1000 resultados para Discurso de auto-ajuda
Auto kiihdyttää vauhtiaan kunnes vauhti pysähtyy ja ovi avataan.
Henkilöauto lähestyy ja ajaa ohi.
Kuorma-auton ovi suljetaan.
Kuorma-auto kaasuttaa, lähtee liikkeelle ja ääni etääntyy
Auto lähestyy ja ajaa ohi. Koira haukkuu taustalla.
Auto. Auto jarruttaa voimakkaasti asfaltilla jarrut kirskuen.
Auto käynnistetään ja ajetaan pois.
Kävely autoon. Oven avaaminen. Auton käynnistäminen ja liikkeellelähtö. Lada.
Kuorma-auton oven avaaminen. Auton käynnistäminen ja liikkeellelähtö. Tasaista ajoa. Vaihteiden käyttöä ja lavan kolinaa.
Auto käynnistetään, lähtee liikkeelle ja etääntyy tasaisesti.
Kuorma-auto lähestyy, pysähtyy, moottori on päällä, kaasuttelua ja moottorin sammutus.
The aim of this study is to determine the profile of dependent elderly people users of the home care services (SAD) of the regional council in Osona (Consell Comarcal d´Osona) , and the characteristics of formal and informal types of support they use. Methodology. An observational study of a transversal format has been carried out, with retrospective and descriptive purposes. The target population is 63 people (26 men and 37 women) included in the program of the regional SAD They have a recognized dependence grade approved by the law 39 /2006, December 14th , promoting the individual autonomy and care of elderly people in a dependent situation. The data were collected by social workers of basic social services, first with a home visit and followed by handed out questionnaires, specifically designed for this study, in order to obtain information on socio-demographic characteristics, and the type of support formal and informal. The obtained results on the SAD users are women in a 58.7% and a 41.3 % are men. The 84% of the total sampling are 80 years old and more, being the average age of 85.2 years old. 45% of them are married, 41% are widows and widowers and 14% are single. 54% are rated with severe dependence (grade II), 42.8% with high dependence (grade III). 86% live accompanied. 100% have an informal caregiver and a 95% of the times, the caregiver is a relative who in 73% of the cases the dedication time is permanent. The coverage of the SAD has an average of 4.27 hours per week and per user. The formal services most used are the technical (62%), also the assessment of an occupational therapist at home (57%) and the telecare service in a (56%). Conclusions. The SAD is used primarily for women in an advanced age and severe dependence. The informal assistance structures have an informal caregiver, being a member of the family mostly, living with the dependent, and mainly in a permanent dedication basis. The SAD has a varied intensity in each case. The formal support services complementary to the SAD, are largely used in all cases.
Mixtures of ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose (EHEC) and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) were investigated using surface tension, conductivity and viscosity measurements in aqueous solutions. The parameters of the surfactant to polymer association processes such as the critical aggregation concentration (cac) and saturation of the polymer by SDS (psp) were determined from the plots of surface tension and specific conductivity versus surfactant concentration. Through the final results we see that there was no specific link of polymer with the surfactant, implying therefore a phenomenon of only cooperative association.