546 resultados para Dyke Emplacement
After the Congress, a six-day field trip, will be held through three southwestern provinces of Angola (Huíla, Namibe and Cunene), every day starting and ending in the city of Lubango, for overnight stay in Lubango, with the purpose to observe some of the main sites of geological interest in this zone of Angola. The itinerary of this field trip presents the geologic history of Southwestern Angola and its evolution in the scope of the Congo Craton, through a trip that begins in the first excursion days by the oldest geologic formations and phenomena until the recent geologic formations and phenomena on the last excursion days. On the first and second excursion days, September 5th and September 6th, the field trip will go along the Kunene Anorthosite Complex of Angola (KAC), to observe some petrographic features of the KAC that are important to understand the emplacement of this huge igneous massif of the early Kibarean age. These days of the field trip allow the observation of Earthen Construction, because this region of Cunene is privileged to appreciate a kind of Eco-construction, made of raw earth and in wattle and daub, built with ancient techniques, which constitute a real GeoHeritage. On September 7th, in the morning, the destination will be Tundavala, to visit Tundavala Gap, a huge escarpment of more than 1,000 m high cutted in Neo-Archean and Paleo-Proterozoic igneous rocks, the Ruins of Tundavala (quartzite blocks with sedimentary structures) and Tundavala Waterfalls on a quartzitic scarp. After lunch, the field trip continues towards Humpata plateau to observe the panoramic view over Lubango city from the Statue of Cristo Rei, then the outcrops of dolomitic limestones with stromatolites and dolerites and finally the Leba passage, a huge escarpment and one of the most spectacular parts of the Serra da Chela, traversed by a mountain road built in the early 70s of the last century, that can be observed from the belvedere of the Serra da Chela. On September 8th, the destination is the carbonatite complexes of Tchivira and Bonga, belonging to the Mesozoic alkaline massifs of ultrabasic rocks, a rift valley system that occurs during the Early Cretaceous. In this forth excursion day, due to the huge dimensions of these two carbonatite structures it will be visited, only, the Complex of Bonga, namely the outcrops of the northern part of the structure and secondary deposits on the boundary on the southern part of the of the Complex. The last two excursion days, September 9th and September 10th, are to observe the Cretaceous Basin of Namibe. On September 9th, the northern part of Namibe Basin will be visited to observe the volcanic basic rocks of Namibe as well as the interesting paleontological site of Bentiaba. On September 10th, the destination is the southern and more recent part of Namibe Basin, where on the Namib Desert, the exotic plant Welwitschia mirabilis can be observed, as well as Arco, an oasis in the desert. This last excursion day, ends up at the dunes of Tombwa near the mouth of Curoca river and the beautiful bay of Tombwa, where can be observed heavy minerals in their beach sands.
An integrated interpretation of the late Paleozoic structural and geochronological record of the Iberian Massif is presented and discussed under the perspective of a Gondwana-Laurussia collision giving way to the Variscan orogen. Compressional and extensional structures developed during the building of the Variscan orogenic crust of Iberia are linked together into major tectonic events operating at lithosphere scale. A review of the tectonometamorphic and magmatic evolution of the IberianMassif reveals backs and forths in the overall conver- gence between Gondwana and Laurussia during theamalgamation of Pangea in late Paleozoic times. Stages dom- inated by lithosphere compression are characterized by subduction, both oceanic and continental, development of magmatic arcs, (over- and under-) thrusting of continental lithosphere, and folding. Variscan convergence re- sulted in the eventual transference of a large allochthonous set of peri-Gondwanan terranes, the Iberian Allochthon, onto the Gondwana mainland. The Iberian Allochthon bears the imprint of previous interaction be- tween Gondwana and Laurussia, including their juxtaposition after the closure of the Rheic Ocean in Lower De- vonian times. Stages governed by lithosphere extension are featured by the opening of two short-lived oceanic basins that dissected previous Variscan orogenic crust, first in the Lower-Middle Devonian, following the closure of the Rheic Ocean, and then in the early Carboniferous, following the emplacement of the peri-Gondwanan allochthon. An additional, major intra-orogenic extensional event in the early-middle Carboniferous dismem- bered the Iberian Allochthon into individual thrust stacks separated by extensional faults and domes. Lateral tec- tonics played an important role through the Variscan orogenesis, especially during the creation of new tectonic blocks separated by intracontinental strike-slip shear zones in the late stages of continental convergence.
U–Pb geochronological study of zircons from nodular granites and Qtz-diorites comprising part of Variscan high- grade metamorphic complexes in Gredos massif (Spanish Central System batholith) points out the significant presence of Cambro-Ordovician protoliths among the Variscan migmatitic rocks that host the Late Carboniferous intrusive granitoids. Indeed, the studied zone was affected by two contrasted tectono-magmatic episodes, Car- boniferous (Variscan) and Cambro-Ordovician. Three main characteristics denote a close relation between the Cambro-Ordovician protholiths of the Prado de las Pozas high-grade metamorphic complex, strongly reworked during the Variscan Orogeny, and other Cambro-Ordovician igneous domains in the Central Iberian Zone of the Iberian Massif: (1) geochemical features show the ferrosilicic signature of nodular granites. They plot very close to the average analysis of themetavolcanic rocks of the Ollo de Sapo formation (Iberia). Qtz-diorites present typical calc-alkaline signatures and are geochemically similar to intermediate cordilleran granitoids. (2) Both Qtz-diorite and nodular granite samples yield a significant population of Cambro-Ordovician ages, ranging between 483 and 473 Ma and between 487 and 457 Ma, respectively. Besides, (3) the abundance of zircon inher- itance observed on nodular granites matches the significant component of inheritance reported on Cambro- Ordovician metagranites and metavolcanic rocks of central and NW Iberia. The spatial and temporal coincidence of both peraluminous and intermediate granitoids, and specifically in nodular granites and Qtz-diorite enclaves of the Prado de las Pozas high-grade complex, is conducive to a common petrogenetic context for the formation of both magmatic types. Tectonic and geochemical characteristics describe the activity of a Cambro-Ordovician arc-back-arc tectonic set- ting associated with the subduction of the Iapetus–Tornquist Ocean and the birth of the Rheic Ocean. The exten- sional setting is favorable for the generation, emplacement, and fast rise of subduction-related cold diapirs, supported by the presence of typical calc-alkaline cordilleran granitoids contemporary with ferrosilicic volcanism.
The late Paleozoic collision between Gondwana and Laurussia resulted in the polyphase deformation and magmatism that characterizes the Iberian Massif of the Variscan orogen. In the Central Iberian Zone, initial con- tinental thickening (D1; folding and thrusting) was followed by extensional orogenic collapse (D2) responsible for the exhumation of high-grade rocks coeval to the emplacement of granitoids. This study presents a tectonometamorphic analysis of the Trancoso-Pinhel region (Central Iberian Zone) to ex- plain the processes in place during the transition froman extension-dominated state (D2) to a compression-dom- inated one (D3).Wereveal the existence of low-dipping D2 extensional structures later affected by several pulses of subhorizontal shortening, each of them typified by upright folds and strike-slip shearing (D3, D4 and D5, as identified by superimposition of structures). The D2 Pinhel extensional shear zone separates a low-grade domain from an underlying high-grade domain, and it contributed to the thermal reequilibration of the orogen by facil- itating heat advection from lower parts of the crust, crustal thinning, decompression melting, and magma intru- sion. Progressive lessening of the gravitational disequilibrium carried out by this D2 shear zone led to a switch from subhorizontal extension to compression and the eventual cessation and capture of the Pinhel shear zone by strike-slip tectonics during renewed crustal shortening. High-grade domains of the Pinhel shear zone were folded together with low-grade domains to define the current upright folded structure of the Trancoso-Pinhel re- gion, the D3 Tamames-Marofa-Sátão synform. Newdating of syn-orogenic granitoids (SHRIMP U\\Pb zircon dat- ing) intruding the Pinhel shear zone, together with the already published ages of early extensional fabrics constrain the functioning of this shear zone to ca. 331–311 Ma, with maximum tectonomagmatic activity at ca. 321–317 Ma. The capture and apparent cessation of movement of the Pinhel shear zone occurred at ca. 317– 311 Ma.
Questa ricerca si concentra sui modi di produzione e ricezione della teatralità nelle pratiche performative contemporanee con finalità estetiche. In particolare, sono indagate quelle pratiche che – all’interno di ecosistemi performátici – impiegano modalità di progettazione dell’azione ricorrendo a strategie e dispositivi di teatralizzazione dell’evento attraverso modelli immersivi co-partecipativi, intervenendo sui meccanismi semiocognitivi di interpretazione dello spettatore. Il concetto di ecosistemi performátici consente di pertinentizzare le differenti formazioni semiotiche che emergono dal continuum performativo della semiosfera, cogliendo i rapporti ecologici ed evolutivi che si instaurano diacronicamente tra le forme teatrali. Sono soprattutto le trasformazioni a essere comprese, restituendo all’analisi semiotica un’immagine delle arti performátiche dinamica e radicata nella cultura e nella società, e delle modalità in cui i meccanismi di base della teatralità prendono forma. Con approccio etnografico ecologico cognitivo, si affronta il tema della corporeità e dei regimi di presenza, introducendo nell’analisi relazionale il concetto di emplacement a integrazione della nozione di embodiment. È elaborato, inoltre, un modello autopoietico dell’enunciazione come atto di mostrazione, sulla metafora della “conversazione”. Nell’ecologia dell’ambiente performático tra attore e spettatore si crea un “campo interattivo”, nel quale si consuma l’enunciazione teatrale. Attraverso casi studio, si illustra come le esperienze immersive co-partecipative scardinano e riconfigurano l’insieme di norme e usi naturalizzati nella tradizione teatrale occidentale del dramma. Si giunge, infine, a concepire la relazione tra frontalità e immersività non in termini di opposizione tra contrari, bensì in rapporto di continuità quale costante del discorso performático soggetta a multiformi gradazioni. Quella tra attore e spettatore è una interazione, un dialogo, che non si gioca sulla relazione frontalità/immersività bensì su quella interattività/non-interattività dalla cui articolazione emergono le differenti e cangianti forme teatrali che popolano e popoleranno gli ecosistemi performátici.
The historical iron ore deposits of eastern Elba held great importance for the region and were its primary source of iron. The Torre di Rio skarn, despite its easily accessible outcrop and vicinity to the larger Rio Marina deposit, was never properly characterized. The results of petrographic and microthermometric study presented in this work provide new constraints on the Torre di Rio skarn. Mineral assemblage of ilvaite, calcite, quartz, iron oxides and sulphides combined with textural evidence indicate that Torre di Rio skarn does not fit into classical skarn model. The complex paragenetic sequence and overlapping of skarn and ore mineralogy is result of fast formation at relatively low temperatures evidenced by the silicon enrichment and pervasive nature of limonite alteration. Hematite-magnetite textural relationship points to boundary conditions of the ore fluid in terms of oxygen fugacity. Eutectic temperatures range from -16 to -33 °C indicating complex fluids. Calculated salinities range from 1.4 to 17.4 wt% NaCleq suggesting multiple fluids of different compositions. Total homogenization temperatures vary from 330 °C to 150 °C with both homogeneously and heterogeneously trapped FIAs. Ore deposition is concentrated where skarn formation was controlled primarily by phase separation during boiling. Calculated fluid pressure at boiling suggest shallow formation depth of a few hundred meters and constrains maximum temperature of ore deposition to c. 260 °C. This work suggest that relatively low salinities of fluid inclusions could indicate dominant marine origin of the hydrothermal fluids that were activated by the Porto Azzurro pluton emplacement and that scavenged Fe from sedimentary host rocks. During boiling at shallow depths and decreasing iron solubility, these fluids started precipitating Fe-minerals at Torre di Rio mineralization. Mixing with batches of more saline fluids at around 236 °C increased salinity abruptly and marked the end of ore deposition.