996 resultados para Dispositivo de proteção para motociclistas


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Electrical installations in industries involving high currents and voltages considered. On the other side is the common appearance of electrical failures, caused by human error, defects in electrical equipment or electrical installation aging itself. These failures are varied, those with the highest rate of occurrence and cause much damage to electrical installations, are overcurrent and overvoltage. Therefore there is a need to project a system that can detect and minimize possible effects caused by faults in electrical installations industries. Protection systems in electric industries emerge as an alternative to control especially voltage and current magnitudes. Engineered based on the functions of the relays, protection systems are an indispensable tool for any industrial substation. But the project of such systems becomes increasingly more complex, due to technological development. Electrical equipment not develop at the same speed that the protective devices (relays), making it indispensable knowledge of integration of technologies


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This paper proposes a mechanical device to adapt a simple model of hospital bed used in the Emergency Department at Santa Casa of Guaratinguetá, allowing the bed’s height adjustment with electromechanical drive. This adaptation aims to introduce improvements in the routine work of nurses and reduce ergonomic problems stemming from repetitive strain during the transfer of patients to stretchers and wheelchairs, as well as providing more comfort to the bedridden patient. The device is mainly composed of: an electric induction motor used to drive the engine, a steel spindle with square thread, which allows axial displacement of the bed, a transmission system with pulleys and belt, which transmits power supplied by the motor to the spindle. The mechanism allows the height of the bed is regulated between 400 and 800 mm. The estimated implementation cost of this proposal is lower than the acquisition cost of a commercial hospital bed with the same features, which confirms the feasibility of the proposed solution


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In hospitals, health professionals may face different situations and problems. By following them, it is remarkable that one of the difficulties is related to the support provided by the facilities to carry out their work. This also affects the quality of treatment offered to patients. One of the points of improvement that could be studied is hospital beds. The Fawler's simplest hospital bed type, used in most Brazilian public hospitals, is designed with an ergonomic average height that offers a default position for analysis and treatment of patients. There is no possibility of adjusting the height of those beds, and hence there is a limitation in this regard since that height is fixed, but the physical structures of the workers and patients may vary widely and there may be a conflict when there are people too large or small involved in this process. Beyond that, studies by experts show that beds with height adjustment decreases the muscular effort and improve the movement quality of the spine of nursing staff, reducing the force on certain vertebrae and also the ergonomic risk. Of course, patient comfort is also affected accordingly. As the beds made with height adjustment are very expensive, this study aims to design a device to adapt the not adjustable beds. The project must be viable from an economic and mechanic standpoint, being able to adapt both old and new simplest Fawler hospital bed models, since their dimensions are similar. The final result shows that it is possible to adapt such beds using the designed concept at a viable cost. Furthermore, this concept could be applied in other bed types or objects that have hollow feet


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo compõe uma região estratégica, notada pela importância de suas Áreas Protegidas (AP), sobretudo, pela presença humana em Unidades de Conservação (UC), um tema cada vez mais presente no debate sobre a proteção ambiental em territórios ocupados por grupos tradicionais que exercem uso diferenciado dos recursos naturais. Diante desse contexto, torna-se uma necessidade, viabilizar diretrizes para a gestão territorial ao possibilitar o compartilhamento das decisões acerca do uso do território, visando à conservação ambiental e proteção da cultura remanescente dos grupos sociais residentes no interior das UC. O presente trabalho busca dimensionar os aspectos de interação com o ambiente, através das formas de uso mantidas sobre os recursos naturais, como característica de reprodução sociocultural, premissa à proteção e manutenção do modo de vida das famílias residentes do Núcleo Picinguaba do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar no município de Ubatuba-SP. No intuito de compatibilizar diretrizes para o planejamento da UC, evidenciou-se a relação da formação histórica da área, tal como, a interação exercida sobre ao ambiente e a resistência territorial, ao abordar a questão cultural e o modo de vida dos residentes tradicionais da Zona Histórico-Cultural Antropológica (ZHCAn) do Sertão do Ubatumirim. Foram sistematizadas informações para uma abordagem teórico-conceitual a respeito da cultura tradicional caiçara e do recorte geográfico do território, possibilitando a compreensão da dinâmica de produção do espaço em uma área ambientalmente protegida. A partir dessa caracterização da área foram indicadas zonas prioritárias ao planejamento territorial, voltado ao ordenamento ambiental e à gestão do uso dos recursos naturais em uma abordagem diferenciada na relação do ordenamento para as áreas...


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After the discovery of ionizing radiation, its applications in various fields of science began to take significant proportions. In the case of medicine, there are the application areas in radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine. It was then necessary to create the field of radiological protection to establish the conditions necessary for the safe use of such ionizing radiation. Apply knowledge obtained during the graduation stage and in the practice of radiological protection in the areas of nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology. In the area of nuclear medicine, tests were made in the Geiger-Muller counters (GM) and the dose calibrator (curiometer), the monitoring tests of radiation, waste management, clean of the Therapeutic room and testing the quality control of gamma-chambers. In the area of radiology, were performed tests of quality control equipment for conventional X-ray equipment and x-ray fluoroscopy, all following the rules of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), and reporting of tests. The routine developed in the fields of nuclear medicine in hospitals has proved very useful, since the quality control of GM counters contribute to the values of possible contamination are more reliable. The control of dose calibrator enables the patient not to receive different doses of the recommended amounts, which prevents the repetition of tests and unnecessary exposure to radiation. The management of waste following the rules and laws established and required for its management. Tests for quality control of gamma chambers help to evaluate its medical performance through image. In part of diagnostic radiology, tests for quality control are performed in order to verify that the equipment is acceptable for usage or if repairs are needed. The knowledge acquired at the internship consolidated the learning of graduation course


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Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um dispositivo de microdescargas em gases à pressão atmosférica para geração de plasma a fim de ser utilizado no tratamento de superfícies. O trabalho foi baseado em um estudo de iniciação científica que aconteceu em duas etapas. Na introdução apresentam-se as motivações do estudo, o dispositivo desenvolvido na primeira etapa do trabalho bem como os primeiros resultados e propostas de melhorias. Definem-se os objetivos da segunda etapa, que contemplam modificações no dispositivo de descarga e na fonte de alimentação. Em seguida são explanados os métodos utilizados para confecção do dispositivo, construção da fonte de alimentação e circuito de fotodetecção para observar as descargas. Apresenta-se o modelo e configurações dos experimentos, os resultados obtidos são expostos e debatidos brevemente. Colocam-se as conclusões do trabalho e novas propostas de investigação e melhoramentos para o estudo das microdescargas. Seguem-se os agradecimentos aos envolvidos no projeto e, por fim, a bibliografia utilizada


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Observa-se como estratégia mundial para a conservação da biodiversidade a criação de unidades de conservação. No Brasil, especificamente no Estado de São Paulo, devido a intensa degradação da Mata Atlântica, verifica-se a criação de unidades de proteção integral, a fim de se preservar de modo restrito os recursos naturais que ainda lhe restam. Na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, uma região com alto desempenho agrícola e intensa expansão urbana, constata-se a presença de uma Estação Ecológica (EERP), fragmento florestal de 154,16 ha, altamente isolado e fragmentado. Assim, a EERP e sua zona de amortecimento (ZA) vêm sendo fortemente pressionada pela expansão urbana e agrícola da região, comprometendo a sua integridade ecossistêmica. Dentre os impactos negativos gerados destacam-se: alta especulação imobiliária e o intenso cultivo de monoculturas, que contribuem para a degradação do solo nas regiões do entorno. A fim de se reduzir tais impactos, o presente trabalho buscou apresentar um prognóstico de planejamento ambiental para a ZA da EERP, a qual se encontra altamente impactada, segundo os critérios definidos por Ranieri (2004). Desse modo, criou-se cenários ideais para a preservação dos recursos naturais do local


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This work addresses the erosion caused by rain, describing their steps and factors that most influence the intensity and volume of transported material. The work presents the Universal Soil Loss Equation that quantifies the erosion, with the influence of different factors that affect it. The following notes the occurrence of this process in cutting slopes. They suffer with removal of the vegetation and surface soil layer, making them even more susceptible to this process. In this way it's necessary a protection model for the slopes. Some protection methods are presents with their main features, advantages and disadvantages, implementation process, especially to survey the approximate cost of each method and their application restrictions


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Information technologies have enabled new forms of interactions among individuals, and can also be found in various educational institutions. However, despite appropriating new technological tools, educational practices continue to be based on a supposed pedagogical subject conceived as a transcendent way, ignoring his emergence and his origin in a particular historical period , and the control mechanisms by which is immersed. as well. This article aims to present results of an analysis on technology and education based on the thought of philosopher Michel Foucault. We analyzed proposals and discourses found in articles in a magazine entitled Patio - Revista Pedagógica.


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Starting from the theoretical contributions of Michel Foucault and from a critical appraisal of the Declaration of Universal Human Rights and the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, this article maps the constitution of labor as a dimension that goes from social right to health device. In our analysis we find that labor as a social right and health device has a subjective protagonism and has social and economic aspects contemplated by documents. However in defining and orienting ways of being of individuals that work delivered speeches that fall in and control, hindering the openness of workers for movements of creation expansion of life and work in its positivity of experimentations. We conclude that is not enough to recognize labor as a social right, indicate its role as a health strategy or direct political efforts without problematizing not “what kind of work” can be supportive in a more creative construction of its own work and health.


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The partnership between Mental Health (MH) and work is present throughout the history of psychiatry. Capitalist society has used and uses the fitness or unfitness for work not only as one of the elements to the definition of "normality", but also as a treatment strategy. In this perspective, one can find a position healing and, more recently, a different proposal put forward by the psychiatric reform that considers also make / produce, the construction of meaning in the work as crucial for subjectivity. This sense is present in therapeutic workshops that seek to value the uniqueness, not to override the differences. The objective of this paper is to reflect on the relationship between Attention in SM / Work. Initially presents three theses, from which this relationship is built historically: 1 - Work as a means of avoiding idleness returning productively to society; 2 - Work as a healing practice, from the prescription, and 3 - Work as a strategy for care and social inclusion. Below, we discuss some questions about therapeutic workshops and income generation in the mental health care as a device for attention and social inclusion.