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In exploration geophysics,velocity analysis and migration methods except reverse time migration are based on ray theory or one-way wave-equation. So multiples are regarded as noise and required to be attenuated. It is very important to attenuate multiples for structure imaging, amplitude preserving migration. So it is an interesting research in theory and application about how to predict and attenuate internal multiples effectively. There are two methods based on wave-equation to predict internal multiples for pre-stack data. One is common focus point method. Another is inverse scattering series method. After comparison of the two methods, we found that there are four problems in common focus point method: 1. dependence of velocity model; 2. only internal multiples related to a layer can be predicted every time; 3. computing procedure is complex; 4. it is difficult to apply it in complex media. In order to overcome these problems, we adopt inverse scattering series method. However, inverse scattering series method also has some problems: 1. computing cost is high; 2. it is difficult to predict internal multiples in the far offset; 3. it is not able to predict internal multiples in complex media. Among those problems, high computing cost is the biggest barrier in field seismic processing. So I present 1D and 1.5D improved algorithms for reducing computing time. In addition, I proposed a new algorithm to solve the problem which exists in subtraction, especially for surface related to multiples. The creative results of my research are following: 1. derived an improved inverse scattering series prediction algorithm for 1D. The algorithm has very high computing efficiency. It is faster than old algorithm about twelve times in theory and faster about eighty times for lower spatial complexity in practice; 2. derived an improved inverse scattering series prediction algorithm for 1.5D. The new algorithm changes the computing domain from pseudo-depth wavenumber domain to TX domain for predicting multiples. The improved algorithm demonstrated that the approach has some merits such as higher computing efficiency, feasibility to many kinds of geometries, lower predictive noise and independence to wavelet; 3. proposed a new subtraction algorithm. The new subtraction algorithm is not used to overcome nonorthogonality, but utilize the nonorthogonality's distribution in TX domain to estimate the true wavelet with filtering method. The method has excellent effectiveness in model testing. Improved 1D and 1.5D inverse scattering series algorithms can predict internal multiples. After filtering and subtracting among seismic traces in a window time, internal multiples can be attenuated in some degree. The proposed 1D and 1.5D algorithms have demonstrated that they are effective to the numerical and field data. In addition, the new subtraction algorithm is effective to the complex theoretic models.


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Oil and scientific groups have been focusing on the 3D wave equation prestack depth migration since it can solve the complex problems of the geologic structure accurately and maintain the wave information, which is propitious to lithology imaging. The symplectic method was brought up by Feng Kang firstly in 1984 and became the hotspot of numerical computation study. It will be widely applied in many scientific field of necessity because of its great virtue in scientific sense. This paper combines the Symplectic method and the 3-D wave equation prestack depth migration to bring up an effectual numerical computation method of wave field extrapolatation technique under the scientific background mentioned above. At the base of deep analysis of computation method and the performance of PC cluster, a seismic prestack depth migration flow considering the virtue of both seismic migration method and Pc cluster has formatted. The software, named 3D Wave Equation Prestack Depth Migration of Symplectic Method, which is based on the flow, has been enrolled in the National Bureau of Copyright (No. 0013767). Dagang and Daqing Oil Field have now put it into use in the field data processing. In this paper, the one way wave equation operator is decompounded into a phase shift operator and a time shift operator and the correct item with high rank Symplectic method when approaching E exponent. After reviewing eliminating alias frequency of operator, computing the maximum angle of migration and the imaging condition, we present the test result of impulse response of the Symplectic method. Taking the imaging results of the SEG/EAGE salt and overthrust models for example and seeing about the imaging ability with complex geologic structure of our software system, the paper has discussed the effect of the selection of imaging parameters and the effectuation on the migration result of the seismic wavelet and compared the 2-D and 3-D prestack depth migration result of the salt mode. We also present the test result of impulse response with the overthrust model. The imaging result of the two international models indicates that the Symplectic method of 3-D prestack depth migration accommodates great transversal velocity variation and complex geologic structure. The huge computing cost is the key obstruction that 3-D prestack depth migration wave equation cannot be adopted by oil industry. After deep analysis of prestack depth migration flow and the character of PC cluster ,the paper put forward :i)parallel algorithms in shot and frequency domain of the common shot gather 3-D wave equation prestack migration; ii)the optimized setting scheme of breakpoint in field data processing; iii)dynamic and static load balance among the nodes of the PC cluster in the 3-D prestack depth migration. It has been proven that computation periods of the 3-D prestack depth migration imaging are greatly shortened given that adopting the computing method mentioned in the paper. In addition,considering the 3-D wave equation prestack depth migration flow in complex medium and examples of the field data processing, the paper put the emphasis on: i)seismic data relative preprocessing, ii) 2.5D prestack depth migration velocity analysis, iii)3D prestack depth migration. The result of field data processing shows satisfied application ability of the flow put forward in the paper.


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氢能已被广泛认为是最具有潜力解决能源危机和环境问题的理想替代能源之一,其开发备受各个领域科学家的重视,更是从根本上解决环境地球化学工作者的主要目标:对已被破坏的环境和生态进行修复以及对可能破坏环境与生态的人类活动进行干预和指导。在众多的氢能开发手段中,利用太阳能光催化分解水制取氢气是一种兼顾能耗、资源和环境的最为理想和最有前途的氢能开发手段之一。在光催化分解水过程中,最为首要的研究内容就是开发具有适宜能带结构能响应可见光,稳定地、高量子效率地光解水的固相半导体光催化剂。 本论文中,通过高温固相反应合成了呈四方晶系钨青铜结构的半导体光催化剂K4Ce2M10O30(M=Ta, Nb),吸收边分别达到580 nm (M=Ta) 和690 nm (M=Nb),对应带隙为2.2 eV和1.8 eV。可见光下(λ> 420 nm)光催化分解H2O产生H2和O2的活性表明它们不仅有适宜的带隙响应可见光,并且其价带和导带位置能满足完全分解水的电化学电位需要。在担载Pt、RuO2以及NiO(NiOx)等助催化剂对产氢性能有显著的提高。同时以乙醇钽和草酸铌可溶性前驱体,分别通过溶胶凝胶法(Sol-gel)和聚合物络合法(Polymerizable Complex)制备了K4Ce2Ta10O30和K4Ce2Nb10O30。通过湿法化学合成的光催化剂显示了更高的光催化活性,并且通过PC法制备的K4Ce2Nb10O30更是实现了在大于300 nm 的光辐射下完全分解纯水产生摩尔比为约2:1 的H2和O2。 通过高温固相反应得到Nb取代K4Ce2Ta10O30中部分晶格Ta形成的单相无限固溶体系列K4Ce2Ta10-xNbxO30(x=0~10)是结构一致的同系物,吸收边介于540 nm~710 nm 之间,并且随着x的增加,吸收边依次红移,光催化产氢活性依次降低,但是x=2,5,8时的产氧活性比x=0和10的高,光催化活性的差异主要源于它们光吸收特性和能带结构的差异。基于密度范函理论DFT的第一性原理计算结果表明,光催化剂K4Ce2M10O30(M=Ta, Nb)的能带结构为:导带主要由Ta 5d (Nb 4d)组成,处于高能级的电子未占据态的Ce 4f 与其有很明显的重迭,但由于其高度局域特性,不能很好地参与光生电子在导带的传导,从而其对光催化活性的贡献很小,而价带则由O 2p与Ta 5d (Nb 4d)以及电子占据态的Ce 4f杂化轨道组成。同时通过高温固相反应合成了系列含稀土元素的光催化剂K4Re2M10O30(Re=La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Y; M=Ta, Nb),通过对它们及其前驱体氧化物的光吸收特性以及电子结构的第一性原理计算研究,合理的解释了只有当Ln=Ce时才具有可见光响应特性的微观机理。


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锡的分布和成矿作用通常与花岗岩浆作用具有十分密切的联系。以往研究表明锡矿化与高度分异的S型花岗岩或陆壳改造型花岗岩具有密切的成因联系,但近年来随着大量与A型花岗岩有关的锡矿床的发现,人们开始关注A型花岗岩与锡成矿关系的研究。相对于与S型花岗岩有关的锡矿床来说,与A型花岗岩有关的锡矿床成成矿机理的研究积累少,研究程度相对较低。 湘南地区位于南岭多金属成矿带中部,是我国华南地区重要的有色金属成矿带。近年来在该成矿带上新发现的芙蓉超大型锡多金属矿床为世界瞩目,该矿床的形成与骑田岭花岗岩具有密切的时空关系。近年来研究显示骑田岭花岗岩具有A型花岗岩的特征。本文以芙蓉超大型锡多金属矿床和相关的骑田岭岩体为研究对象,在前人研究的基础上,运用岩石学、矿物学、流体包裹体、微量元素和稳定同位素地球化学等理论和方法,对芙蓉锡矿成矿流体的地球化学特征及其演化机制进行了系统的研究,并在此基础上探讨了骑田岭花岗岩体与芙蓉锡矿间的成因联系和芙蓉锡矿的成因机制。论文取得的主要认识包括以下几个方面: 1. 运用矿物学、岩石化学、微量元素地球化学以及同位素地球化学方法,进一步证实了骑田岭花岗岩体具有A型花岗岩的特征,总体具有偏铝质-弱过铝质、高硅富碱高钾的地球化学特征,早晚两期花岗岩具有同源岩浆演化特征,属于A2型花岗岩。同位素地球化学数据显示花岗岩体具有EMII型富集地幔的特征,形成于华南大陆地壳拉张减薄的构造环境,成岩过程中有地幔物质加入。 2. 通过对矿石矿物组构和成分的岩矿鉴定、扫描电镜和电子探针分析,确定了芙蓉锡多金属矿床原生夕卡岩形成于较氧化的环境,成岩作用主要与早期侵入的角闪石黑云母花岗岩密切相关,锡主要以Sn(IV)进入夕卡岩的造岩矿物晶体内。退蚀变夕卡岩、云英岩和蚀变花岗岩矿化为锡成矿主阶段,三种矿化类型的成矿流体具有相似的地球化学性质,即富Cl、Ti和Sn的特征,而锡石硫化物型矿石形成于成矿晚阶段。 3. 运用流体包裹体地球化学理论和方法以及激光拉曼分析技术,揭示了芙蓉锡矿的成矿流体组成、形成的物理化学条件和演化特征。芙蓉锡多金属矿田成矿流体为CO2-CH4-CaCl2- NaCl-KCl不混溶体系,成矿过程中发生流体不混溶作用。芙蓉锡矿成矿流体盐度为0~50.63 wt%NaCl eq.,密度为0.31~1.12g/cm3,主成矿阶段热液流体的均一温度主要集中在300-450℃,流体压力为179-1800bar,成矿晚阶段锡石硫化物型矿石中均一温度主要集中在150~300℃,流体压力为400-600bar。成矿流体特别是主成矿阶段的流体成矿过程中普遍发生了沸腾现象。从主成矿阶段到成矿晚阶段、矿化期后,热液流体盐度呈降低的趋势,流体成分也从含CO2、CH4的CaCl2-NaCl-KCl-H2O水溶液体系转化为不含CO2的简单NaCl-KCl-H2O水溶液体系。 4. 通过分析主要矿化类型矿石中脉石矿物的稀土元素和稳定同位素特征,揭示了成矿流体来源。研究表明芙蓉矿床成矿期热液脉石矿物的稀土元素地球化学和稳定同位素地球化学显示了与本区花岗岩具明显的相似性,骑田岭黑云母花岗岩形成过程中分异出的岩浆期后热液应是芙蓉矿床成矿流体的主要来源,成矿过程中有少量经过深循环的大气降水加入。 5. 在总结前人研究成果的基础上,综合上述研究,探讨了骑田岭花岗岩体与芙蓉锡矿间的成因联系和芙蓉锡矿的成因机制。本文认为骑田岭岩体中黑云母花岗岩与Sn成矿具有密切的成因联系,芙蓉锡矿田的成矿流体主要来源于黑云母花岗岩岩浆结晶期后分异出的富Cl和Sn的热液流体。芙蓉锡矿成矿流体中锡主要呈Sn(II)与氯离子形成亚锡氯络合物进行迁移,低温的大气降水与高温的岩浆热液流体混合,导致流体体系温度、盐度、压力的降低和富CO2相流体的分离(CO2去气作用),流体的氧逸度升高,使得Sn(II)与氯离子形成亚锡氯络合物解体,Sn(II)被氧化成SnO2并发生沉淀作用。这种流体的混合作用是导致锡石沉淀的最有效的机制。


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作为铅锌金属的主要来源,赋存于沉积岩中的铅锌矿床吸引了全球范围的地质学家和矿床学家。在过去的50年内塔里木西南缘陆续发现了一批赋存于沉积岩中的铅锌矿,并开展相应的研究。但还是存在一些关键问题值得探讨,例如成矿时代、金属及硫的来源,以及成矿机制。 塔木铅锌矿床是塔里木西南缘最为重要的赋存于沉积岩中的铅锌矿床之一,其位于西昆仑和塔里木地块接触带北侧塔里木边缘,区域地层均变形或被错断。矿床赋存于下石炭统碳酸盐岩角砾岩带中,具有经济价值的矿体五个,铅锌资源量约0.2Mt。 自20世纪40年代塔木铅锌矿被发现以来,已陆续开展的研究工作有流体包裹体、铅同位素、硫同位素、碳同位素、氧同位素以及稀土元素等,但矿床成因依然困惑着众多的矿床学家。其中一部分认为矿床属密西西比河谷型,另一部分则认为应属沉积喷流型。但从前人发表的文献看,矿石结构构造、角砾和填隙物等基础研究被普遍忽视了。 在中国科学院知识创新项目(KZCX2-YW-107-6)和科技部国家科技支撑计划(2006BAB07B04-04)的资助下,本次研究以塔木铅锌矿为突破口,运用矿物学、岩石学、矿床学、地球化学方法和手段对其加以研究,以揭示成矿机制及矿床成因。以下就获得的一些新的数据、调查结论、观点作一概述: (1). 在分析矿体形态和与围岩接触关系基础上,提出塔木铅锌矿床为同生断层控制,角砾岩带为断层的组成部分;通过细致的镜下观察,深入探讨了角砾、填隙物及其结构构造,提出填隙物中沥青在成矿中的具有重要作用,并首次发现赋存于填隙物中的钡-钾长石。角砾可根据几何形态特征和角砾间接触关系分为五类:内碎屑角砾(IB)、成岩期角砾(DB)、后生角砾(EB)、崩塌角砾(FB)、断层角砾(DB),其中断层角砾可以分为矿化断层角砾(MFB)和无矿化断层角砾(WFB)。填隙物可以根据结构划分为三种类型:同沉积-成岩作用填隙物(纹层构造),溶蚀-交代填隙物(细粒,颗粒边缘具有溶蚀港湾结构),以及空洞充填填隙物(粗晶结构)。塔木铅锌矿演化具有三个清晰的期次:沉积期、成岩期和后生期。矿化是成岩期和后生期的产物,主要为后生期。矿化可分为两个主要阶段:溶蚀-交代阶段和空洞充填阶段,其中溶蚀-交代阶段是矿化的主要阶段。管/脉状构造是溶蚀-交代阶段最重要的特征,其多见于后生角砾的填隙物中。 (2). 在对角砾(白云石)和填隙物(白云石)的微量元素、稀土元素、C、O同位素以及填隙物白云石流体包裹体研究基础上提出水/岩作用和TSR过程控制着流体的演化。充填阶段流体为低温(119~191°C),盐度介于10.9~11.4wt% NaCl eq.,压强介于2~39MPa,含有少量H2S,缺乏SO42-的流体。Ca2+和HCO3-为流体主要的阳离子和阴离子。填隙物与角砾具有相似的稀土元素配分模式—海相碳酸盐岩。如果填隙物中混入钡-钾长石,其稀土元素配分模式则发生显著改变。氧同位素和碳同位素显示填隙物较角砾富集轻同位素。由于闪锌矿流体包裹体氧同位素值显著低于角砾,暗示存在大气降水的参与。根据氧同位素质量平衡方程可估计水/岩比值,封闭体系水/岩比值在0.16~0.67(119°C)或0.12~0.43(191°C),开放体系水/岩比值在0.13~0.37(119°C)或0.10~0.28(191°C)。热化学硫酸盐还原过程(TSR)可能对沥青和H2S的形成起了重要的作用,并影响碳同位素值变化。 (3). 塔木铅锌矿硫可能来自海水或蒸发盐,存在有机物硫的加入,并受TSR过程和硫储库效应的控制,铅可能为来自淋滤结晶基底的产物。 (4). 讨论了闪锌矿流体包裹体Rb-Sr法的理论基础和应用前提,指出对定年闪锌矿必须开展细致的矿物学研究,并进行了该矿床的定年尝试。 (5). 最终得出塔木铅锌矿为赋存于碳酸盐岩受同生断层和热化学硫酸盐还原过程控制的后生铅锌矿床。


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南岭地区是我国最重要的有色、稀有金属矿产资源产地,尤以钨、锡等金属的大规模爆发式成矿而闻名于世,已发现了一大批大型、超大型稀有和有色金属矿床。近年来的研究发现,这些矿床的形成很可能与华南地区中生代发生的大规模地壳拉张、岩石圈伸展减薄以及壳―幔相互作用的独特地质背景有关。本论文以与千里山花岗岩体密切相关的柿竹园钨锡钼铋铅锌矿田(以下简称柿竹园矿田)为研究对象,运用流体包裹体、稳定同位素和稀有气体同位素地球化学等方法,对其成矿流体的物理化学特征、来源及演化进行了研究,并在此基础上探讨了千里山花岗岩体与柿竹园矿田间的成因联系和矿田的成矿作用机制,获得以下主要研究成果: 1. 利用流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温学以及包裹体成分的激光拉曼分析技术,揭示了矿田中柿竹园钨锡钼铋矿床成矿流体的性质和演化特征。研究表明柿竹园钨锡钼铋矿床成矿流体为中高温、中高盐度H2O-NaCl-CaCl2-CO2-CH4-H2S-F体系。成矿流体的均一温度、盐度、密度和压力变化范围均较大,成矿早期夕卡岩阶段和云英岩阶段的流体具有较高的均一温度(239~477℃)和盐度(0~39.08 wt% NaCl eq.),云英岩网脉夕卡岩阶段和后期石英萤石脉阶段均一温度和盐度逐渐降低(分别为160~450℃,1.23~16.53 wt% NaCl eq.和156~340℃,1.23~4.49 wt% NaCl eq.)。夕卡岩阶段发生了流体沸腾作用。流体密度为0.37~1.12 g/cm3,主要集中在0.7~0.9 g/cm3;压力为10~820 bar,一般小于800 bar。野鸡尾锡铜矿床的成矿流体属于中高温度、中等盐度的H2O-NaCl-CaCl2-CO2-CH4-H2S-F型体系,柴山铅锌矿床属中温中等盐度H2O-NaCl-CaCl2-CO2-F体系,其均一温度和压力变化范围也较大。 2. 通过分析主要矿化类型矿石矿物及脉石矿物的C、H、O、S等稳定同位素特征,揭示了柿竹园矿田成矿流体的来源,并对C、O同位素的组成进行了CO2去气、流体混合和水―岩反应的理论模拟。研究表明矿田成矿流体主要来自千里山花岗岩浆,并有大气降水加入。水―岩反应在成矿过程中起着重要作用。 3. 对矿田不同矿化类型矿石矿物黄铁矿、黄铜矿、毒砂、方铅矿等进行了He、Ar同位素研究,其中3He/4He值为0.059~1.662 Ra(Ra为空气的3He/4He值,1 Ra=1.39×10-6),40Ar/36Ar值为289.8~1071.8,表明矿田成矿流体具有壳-幔两端员混合的特征。壳源组分为获得了大量地壳放射成因4He,但获得放射成因40Ar*较少的经过地下循环的低温饱和大气水。而幔源组分来自千里山花岗岩浆流体,表明千里山花岗岩并非传统的S型花岗岩。 4. 在总结前人研究成果的基础上,结合本次研究,建立了柿竹园矿田成矿作用模式:中生代华南岩石圈发生拉张、伸展作用,地幔物质上涌,发生壳幔相互作用,形成千里山花岗岩浆。花岗岩浆充分分异演化形成富含挥发分和成矿元素的成矿流体,与泥盆系碳酸盐岩发生反应而沉淀成矿。成矿过程有大气降水的加入,并发生了流体沸腾作用。


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o crescimento e a producao da borracha de clones seringueira [Havea brasiliensis ( Wild. Ex Adr. De Juss.) Muell. Arg.] sob diferentes sistemas de sangria, em condição de Cerrado dos Municipios de Barro Alto Goianesia no Estado de Goais. O plantio foi feito em fevereiro de 1992, no espacamento de 8,0 x 2,5 m (500 plantas/ha), em talhoes de 8 a 10 hectares para cada um dos clones RRIM 600, GT 1, PB 217, PB 235, PR 107 e PR 255 os quais receberam as mesmas praticas de manejo. Aos oito anos de idade, foram feitas as seguintes avaliacoes: estande final; circunferencia do caule a 1,20 m do solo; porcentagens de plantas aptas a sangria; producao de borracha acumulada na caneca pesada mensalmente; incidencia de seca de painel. A producao foi avaliada em nove sistemas de sangria em meia espiral (1/2 S), praticados cinco dias por semana (5d/7) e 10 meses ao ano (10m/12), variando na frequência de sangria (d/4 e d/7 = a cada 4 e 7 dias), a concentracao de Ethephon (ET 0,25%, 2,5%,3,3% e 5,0%) e sua frequencia de aplicacao durante o periodo chuvoso ( a cada 22, 28 e 35 dias), como segue: 1) 1/2S, d/7, ET 2,5% a cada 22 dias; 2)1/2S, d/7, ET 2,5% a cada 30 dias (referncia); 3) 1/2S. d/4, ET 2,5% a cada 30 dias; 4) 1/2S, d/7, ET 3,3% a cada 22 dias; 5)1/2S, d/7, ET 3,3% a cada 30 dias; 6) 1/2S. d/7, ET 5,0% a cada 22 dias 7) 1/2S, d/7, ET 5,0% a cada 30 dias; 8) 1/2S, d/7, ET 5,0% a cada 35 dias; 9) 1/2S, d/7, ET 0,25% (pulverizando 10 ml por painel) a cada 22 dias. Nos sistemas 1 a 8, o Ethephon foi pincelado ( 1mL) na canaleta de corte e ate 2 cm acima dela (Pa e La). O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repeticoes de 10 plantas poe parcela. Cada clone constitui um experimento separado, sendo os resultados de producao acumulada anual submetidos a analise de variancia e, nos caso de significancia, as medias dos sistemas foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Nao foi constatada qualquer incidencia de seca de painel e os resultados possibilitaram as seguintes conclusoes para as condicoes da regiao: 1) o sistema 1/2S, d/7, ET 2,5% a cada 30 dias e o mais indicado par a sangria dos clones PR 255, PR 107, PB 235, PB 217 e GT 1; 2) o sistema 1/2S, d/7, ET 3,3% a cada 30 dias e o mais indicado para a sangria do clone RRIM 600; 3) a producao individual de borracha em kg/planta/ano e maior nos clones RRIM 600, PB 217 e PR 255, enquanto a producao total em kg/ha/ano e superior nos clones RRIM 600 e PB 235; 4)os clones PB 217 e PR 255 sao menos adaptados a regiao, apresentando menores valores de estande final, circunferencia do caule, porcentagem de plantas em sangria e de producao total de borracha por hectare.


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It is in the interests of everybody that the environment is protected. In view of the recent leaps in environmental awareness it would seem timely and sensible, therefore, for people to pool vehicle resources to minimise the damaging impact of emissions. However, this is often contrary to how complex social systems behave – local decisions made by self-interested individuals often have emergent effects that are in the interests of nobody. For software engineers a major challenge is to help facilitate individual decision-making such that individual preferences can be met, which, when accumulated, minimise adverse effects at the level of the transport system. We introduce this general problem through a concrete example based on vehicle-sharing. Firstly, we outline the kind of complex transportation problem that is directly addressed by our technology (CO2y™ - pronounced “cosy”), and also show how this differs from other more basic software solutions. The CO2y™ architecture is then briefly introduced. We outline the practical advantages of the advanced, intelligent software technology that is designed to satisfy a number of individual preference criteria and thereby find appropriate matches within a population of vehicle-share users. An example scenario of use is put forward, i.e., minimisation of grey-fleets within a medium-sized company. Here we comment on some of the underlying assumptions of the scenario, and how in a detailed real-world situation such assumptions might differ between different companies, and individual users. Finally, we summarise the paper, and conclude by outlining how the problem of pooled transportation is likely to benefit from the further application of emergent, nature-inspired computing technologies. These technologies allow systems-level behaviour to be optimised with explicit representation of individual actors. With these techniques we hope to make real progress in facing the complexity challenges that transportation problems produce.


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This paper reports a grounded theory study of e-moderation of asynchronous online discussions, to explore the processes by which tutors in higher education decide when and how to e-moderate. It aims to construct a theory of e-moderation based on some key factors which appear to influence e-moderation. It discusses previous research on the definition and practice of e-moderation, and then describes the study, which involved four e-moderators working in two different university contexts. Key themes on e-moderation, which emerged using a grounded theory approach, are discussed. It proposes a paradigm framework for e-moderation and suggests that as a facilitative activity, it should be sufficiently contained within ‘a ring-fenced learning arena’. Factors outwith and inside the ring-fence which appear to influence e-moderation and their implications for future theory development and validation are discussed. Keywords: e-moderation; grounded theory; online learning; asynchronous discussions; ring-fence


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M.Hieber, I.Wood: The Dirichlet problem in convex bounded domains for operators with L^\infty-coefficients, Diff. Int. Eq., 20, 7 (2007),721-734.


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Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Psychologii


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Articular cartilage possesses complex mechanical properties that provide healthy joints the ability to bear repeated loads and maintain smooth articulating surfaces over an entire lifetime. In this study, we utilized a fiber-reinforced composite scaffold designed to mimic the anisotropic, nonlinear, and viscoelastic biomechanical characteristics of native cartilage as the basis for developing functional tissue-engineered constructs. Three-dimensionally woven poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds were encapsulated with a fibrin hydrogel, seeded with human adipose-derived stem cells, and cultured for 28 days in chondrogenic culture conditions. Biomechanical testing showed that PCL-based constructs exhibited baseline compressive and shear properties similar to those of native cartilage and maintained these properties throughout the culture period, while supporting the synthesis of a collagen-rich extracellular matrix. Further, constructs displayed an equilibrium coefficient of friction similar to that of native articular cartilage (mu(eq) approximately 0.1-0.3) over the prescribed culture period. Our findings show that three-dimensionally woven PCL-fibrin composite scaffolds can be produced with cartilage-like mechanical properties, and that these engineered properties can be maintained in culture while seeded stem cells regenerate a new, functional tissue construct.


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Axisymmetric radiating and scattering structures whose rotational invariance is broken by non-axisymmetric excitations present an important class of problems in electromagnetics. For such problems, a cylindrical wave decomposition formalism can be used to efficiently obtain numerical solutions to the full-wave frequency-domain problem. Often, the far-field, or Fraunhofer region is of particular interest in scattering cross-section and radiation pattern calculations; yet, it is usually impractical to compute full-wave solutions for this region. Here, we propose a generalization of the Stratton-Chu far-field integral adapted for 2.5D formalism. The integration over a closed, axially symmetric surface is analytically reduced to a line integral on a meridional plane. We benchmark this computational technique by comparing it with analytical Mie solutions for a plasmonic nanoparticle, and apply it to the design of a three-dimensional polarization-insensitive cloak.


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BACKGROUND: The wealth of phenotypic descriptions documented in the published articles, monographs, and dissertations of phylogenetic systematics is traditionally reported in a free-text format, and it is therefore largely inaccessible for linkage to biological databases for genetics, development, and phenotypes, and difficult to manage for large-scale integrative work. The Phenoscape project aims to represent these complex and detailed descriptions with rich and formal semantics that are amenable to computation and integration with phenotype data from other fields of biology. This entails reconceptualizing the traditional free-text characters into the computable Entity-Quality (EQ) formalism using ontologies. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used ontologies and the EQ formalism to curate a collection of 47 phylogenetic studies on ostariophysan fishes (including catfishes, characins, minnows, knifefishes) and their relatives with the goal of integrating these complex phenotype descriptions with information from an existing model organism database (zebrafish, http://zfin.org). We developed a curation workflow for the collection of character, taxonomic and specimen data from these publications. A total of 4,617 phenotypic characters (10,512 states) for 3,449 taxa, primarily species, were curated into EQ formalism (for a total of 12,861 EQ statements) using anatomical and taxonomic terms from teleost-specific ontologies (Teleost Anatomy Ontology and Teleost Taxonomy Ontology) in combination with terms from a quality ontology (Phenotype and Trait Ontology). Standards and guidelines for consistently and accurately representing phenotypes were developed in response to the challenges that were evident from two annotation experiments and from feedback from curators. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The challenges we encountered and many of the curation standards and methods for improving consistency that we developed are generally applicable to any effort to represent phenotypes using ontologies. This is because an ontological representation of the detailed variations in phenotype, whether between mutant or wildtype, among individual humans, or across the diversity of species, requires a process by which a precise combination of terms from domain ontologies are selected and organized according to logical relations. The efficiencies that we have developed in this process will be useful for any attempt to annotate complex phenotypic descriptions using ontologies. We also discuss some ramifications of EQ representation for the domain of systematics.


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PURPOSE: X-ray computed tomography (CT) is widely used, both clinically and preclinically, for fast, high-resolution anatomic imaging; however, compelling opportunities exist to expand its use in functional imaging applications. For instance, spectral information combined with nanoparticle contrast agents enables quantification of tissue perfusion levels, while temporal information details cardiac and respiratory dynamics. The authors propose and demonstrate a projection acquisition and reconstruction strategy for 5D CT (3D+dual energy+time) which recovers spectral and temporal information without substantially increasing radiation dose or sampling time relative to anatomic imaging protocols. METHODS: The authors approach the 5D reconstruction problem within the framework of low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition. Unlike previous work on rank-sparsity constrained CT reconstruction, the authors establish an explicit rank-sparse signal model to describe the spectral and temporal dimensions. The spectral dimension is represented as a well-sampled time and energy averaged image plus regularly undersampled principal components describing the spectral contrast. The temporal dimension is represented as the same time and energy averaged reconstruction plus contiguous, spatially sparse, and irregularly sampled temporal contrast images. Using a nonlinear, image domain filtration approach, the authors refer to as rank-sparse kernel regression, the authors transfer image structure from the well-sampled time and energy averaged reconstruction to the spectral and temporal contrast images. This regularization strategy strictly constrains the reconstruction problem while approximately separating the temporal and spectral dimensions. Separability results in a highly compressed representation for the 5D data in which projections are shared between the temporal and spectral reconstruction subproblems, enabling substantial undersampling. The authors solved the 5D reconstruction problem using the split Bregman method and GPU-based implementations of backprojection, reprojection, and kernel regression. Using a preclinical mouse model, the authors apply the proposed algorithm to study myocardial injury following radiation treatment of breast cancer. RESULTS: Quantitative 5D simulations are performed using the MOBY mouse phantom. Twenty data sets (ten cardiac phases, two energies) are reconstructed with 88 μm, isotropic voxels from 450 total projections acquired over a single 360° rotation. In vivo 5D myocardial injury data sets acquired in two mice injected with gold and iodine nanoparticles are also reconstructed with 20 data sets per mouse using the same acquisition parameters (dose: ∼60 mGy). For both the simulations and the in vivo data, the reconstruction quality is sufficient to perform material decomposition into gold and iodine maps to localize the extent of myocardial injury (gold accumulation) and to measure cardiac functional metrics (vascular iodine). Their 5D CT imaging protocol represents a 95% reduction in radiation dose per cardiac phase and energy and a 40-fold decrease in projection sampling time relative to their standard imaging protocol. CONCLUSIONS: Their 5D CT data acquisition and reconstruction protocol efficiently exploits the rank-sparse nature of spectral and temporal CT data to provide high-fidelity reconstruction results without increased radiation dose or sampling time.