592 resultados para EDAPHIC MITE


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1Recent studies demonstrated the sensitivity of northern forest ecosystems to changes in the amount and duration of snow cover at annual to decadal time scales. However, the consequences of snowfall variability remain uncertain for ecological variables operating at longer time scales, especially the distributions of forest communities. 2The Great Lakes region of North America offers a unique setting to examine the long-term effects of variable snowfall on forest communities. Lake-effect snow produces a three-fold gradient in annual snowfall over tens of kilometres, and dramatic edaphic variations occur among landform types resulting from Quaternary glaciations. We tested the hypothesis that these factors interact to control the distributions of mesic (dominated by Acer saccharum, Tsuga canadensis and Fagus grandifolia) and xeric forests (dominated by Pinus and Quercus spp.) in northern Lower Michigan. 3We compiled pre-European-settlement vegetation data and overlaid these data with records of climate, water balance and soil, onto Landtype Association polygons in a geographical information system. We then used multivariate adaptive regression splines to model the abundance of mesic vegetation in relation to environmental controls. 4Snowfall is the most predictive among five variables retained by our model, and it affects model performance 29% more than soil texture, the second most important variable. The abundance of mesic trees is high on fine-textured soils regardless of snowfall, but it increases with snowfall on coarse-textured substrates. Lake-effect snowfall also determines the species composition within mesic forests. The weighted importance of A. saccharum is significantly greater than of T. canadensis or F. grandifolia within the lake-effect snowbelt, whereas T. canadensis is more plentiful outside the snowbelt. These patterns are probably driven by the influence of snowfall on soil moisture, nutrient availability and fire return intervals. 5Our results imply that a key factor dictating the spatio-temporal patterns of forest communities in the vast region around the Great Lakes is how the lake-effect snowfall regime responds to global change. Snowfall reductions will probably cause a major decrease in the abundance of ecologically and economically important species, such as A. saccharum.


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Presented are physical and biological data for the region extending from the Barents Sea to the Kara Sea during 158 scientific cruises for the period 1913-1999. Maps with the temporal distribution of physical and biological variables of the Barents and Kara Seas are presented, with proposed quality control criteria for phytoplankton and zooplankton data. Changes in the plankton community structure between the 1930s, 1950s, and 1990s are discussed. Multiple tables of Arctic Seas phytoplankton and zooplankton species are presented, containing ecological and geographic characteristics for each species, and images of live cells for the dominant phytoplankton species.


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"Contiene el texto de las leyes, resoluciones y minutas de comunicación aprobadas en las sesiones ordinarias y extraordinarias de dicha Legislatura; así como los proyectos de ley en trámite y los pendientes; solicitudes despachadas y demás actos parlamentarios."


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Edaphic factors affect the quality of onions (Allium cepa). Two experiments were carried out in the field and glasshouse to investigate the effects of N (field: 0, 120 kg ha(-1); glasshouse: 0, 108 kg ha(-1)), S (field: 0, 20 kg ha(-1); glasshouse: 0, 4.35 kg ha(-1)) and soil type (clay, sandy loam) on onion quality. A conducting polymer sensor electronic nose (E-nose) was used to classify onion headspace volatiles. Relative changes in the E-nose sensor resistance ratio (%dR/R) were reduced following N and S fertilisation. A 2D Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the E-nose data sets accounted for c. 100% of the variations in onion headspace volatiles in both experiments. For the field experiment, E-nose data set clusters for headspace volatiles for no N-added onions overlapped (D-2 = 1.0) irrespective of S treatment. Headspace volatiles of N-fertilised onions for the glasshouse sandy loam also overlapped (D-2 = 1.1) irrespective of S treatment as compared with distinct separations among clusters for the clay soil. N fertilisation significantly (P < 0.01) reduced onion bulb pyruvic acid concentration (flavour) in both experiments. S fertilisation increased pyruvic acid concentration significantly (P < 0.01) in the glasshouse experiment, especially for the clay soil, but had no effect on pyruvic acid concentration in the field. N and S fertilisation significantly (P < 0.01) increased lachrymatory potency (pungency), but reduced total soluble solids (TSS) content in the field experiment. In the glasshouse experiment, N and S had no effect on TSS. TSS content was increased on the clay by 1.2-fold as compared with the sandy loam. Onion tissue N:water-soluble SO42- ratios of between five and eight were associated with greater %dR/R and pyruvic acid concentration values. N did not affect inner bulb tissue microbial load. In contrast, S fertilisation reduced inner bulb tissue microbial load by 80% in the field experiment and between 27% (sandy loam) and 92% (clay) in the glasshouse experiment. Overall, onion bulb quality discriminated by the E-nose responded to N, S and soil type treatments, and reflected their interactions. However, the conventional analytical and sensory measures of onion quality did not correlate with %dR/R.


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Human scabies, caused by skin infestation with the arthropod mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, typically results in a papular, intensely pruritic eruption involving the interdigital spaces, and flexure creases. Recent research has led to a reassessment of the morbidity attributable to this parasite in endemic communities, particularly resulting from secondary skin sepsis and postinfective complications including glomerulonephritis. This has led to studies of the benefits of community based control programmes, and to concerns regarding the emergence of drug resistance when such strategies are employed. The renewed research interest into the biology of this infection has resulted in the application of molecular tools. This has established that canine and human scabies populations are genetically distinct, a finding with major implications for the formulation of public health control policies. Further research is needed to increase understanding of drug resistance, and to identify new drug targets and potential vaccine candidates.


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[GRAPHICS] The major cuticular hydrocarbons from the cane beetle species Antitrogus parvulus are 4,6,8,10,16-penta- and 4,6,8,10,16,18-hexamethyldocosanes, I and 2, respectively. Stereoisomers of 2,4,6,8-tetramethylundecanal of established relative stereochemistry were derived from 2,4,6-trimethylphenol and were then coupled with appropriate methyl-substituted phosphoranes 62 and 25 to furnish alkenes, which on reduction provided diastereomers of I and 2, respectively. Capillary gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and high resolution C-13 NMR spectroscopy confirmed 1 as either 84a or 84b and 2 as either 15a or 15b. The novelty of these structures and their relative stereochemistry is briefly related to polyketide assembly.


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Mangrove forest structure and sediment characteristics were examined in the extensive mangroves of Bocas del Toro, Republic of Panama. Forest structure was characterized to determine if spatial vegetation patterns were repeated over the Bocas del Toro landscape. Using a series of permanent plots and transects we found that the forests of Bocas del Toro were dominated by Rhizophora maugle with very few individuals of Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa. Despite this low species diversity, there was large variation in forest structure and in edaphic conditions (salinity, concentration of available phosphorus, Eh and sulphide concentration). Aboveground biomass varied 20-fold, from 6.8 Mg ha(-1) in dwarf forests to 194.3 Mg ha(-1) in the forests fringing the land. But variation in forest structure was predictable across the intertidal zone. There was a strong tree height gradient from seaward fringe (mean tree height 3.9 m), decreasing in stature in the interior dwarf forests (mean tree height 0.7 m), and increasing in stature in forests adjacent to the terrestrial forest (mean tree height 4.1 m). The predictable variation in forest structure emerges due to the complex interactions among edaphic and plant factors. Identifying predictable patterns in forest structure will aid in scaling up the ecosystem services provided by mangrove forests in coastal landscapes.


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Background: Intermediate phenotypes are often measured as a proxy for asthma. It is largely unclear to what extent the same set of environmental or genetic factors regulate these traits. Objective: Estimate the environmental and genetic correlations between self-reported and clinical asthma traits. Methods: A total of 3073 subjects from 802 families were ascertained through a twin proband. Traits measured included self-reported asthma, airway histamine responsiveness (AHR), skin prick response to common allergens including house dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus [D. pter]), baseline lung function, total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) and eosinophilia. Bivariate and multivariate analyses of eight traits were performed with adjustment for ascertainment and significant covariates. Results: Overall 2716 participants completed an asthma questionnaire and 2087 were clinically tested, including 1289 self-reported asthmatics (92% previously diagnosed by a doctor). Asthma, AHR, markers of allergic sensitization and eosinophilia had significant environmental correlations with each other (range: 0.23-0.89). Baseline forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) showed low environmental correlations with most traits. Fewer genetic correlations were significantly different from zero. Phenotypes with greatest genetic similarity were asthma and atopy (0.46), IgE and eosinophilia (0.44), AHR and D. pter (0.43) and AHR and airway obstruction (-0.43). Traits with greatest genetic dissimilarity were FEV1 and atopy (0.05), airway obstruction and IgE (0.07) and FEV1 and D. pter (0.11). Conclusion: These results suggest that the same set of environmental factors regulates the variation of many asthma traits. In addition, although most traits are regulated to great extent by specific genetic factors, there is still some degree of genetic overlap that could be exploited by multivariate linkage approaches.


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The performance of 32 tropical rainforest and eucalypt tree species grown in private, mixed species plantations was examined. There were two objectives: 1) to summarise the growth of species by soil and rainfall classes, 2) to investigate the degree of variability in growth rates with respect to environmental variables. Data were collected from 112 plots established in the Community Rainforest Reforestation Program (CRRP) plantations across sites in the humid tropics of central and north Queensland. Sites ranged from sea level to 1160 m above sea level, with annual rainfall from 800 mm to 4300 mm, on soils derived from basalt, metamorphic and granite parent material. Species performance was significantly related to climatic and edaphic variables but the strength of these relationships differed among taxa.


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Asthma is a multifactorial disease for which a variety of mouse models have been developed. A major drawback of these models is represented by the transient nature of the airway pathology peaking 24 to 72 hours after challenge and resolving in 1 to 2 weeks. The objective of this study is to characterize the temporal evolution of pulmonary inflammation and remodeling in a recently described mouse model of chronic asthma (8 week treatment with 3 allergens relevant for the human pathology: Dust mite, Ragweed, and Aspergillus; DRA). We studied the DRA model taking advantage of fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) imaging using near-infrared probes to non-invasively evaluate lung inflammation and airway remodeling. At 4, 6, 8 or 11 weeks, cathepsin- and metalloproteinase-dependent fluorescence was evaluated in vivo. A subgroup of animals, after 4 weeks of DRA, was treated with Budesonide (100 µg/kg intranasally) daily for 4 weeks. Cathepsin-dependent fluorescence in DRA-sensitized mice resulted significantly increased at 6 and 8 weeks, and was markedly inhibited by budesonide. This fluorescent signal well correlated with ex vivo analysis such as bronchoalveolar lavage eosinophils and alveolar cell infiltration. Metalloproteinase-dependent fluorescence was significantly increased at 8 and 11 weeks, nicely correlated with collagen deposition, as evaluated histologically by Masson’s Trichrome staining, and airway epithelium hypertrophy, and was also partly inhibited by budesonide. In conclusion, FMT proved suitable for longitudinal study to evaluate asthma progression, both in terms of inflammatory cell infiltration and airway remodeling, allowing the determination of treatment efficacy in a chronic asthma model in mice.


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Atopic dermatitis is a very common inflammatory skin disease, particularly in children. A systematic review of randomised controlled trials of treatments for atopic dermatitis (AD) was carried out to assess how many trials exist, what they cover, what they do not cover, the research gaps, provide a 'blue print' for future Cochrane Reviews and assist those making treatment recommendations by summarising the available RCT evidence, using descriptive statistics. The Cochrane Collaboration systematic review process formed the basis of the methodology, from which over 4000 studies were located via electronic database searches and hand searching of journals. A total of 292 trials were finally included covering 9 treatment groups and over 48 individual treatments. There are lots of trials covering lots of interventions but gaps are evident. However, there is evidence of a benefit in the treatment of atopic dermatitis with topical corticosteroids, psychological approaches, UV light, ascomycin derivatives, topical tacrolimus and oral cyclosporin. Treatments that show limited evidence of a benefit include non-sedatory antihistamines, topical doxepin, the oral antibiotic Cefadroxil on clinically infected AD, the topical antibacterial Mupirocin on clinically uninfected AD, Chinese herbs, hypnotherapy and biofeedback, massage therapy, dietary manipulation, house dust mite reduction, patient education, emollients, allergen antibody complexes of house dust mite and thymic extracts. Treatments that show no evidence of benefit include sedatory antihistamines, oral sodium cromoglycate, oral antibiotics on clinically uninfected AD, topical antibacterials, topical antifungals, aromatherapy essential oils, borage oil, fish oil, evening primrose oil, enzyme-free clothes detergent, cotton clothing, house dust mite hyposensitisation, salt baths, topical coal tar, topical cyclosporin and platelet-activating-factor antagonist. When interpreting the conclusions of this thesis it is important to understand that lack of evidence does not equal lack of efficacy, particularly considering the interventions that are commonly in use today to treat atopic dermatitis that have not been subjected to RCTs, such as occlusive dressings, water softening devices and stress management among many others.


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Tatyana F. Sergeeva - Basic problems of school mathematical education are analysed in the paper and key factors of its development are designed. Experience of productive international cooperation is described – the Bulgarian-Russian project "MITE" in the field of techniques of training in Mathematics, improvement of professional skills of teachers and work with mathematically gifted students.


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Several methods and indicators can be used to evaluate the coenological state of a given habitat, the ones which can be created simply, quickly, standardizably and reliably and which can be used to exactly quantify the state of a given habitat in point of numbers can be of outstanding practical importance in ecology. One possible method is the examination of the genera which can be found in a given habitat in great abundance and have little number of species and various ecological characteristics. For this purpose one of the most appropriate groups is that of ground-dwelling oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida). In our research, joining the bioindication methodological project of the “Adaptation to Climate Change” Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the indication strength of genus-level taxon lists and the effects of the main pattern-generating factors creating similarity patterns were analysed with the help of data series on oribatid mites collected by us and originating from literature. Our aim was to develop a method with the help of which the difference expressed with distance functions between two oribatid mite genus lists originating from any sources can correspond to spatial and temporal scales. Our results prove that these genus lists are able to express the spatial distance of the habitats. With the help of this base of comparison changes in disturbed or transformed habitats can be expressed by means of oribatid mite communities, with spatial and temporal distances.


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The importance and risk of vector-borne diseases (eg. leishmaniasis, West Nile Virus, Lyme borreliosis) is going to increase in the European temperate areas due to climate change. Our previous studies have shown that the potential distribution of Leishmania infantum and some Phlebotomus (sand fly) species – a parasite of leishmaniasis, and its vectors – may be expanded even to the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea by the end of the 21st century. The lowland areas of the Carpathian Basin and the main part of Hungary are projected to be suitable for the studied sand fly vectors in the near future. It is important to find some indicator plants to examine whether the sand flies are able to live in a certain climate at a certain time. We studied several Mediterranean and Sub-Mediterranean plant species, and we found that the aggregated distribution of three ligneous species (Juniperus oxycedrus L., Quercus ilex L. and Pinus brutia Ten.) shows high correlation with the union distribution of five sand flies (Phlebotomus ariasi Tonn., Ph. neglectus Tonn., Ph. perfiliewi Parrot, Ph. perniciosus Newst. and Ph. tobbi Adler, Theodor et Lourie). Since these Mediterranean species are highly tolerant of the edaphic characteristics of the planting site, they may prove to be good indicators. The present and upcoming climate of Hungary is seen to be suitable for the selected indicator plant species, and it draws attention to and verifies the potential of the expansion of sand flies, which has been proved by some recent observations of the vectors in Southern Hungary.


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The importance and risk of vector-borne diseases (e.g., leishmaniasis, West Nile Virus, Lyme borreliosis) is going to increase in the European temperate areas due to climate change. Our previous studies have shown that the potential distribution of Leishmania infantum and some Phlebotomus (sand fly) species – a parasite of leishmaniasis, and its vectors – may be expanded even to the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea by the end of the 21st century. The lowland areas of the Carpathian Basin and the main part of Hungary are projected to be suitable for the studied sand fly vectors in the near future. It is important to find some indicator plants to examine whether the sand flies are able to live in a certain climate at a certain time. We studied several Mediterranean and Sub-Mediterranean plant species, and we found that the aggregated distribution of three ligneous species (Juniperus oxycedrus L., Quercus ilex L. and Pinus brutia Ten.) shows high correlation with the union distribution of five sand flies (Phlebotomus ariasi Tonn., Ph. neglectus Tonn., Ph. perfiliewi Parrot, Ph. perniciosus Newst. and Ph. tobbi Adler, Theodor et Lourie). Since these Mediterranean species are highly tolerant of the edaphic characteristics of the planting site, they may prove to be good indicators. The present and upcoming climate of Hungary is seen to be suitable for the selected indicator plant species, and it draws attention to and verifies the potential of the expansion of sand flies, which has been proved by some recent observations of the vectors in Southern Hungary.