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Effective communication; whether from an interpersonal, mass media, or global perspective, is a critical component in public health. It is an essential conduit in increasing public awareness of available health resources, potential health hazards and related disease prevention strategies, and in delivering better health care. Within this context, available literature asserts doctor-patient communication as central to healthcare delivery. It has been shown to affect patient health outcomes, satisfaction with care, adherence to treatment recommendations, and even understanding of medical information. While research supports the essential imperative of interventions aimed at teaching doctors and patients the communication skills necessary for a successful and meaningful medical interaction, most interventions to date, focus on teaching these communication skills to doctors and seem to rely, largely, on mass media for providing patients with the information needed to increase communication efficacy. This study sought to fill a significant gap in the doctor-patient communication literature by reviewing the context of the doctor-patient exchange in the medical interaction, the implications of this exchange in resulting care of the patient, and the potential improvements to practice through interventions aimed at improving the communication exchange. Closing with an evaluation of a patient-centered communication intervention, the “How to Talk to Your Doctor” (HTTTYD) program that combines previously identified optimal strategies for improving communication between doctors and patients, this study examined the patients’ perspective of their potential as better communicators in the medical interaction. ^ Specific Aims, Hypotheses or Questions (Aim I) To examine the context of health communication within a public health framework and its relation to health care delivery. (Aim II) To review doctor-patient communication as a central focus within health care delivery and the resulting implications to patient care. (Aim III) To assess the utility of interventions to improve doctor-patient communication. Specifically, to evaluate the effectiveness of a patient-centered community education intervention, the “How to Talk to Your Doctor” (HTTTYD) program, aimed at improving patient communication efficacy.^
In this study we sought to identify and understand feelings, benefits and barriers to making heart healthy behavioral changes by reviewing and analyzing participant responses to a follow-up telephone survey conducted as part of the HEART project (Health Education Awareness Research Team). Individuals who participated in HEART attended classes and received “Su Corazon, Su Vida” education. The HEART follow-up telephone survey was conducted only on those participants who were part of the experimental group. A total of 93 individuals from this group were successfully contacted for participation in the telephone survey after the classes ended. Quantitative data regarding ‘feelings’ and ‘difficulty making heart healthy behavioral changes’ were analyzed by calculating frequencies of each category of response for post-intervention weeks 9, 13, and 15. In addition, Wilcoxon rank-sum tests were conducted for post-intervention at weeks 9, 13, and 15 to measure associations between feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes. Changes in responses over time for feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes were looked at by counting differences in responses between pairs of follow up weeks. Qualitative responses to the survey were analyzed by categorizing content of responses under themes in order to identify factors related to feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes. Telephone survey participants showed positive attitudes towards making nutritional and physical activity changes. Out of the 93 telephone survey respondents, 53 (57%) reported some type of physical activity change during the follow-up period while 46 (49%) reported specific changes in nutrition. Data from the “difficulty to making changes” responses were categorized under constructs from the Health Belief Model, perceived benefits and barriers. Overall, the barriers for physical activity were health issues, individual habits and time. Barriers to eating healthy were family support, individual habits, and knowledge. This study suggests that with respect to nutritional knowledge barriers, educational programs should explore other ways of teaching and familiarizing individuals with information sources that may be more appropriate for those populations not accustomed to them. For example, nutrition labels, portions, recipes, and use of photonovelas. Our findings of the barriers to changes in food preparation due to lack of family support may also suggest the need for the development of programs where influential partners or relatives are involved in order to create a more supportive environment which may provide more opportunity for change toward healthier lifestyle behaviors. Finally, the physical activity barriers found suggest that it may be beneficial to recommend appropriate exercises for those with specific health problems or those with time restrictions due to work or travel so that physical activity is not completely avoided.^
Accurate ascertainment of risk factors and disease status is vital in public health research for proper classification of research subjects. The two most common ways of obtaining this data is by self-report and review of medical records (MRs). South Texas Women’s Health Project was a case-control study looking at interrelationships between hormones, diet, and body size and breast cancer among Hispanic women 30-79 years of age. History of breast cancer, diabetes mellitus (DM) and use of DM medications was ascertained from a personal interview. At the time of interview, the subject identified her major health care providers and signed the medical records release form, which was sent to the designated providers. The MRs were reviewed to confirm information obtained from the interview.^ Aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity between MRs and personal interview in diagnosis of breast cancer, DM and DM treatment. We also wanted to assess how successful our low-cost approach was in obtaining pertinent MRs and what factors influenced the quality of MR or interview data. Study sample was 721 women with both self-report and MR data available by June 2007. Overall response rate for MR requests was 74.5%. MRs were 80.9% sensitive and 100% specific in confirming breast cancer status. Prevalence of DM was 22.7% from the interviews and 16% from MRs. MRs did not provide definite information about DM status of 53.6% subjects. Sensitivity and specificity of MRs for DM status was 88.9% and 90.4% respectively. Disagreement on DM status from the two sources was seen in 15.9% subjects. This discordance was more common among older subjects, those who were married and were predominantly Spanish speaking. Income and level of education did not have a statistically significantly association with this disagreement.^ Both self-report and MRs underestimate the prevalence of DM. Relying solely on MRs leads to greater misclassification than relying on self-report data. MRs have good to excellent specificity and thus serve as a good tool to confirm information obtained from self-report. Self-report and MRs should be used in a complementary manner for accurate assessment of DM and breast cancer status.^
Background. The prevalence of obesity and overweight children has been an ongoing health epidemic in the US for the last several decades. The problem has consistently worsened and has disproportionately been the most prevalent among low socioeconomic status (SES) populations. Food availability in the home has been suggested to be a potential factor related to overweight and obesity, as availability is likely associated with intake. Food availability of low SES preschool aged children has not been well examined. The purpose of this study was to explore the food environment of the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) Head Start population, and describe reported frequency of intake of particular food groups. The effect of food availability on reported intake was also examined.^ Methods. This was a cross-sectional study of secondary data analysis. Data obtained from 17 HCDE Head Start Centers was analyzed using PASW 18 Statistical Software. Demographic analyses included population, age, gender, race, parent occupation, type of home, and language spoken in the home. Descriptive statistics included reported availability of foods in the home as well as frequency of intake.^ Regression analysis examined the relationship of availability of foods on intake. The food categories included were: dark leafy green and orange vegetables, other vegetables, fruits, soda, salty snacks, and sweet snacks. For both vegetable categories reported intake of fresh, frozen, and canned vegetables were included. For the fruit category, intake of fresh, frozen, canned, and dried fruits were reported.^ Results. Results showed that 90-95% of parents reported having vegetables and fruits available in the home. However, the only significant relationship between availability and intake was for fresh fruit and dried fruit. No associations were seen among the vegetable groups. Other vegetables (bell peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, iceberg lettuce, asparagus) that were frozen, approached significance for availability on intake, however once adjusted for confounders the relationship was no longer present. Among soda, salty snacks, and sweet snacks the only significant relationship was seen for soda availability and intake. Salty snacks and sweet snacks presence in the home was not a predictor of increased frequency of intake.^ Conclusions. This research supported the hypothesis that availability of foods has an impact on intake for fresh fruits, dried fruits and soda. No associations were seen for vegetables, salty snacks and sweet snacks. Additionally, most of the parents reported having fruits and vegetables in the home, but reported intakes were not meeting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations. Strengths of the study included the large sample size taken from numerous HCDE Head Start Centers. Limitations included questionable reliability of participant’s responses, ability to generalize to other populations, and the use of secondary data rather than prospectively collected data.^
This research focussed on the extent to which the characteristics of a sample of 8,554 Mexican-Americans affected their satisfaction with medical care by: (1) describing satisfaction with medical care among the population, (2) examining the relationships between satisfaction with health services and personal characteristics of the population, and (3) comparing the results of the research with the results of studies of personal health services in other times, places, and populations.^ The distribution of sex among this population was close to even with men representing 50.4%, however respondents over age 50 years represent 11.3% of the sample. The highest grade attended was found in the Elementary (37.9%), and 70% responded they have a good health. Ninety-three percent of the sample were attended to within thirty minutes they arrived at their clinic/health center. Eighty-two percent of the sample were "Very Satisfied" with the care they received during their last visit.^ Ten hypotheses were tested in this research. Females tend to be more satisfied than males; age was found to correlate with satisfaction with respondents over 40 years reporting more satisfaction levels; there was no correlation between education and satisfaction with the educated expressing more skepticism about medical care; respondents covered by Medicare or Medicaid were more satisfied; perceived health status rating was highly correlated with satisfaction; respondents who spent less than 30 minutes traveling to the clinic/health center were more satisfied while 82% of respondents who had less than 30 minutes waiting time expressed more satisfaction.^ As remarked by Hulka and Aday that responses to client satisfaction questionnaire often provided socially acceptable answers, the results found in this sample was therefore not surprising. The author recommends that instruments for the collection of information on client satisfaction should be studied and modified where applicable to reduce what John Ware termed Acquiescent Response Set (ARS)--a tendency to agree with statement of opinion regardless of content. ^
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the theory-based Eat 5 nutrition badge. It is designed to increase fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake in 4th-6th grade junior Girl Scouts. Twenty-two troops were recruited and randomized by grade level (4th, 5th, 6th, or mixed) into either the intervention or control conditions. The leaders in the intervention condition received a brief training and the materials and conducted the program with their troops during four meetings. The Girl Scouts in the intervention condition completed 1-day Food Frequency Questionnaires and Nutrition Questionnaires both before and after completing the Eat 5 badge, and a third measurement of F&V intake three months after the posttest. Girl Scouts in the control condition were only evaluated at the three time periods.^ The primary hypotheses were that the Girl Scouts in the intervention condition would increase their daily intake of fruits and vegetables at both the posttest and three months later, compared to the Girl Scouts in the control condition. Other study questions investigated the impact of the Eat 5 program on intervening variables such as knowledge, self-efficacy, barriers, norms, F&V preference, and F&V selection and preparation skills.^ A nested ANOVA, with troop as the unit of analysis nested within condition, was used to assess the effects of the program. Pretest F&V intake and grade level were used as covariates. Pretest mean F&V intake for the total sample of 210 girls was 2.50 servings per day; 3.0 for the intervention group (n = 101). Significant increases in F&V intake (to 3.4 servings per day), knowledge, and fruit and vegetable preference were found for the intervention condition troops compared to the troops in the control condition. Three months later, the mean F&V intake had returned to pretest levels.^ This study indicates that social groups such as Girl Scouts can provide a channel for nutrition education. Long term effects were not sustained by the intervention; a possible cause was the lack of change in self-efficacy. Therefore, additional interventions are recommended such as booster lessons to maintain increased F&V intake by Girl Scouts. ^
The relative influence of race, income, education, and Food Stamp Program participation/nonparticipation on the food and nutrient intake of 102 fecund women ages 18-45 years in a Florida urban clinic population was assessed using the technique of multiple regression analysis. Study subgroups were defined by race and Food Stamp Program participation status. Education was found to have the greatest influence on food and nutrient intake. Race was the next most influential factor followed in order by Food Stamp Program participation and income. The combined effect of the four independent variables explained no more than 19 percent of the variance for any of the food and nutrient intake variables. This would indicate that a more complex model of influences is needed if variations in food and nutrient intake are to be fully explained.^ A socioeconomic questionnaire was administered to investigate other factors of influence. The influence of the mother, frequency and type of restaurant dining, and perceptions of food intake and weight were found to be factors deserving further study.^ Dietary data were collected using the 24-hour recall and food frequency checklist. Descriptive dietary findings indicated that iron and calcium were nutrients where adequacy was of concern for all study subgroups. White Food Stamp Program participants had the greatest number of mean nutrient intake values falling below the 1980 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs). When Food Stamp Program participants were contrasted to nonparticipants, mean intakes of six nutrients (kilocalories, calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, and riboflavin) were below the 1980 RDA compared to five mean nutrient intakes (kilocalories, calcium, iron, thiamin and riboflavin) for the nonparticipants. Use of the Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ), however, revealed that the quality of the diet of Food Stamp Program participants per 1000 kilocalories was adequate with exception of calcium and iron. Intakes of these nutrients were also not adequate on a 1000 kilocalorie basis for the nonparticipant group. When mean nutrient intakes of the groups were compared using Student's t-test oleicacid intake was the only significant difference found. Being a nonparticipant in the Food Stamp Program was found to be associated with more frequent consumption of cookies, sweet rolls, doughnuts, and honey. The findings of this study contradict the negative image of the Food Stamp Program participant and emphasize the importance of education. ^
This descriptive study assesses the current status of mental illness in Bendel State of Nigeria to determine its implications for mental health policy and education. It is a study of the demographic characteristics of psychiatric patients in the only two modern western psychiatric facilities in Bendel State, the various treatment modalities utilized for mental illness, and the people's choice of therapeutic measures for mental illness in Bendel State.^ This study investigated ten aspects of mental illness in Bendel State (1) An increase of the prevalence of mental illness (psychiatric disorder) in Bendel State. (2) Unaided, unguided, and uncared for mentally ill people roaming about Bendel State. (3) Pluralistic Treatment Modalities for mentally ill patients in Bendel State. (4) Traditional Healers treating more mentally ill patients than the modern western psychiatric hospitals. (5) Inadequate modern western psychiatric facilities in Bendel State. (6) Controversy between Traditional Health and modern western trained doctors over the issue of possible cooperation between traditional and modern western medicine. (7) Evidence of mental illness in all ethnic groups in Bendel State. (8) More scientifically based and better organized modern western psychiatric hospitals than the traditional healing centers. (9) Traditional healers' level of approach with patients, and accessibility to patients' families compared with the modern western trained doctors. (10) An urgent need for an official action to institute a comprehensive mental health policy that will provide an optimum care for the mentally ill in Bendel State, and in Nigeria in general.^ Of the eight popular treatment modalities generally used in Bendel State for mental illness, 54% of the non-patient population sampled preferred the use of traditional healing, 26.5% preferred the use of modern western treatment, and 19.5% preferred religious healers.^ The investigator concluded at this time not to recommend the integration of Traditional Healing and modern western medicine in Nigeria. Rather, improvement of the existing modern western psychiatric facilities and a proposal to establish facilities to enable traditional healing and modern western medicine to exist side by side were highly recommended. ^
The purpose of this study was to examine, in the context of an economic model of health production, the relationship between inputs (health influencing activities) and fitness.^ Primary data were collected from 204 employees of a large insurance company at the time of their enrollment in an industrially-based health promotion program. The inputs of production included medical care use, exercise, smoking, drinking, eating, coronary disease history, and obesity. The variables of age, gender and education known to affect the production process were also examined. Two estimates of fitness were used; self-report and a physiologic estimate based on exercise treadmill performance. Ordinary least squares and two-stage least squares regression analyses were used to estimate the fitness production functions.^ In the production of self-reported fitness status the coefficients for the exercise, smoking, eating, and drinking production inputs, and the control variable of gender were statistically significant and possessed theoretically correct signs. In the production of physiologic fitness exercise, smoking and gender were statistically significant. Exercise and gender were theoretically consistent while smoking was not. Results are compared with previous analyses of health production. ^
In November 2010, nearly 110,000 people in the United States were waiting for organs for transplantation. Despite the fact that the organ donor registration rate has doubled in the last year, Texas has the lowest registration rate in the nation. Due to the need for improved registration rates in Texas, this practice-based culminating experience was to write an application for federal funding for the central Texas organ procurement organization, Texas Organ Sharing Alliance. The culminating experience has two levels of significance for public health – (1) to engage in an activity to promote organ donation registration, and (2) to provide professional experience in grant writing. ^ The process began with a literature review. The review was to identify successful intervention activities in motivating organ donation registration that could be used in intervention design for the grant application. Conclusions derived from the literature review included (1) the need to specifically encourage family discussions, (2) religious and community leaders can be leveraged to facilitate organ donation conversations in families, (3) communication content must be culturally sensitive and (4) ethnic disparities in transplantation must be acknowledged and discussed.^ Post the literature review; the experience followed a five step process of developing the grant application. The steps included securing permission to proceed, assembling a project team, creation of a project plan and timeline, writing each element of the grant application including the design of proposed intervention activities, and completion of the federal grant application. ^ After the grant application was written, an evaluation of the grant writing process was conducted. Opportunities for improvement were identified. The first opportunity was the need for better timeline management to allow for review of the application by an independent party, iterative development of the budget proposal, and development of collaborative partnerships. Another improvement opportunity was the management of conflict regarding the design of the intervention that stemmed from marketing versus evidence-based approaches. The most important improvement opportunity was the need to develop a more exhaustive evaluation plan.^ Eight supplementary files are attached to appendices: Feasibility Discussion in Appendix 1, Grant Guidance and Workshop Notes in Appendix 2, Presentation to Texas Organ Sharing Alliance in Appendix 3, Team Recruitment Presentation in Appendix 5, Grant Project Narrative in Appendix 7, Federal Application Form in Appendix 8, and Budget Workbook with Budget Narrative in Appendix 9.^
Possible selves, a component of self-concept, are the thoughts people have about their future. The overall purpose of this study was to examine the educational and occupational possible selves of inner city children. Specific aims of the study were to: 1) Assess the similarities and differences between the level of schooling inner city children hope to complete and expect to complete, and 2) Assess the similarities and differences between the jobs inner city children hope to have in the future and expect to have. As part of a larger study designed to pilot test a health promotion intervention, fourth grade students (n = 19) completed two measures: the Level of Schooling Questionnaire and the Jobs Questionnaire. No significant differences were found between students' hoped-for and expected educational possible selves or their hoped-for and expected occupational possible selves. Future studies can explore methods and strategies to support, encourage, and cultivate inner city children's possible selves.^
Nursing home literature links poor management practices to poor quality of care and resident outcomes. Since Nursing Home Administrators (NHAs) require an array of skills to perform their role, it is important to explore what makes a NHA effective. This research fills a gap in the literature and provides a possible option to improve the quality of care in nursing homes. Purpose of the study. The study examines whether NHAs with advanced education (defined as a Masters degree or more) are associated with better quality of care in licensed nursing homes (NHs). Design and Methods. Data was derived from the CDC’s 2004 National Nursing Home Survey, which is a representative sample of NHs across the US. A Donabedian- inspired structure-process-outcomes study model was created to explain how education relates to quality of care. Quality of care was defined as onsite oral care, employee influenza vaccination rates and staff recognition programs. Statistical analyses included multivariate logistic regression; covariates included facility-level variables used in similar peer-reviewed research but also included select measures from the Area Resource File to control for county-level factors. Results. Descriptive and analytical analyses confirm that NHAs with a Bachelor’s degree, Associate degree or high school diploma perform less well than NHAs with a Masters degree or more. NHAs with advanced education are more likely to have onsite dental care and recognition programs for staff than NHAs with a Bachelor’s degree (or less). Also NHAs with less than graduate education are more likely to provide off-site dental care. Employee vaccination rates are not impacted by education. Adding certification, tenure or years of experience to a NHA with advanced education gives them an advantage. In fact, certification and experience alone do not have a positive relationship to care indicators; however adding these to advanced education produces a significant result. Implications. This research provides preliminary evidence that advanced education for the NHA is associated with better quality of care. If future research can confirm these findings, there is merit in revisiting the qualifications. Education can be a legitimate option to support quality improvement efforts in US nursing homes. ^
Background. The incidence of birth defects is a significant public health issue in the United States, adversely affecting the quality of life for parents as well as children born with these defects. Minority populations face a greater burden of birth defects and associated health problems. Prenatal practices can have a large impact on infant health outcomes. Several behaviors during pregnancy, including the intake of folic acid, can greatly influence the likelihood of a child being born with a birth defect. Community Health Workers have been shown to be effective agents at improving prenatal practices, especially when they facilitate support groups that feature pregnant women. ^ Methods. A continuing education curriculum has been created for Community Health Workers that provides content in the area of Maternal and Child Health. Content was selected after conducting a review of relevant literature and theory. Materials for conducting a training for Community Health Workers have been created in addition to materials that were designed for the population with whom the CHWs work. ^ Results. A description of each "key point" of the curriculum and a justification how it relates to the literature of the prevention of birth defects is given here. Additionally, the process of creating the curriculum using the platform delineated in the methods is described. ^ Discussion. Insights for future curriculum development are discussed along with next steps in the process of certifying the curriculum at the state level. A framework for future evaluation of the curriculum is given.^
Objective: To perform a systematic review of the literature on SIDS and SUID deaths concentrated in the African-American community, describe health education and policy recommendations and recommend a new approach that may aid in decreasing the disparity of infant mortality in the African-American community. ^ Methods: The PubMed database was systematically searched to identify relevant articles for final review and analysis. Using the CASP 2006 system to critique literature, twelve articles were found that met inclusion and exclusion criteria. ^ Results: Evidence in the literature confirmed there was a current disparity among African Americans' infant mortality rates in comparison to other US ethnic groups. The underlying reasons for these disparities included the following maternal and infant characteristics: mothers younger than eighteen, having more than one live infant, having a high school education or less, never been married, and have infants born preterm or with low birth weight. Maternal smoking, substance abuse, and breastfeeding did not have a significant impact on infant sleep environments among African Americans. ^ Conclusion: Tailored health education programs at the community level, better access to pre-pregnancy and prenatal care, and increased maternal perception of risk that is relevant to the infants sleeping environment are all possible solutions that may decrease African American infant mortality rates.^