healthy eating habits. This study was carried out as a part of a Nordic research project and it completed the work done by Kauppinen (2009) and Niemi (2009) in their Master’s Theses. The research questions are: 1. How do the youngsters evaluate their own eating habits and those of their family? 2. How do the youngsters evaluate the influence of home, family and school on their own eating habits? 3. What kind of relationship exists between eating at home and at school according to the data? Data and methods. A quantitative internet-based survey was used to collect data (N=1539) on the 9th graders conceptions and understandings. The survey consisted of respondents from Finland (N=586), Sweden (N=427), Denmark (N=295) and Norway (N=246). In this study the whole data to the appropriate extent was analyzed. The analysis was done with the SPSS-software and included examination of means, standard deviations, cross-tabulations, Pearson´s correlations, Chi-squared -tests, t-tests and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results were compaired between the countries and between sexes. Results and discussion. The studied youngsters evaluated their own eating habits positively. There were statistically signifigant differences (p< .05) between countries concerning the people who influence the youngsters’ healthy eating habits. Youngsters from Finland and Sweden considered making healthy choices at school easier than those from Denmark and Norway. Also eating a so called healthy lunch at school was more common in Finland and in Sweden. Eating breakfast and eating a healthy meal at school had a statistically significant interconnection (p< .001). The differences between sexes were not equal between the countries. The results supported those from previous studies, but also raised ideas for further study. Youngsters’ near environments should support their possibilities to make healthy choices and to participate to the decicion making process. Co-operation between the Nordic countries and between the home and the school is important. Listening to the youngsters’ own voice is a challence and a possibility for developing both home economics education and research in this area. Key words: Nordic countries, youngsters, healthy eating habits, eating at home, school meals
The objective of this study was to find factors that could predict educational dropout. Dropout risk was assessed against pupil’s cognitive competence, success in school, and personal beliefs regarding self and parents, while taking into account the pupil’s background and gender. Based on earlier research, an assumption was made that a pupil’s gender, success in school, and parent’s education would be related with dropping out. This study is part of a project funded by the Academy of Finland and led by Professor Jarkko Hautamäki. The project aims to use longitudinal study to assess the development of pupils’ skills in learning to learn. The target group of this study consisted all Finnish speaking ninth graders of a municipality in Southern Finland. There were in total 1534 pupils, of which 809 were girls and 725 boys. The assessment of learning to learn skills was performed about ninth graders in spring 2004. “Opiopi” test material was used in the assessment, consisting of cognitive tests and questions measuring beliefs. At the same time, pupils’ background information was collected together with their self-reported average grade of all school subjects. During spring 2009, the pupils’ joint application data from years 2004 and 2005 was collected from the Finnish joint application registers. The data were analyzed using quantitative methods assisted by the SPSS for Windows computer software. Analysis was conducted through statistical indices, differences in grade averages, multilevel model, multivariate analysis of variance, and logistic regression analysis. Based on earlier research, dropouts were defined as pupils that had not been admitted to or had not applied to second degree education under the joint application system. Using this definition, 157 students in the target group were classified as dropouts (10 % of the target group): 88 girls and 69 boys. The study showed that the school does not affect the drop-out risk but the school class explains 7,5 % of variation in dropout risk. Among girls, dropping out is predicted by a poor average grade, a lack of beliefs supporting learning, and an unrealistic primary choice in joint application system compared to one’s success in school. Among boys, a poor average grade, unrealistic choices in joint application system, and the belief of parent’s low appreciation of education were related to dropout risk. Keywords educational exclusion, school dropout, success in school, comprehensive school, learning to learn
The Earth's ecosystems are protected from the dangerous part of the solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation by stratospheric ozone, which absorbs most of the harmful UV wavelengths. Severe depletion of stratospheric ozone has been observed in the Antarctic region, and to a lesser extent in the Arctic and midlatitudes. Concern about the effects of increasing UV radiation on human beings and the natural environment has led to ground based monitoring of UV radiation. In order to achieve high-quality UV time series for scientific analyses, proper quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures have to be followed. In this work, practices of QC and QA are developed for Brewer spectroradiometers and NILU-UV multifilter radiometers, which measure in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, respectively. These practices are applicable to other UV instruments as well. The spectral features and the effect of different factors affecting UV radiation were studied for the spectral UV time series at Sodankylä. The QA of the Finnish Meteorological Institute's (FMI) two Brewer spectroradiometers included daily maintenance, laboratory characterizations, the calculation of long-term spectral responsivity, data processing and quality assessment. New methods for the cosine correction, the temperature correction and the calculation of long-term changes of spectral responsivity were developed. Reconstructed UV irradiances were used as a QA tool for spectroradiometer data. The actual cosine correction factor was found to vary between 1.08-1.12 and 1.08-1.13. The temperature characterization showed a linear temperature dependence between the instrument's internal temperature and the photon counts per cycle. Both Brewers have participated in international spectroradiometer comparisons and have shown good stability. The differences between the Brewers and the portable reference spectroradiometer QASUME have been within 5% during 2002-2010. The features of the spectral UV radiation time series at Sodankylä were analysed for the time period 1990-2001. No statistically significant long-term changes in UV irradiances were found, and the results were strongly dependent on the time period studied. Ozone was the dominant factor affecting UV radiation during the springtime, whereas clouds played a more important role during the summertime. During this work, the Antarctic NILU-UV multifilter radiometer network was established by the Instituto Nacional de Meteorogía (INM) as a joint Spanish-Argentinian-Finnish cooperation project. As part of this work, the QC/QA practices of the network were developed. They included training of the operators, daily maintenance, regular lamp tests and solar comparisons with the travelling reference instrument. Drifts of up to 35% in the sensitivity of the channels of the NILU-UV multifilter radiometers were found during the first four years of operation. This work emphasized the importance of proper QC/QA, including regular lamp tests, for the multifilter radiometers also. The effect of the drifts were corrected by a method scaling the site NILU-UV channels to those of the travelling reference NILU-UV. After correction, the mean ratios of erythemally-weighted UV dose rates measured during solar comparisons between the reference NILU-UV and the site NILU-UVs were 1.007±0.011 and 1.012±0.012 for Ushuaia and Marambio, respectively, when the solar zenith angle varied up to 80°. Solar comparisons between the NILU-UVs and spectroradiometers showed a ±5% difference near local noon time, which can be seen as proof of successful QC/QA procedures and transfer of irradiance scales. This work also showed that UV measurements made in the Arctic and Antarctic can be comparable with each other.
LABURPENA: Gaur egun eskola porrota hezkuntza arloko kezka nagusienetariko bat da, eta honen arrazoietariko bat ikasleen irakurketa arazoak izan daitezke. Dakigunez, eskola-liburutegia irakurketa lantzeko eta sustatzeko gune ezinhobea da, eta hori dela eta, zentroaren ardatza izan beharko litzateke. Eskola-liburutegian, bestalde, irakaskuntzarako metodología berritzaileak praktikan jar daitezke, horretarako baliabideak dituelako, baina eskola askotan oraindik bazterturik agertzen da. Lan honek eskola-liburutegiaren errealitate ezberdinak eta honen funtzionamendu egokia lortzeko baldintzak erakustea helburu du.
Os diários de escrita íntima constituem tipo de texto do domínio confessional. Apresentam narrativas pessoais com características específicas ao gênero, como datação, marcas de subjetividade, escrita informal e coloquialidade. Durante muitos anos, eram escritos em cadernos e guardados a sete chaves por seus autores para que não fossem lidos por outras pessoas. Por volta dos anos 80, surgiram as agendas de adolescentes. Aproveitando o modelo pré-definido industrialmente, as agendas eram preenchidas dia a dia, como um diário, mas com a novidade do acréscimo de elementos semióticos, como fotos, papéis de bala, recortes de revistas, entre outros. Além disso, traziam como diferencial a presença de um leitor participativo: os textos eram compartilhados com amigos, e bilhetes e comentários eram escritos nas páginas das agendas. Com o advento da Internet, o diário e a agenda se fundem no blog que aproveita os recursos do suporte virtual para tornar o gênero interativo, hipertextual e multimídia, acentuando o processo de leitura e de escrita nos jovens produtores de blogs. Paralelamente, a escrita se torna grande ferramenta de comunicação no ambiente virtual, adquirindo características peculiares em função da rapidez na comunicação e da economia de digitação. A partir da teoria de Bakthin sobre gêneros do discurso e do conceito de gêneros digitais de Marcuschi, a pesquisa apresenta como objeto perceber e elencar categorias pertinentes aos gêneros diário e blog para analisá-las e compará-las, na intenção de mapear um possível percurso dos diários aos blogs de adolescentes, discutindo o contraste público-privado na escrita íntima, bem como suas principais marcas linguísticas, percebendo vantagens e desvantagens de sua utilização como ferramenta auxiliar no processo de aprendizagem da escrita e da leitura de Língua Portuguesa. A pesquisa foi motivada pela discussão de que a escrita digital pode prejudicar o desenvolvimento da produção textual de jovens em formação, o que não se confirmou, visto que a estrutura sintática da língua se mantém, e que a variação acontece apenas no nível vocabular, não interferindo na comunicação. Os resultados apontam para a utilização de blogs na educação como complementação do material pedagógico e como incentivo à leitura, à escrita, à construção da argumentação e do posicionamento crítico, aproximando a escola da vida cotidiana dos estudantes
No processo escolar de formação de leitores e escritores há um movimento ativo do sujeito com o texto, sendo o professor interlocutor e mediador desse processo. A presente pesquisa pôde verificar como a legitimação do conhecimento de mundo de sujeitos jovens e adultos com pouca ou nenhuma escolarização, em sala de aula, possibilitou o autorreconhecimento da condição de cada um como leitores e escritores. Para chegar a esse achado, investiguei práticas de leitura e escrita em uma classe de educação de jovens e adultos (EJA), buscando relacioná-las aos usos cotidianos da leitura e da escrita na vida dos sujeitos dessa classe. Busquei auxílio em contribuições teóricas de autores do campo da EJA, e de outros, cujos estudos são referência na área da leitura e da escrita e da formação de leitores e escritores, do mesmo modo que fui auxiliada na compreensão de como me valer de procedimentos metodológicos, para melhor capturar as revelações da prática pedagógica, durante o período de observação empreendido na classe. A abordagem teórico-metodológica adotada, de natureza qualitativa, contou com observações sistemáticas e instrumentos como o diário de campo, entrevistas semiestruturadas e uma ficha perfil dos sujeitos da pesquisa. Dispondo desses diversos recursos, pude perceber o processo de formação de leitores e escritores em uma turma já alfabetizada do Programa de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PEJA) do município do Rio de Janeiro. Como reflexão final de meu estudo, arrisco afirmar que as práticas pedagógicas de leitura e escrita propostas pela professora na turma investigada rompiam com a lógica abissal (como nomeada por SANTOS, 2009), uma vez que as atividades levavam em conta a realidade e os conhecimentos dos sujeitos, não se restringindo a saberes escolares, considerados pela lógica hegemônica de hierarquia de mundo, como os únicos válidos. Outras questões, entretanto, nessas práticas de leitura e escrita puderam ser questionadas, como o fato de as atividades serem individuais, em maioria, apesar dos debates permanentes realizados no coletivo. Também o diálogo prioritariamente se dava entre professora e alunos, e não entre pares, o que restringia a horizontalidade da interlocução entre sujeitos. Por fim, reflexiono quanto à lógica escolar de organização do Programa, em que os avanços na aprendizagem têm sequência serial, o que põe em cheque concepções de continuum na EJA e, em última instância, do direito a aprender por toda a vida.
O presente trabalho procura discutir a sociedade formada em Minas Gerais entre fins do século XVIII e início do XIX. Pelas particularidades que envolveram sua criação e ocupação, a colônia portuguesa na América foi palco de configurações identitárias específicas que conviveram durante o período da crise do Antigo Sistema Colonial, alternando as formas de relacionamento e autoimagem dos colonos. Em Minas Gerais, as sociabilidades foram influenciadas também pelas práticas de educação, de leitura e pela posse de livros. Para analisar a questão, procuramos utilizar parte da intensa produção epistolar produzida no período com base, principalmente, no acervo da Coleção Casa dos Contos.
A 1/20-scale, low speed model rig representing the fan and nacelle of a high bypass ratio jet engine has been tested under crosswind conditions. The flow conditions under which the intake flow separates and reattaches have been found to exhibit considerable hysteresis. This phenomenon has been examined by a careful test procedure in which the crosswind angle has been slowly increased and then decreased. Measurements of the hysteresis associated with separation and reattachment are presented for independent variations in stream-tube contraction ratio, ground clearance, fan operating point and Reynolds number. The results reveal that particular care must be taken to allow for any hysteresis when testing intakes under crosswind conditions. They also indicate that separation hysteresis is particularly sensitive to fan operating point and the position of the ground plane. These findings suggest that it is important for high Reynolds number intake tests and calculations to include a ground plane and a model of the downstream turbomachinery. © 2002 by the author(s).
© 2015 Chinese Nursing Association.Background Although self-management approaches have shown strong evidence of positive outcomes for urinary incontinence prevention and management, few programs have been developed for Korean rural communities. Objectives This pilot study aimed to develop, implement, and evaluate a urinary incontinence self-management program for community-dwelling women aged 55 and older with urinary incontinence in rural South Korea. Methods This study used a one-group pre- post-test design to measure the effects of the intervention using standardized urinary incontinence symptom, knowledge, and attitude measures. Seventeen community-dwelling older women completed weekly 90-min group sessions for 5 weeks. Descriptive statistics and paired t-tests and were used to analyze data. Results The mean of the overall interference on daily life from urine leakage (pre-test: M = 5.76 ± 2.68, post-test: M = 2.29 ± 1.93, t = -4.609, p < 0.001) and the sum of International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire scores (pre-test: M = 11.59 ± 3.00, post-test: M = 5.29 ± 3.02, t = -5.881, p < 0.001) indicated significant improvement after the intervention. Improvement was also noted on the mean knowledge (pre-test: M = 19.07 ± 3.34, post-test: M = 23.15 ± 2.60, t = 7.550, p < 0.001) and attitude scores (pre-test: M = 2.64 ± 0.19, post-test: M = 3.08 ± 0.41, t = 5.150, p < 0.001). Weekly assignments were completed 82.4% of the time. Participants showed a high satisfaction level (M = 26.82 ± 1.74, range 22-28) with the group program. Conclusions Implementation of a urinary incontinence self-management program was accompanied by improved outcomes for Korean older women living in rural communities who have scarce resources for urinary incontinence management and treatment. Urinary incontinence self-management education approaches have potential for widespread implementation in nursing practice.
Sampling and specimen preparation produce changes in mean effective stresses and pore water pressures, even with ‘perfect sampling’. The paper takes an existing simplified three-parameter cross-anisotropic elastic model and uses it to model these changes. The required ratio of cross-anisotropic parameters J/3G* can be obtained from standard CIU triaxial tests. If measurements are also made of suctions in unloaded specimens in the laboratory, then a combination of J/3G*, the measured suction, and the effective overburden pressure permits an estimation of the horizontal effective pressure and the K 0 ‘at rest’ coefficient. This can be helpful in numerical modelling that needs to start from in situ conditions, and in planning pressure levels for reconsolidation of clay specimens in the laboratory. Tests were done on Belfast Upper Boulder Clay from a depth of 28 m. Values of horizontal in situ effective stress estimated from these measurements compare favorably with conventional estimates of the ‘at rest’ coefficient K 0 and the overconsolidation ratio. Estimates of horizontal stress in London Clay were made using published data and the results compared with actual measurements. Again reasonable agreement was obtained.