811 resultados para Dimension reduction
In the context of Indian fisheries there is a paucity of information on bycatch, in general, and bycatch reduction technologies, in particular. In this study, a detailed investigation on trawl bycatch and bycatch reduction measures is attempted with a view to evolve optimized BRDs for improving selectivity of commercial shrimp trawls. The objectives of the study included design and development of hard bycatch reduction devices (BRDs), comparative evaluation of hard bycatch reduction devices, for selective trawling, bycatch characterisation of the trawl landings, off Central Kerala; and investigations on status of the existing trawling systems operated off Central Kerala.
A metalloporphyrin incorporated carbon paste sensor has been developed for the determination of metronidazole benzoate (MTZB). Zn(II) complex of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (3-methoxy-4-hydroxy phenyl) porphyrin (TMHPP) was used as the active material. The MTZB gave a well-defined reduction peak at - 0.713V in 0.1 mol l -1 phosphate buffer solution of pH around 7. Compared with bare carbon paste electrode (CPE), the TMHPP Zn(II) modified electrode significantly enhanced the reduction peak current of MTZB as well as lowered its reduction potential. Under optimum conditions the reduction peak current was proportional to MTZB concentration over the range 1×10-3 mol1-1 to 1×10-5mol1-1. The detection limit was found to be 4.36×10-6mol1-1 . This sensor has been successfully applied for the determination of MTZB in pharmaceutical formulations and urine samples.
Lanthanum oxide, La2O3 has been found to be an effective catalyst for the liquid phase reduction of cyclohexanone. The catalytic activities of La2O3 activated at 300, 500 and 800·C and its mixed oxides with alumina for the reduction of cyclohexanone with 2-propanol have been determined and the data parallel that of the electron donating properties of the catalysts. The electron donating properties of the catalysts have been determined from the adsorption of electron acceptors of different electron affinities on the surface of these oxides.
Invertase was immobilised on microporous montmorillonite K-10 via adsorption and covalent binding. The immobilised enzymes were tested for sucrose hydrolysis activity in a batch reactor. Km for immobilised systems was greater than free enzyme. The immobilised forms could be reused for 15 continuous cycles without any loss in activity. After 25 cycles, 85% initial activity was retained. A study on leaching of enzymes showed that 100% enzyme was retained even after 15 cycles of reuse. Leaching increased with reaction temperature. Covalent binding resisted leaching even at temperatures of 70 °C.
This thesis presents the Radar Cross Section measurements of different geometric structures such as flat plate,cylinder, corner reflector and circular cone loaded with fractal based metallo dielectric structures.Use of different fractal geometris,metallizations of different shapes as well as the frequency tanability is investigated for TE and TM polarization of the incident electromagnetic field.Application of fractal based metallo-dielectric structures results in RCS reduction over a wide range of frequency bands.RCS enhancement of dihedral corner is observed at certain acute and obtuse corner angles.The experimental results are validated using electromagnetic simulation softwares.
The multifractal dimension of chaotic attractors has been studied in a weakly coupled superlattice driven by an incommensurate sinusoidal voltage as a function of the driving voltage amplitude. The derived multifractal dimension for the observed bifurcation sequence shows different characteristics for chaotic, quasiperiodic, and frequency-locked attractors. In the chaotic regime, strange attractors are observed. Even in the quasiperiodic regime, attractors with a certain degree of strangeness may exist. From the observed multifractal dimensions, the deterministic nature of the chaotic oscillations is clearly identified.
The- classic: experiment of Heinrich Hertz verified the theoretical predict him of Maxwell that kxnfli radio and light waves are physical phenomena governed by the same physical laws. This has started a.rnnJ era of interest in interaction of electromagnetic energy with matter. The scattering of electromagnetic waves from a target is cleverly utilized im1 RADAR. This electronic system used tx> detect and locate objects under unfavourable conditions or obscuration that would render the unaided eye useless. It also provides a means for measuring precisely the range, or distance of an object and the speed of a moving object. when an obstacle is illuminated by electromagnetic waves, energy is dispersed in all directions. The dispersed energy depends on the size, shape and composition of the obstacle and frequency and nature of the incident wave. This distribution of energy’ is known as ‘scattering’ and the obstacle as ‘scatterer’ or 'target'.
In this paper, we propose a handwritten character recognition system for Malayalam language. The feature extraction phase consists of gradient and curvature calculation and dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis. Directional information from the arc tangent of gradient is used as gradient feature. Strength of gradient in curvature direction is used as the curvature feature. The proposed system uses a combination of gradient and curvature feature in reduced dimension as the feature vector. For classification, discriminative power of Support Vector Machine (SVM) is evaluated. The results reveal that SVM with Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel yield the best performance with 96.28% and 97.96% of accuracy in two different datasets. This is the highest accuracy ever reported on these datasets
Learning disability (LD) is a neurological condition that affects a child’s brain and impairs his ability to carry out one or many specific tasks. LD affects about 10% of children enrolled in schools. There is no cure for learning disabilities and they are lifelong. The problems of children with specific learning disabilities have been a cause of concern to parents and teachers for some time. Just as there are many different types of LDs, there are a variety of tests that may be done to pinpoint the problem The information gained from an evaluation is crucial for finding out how the parents and the school authorities can provide the best possible learning environment for child. This paper proposes a new approach in artificial neural network (ANN) for identifying LD in children at early stages so as to solve the problems faced by them and to get the benefits to the students, their parents and school authorities. In this study, we propose a closest fit algorithm data preprocessing with ANN classification to handle missing attribute values. This algorithm imputes the missing values in the preprocessing stage. Ignoring of missing attribute values is a common trend in all classifying algorithms. But, in this paper, we use an algorithm in a systematic approach for classification, which gives a satisfactory result in the prediction of LD. It acts as a tool for predicting the LD accurately, and good information of the child is made available to the concerned
Analysis by reduction is a linguistically motivated method for checking correctness of a sentence. It can be modelled by restarting automata. In this paper we propose a method for learning restarting automata which are strictly locally testable (SLT-R-automata). The method is based on the concept of identification in the limit from positive examples only. Also we characterize the class of languages accepted by SLT-R-automata with respect to the Chomsky hierarchy.
Als Beispiele für die vielfältigen Phänomene der Physik der Elektronen in niedrigdimensionalen Systemen wurden in dieser Arbeit das Cu(110)(2x1)O-Adsorbatsystem und die violette Li0.9Mo6O17-Bronze untersucht. Das Adsorbatsystem bildet selbstorganisierte quasi-eindimensionale Nanostrukturen auf einer Kupferoberfläche. Die Li-Bronze ist ein Material, das aufgrund seiner Kristallstruktur quasi-eindimensionale elektronische Eigenschaften im Volumen aufweist. Auf der Cu(110)(2x1)O-Oberfläche kann durch Variation der Sauerstoffbedeckung die Größe der streifenartigen CuO-Domänen geändert werden und damit der Übergang von zwei Dimensionen auf eine Dimension untersucht werden. Der Einfluss der Dimensionalität wurde anhand eines unbesetzten elektronischen Oberflächenzustandes studiert. Dessen Energieposition (untere Bandkante) verschiebt mit zunehmender Einschränkung (schmalere CuO-Streifen) zu größeren Energien hin. Dies ist ein bekannter quantenmechanischer Effekt und relativ gut verstanden. Zusätzlich wurde die Lebensdauer des Zustandes auf der voll bedeckten Oberfläche (zwei Dimensionen) ermittelt und deren Veränderung mit der Breite der CuO-Streifen untersucht. Es zeigt sich, dass die Lebensdauer auf schmaleren CuO-Streifen drastisch abnimmt. Dieses Ergebnis ist neu. Es kann im Rahmen eines Fabry-Perot-Modells als Streuung in Zustände außerhalb der CuO-Streifen verstanden werden. Außer den gerade beschriebenen Effekten war es möglich die Ladungsdichte des diskutierten Zustandes orts- und energieabhängig auf den CuO-Streifen zu studieren. Die Li0.9Mo6O17-Bronze wurde im Hinblick auf das Verhalten der elektronischen Zustandsdichte an der Fermikante untersucht. Diese Fragestellung ist besonders wegen der Quasieindimensionalität des Materials interessant. Die Messungen von STS-Spektren in der Nähe der Fermienergie zeigen, dass die Elektronen in der Li0.9Mo6O17-Bronze eine sogenannte Luttingerflüssigkeit ausbilden, die anstatt einer Fermiflüssigkeit in eindimensionalen elektronischen Systemen erwartet wird. Bisher wurde Luttingerflüssigkeitsverhalten erst bei wenigen Materialien und Systemen experimentell nachgewiesen, obschon die theoretischen Voraussagen mehr als 30 Jahre zurückliegen. Ein Charakteristikum einer Luttingerflüssigkeit ist die Abnahme der Zustandsdichte an der Fermienergie mit einem Potenzgesetz. Dieses Verhalten wurde in STS-Spektren dieser Arbeit beobachtet und quantitativ im Rahmen eines Luttingerflüssigkeitsmodells beschrieben. Auch die Temperaturabhängigkeit des Phänomens im Bereich von 5K bis 55K ist konsistent mit der Beschreibung durch eine Luttingerflüssigkeit. Generell zeigen die Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit, dass die Dimensionalität, insbesondere deren Einschränkung, einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften von Systemen und Materialien haben kann.
Die in den letzten 20 Jahren zu beobachtende Gesundheitswelle und die steigende Nachfrage nach gesundheitsbezogenen Bildungsangeboten steht eine immer noch in den Anfaengen steckende theoretisch-konzeptionelle Reflexion und Absicherung gegenüber. Im pädagogischen Handlungsfeld ist eine grundsätzliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Gesundheitbildung dringend erforderlich. Dieses Unterfangen wird nicht gerade dadurch erleichtert, dass sich das allgemeine Bewusstsein von Gesundheit und Krankheit in den letzten Jahren stark gewandelt hat. Immer mehr gewinnt die Einsicht an Bedeutung, dass selten eine Einflussgröße allein, sondern mehrere Faktoren und ihr Zusammenwirken zu Erkrankungen führen. Auf diesen Sachverhalt hat bereits 1946 die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) verwiesen, indem sie Gesundheit als Zustand des körperlichen, seelischen und sozialen Wohlbefindens und nicht nur als das Freisein von Krankheit und Gebrechen definiert. Eine Gesundheitsbildung, die dies berücksichtigt, ist vorrangig auf Gesundheit und den Prozess zwischen Gesundheit und Krankheit ausgerichtet. Sie bezieht Gefährdungen mit ein, die aus den sozialen und ökologischen Gegebenheiten erwachsen und verfolgt das Ziel, jedem Menschen seinen eigenen, besonderen Weg zur Gesundheit zu ermöglichen und ihn zur Wahrnehmung seiner Interessen im persönlichen und gesellschaftlichen Umfeld zu befähigen. Angebote, Didaktik und Methoden einer so verstandenen, integrativen Gesundheitsbildung an der VHS sollen deshalb darauf ausgerichtet sein, soziales und partizipatorisches Lernen zu initiieren, Zusammenhänge zu erschließen und die Kompetenz und Autonomie der Teilnehmer/innen zu fördern. Schließlich sollen Chancen und Grenzen einer Professionalisierung innerhalb der Gesundheitsbildung exemplarisch am Beispiel eines Lehrgangs für GesundheitsbildnerInnen verdeutlicht werden. Das Interesse am Thema entstand durch die langjährige Kursleitertätigkeit am Fachbereich Gesundheit und Umwelt des Bildungszentrums in Nürnberg. Auch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bayerischen Volkshochschulverband, die in der Gestaltung und Durchführung von Qualifizierungslehrgängen zum Gesundheitsbildner bestand, ermöglichten die Sammlung von vielen Hintergrundinformationen, die wesentlich für die vorliegende Arbeit waren. Für die Ermöglichung der Auseinandersetzung mit der vorliegenden Thematik und den damit verbundenen Erfahrungen möchte ich meinen besonderen Dank Marco Bielser, Fachbereichsleiter am BZ Nürnberg und den Herren Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf Schwendter und Prof. Dr. Werner Thole für die wohlwollende Unterstützung aussprechen.
Since its beginning in 1999, the Bologna Process has influenced various aspects of higher education in its member countries, e.g., degree structures, mobility, lifelong learning, social dimension and quality assurance. The social dimension creates the focus of this research. The social dimension entered the Bologna Process agenda in 2001. Despite a decade of reforms, it somehow remained as a vague element and received low scholarly attention. This research addresses to this gap. Firstly, different meanings of the social dimension according to the major European policy actors are analysed. Unfolding the understandings of the actors revealed that the social dimension is mostly understood in terms reflecting the diversity of population on the student body accessing to, progressing in and completing higher education, with a special concern on the underrepresented groups. However, it is not possible to observe a similar commonality concerning the actual policy measures to achieve this goal. Divergence occurs with respect to the addressed underrepresented groups, i.e., all underrepresented groups or people without formal qualifications and mature learners, and the values and institutional interests traditionally promoted by these actors. Secondly, the dissertation discusses the reflection of this social dimension understanding at the national level by looking at cases of Finland, Germany and Turkey. The in-depth analyses show an awareness of the social dimension among most of the national Bologna Process actors and a common understanding of the social dimension goals. However, this understanding has not triggered action in any of the countries. The countries acted on areas which they defined problematic before the Bologna Process. Finally, based on these findings the dissertation discusses the social dimension as a policy item that managed to get into the Bologna Process agenda, but neither grew into an implementable policy, nor drop out of it. To this aim, it makes use of the multiple streams framework and explains the low agenda status social dimension with: i. the lack of a pressing problem definition: the lack of clearly defined indicators and a comprehensive monitoring system, ii. the lack of a viable solution alternative: the proposal of developing national strategies and action plans closed the way to develop generic guidelines for the social dimension to be translated into national policy processes, iii. low political perceptivity: the recent trends opt for increasing efficiency, excellence and exclusiveness discourses rather than ensuring equality and inclusiveness iv. high constraints: the social dimension by definition requires more public funding which is less appreciated and strategic constraints of the actors in allocating their resources v. the type of policy entrepreneur: the social dimension is promoted by an international stakeholder, the European Students’ Union, instead of the ministers responsible for higher education The social dimension remains a policy item in the Bologna Process which is noble enough to agree but not urgent enough to act on.
We show that optimizing a quantum gate for an open quantum system requires the time evolution of only three states irrespective of the dimension of Hilbert space. This represents a significant reduction in computational resources compared to the complete basis of Liouville space that is commonly believed necessary for this task. The reduction is based on two observations: the target is not a general dynamical map but a unitary operation; and the time evolution of two properly chosen states is sufficient to distinguish any two unitaries. We illustrate gate optimization employing a reduced set of states for a controlled phasegate with trapped atoms as qubit carriers and a iSWAP gate with superconducting qubits.