943 resultados para Dose-response relationship (Biochemistry)
Veterinary medicines (VMs) from agricultural industry can enter the environment in a number of ways. This includes direct exposure through aquaculture, accidental spillage and disposal, and indirect entry by leaching from manure or runoff after treatment. Many compounds used in animal treatments have ecotoxic properties that may have chronic or sometimes lethal effects when they come into contact with non-target organisms. VMs enter the environment in mixtures, potentially having additive effects. Traditional ecotoxicology tests are used to determine the lethal and sometimes reproductive effects on freshwater and terrestrial organisms. However, organisms used in ecotoxicology tests can be unrepresentative of the populations that are likely to be exposed to the compound in the environment. Most often the tests are on single compound toxicity but mixture effects may be significant and should be included in ecotoxicology testing. This work investigates the use, measured environmental concentrations (MECs) and potential impact of sea lice treatments on salmon farms in Scotland. Alternative methods for ecotoxicology testing including mixture toxicity, and the use of in silico techniques to predict the chronic impact of VMs on different species of aquatic organisms were also investigated. The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) provided information on the use of five sea lice treatments from 2008-2011 on Scottish salmon farms. This information was combined with the recently available data on sediment MECs for the years 2009-2012 provided by SEPA using ArcGIS 10.1. In depth analysis of this data showed that from a total of 55 sites, 30 sites had a MEC higher than the maximum allowable concentration (MAC) as set out by SEPA for emamectin benzoate and 7 sites had a higher MEC than MAC for teflubenzuron. A number of sites that were up to 16 km away from the nearest salmon farm reported as using either emamectin benzoate or teflubenzuron measured positive for the two treatments. There was no relationship between current direction and the distribution of the sea lice treatments, nor was there any evidence for alternative sources of the compounds e.g. land treatments. The sites that had MECs higher than the MAC could pose a risk to non-target organisms and disrupt the species dynamics of the area. There was evidence that some marine protected sites might be at risk of exposure to these compounds. To complement this work, effects on acute mixture toxicity of the 5 sea lice treatments, plus one major metabolite 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3PBA), were measured using an assay using the bioluminescent bacteria Aliivibrio fischeri. When exposed to the 5 sea lice treatments and 3PBA A. fischeri showed a response to 3PBA, emamectin benzoate and azamethiphos as well as combinations of the three. In order to establish any additive effect of the sea lice treatments, the efficacy of two mixture prediction equations, concentration addition (CA) and independent action ii(IA) were tested using the results from single compound dose response curves. In this instance IA was the more effective prediction method with a linear regression confidence interval of 82.6% compared with 22.6% of CA. In silico molecular docking was carried out to predict the chronic effects of 15 VMs (including the five used as sea lice control). Molecular docking has been proposed as an alternative screening method for the chronic effects of large animal treatments on non-target organisms. Oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα) of 7 non-target bony fish and the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis were modelled using SwissModel. These models were then ‘docked’ to oestradiol, the synthetic oestrogen ethinylestradiol, two known xenoestrogens dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and bisphenol A (BPA), the antioestrogen breast cancer treatment tamoxifen and 15 VMs using Auto Dock 4. Based on the results of this work, four VMs were identified as being possible xenoestrogens or anti-oestrogens; these were cypermethrin, deltamethrin, fenbendazole and teflubenzuron. Further investigation, using in vitro assays, into these four VMs has been suggested as future work. A modified recombinant yeast oestrogen screen (YES) was attempted using the cDNA of the ERα of the zebrafish Danio rerio and the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Due to time and difficulties in cloning protocols this work was unable to be completed. Use of such in vitro assays would allow for further investigation of the highlighted VMs into their oestrogenic potential. In conclusion, VMs used as sea lice treatments, such as teflubenzuron and emamectin benzoate may be more persistent and have a wider range in the environment than previously thought. Mixtures of sea lice treatments have been found to persist together in the environment, and effects of these mixtures on the bacteria A. fischeri can be predicted using the IA equation. Finally, molecular docking may be a suitable tool to predict chronic endocrine disrupting effects and identify varying degrees of impact on the ERα of nine species of aquatic organisms.
La circulation extracorporelle (CEC) est une technique utilisée en chirurgie cardiaque effectuée des milliers de fois chaque jour à travers le monde. L’instabilité hémodynamique associée au sevrage de la CEC difficile constitue la principale cause de mortalité en chirurgie cardiaque et l’hypertension pulmonaire (HP) a été identifiée comme un des facteurs de risque les plus importants. Récemment, une hypothèse a été émise suggérant que l'administration prophylactique (avant la CEC) de la milrinone par inhalation puisse avoir un effet préventif et faciliter le sevrage de la CEC chez les patients atteints d’HP. Toutefois, cette indication et voie d'administration pour la milrinone n'ont pas encore été approuvées par les organismes réglementaires. Jusqu'à présent, la recherche clinique sur la milrinone inhalée s’est principalement concentrée sur l’efficacité hémodynamique et l'innocuité chez les patients cardiaques, bien qu’aucun biomarqueur n’ait encore été établi. La dose la plus appropriée pour l’administration par nébulisation n'a pas été déterminée, de même que la caractérisation des profils pharmacocinétiques (PK) et pharmacodynamiques (PD) suite à l'inhalation. L'objectif de notre recherche consistait à caractériser la relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone inhalée administrée chez les patients subissant une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC. Une méthode analytique par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à un détecteur ultraviolet (HPLC-UV) a été optimisée et validée pour le dosage de la milrinone plasmatique suite à l’inhalation et s’est avérée sensible et précise. La limite de quantification (LLOQ) était de 1.25 ng/ml avec des valeurs de précision intra- et inter-dosage moyennes (CV%) <8%. Des patients souffrant d’HP pour lesquels une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC était prévue ont d’abord été recrutés pour une étude pilote (n=12) et, par la suite, pour une étude à plus grande échelle (n=28) où la milrinone (5 mg) était administrée par inhalation pré-CEC. Dans l'étude pilote, nous avons comparé l'exposition systémique de la milrinone peu après son administration avec un nébuliseur pneumatique ou un nébuliseur à tamis vibrant. L’efficacité des nébuliseurs en termes de dose émise et dose inhalée a également été déterminée in vitro. Dans l'étude à plus grande échelle conduite en utilisant exclusivement le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, la dose inhalée in vivo a été estimée et le profil pharmacocinétique de la milrinone inhalée a été pleinement caractérisé aux niveaux plasmatique et urinaire. Le ratio de la pression artérielle moyenne sur la pression artérielle pulmonaire moyenne (PAm/PAPm) a été choisi comme biomarqueur PD. La relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone a été caractérisée pendant la période d'inhalation en étudiant la relation entre l'aire sous la courbe de l’effet (ASCE) et l’aire sous la courbe des concentrations plasmatiques (ASC) de chacun des patients. Enfin, le ratio PAm/PAPm a été exploré comme un prédicteur potentiel de sortie de CEC difficile dans un modèle de régression logistique. Les expériences in vitro ont démontré que les doses émises étaient similaires pour les nébuliseurs pneumatique (64%) et à tamis vibrant (68%). Cependant, la dose inhalée était 2-3 fois supérieure (46% vs 17%) avec le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, et ce, en accord avec les concentrations plasmatiques. Chez les patients, en raison des variations au niveau des facteurs liés au circuit et au ventilateur causant une plus grande dose expirée, la dose inhalée a été estimée inférieure (30%) et cela a été confirmé après récupération de la dose de milrinone dans l'urine 24 h (26%). Les concentrations plasmatiques maximales (Cmax: 41-189 ng/ml) et l'ampleur de la réponse maximale ΔRmax-R0 (0-65%) ont été observées à la fin de l'inhalation (10-30 min). Les données obtenues suite aux analyses PK sont en accord avec les données publiées pour la milrinone intraveineuse. Après la période d'inhalation, les ASCE individuelles étaient directement reliées aux ASC (P=0.045). Enfin, notre biomarqueur PD ainsi que la durée de CEC ont été identifiés comme des prédicteurs significatifs de la sortie de CEC difficile. La comparaison des ASC et ASCE correspondantes a fourni des données préliminaires supportant une preuve de concept pour l'utilisation du ratio PAm/PAPm comme biomarqueur PD prometteur et justifie de futures études PK/PD. Nous avons pu démontrer que la variation du ratio PAm/PAPm en réponse à la milrinone inhalée contribue à la prévention de la sortie de CEC difficile.
Este trabajo rastrea el tratamiento dado a las categorías Actividad Física e Imagen Corporal en una selección de textos científicos del área de la salud; revisa la relación entre categorías y examina si en dichos textos son abordadas desde el enfoque de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud o desde el enfoque de la Determinación Social de la Salud, usando la categoría de equidad como parámetro y explorando las implicaciones de ello. Su paradigma epistemológico es la construcción social del conocimiento y el eje metodológico el análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran una construcción insipiente de las categorías, una relación diversa entre ellas y un privilegio del enfoque de los determinantes sociales de la salud en los textos académicos. Finalmente, el trabajo indaga sobre las implicaciones prácticas mediante un análisis de contenido de dos documentos de la OMS. Se concluye que en la práctica sí se reflejan las diferencias de enfoque.
Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es una patología con alto impacto en la salud pública, debido a su prevalencia, incidencia, severidad, costo e impacto en la salud mental y física del individuo y la familia. Ensayos clínicos realizados en pacientes con antecedente de infarto al miocardio que consumían ácido acetil salicílico (asa), calcio con y sin vitamina D, mostraron asociación entre el consumo de estos medicamentos y disminución en la incidencia en cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos. Objetivo: Evaluar la literatura sobre el uso de asa, calcio con y sin vitamina D con relación a su impacto en la prevención del cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos. Métodos: Se realizó revisión sistemática buscando ensayos clínicos realizados en pacientes con factores de riesgo para cáncer colorrectal y pólipos adenomatosos que usaron asa, calcio con y sin vitamina D fueron incluidos. Resultados: se escogieron 105 para la revisión sistemática. Conclusiones: Es necesario desarrollar más estudios que lleven a evaluar el efecto protector de la aspirina, calcio y vitamina D. En los artículos revisados la aspirina a dosis de 81 a 325 mg día se correlaciona con reducción de riesgo de aparición de CRC aunque la dosis ideal, el tiempo de inicio y la duración de la ingesta continua no son claros. Hacen falta estudios que comparen poblaciones con ingesta de asa a diferentes dosis.
Objetivo: Describir la relación de las etapas de cambio conductual frente al consumo de frutas y verduras con el estado nutricional en un grupo de escolares de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 1.922 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a nueve instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento (CCC-Fuprecol) validado en el “estudio FUPRECOL” y se calculó el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) como marcador del estado nutricional. Se calcularon prevalencias y se establecieron asociaciones mediante modelos de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.045 niños-niñas y adolescentes vs hombres (45.6%) y mujeres (54.3%) y 877. La mayor proporción de consumo de frutas en el subgrupo de hombres (niños entre 9 y 12 años vs. adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años) se observó en la etapa de mantenimiento, (53.3 % vs. 38.8 %, X2 p<0.001), seguido de preparación/acción (25.0 % vs. 32.4 %, X2 p<0.001). En mujeres entre 9 y 12 años, la mayor proporción se ubicó en la etapa de mantenimiento (54.4 %), a diferencia de las adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años que acusaron mayor frecuencia la etapa de preparación/acción (42.0 %). Se observó que pertenecer al grupo de mujeres, se asociaba como variable para el cumplimiento de la recomendación mínima de frutas y verduras con valores de OR 1.54 (IC95% 1.22-1.93) y OR 1.48 (IC95% 1.19-1.84), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Aproximadamente, 66 % de los participantes tienen la intención o la voluntad de cumplir las recomendaciones de consumo de frutas y verduras. La identificación temprana de niños y adolescentes con bajo consumo de alimentos vegetales, permitirá implementar intervenciones para promover comportamientos saludables a fin de prevenir el riesgo cardiometabólico en la edad adulta.
Dipyrone (metamizole) is an analgesic pro-drug used to control moderate pain. It is metabolized in two major bioactive metabolites: 4-methylaminoantipyrine (4-MAA) and 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AA). The aim of this study was to investigate the participation of peripheral CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors activation in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of dipyrone, 4-MAA or 4-AA. PGE2 (100ng/50µL/paw) was locally administered in the hindpaw of male Wistar rats, and the mechanical nociceptive threshold was quantified by electronic von Frey test, before and 3h after its injection. Dipyrone, 4-MAA or 4-AA was administered 30min before the von Frey test. The selective CB1 receptor antagonist AM251, CB2 receptor antagonist AM630, cGMP inhibitor ODQ or KATP channel blocker glibenclamide were administered 30min before dipyrone, 4-MAA or 4-AA. The antisense-ODN against CB1 receptor expression was intrathecally administered once a day during four consecutive days. PGE2-induced mechanical hyperalgesia was inhibited by dipyrone, 4-MAA, and 4-AA in a dose-response manner. AM251 or ODN anti-sense against neuronal CB1 receptor, but not AM630, reversed the anti-hyperalgesic effect mediated by 4-AA, but not by dipyrone or 4-MAA. On the other hand, the anti-hyperalgesic effect of dipyrone or 4-MAA was reversed by glibenclamide or ODQ. These results suggest that the activation of neuronal CB1, but not CB2 receptor, in peripheral tissue is involved in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of 4-aminoantipyrine. In addition, 4-methylaminoantipyrine mediates the anti-hyperalgesic effect by cGMP activation and KATP opening.
We have previously demonstrated that blockade of β-adrenoreceptors (β-AR) located in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of rats suppresses formalin-induced TMJ nociceptive behaviour in both male and female rats, but female rats are more responsive. In this study, we investigated whether gonadal hormones modulate the responsiveness to local β-blocker-induced antinociception in the TMJ of rats. Co-administration of each of the selective β1 (atenolol), β2 (ICI 118.551) and β3 (SR59230A)-AR antagonists with equi-nociceptive concentrations of formalin in the TMJ of intact, gonadectomized and hormone-treated gonadectomized male and female rats. Atenolol, ICI 118.551 and SR59230A significantly reduced formalin-induced TMJ nociception in a dose response fashion in all groups tested. However, a lower dose of each β-AR antagonist was sufficient to significantly reduce nociceptive responses in gonadectomized but not in intact and testosterone-treated gonadectomized male rats. In the female groups, a lower dose of β1 -AR antagonist was sufficient to significantly reduce nociceptive responses in gonadectomized but not in intact or gonadectomized rats treated with progesterone or a high dose of oestradiol; a lower dose of β2 -AR antagonist was sufficient to significantly reduce nociceptive responses in gonadectomized but not in intact and gonadectomized rats treated with low or high dose of oestradiol. Gonadal hormones may reduce the responsiveness to local β-blocker-induced antinociception in the TMJ of male and female rats. However, their effect depends upon their plasma level, the subtype of β-AR and the dose of β-blockers used.
Avaliaram-se os efeitos do extrato de maracujá veiculado na dieta (0, 50, 100 e 200mg kg-1) sobre o consumo de alimento, o ganho em peso e os níveis de glicose e cortisol plasmático de juvenis de tilápias do Nilo (87,0±6,6g). Ao final do experimento (28 dias), os peixes foram eutanasiados para remoção do fígado, visando à avaliação da área citoplasmática, contagem de células e verificação dos estoques de glicogênio hepático. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA unidirecional, comparando-se as médias pelo Teste de Tukey (P<0,05), com posterior estudo de regressão, buscando estabelecer as curvas das áreas citoplasmáticas, em função das diferentes doses do extrato. A inclusão do extrato na dieta não afetou o consumo de alimento e o crescimento e todos os peixes apresentaram aumento da glicose e redução do cortisol plasmático, porém sem diferenças entre os tratamentos. As curvas de regressão indicaram aumento quadrático da área citoplasmática com a elevação da doses do extrato, principalmente para 100mg kg-1, resultando em uma curva dose-resposta em forma de "U" invertido. O aumento da área do citoplasma decorreu de um acúmulo de glicogênio hepático, conforme comprovado pela prova da amilase salivar. Concluiu-se que o extrato de maracujá pode ser fornecido na dieta de juvenis de tilápia, sem prejudicar o consumo alimentar e o crescimento dos animais e que o produto altera a morfometria dos hepatócitos, sugerindo a atividade de flavonóides sobre o metabolismo de carboidratos.
INTRODUÇÃO: Populações de Triatoma sordida Stål, 1859 foram investigadas quanto à suscetibilidade à deltametrina. MÉTODOS: Análise por meio de bioensaios por aplicação tópica em 11 populações de T. sordida procedentes dos Estados de Goiás, Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. RESULTADOS: As estimativas de DL50 e RR50 demonstraram elevados níveis de suscetibilidade (DL50 < 1 e RR50 < 2). Entretanto, as análises do coeficiente angular da curva dose resposta revelaram que as populações de triatomíneos dos municípios de Firminópolis/GO, Posse/GO, Poxoréu/MT, Douradina/MS e Aparecida do Taboado/MS apresentam maiores probabilidades de evolução de resistência, portanto, mais propícias a tolerar o tratamento com deltametrina. CONCLUSÕES: Detectaram-se pequenas alterações de suscetibilidade e baixos níveis de resistência, porém as alterações temporais de suscetibilidade deverão ser continuamente monitoradas, a fim de nortear adequadamente as ações de controle dos vetores da DC.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da suplementação universal profilática com sulfato ferroso, em administração diária ou semanal, na prevenção da anemia em lactentes. MÉTODOS: Ensaio de campo randomizado com crianças de seis a 12 meses de idade, atendidas em unidades básicas de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro, em 2004-2005. Foram formadas três coortes concorrentes com suplementação universal com sulfato ferroso com grupos: diário (n=150; 12,5mgFe/dia), semanal (n=147; 25mgFe/semana) e controle (n=94). A intervenção durou 24 semanas e foi acompanhada por ações educativas promotoras de adesão. A concentração de hemoglobina sérica foi analisada segundo sua distribuição, média e prevalência de anemia (Hb<110,0g/L) aos 12 meses de idade. A avaliação da efetividade foi realizada segundo intenção de tratar e adesão ao protocolo, utilizando-se análises de regressão múltipla (linear e de Poisson). RESULTADOS: Os grupos mostraram-se homogêneos quanto às variáveis de caracterização. A intervenção foi operacionalizada com sucesso, com elevada adesão ao protocolo em ambos os grupos expostos a ela, sem diferença estatística entre eles. Após ajuste, somente o esquema diário apresentou efeito protetor. Na análise por adesão, o esquema diário apresentou evidente efeito dose-resposta para média de hemoglobina sérica e prevalência de anemia, não sendo observado nenhum efeito protetor do esquema semanal. CONCLUSÕES: Apenas o esquema diário de suplementação universal com sulfato ferroso dos seis aos 12 meses de idade foi efetivo em aumentar a concentração de hemoglobina sérica e em reduzir o risco de anemia
It is well established that L-proline has several roles in the biology of trypanosomatids. In Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas' disease, this amino acid is involved in energy metabolism, differentiation processes and resistance to osmotic stress. In this study, we analyzed the effects of interfering with L-proline metabolism on the viability and on other aspects of the T. cruzi life cycle using the proline analogue L- thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (T4C). The growth of epimastigotes was evaluated using different concentrations of T4C in standard culture conditions and at high temperature or acidic pH. We also evaluated possible interactions of this analogue with stress conditions such as those produced by nutrient starvation and oxidative stress. T4C showed a dose-response effect on epimastigote growth (IC(50) = 0.89+/-0.02 mM at 28 degrees C), and the inhibitory effect of this analogue was synergistic (p<0.05) with temperature (0.54+/-0.01 mM at 37 degrees C). T4C significantly diminished parasite survival (p<0.05) in combination with nutrient starvation and oxidative stress conditions. Pre-incubation of the parasites with L-proline resulted in a protective effect against oxidative stress, but this was not seen in the presence of the drug. Finally, the trypomastigote bursting from infected mammalian cells was evaluated and found to be inhibited by up to 56% when cells were treated with non-toxic concentrations of T4C (between 1 and 10 mM). All these data together suggest that T4C could be an interesting therapeutic drug if combined with others that affect, for example, oxidative stress. The data also support the participation of proline metabolism in the resistance to oxidative stress.
Sourgrass is a perennial weed infesting annual and perennial crops in Brazil. Three biotypes (R1, R2, and R3) of sourgrass suspected to be glyphosate-resistant (R) and another one (S) from a natural area without glyphosate application, in Brazil, were tested for resistance to glyphosate based on screening, dose-response, and shikimic acid assays. Both screening and dose-response assays confirmed glyphosate resistance in the three sourgrass biotypes. Dose-response assay indicated a resistance factor of 2.3 for biotype RI and 3.9 for biotypes R2 and R3. The hypothesis of a glyphosate resistance was corroborated on the basis of shikimic acid accumulation, where the S biotype accumulated 3.3, 5.0, and 5.7 times more shikimic acid than biotypes R1, R2, and R3, respectively, 168 h after treatment with 157.50 g ae ha(-1) of glyphosate. There were no differences in contact angle of spray droplets on leaves and spray retention, indicating that differential capture of herbicide by leaves was not responsible for resistance in these biotypes. The results confirmed resistance of sourgrass to glyphosate in Brazil.
Information on nutritional requirement of some Brazilian farmed fish species, especially essential amino acids (EAA) requirements, is scarce. The estimation of amino acids requirements based on amino acid composition of fish is a fast and reliable alternative. Matrinxa, Brycon amazonicus, and curimbata, Prochilodus lineatus, are two important Brazilian fish with potential for aquaculture. The objective of the present study was to estimate amino acid requirements of these species and analyze similarities among amino acid composition of different fish species by cluster analysis. To estimate amino acid requirement, the following formula was used: amino acid requirement = [(amount of an individual amino acid in fish muscle tissue) x (average totalEAA requirement among channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio)]/(average fish muscle totalEAA). Most values found lie within the range of requirements determined for other omnivorous fish species, in exception of leucine requirement estimated for both species, and arginine requirement estimated for matrinxa alone. Rather than writing off the need for regular dose-response assays under the ideal protein concept to determine EAA requirements of curimbata and matrinxa, results set solid base for the study of tropical species dietary amino acids requirements.
The objective of this study was to compare the responses of the Salmonella/microsome microsuspension assay with the new microplate fluctuation protocol (MPF) for the evaluation of the mutagenic activity of environmental samples. Organic extracts of total particulate atmospheric air samples, surface waters, and effluents were tested in dose-response experiments. The assays were performed with strain TA98 in the absence and presence of S9 mix. Both protocols produced similar results, despite the fact that the maximum score of the MPF is limited to 48 wells, whereas in the regular plate assay it is possible to count up to 1,500 colonies using an automatic counter. Similar sensitivities based on the lowest dose that resulted in a positive response were obtained for both assays. The MPF procedure is less laborious (e.g., all-liquid format, use of multi-channel pipettors) and allows for automation of the pipetting and dispensing steps, thus, reducing time of the analysis which is particularly important in environmental quality monitoring programs or in effect-directed analysis. The results show that the MPF procedure is a promising tool to test environmental samples for mutagenic activity. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 51:31-38, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Phenothiazines (PTZ) are drugs widely used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Trifluoperazine, a piperazinic PTZ derivative, has been described as inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). We reported previously the antioxidant activity of thioridazine at relatively low concentrations associated to the inhibition of the MPT (Brit. J. Pharmacol., 2002;136:136-142). In this study, it was investigated the induction of MPT by PTZ derivatives at concentrations higher than 10 mu M focusing on the molecular mechanism involved. PTZ promoted a dose-response mitochondrial swelling accompanied by mitochondrial transmembrane potential dissipation and calcium release, being thioridazine the most potent derivative. PTZ-induced MPT was partially inhibited by CsA or Mg(2+) and completely abolished by the abstraction of calcium. The oxidation of reduced thiol group of mitochondrial membrane proteins by PTZ was upstream the VIP opening and it was not sufficient to promote the opening of PTP that only occurred when calcium was present in the mitochondrial matrix. EPR experiments using DMPO as spin trapping excluded the participation of reactive oxygen species on the PTZ-induced MPT. Since 117 give rise to cation radicals chemically by the action of peroxidases and cyanide inhibited the PTZ-induced swelling, we propose that VIZ bury in the inner mitochondrial membrane and the chemically generated 117 cation radicals modify specific thiol groups that in the presence of Ca(2+) result in MPT associated to cytochrome c release. These findings contribute for the understanding of mechanisms of MET induction and may have implications for the cell death induced by PTZ. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.