976 resultados para Eco-friendly materials
Nanomaterials have properties that are often very different from normal materials made of the same substance, which can be used to create novel products with exciting properties. However, the health and environmental impact of these nanomaterials is also changed and their potential risk needs to be studied. There is evidence that some nanomaterials can pass through tissue barriers (including the blood-brain barrier) and cell membranes. This is interesting for medical applications, but it raises concerns about the impact of non-medical nanomaterials. Current research aims at better coordinating research efforts and at better communication between researchers and involved stakeholders. Many research labs and production sites currently follow strategies that were established for dealing with very toxic chemicals and powders, until future research in this field helps identify the appropriate level of protection. All these efforts will ultimately ensure a safe, healthy and environmental friendly production, use and disposal of nanomaterials.
Several eco-toxicological studies have shown that insectivorous mammals, due to theirfeeding habits, easily accumulate high amounts of pollutants in relation to other mammal species. To assess the bio-accumulation levels of toxic metals and their in°uenceon essential metals, we quantified the concentration of 19 elements (Ca, K, Fe, B, P,S, Na, Al, Zn, Ba, Rb, Sr, Cu, Mn, Hg, Cd, Mo, Cr and Pb) in bones of 105 greaterwhite-toothed shrews (Crocidura russula) from a polluted (Ebro Delta) and a control(Medas Islands) area. Since chemical contents of a bio-indicator are mainly compositional data, conventional statistical analyses currently used in eco-toxicology can givemisleading results. Therefore, to improve the interpretation of the data obtained, weused statistical techniques for compositional data analysis to define groups of metalsand to evaluate the relationships between them, from an inter-population viewpoint.Hypothesis testing on the adequate balance-coordinates allow us to confirm intuitionbased hypothesis and some previous results. The main statistical goal was to test equalmeans of balance-coordinates for the two defined populations. After checking normality,one-way ANOVA or Mann-Whitney tests were carried out for the inter-group balances
PURPOSE: To review the literature on young people's perspectives on health care with a view to defining domains and indicators of youth-friendly care. METHODS: Three bibliographic databases were searched to identify studies that purportedly measured young people's perspectives on health care. Each study was assessed to identify the constructs, domains, and indicators of adolescent-friendly health care. RESULTS: Twenty-two studies were identified: 15 used quantitative methods, six used qualitative methods and one used mixed methodology. Eight domains stood out as central to young people's positive experience of care. These were: accessibility of health care; staff attitude; communication; medical competency; guideline-driven care; age appropriate environments; youth involvement in health care; and health outcomes. Staff attitudes, which included notions of respect and friendliness, appeared universally applicable, whereas other domains, such as an appropriate environment including cleanliness, were more specific to particular contexts. CONCLUSION: These eight domains provide a practical framework for assessing how well services are engaging young people. Measures of youth-friendly health care should address universally applicable indicators of youth-friendly care and may benefit from additional questions that are specific to the local health setting.
Introduction: The use of bioabsorbable materials for orthopaedic useand traumatic fracture fixation in children has been poorly investigatedin the litterature and the effects on growing bones seem contradictory.The aim of the study is to compare the clinical and radiological resultsand evolution between bioabsorbable and traditional K-Wires for thetreatment of elbow epiphyseal fractures in children.Method: From jan. 2008 to Dec. 2009 21 children with similar fracturesand age were separated in two groups according to the way of fracturefixation: bioabsorbable K-Wire group and traditional K-Wire group.Follow-up was done at 3, 6 and 12 month post-operatively. Range ofmotion and elbow stability were measured for all patients. Theradiological evolution of the two groups were compared in term ofconsolidation, ossous resorption and radiolucencies. The clinicalresults were compared according to the Mayo Elbow Peformancescore. Controlateral elbow is compared with injured elbow in the twogroups.Results: In the bioabsorbable K-wire group, there were 10 children,including 5 girles and 5 boys with an average age of 9.5 years, rangingfrom 5 to 14 years. They were 7 external condylar fractures and3 epitrochlear fractures. In the traditional K-Wire group there were11 children, 2 girls and 9 boys with an average age of 7.6 years,ranging from 4 to 14 years. There were 10 external condylar fracturesand 1 epitrochlear fracture. At first follow up. The Mayo ElbowPerformance score was 93.8 (85-100 )for the bioabsorbable K-Wiregroup and 95.5 (85-100) for the traditional K-Wire group. In twochildren from the bioabsorbable K-Wire group there were transitoryradiolucencies along the wire tract on the x-ray, without clinicalmanifestation of it.We didn't see any premature closure of growingcartilage.Discussion: There is no significant differencies in term of clinical andradiological outcome between the two groups. The use ofbioabsorbable pins seems to be a good alternative to removabletraditional materials, avoiding a second operation.
A l'escola Joc de la Bola hi existeix una USEE que atent a alumnat sord des del curs 2007/08. Des dels seus inicis, els professionals de la USEE, juntament amb els tutors/es, han vist la necessitat d'adaptar i elaborar diferents materials, i així facilitar que aquest alumnat participi de les activitats de l'aula ordinària i del centre.
De acuerdo con los objetivos generales del proyecto y plan de trabajo previsto, para esta anualidad, se obtuvieron fibras y microfibras de celulosa a partir de dos fuentes: celulosa vegetal de pino y eucalipto y celulosa bacterial. Las microfibrillas han sido utilizadas como material de refuerzo para la fabricación de materiales compuestos a partir de caucho natural, policaprolactona y polivinil alcohol. Las muestras se fabricaron mediante la técnica de "casting" en medio acuoso y temperatura ambiente. Las muestras fueron caracterizados en sus propiedades mecánicas, físicas y térmicas. Se observó que, en general, la adición de las microfibrillas de celulosa en las matrices poliméricas provoca una mejora sustancial en las propiedades mecánicas del material en comparación con el polímero sin reforzar. Los resultados pueden resumirse de la siguiente manera: 1.Fabricación de materiales compuestos a base de caucho natural y fibras de celulosa. Se obtuvieron fibras y nanofibras de celulosa que fueron modificadas químicamente y usadas como refuerzo en matriz de caucho. Los resultados mostraron mejora de propiedades mecánicas del material, principalmente en los materiales compuestos reforzados con nanofibras. 2. Obtención de whiskers de celulosa y su utilización como material de refuerzo en una matriz de policaprolactona. Se obtuvieron whiskers de celulosa a partir de pasta blanqueada. La adición en una matriz de policaprolactona produjo materiales compuestos con propiedades mecánicas superiores a la matriz, con buena dispersión de los whiskers. 3. Obtención de fibras de celulosa bacterial y nanofibras de celulosa, aislamiento y utilización sobre una matriz de polivinil alcohol. Se obtuvo celulosa bacterial a partir de la bacteria Gluconacetobacter xylinum. Además se fabricaron nanofibras de celulosa a partir eucalipto blanqueado. La celulosa bacterial como material de refuerzo no produjo importantes mejoras en las propiedades mecánicas de la matriz; en cambio se observaron mejoras destacables con la nanofibra como refuerzo.
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.
El SPION (Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles) ha estat estudiat com un nou adsorbent per eliminar l’arsènic d’aigües contaminades. Les condicions òptimes de treball es van assolir per un pH de 3,6 i per concentracions inferiors als 100ppm. No es van trobar interferències significatives produïdes pels cations Cu, Ni i Zn en l’adsorció de l’As, sent el fosfat l’anió que més interfereix. Una esponja de cel·lulosa s’ha utilitzat com a suport del SPION, per disminuir les agregacions de les nanopartícules en suspensió i per proporcionar una material adequat per l’adsorció en continu, experiment amb columnes. Així, es va obtenir un augment de la capacitat d’adsorció del SPION per l’As(V), mentre que per l’As(III) continua sent baixa, per tant s’augmenta la selectivitat per l’As(V). Les interferències aniòniques afecten d’igual manera a l’adsorció de l’As(III) i l’As(V) quan l’adsorció és en continu o en discontinu. Els cations metàl·lics no interfereixen en l’adsorció de l’arsènic, a excepció del coure que és adsorbit i porta a la disminució de l’adsorció d’arsènic.
Degut a l’augment del nombre de classes i d’alumnes en l’Àrea de Mecànica de MedisContinus i Teoria d’Estructures (MMCTE), s’ha fet necessari la reestructuració i ocupació denous espais per la realització de les pràctiques de Resistència de materials.Per tal de realitzar les pràctiques al nou laboratori de Resistència de materials, calredissenyar les pràctiques referents a Allargaments longitudinals en bigues sotmeses acompressió i tracció simple i la referent a la Deformada d’una biga biarticulada amb voladís.El disseny de les noves pràctiques ha de complir les condicions exigides pel client. A més,els muntatges de cada pràctica han d’anar muntats sobre un pòrtic adquirit recientment perl’Àrea de Mecànica de Medis Continus i Teoria d’Estructures (MMCTE) que actuaran debancada. La pràctica relacionada amb Allargaments longitudinals en barres sotmeses a compressió itracció simple consta d’un muntatge experimental (Muntatge 1) i un guió de pràctiques perl’alumnat i professorat docent La pràctica relacionada amb la Deformada d’una biga biarticulada amb voladís consta d’unmuntatge experimental (Muntatge 2) i un guió de pràctiques per l’alumnat i professoratdocent. Les dos pràctiques permeten comparar els valors obtinguts experimentalment de cadamuntatge amb uns resultats teòrics i d’aquesta manera validar l’èxit de cada muntatge
La generació massiva de residus plàstics constitueix actualment un gravíssim problemamediambiental. Una de les estratègies desenvolupades per pal•liar-lo consisteix en el reciclatge delsresidus plàstics i la seva posterior utilització en diferents aplicacions en sectors com la construcció.La incorporació de reforços en el material reciclat millora les seves propietats mecàniques. Unpossible reforç són les fibres d'origen vegetal o biofibres, que, a més de millorar tècnicament elproducte, presenten avantatges econòmics i ambientals. Les biofibres són un bon competidor contrales fibres reforçants tradicionals com la fibra de vidre ja que presenten un baix cost, baixa densitat i,per tant, bones propietats específiques, menys equip de processament, alta suavitat,biodegradabilitat i són ecològicament sostenibles, ja que es produeixen a partir de recursos naturals.En aquest treball es fan servir fibres provinents de la pinya de Henequén. Aquestes fibres són unsubproducte del procés per a l’obtenció del licor de Henequén i es volen fer servir com a reforç enmaterials compostos.Ja s’han fet estudis sobre la fibra de Henequén que creix a Mèxic. Aquest projecte s’emmarca dinsuna col•laboració entre la Universitat de Girona i la Universitat Cubana de Holguin, per tal d’estudiarla fibra de Henequén que creix a Cuba
The aim of this study was to compare clinical and radiological outcome of lateral condyle fracture of the elbow in children treated with bioabsorbable or metallic material. From January 2008 to December 2009, 16 children with similar fractures and ages were grouped according to the fixation material used. Children were seen at 3, 6, and 12 months and more than 4 years (mean 51.8 months) postoperatively. The clinical results were compared using the Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS). Radiographic studies of the fractured and opposite elbow were assessed at last follow-up control. Twelve children had a sufficient followup and could be included in the study. Seven could be included in the traditional group and 5 in the bioabsorbable group. At 12 months, the MEPS was 100 for every child in both groups. Asymptomatic bony radiolucent visible tracks and heterotopic ossifications were noted in both groups. There were no significant differences in terms of clinical and radiological outcome between the two groups. The use of bioabsorbable pins or screws is a reasonable alternative to the traditional use of metallic materials for the treatment of lateral condyle fracture of the elbow in children.
Aquest projecte s’ha portat a terme per tal de millorar en diferentsaspectes el motor Honda Gx35 , del vehicle de baix consum de la Universitat deGirona (Udg). Aquest és un motor de combustió interna de gasolina (cicle Otto).L’objectiu és el disseny d’una culata per poder minimitzar el consum de gasolina, la qual s’ha de poder acoblar amb el motor Honda Gx35. Aquest motor,prèviament s’haurà de modificar per poder-hi instal•lari la nova culata
Disseny d’un autoclau pel processat de materials compòsits, seguint les especificacions de disseny següents: Diàmetre interior útil: 1500mm, Longitud interior útil 3500mm, Pressió de treball: 12 bars, Temperatura de treball: 250º. A més a més, el sistema ha de disposar en el seu interior de connexions per fer el buit i s’ha d’assegurar l’homogeneïtat tèrmica recirculant l’aire durant el procés
Household hazardous materials annual report for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the dehydrogenation processes that take place in three hydrogenated amorphous silicon materials: nanoparticles, polymorphous silicon, and conventional device-quality amorphous silicon. Comparison of DSC thermograms with evolved gas analysis (EGA) has led to the identification of four dehydrogenation processes arising from polymeric chains (A), SiH groups at the surfaces of internal voids (A'), SiH groups at interfaces (B), and in the bulk (C). All of them are slightly exothermic with enthalpies below 50 meV/H atoms , indicating that, after dissociation of any SiH group, most dangling bonds recombine. The kinetics of the three low-temperature processes [with DSC peak temperatures at around 320 (A),360 (A'), and 430°C (B)] exhibit a kinetic-compensation effect characterized by a linea relationship between the activation entropy and enthalpy, which constitutes their signature. Their Si-H bond-dissociation energies have been determined to be E (Si-H)0=3.14 (A), 3.19 (A'), and 3.28 eV (B). In these cases it was possible to extract the formation energy E(DB) of the dangling bonds that recombine after Si-H bond breaking [0.97 (A), 1.05 (A'), and 1.12 (B)]. It is concluded that E(DB) increases with the degree of confinement and that E(DB)>1.10 eV for the isolated dangling bond in the bulk. After Si-H dissociation and for the low-temperature processes, hydrogen is transported in molecular form and a low relaxation of the silicon network is promoted. This is in contrast to the high-temperature process for which the diffusion of H in atomic form induces a substantial lattice relaxation that, for the conventional amorphous sample, releases energy of around 600 meV per H atom. It is argued that the density of sites in the Si network for H trapping diminishes during atomic diffusion