999 resultados para Divino Espírito Santo


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Seven new species of Anomiopus Westwood, 1842 are added to smaragdinus group: from Brazil, A. caputipilus (Goiás), A. impartectus (São Paulo), A. paraensis (Pará), A. preissae (Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro), A. quadridentatus (Bahia) and A. soledari (Goiás e Distrito Federal); from Argentina, A. similis (Misiones). A key and illustrations of the species are added.


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Five new species of Dissomphalus Ashmead, 1893 are described and illustrated, all from Espírito Santo, Brazil: D. h-ramus, D. verrucosus, D. laminaris, D. cristatus and D. scopatus. New geographic records and variation data of D. scamatus Azevedo, 1999, D. concavatus Azevedo, 1999, D. rectilineus Azevedo, 1999, D. vallensis Evans, 1979, D. gilvipes Evans, 1979, D. plaumanni Evans, 1964, D. napo Evans, 1979, D. truncatus Azevedo, 2003 and D. cornutus Evans, 1964 are included.


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Uma sinopse do gênero Xylergates Bates, 1864 é apresentada. O seguinte sinônimo é estabelecido: Xylergatina Gilmour, 1962 = Xylergates Bates, 1864 e o novo restabelecimento de Xylergates pulcher Lane, 1957. Uma nova espécie do Espírito Santo (Brazil) é descrita, Xylergates capixaba. Uma chave para espécies é adicionada.


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Cotychroma gen. nov., é descrito com sua espécie-tipo, C. acaguassu sp. nov., do Brasil (Espírito Santo). Plinthocoelium sapphirum (Bates, 1879) é considerado um novo sinônimo de Callichroma chilensis Blanchard, 1851.


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Eriphosoma Melzer, 1922 é redefinido incluindo cinco espécies: E. bipartitum (Buquet, 1844) (espécie-tipo), E. barbiellinii Melzer, 1922, E. jacobi Fuchs, 1961 e duas espécies novas descritas do Brasil: E. marcela sp. nov. (Espírito Santo) e E. mermudes sp. nov. (Bahia e Minas Gerais). Nova combinação proposta: Erytrochiton sellatum (Buquet, 1844). Chave para as espécies de Eriphosoma é fornecida.


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Três espécies novas de Cryptachaea Archer, 1946 são descritas e ilustradas, com base em ambos os sexos: Cryptachaea brescoviti sp. nov. de Beni, Bolívia e Bahia e Espírito Santo, Brasil; C. bonaldoi sp. nov. de Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul e Paraná e C. lisei sp. nov. de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Sinonímias novas são propostas: Chrysso ribeirao Levi, 1962 e C. caraca Levi, 1962 com Chrysso arops Levi, 1962; Cryptachaea diamantina (Levi, 1963) com C. hirta (Taczanowski, 1873) e Cryptachaea maxima (Keyserling, 1884) com C. altiventer (Keyserling, 1884). Theridion altum Levi, 1963 é sinônimo júnior de Theridion soaresi Levi, 1963. Theridion melanosternum Mello-Leitão, 1947 é sinonimizada com Oedothorax bisignatus Mello-Leitão, 1944 e esta última espécie é removida da sinonímia de Theridion calcynatum Holmberg, 1876 e transferida para Theridion Walckenaer, 1805. Theridion tungurahua Levi, 1963 é a fêmea de Theridion fungosum Keyserling, 1884 e a espécie é transferida para Exalbidion Wunderlich, 1995. Theridion antron Levi, 1963 é a fêmea de Theridion filum Levi, 1963. Theridion nesticum Levi, 1963 é sinonimizada com Theridion teresae Levi, 1963. Theridion olaup Levi, 1963 é transferida para Kockiura Archer, 1950 e a fêmea é descrita e ilustrada pela primeira vez. Novas combinações são estabelecidas: Cryptachaea dalana (Buckup & Marques, 1991), C. triguttata (Keyserling, 1891), C. dea (Buckup & Marques, 2006), C. digitus (Buckup & Marques, 2006), C. taim (Buckup & Marques, 2006) e Parasteatoda nigrovittata (Keyserling, 1884), todas são transferidas de Achaearanea Strand, 1929. Cryptachaea rafaeli (Buckup & Marques, 1991) é transferida para Henziectypus Archer, 1946.


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The relationships between environmental factors and temporal and spatial variations of benthic communities of three rocky shores of the state of Espírito Santo, Southeast Brazil, were studied. Sampling was conducted every three months, from August 2006 to May 2007, using intersection points. Chthamalus bisinuatus (Pilsbry, 1916) (Crustacea) and Brachidontes spp. (Mollusca) were the most abundant taxa, occupying the upper level of the intertidal zone of the rocky shore. The species richness was higher at the lower levels. The invasive species Isognomon bicolor (C. B. Adams, 1845) (Mollusca) occurred at low densities in the studied areas. The clustering analysis dendrogram indicated a separation of communities based on exposed and sheltered areas. According to the variance analyses, the communities were significantly different among the studied areas and seasons. The extent of wave exposure and shore slope influenced the species variability. The Setibão site showed the highest diversity and richness, most likely due to greater wave exposure. The communities showed greater variation in the lower levels where environmental conditions were less severe, relative to the other levels.


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Amphisbaena nigricauda Gans, 1966 is a small, poorly known amphisbaenid endemic to the restinga of the states of Espírito Santo and Bahia, Brazil. We analyze 178 specimens collected in Vitória municipality, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, to investigate whether this species show sexual dimorphism in pre-cloacal pores and in morphological characters. Sex was determined by a ventral incision and direct inspection of gonads. A PCA analysis was performed to generate a general body size measurement. A T test and the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test were used to assess whether this species show sexual dimorphism on five morphometric and five meristic characters, respectively. Sex could not be determined in 36 specimens because they were mutilated in the posterior portion of their bodies. The diagnosis of the species is redefined based on this sample size: the smallest number of body annuli changes from 222 to 192, the number of dorsal and ventral segments in an annulus in the middle of the body changes to 9-11/13-16 (instead of 10/16), and the autotomic tail annulus lies between annulus 7-10 (instead of 6-9). The number of tail annuli remained within the known range of variation of the species (19-24). None of the 80 females analyzed showed pre-cloacal pores, whereas within males 59 out of 62 specimens displayed four and two specimens displayed five pre-cloacal pores. A single male did not possess pre-cloacal pores, but showed irregular scales on its cloacal region. Sex-based difference based on presence or absence of pre-cloacal pores as well as males with wider head was seen in other Neotropical amphisbaenids. However, a pattern of body size differences between males and females has not been identified so far in the few amphisbaenid species studied in this regard. Further studies on this taxonomic group are still needed to elucidate the existence of general patterns of sexual dimorphism and to identify the selective pressures driving these patterns.


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Examination of 267.107 liver specimens obtained in Brazil by viscerotomy during from 1937 to 1946 inclusive revealed 5,953 Schistosoma mansoni infe¬ctions. This represents 2.23% ± 0.019 of the total number of livers studied. Data on the incidence of the disease is tabulated by states and municipios. Infected livers were found in all of the states and territories except the Territory of Amapá. Schistosomiasis is widespread in Brazil with highest incidence in the states of the Northeast. The disease is quite common in Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais as well. A study of the age distribution of cases of intestinal schistosomiasis observed among liver specimens obtained in the year 1938 showed a low inci¬dence on young children with a peak of prevalence in the 10 to 19 year age group. The purpose of this contribution is to call attention of the health autho¬rities to the extent and gravity of the problem of intestinal schistosomiasis in Brazil.


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Os A. A. descrevem Pseudoxenus inclusus sp. n., baseados em uma fêmea e centenas de triungulinideos, encontrados parasitando Ammophila sp., proveniente de Corrego do Itá, Espírito Santo, Brasil. O encontro de um outro exemplar de Myrmecolax incautus Oliveira & Kogan, 1959, permitiu aos AA. complementar a descrição desta espécie, cujo holótipo está muito danificado.


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The effect of deltamethrin of the sandfly population in a focus of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Viana, Espírito Santo State is desvribed. The phlebotomine population density was determined inside and outside houses during a one year period in a treated and untreated area. The results showed a significant reduction in the number of sandflies inside houses in the treated area compared with both the untreated area and the same area before sparying. Despite having a residual action for 12 months after spraying the insecticide was ineffective outside houses. It is concluded therefore that deltamethrin is an efficient insecticide for reducing the number of phlebotomine sandflies inside houses.


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The Brazilian planorbidical chart is slowly but progressively been increased by new data. Distribution of vector species of Schistosoma mansoni, according to Paraense, 1986, may be thus resumed: Biomphalaria glabrata - delimited by paralells 13 and 21-S and meridians 39 and 45-W, area of greater dominance (Southerst Bahia, oriental half of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo). It is observed along the coast line of the state of Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte. Starting from there, it is found towards the southwest, in the direction to the Sao Francisco River and South-Center of Minas Gerais. Isolated population may be observed in other states. Its presence is probably, associated to the transmission of schistosomiasis in all areas where it occurs. B. tenagophila - extends it self through a wide strip of coast-line the South of Bahia (17-45"S, 39-15'W), RS(33-41'S, 53-27'W). In Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul states it is found further inland. It is important in schistosomiasis transmission in the Paraíba valley (SP). Isolated populations are observed in the Federal District and Minas Gerais state. B. straminea - better adapter species to climatic variation, having a more dense ditribution in the northeast (41-Wand 110-S), south of Bahia and northeast of Minas Gerais (150 and 180-S, 400 and 440-W) It is less susceptible than B. glabrata, being however the most important responsible for the transmission of S. mansoni in the northeast, chiefly in the northeastern dry area, where it is almost the only transmissive species.


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The influence of altitude and latitude on some structure sizes of Lutzomyia intermedia was noted; several structures of insects collected in higher localities were greater, according to Bergmann's rule. This influence was more remarkable in two localities of the State of Espírito Santo, probably due to greater differences in altitude. Comparing insects from different latitudes, more differences were noted in comparisons of insects from low altitude localities than in those of material from higher altitudes. The small number of differences between insects collected in July and in December does not indicate a defined influence of season and temperature on the size of adults. The possible epidemiological implications of these variations are discussed.


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The lengths of the male genital filaments and female spermathecal ducts were measured in phlebotomine sand flies of the Lutzomyia intermedia species complex and the ratios between these characters calculated. Ratios for L. intermedia s. s. from Northeast vs Southeast Brazil (Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais), Espírito Santo/Minas Gerais vs Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo and L. intermedia vs L. neivai were significantly different at P < 0.1, 0.05 and 0.01 respectively when compared using ANOVA. The spermathecal ducts and genital filaments of L. intermedia were significantly longer than those of L. neivai (P < 0.01) and could be used to differentiate these species. The taxonomic and biological significance of these differences is discussed.


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The patterns of genetic variation of samples of Candida spp. isolated from patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in Vitória, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, were examined. Thirty-seven strains were isolated from different anatomical sites obtained from different infection episodes of 11 patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These samples were subjected to randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using 9 different primers. Reproducible and complex DNA banding patterns were obtained. The experiments indicated evidence of dynamic process of yeast colonization in HIV-infected patients, and also that certain primers are efficient in the identification of species of the Candida genus. Thus, we conclude that RAPD analysis may be useful in providing genotypic characters for Candida species typing in epidemiological investigations, and also for the rapid identification of pathogenic fungi.