946 resultados para Dendritic cells, Friend-Retrovirus, Nanoparticles, Immunotherapeutic applications,


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Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) syndrome, which is caused by mutation of the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene, is a highly variable disease characterized by multiple endocrine failure, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, and various ectodermal defects. AIRE is a transcriptional regulator classically expressed in medullary thymic epithelial cells, monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells. Previous studies have suggested that AIRE can shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells, although its cytoplasmic functions are poorly characterized. Through mass spectrometry analysis of proteins co-immunoprecipitating with cytoplasmic AIRE, we identified a novel association of AIRE with the intermediate filament protein cytokeratin 17 (K17) in the THP-1 monocyte cell line. We confirmed AIRE expression in HaCaT epidermal keratinocytes, as well as its interaction with K17. Confocal microscopy of human fetal and adult scalp hair follicles demonstrated a cytoplasmic pattern of AIRE staining that moderately colocalized with K17. The cytoplasmic association of AIRE with the intermediate filament network in human epidermal and follicular keratinocytes may provide a new path to understanding the ectodermal abnormalities associated with the APECED syndrome. (Am J Pathol 2011, 178:983-988; DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2010.12.007)


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PURPOSE. FTY720 (fingolimod) is an immunomodulatory drug capable of preventing T-cell migration to inflammatory sites by binding to and subsequently downregulating the expression of sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 1 (S1P(1)) leading in turn to T-cell retention in lymphoid organs. Additional effects of FTY720 by increasing functional activity of regulatory T cells have recently been demonstrated, raising the conversion of conventional T cells into regulatory T cells and affecting the sequestration of regulatory T cells in normal mice. In this study, the action of FTY720 in the ocular autoimmune model in mice was investigated. METHODS. Mice were immunized with 161-180 peptide and pertussis toxin and were treated with 1 mg/kg/d FTY720 by gavage (7-21 days postimmunization [dpi]) or left untreated. Spleen cells, harvested 21 dpi, were cultured and assayed for cytokine production. Draining lymph node, spleen, and eye cells 21 dpi were assayed for quantification of T-cell populations. Disease severity was evaluated by histologic examination of the enucleated eyes at 21 and 49 dpi. In addition, anti-IRBP antibodies were analyzed by ELISA. RESULTS. FTY720 was effective in suppressing the experimental autoimmune uveitis score. Although there was a reduction in the number of eye-infiltrating cells, FTY did not prevent Treg accumulation at this site. FTY720 leads to a significant increase of CD4(+)IFN-gamma(+) and CD4(+)Foxp3(+) cell percentages in lymph nodes, suggesting that this site could be the source of Treg cells found in the eye. CONCLUSIONS. The data showed that treatment in vivo with FTY720 was able to suppress EAU in mice. These results are indicative of the possible therapeutic use of FTY720 in ocular autoimmune processes. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:2568-2574) DOI:10.1167/iovs.09-4769


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The intestinal tract is a peculiar environment due to its constant contact with the microbiota agents, food antigens and other molecules. Such exposure requires the establishment of important regulatory mechanisms in order to avoid inflammatory response and self aggression. In this context, the GALT plays a very relevant role due to the presence of several different cellular populations which are the main players in this phenomenon. Moreover, it was described a while ago that the oral ingestion of a given molecule is able to induce systemic tolerance to the same molecule when it is used as an immunogen by parenteral route, known as oral tolerance. This observation led researches to use these mechanisms to induce tolerance against cognate antigens of different autoimmune diseases. In this context, in this review we focused on several tolerance inducing mechanisms which are relevant not only for the maintenance of intestinal tract but also for the suppression of T effector cells, such as Th1, Th2 and the newly described Th17 cells. To name a few, CD103(+) dendritic cells, Tr1 cells derived IL-10 secretion, Foxp3 conversion and CD4(+)LAP(+) regulatory cells induction are among the recently described features of the tolerogenic environment of the intestinal tract. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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P>Apoptosis of macrophages infected with pathogenic mycobacteria is an alternative host defence capable of removing the environment supporting bacterial growth. In this work the influence of virulence and bacterial load on apoptosis of alveolar macrophages during the initial phase of infection by Mycobacterium bovis was investigated. BALB/c mice were infected intratracheally with high or low doses of the virulent (ATCC19274) or attenuated (bacillus Calmette-Guerin Moreau) strains of M. bovis. The frequency of macrophage apoptosis, the growth of mycobacteria in macrophages, and the in situ levels of the cytokines tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and IL-12 and of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 were measured at day 3 and day 7 post-infection. An increase of macrophage apoptosis was observed after infection with both strains but the virulent strain induced less apoptosis than the attenuated strain. On the 3rd day after infection with the virulent strain macrophage apoptosis was reduced in the high-dose group, while on the 7th day post-infection macrophage apoptosis was reduced in the low-dose group. Inhibition of apoptosis was correlated with increased production of IL-10, reduced production of TNF-alpha and increased production of Bcl-2. In addition, the production of IL-12 was reduced at points where the lowest levels of macrophage apoptosis were observed. Our results indicate that virulent mycobacteria are able to modulate macrophage apoptosis to an extent dependent on the intracellular bacterial burden, which benefits its intracellular growth and dissemination to adjacent cells.


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Background: Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is overexpressed after acute kidney injury (AKI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of endogenous HGF in the progression of the inflammatory response in glycerol-induced AKI (Gly-AKI) in rats. Methods: Renal and systemic HGF expressions were evaluated during the development of Gly-AKI. Subsequently, the blockade of endogenous HGF was analyzed in rats treated with anti-HGF antibody concomitant to glycerol injection. Apoptosis, cell infiltration and chemokine and cytokine profiles were investigated. Results: We detected an early peak of renal and plasma HGF protein expressions 3 h after glycerol injection. The pharmacological blockade of the endogenous HGF exacerbated the renal impairment, the tubular apoptosis, the renal expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and the macrophage, CD43+, CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes renal infiltration. The analysis of mRNA expressions of Th1 (t-bet, TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta) and Th2 (gata-3, IL-4, IL-10) cytokines showed a Th1-polarized response in Gly-AKI rats that was aggravated with the anti-HGF treatment. Conclusion: Endogenous HGF attenuates the renal inflammatory response, leukocyte infiltration and Th1 polarization after glycerol injection. The control of cellular immune response may partly explain the protective effect of endogenous HGF in the development of Gly-AKI. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel


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The mechanisms that govern the initial interaction between Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a primary dimorphic fungal pathogen, and cells of the innate immunity need to be clarified. Our previous studies showed that Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR4 regulate the initial interaction of fungal cells with macrophages and the pattern of adaptive immunity that further develops. The aim of the present investigation was to assess the role of MyD88, an adaptor molecule used by TLRs to activate genes of the inflammatory response in pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis. Studies were performed with normal and MyD88(-/-) C57BL/6 mice intratracheally infected with P. brasiliensis yeast cells. MyD88(-/-) macrophages displayed impaired interaction with fungal yeast cells and produced low levels of IL-12, MCP-1, and nitric oxide, thus allowing increased fungal growth. Compared with wild-type (WT) mice, MyD88(-/-) mice developed a more severe infection of the lungs and had marked dissemination of fungal cells to the liver and spleen. MyD88(-/-) mice presented low levels of Th1, Th2, and Th17 cytokines, suppressed lymphoproliferation, and impaired influx of inflammatory cells to the lungs, and this group of cells comprised lower numbers of neutrophils, activated macrophages, and T cells. Nonorganized, coalescent granulomas, which contained high numbers of fungal cells, characterized the severe lesions of MyD88(-/-) mice; the lesions replaced extensive areas of several organs. Therefore, MyD88(-/-) mice were unable to control fungal growth and showed a significantly decreased survival time. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that MyD88 signaling is important in the activation of fungicidal mechanisms and the induction of protective innate and adaptive immune responses against P. brasiliensis.


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Alveolar macrophages ( AM) are the first host cells to interact with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), a primary human pathogen that causes severe pulmonary infections in Latin America. To better understand innate immunity in pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis, we decided to study the fungicidal and secretory abilities of AM from resistant (A/J) and susceptible (B10.A) mice to infection. Untreated, IFN-gamma and IL-12 primed AM from B10. A and A/J mice were challenged with P. brasiliensis yeasts and cocultured for 72 h. B10. A macrophages presented an efficient fungicidal ability, were easily activated by both cytokines, produced high levels of nitric oxide ( NO), IL-12, and MCP-1 associated with low amounts of IL-10 and GM-CSF. In contrast, A/J AM showed impaired cytokine activation and fungal killing, secreted high levels of IL- 10 and GM-CSF but low concentrations of NO, IL- 12, and MCP-1. The fungicidal ability of B10. A but not of A/J macrophages was diminished by aminoguanidine treatment, although only the neutralization of TGF-beta restored the fungicidal activity of A/J cells. This pattern of macrophage activation resulted in high expression of MHC class II antigens by A/J cells, while B10. A macrophages expressed elevated levels of CD40. Unexpectedly, our results demonstrated that susceptibility to a fungal pathogen can be associated with an efficient innate immunity, while a deficient innate response can ultimately favor the development of a resistant pattern to infection. Moreover, our data suggest that different pathogen recognition receptors are used by resistant and susceptible hosts to interact with P. brasiliensis yeasts, resulting in divergent antigen presentation, acquired immunity, and disease outcomes.


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Chemotherapy is the basis of treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis in its various forms. Depending on the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis virulence, the status of host immunity, the degree of tissue involvement and fungal dissemination, treatment can be extended for long periods with an alarming frequency of relapses. Association of chemotherapy with a vaccine to boost the cellular immune response seemed a relevant project not only to reduce the time of treatment but also to prevent relapses and improve the prognosis of anergic cases. The candidate immunogen is the gp43 major diagnostic antigen of P. brasiliensis and more specifically its derived peptide P10, carrying the CD4(+) T-cell epitope. Both gp43 and P10 protected Balb/c mice against intratracheal infections with virulent P. brasiliensis strain. P10 as single peptide or in a multiple-antigen-peptide (MAP) tetravalent construction was protective without adjuvant either by preimmunization and intratracheal challenge or as a therapeutic agent in mice with installed infection. P10 showed additive protective effects in drug-treated mice stimulating a Th-1 type immune response with high IFN-gamma and IL-12. P10 and few other peptides in the gp43 were selected by Tepitope algorithm and actually shown to promiscuously bind several prominent HLA-DR molecules suggesting that a peptide vaccine could be devised for a genetically heterogenous population. P10 was protective in animals turned anergic, was effective in a DNA minigene vaccine, and increased the protection by monoclonal antibodies in Balb/c mice. DNA vaccines and peptide vaccines are promising therapeutic tools to be explored in the control of systemic mycoses.


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Salmonella flagellin, the flagellum structural subunit, has received particular interest as a vaccine adjuvant conferring enhanced immunogenity to soluble proteins or peptides, both for activation of antibody and cellular immune responses. In the present study, we evaluated the Salmonella enterica FliCd flagellin as a T cell vaccine adjuvant using as model the 9-mer (SYVPSAEQI) synthetic H2(d)-restricted CD8(+) T cell-specific epitope (CS(280-288)) derived from the Plasmodium yoelii circumsporozoite (G) protein. The FliCd adjuvant effects were determined under two different conditions: (i) as recombinant flagella, expressed by orally delivered live S. Dublin vaccine strains expressing the target CS(280-288) peptide fused at the central hypervariable domain, and (ii) as purified protein in acellular vaccines in which flagellin was administered to mice either as a recombinant protein fused or admixed with the target CS(280-288) peptide. The results showed that CS(280-288)-specific cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells were primed when BALB/c mice were orally inoculated with the expressing the CS280-288 epitope S. Dublin vaccine strain. In contrast, mice immunized with purified FliCd admixed with the CS280-288 peptide and, to a lesser extent, fused with the target peptide developed specific cytotoxic CD8(+) T cell responses without the need of a heterologous booster immunization. The CD8(+) T cell adjuvant effects of flagellin, either fused or not with the target peptide, correlated with the in vivo activation of CD11c(+) dendritic cells. Taken together, the present results demonstrate that Salmonella flagellins are flexible adjuvant and induce adaptative immune responses when administered by different routes or vaccine formulations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Innate immunity is based in pre-existing elements of the immune system that directly interact with all types of microbes leading to their destruction or growth inhibition. Several elements of this early defense mechanism act in concert to control initial pathogen growth and have profound effect on the adaptative immune response that further develops. Although most studies in paracoccidioidomycosis have been dedicated to understand cellular and humoral immune responses, innate immunity remains poorly defined. Hence, the main purpose of this review is to present and discuss some mechanisms of innate immunity developed by resistant and susceptible mice to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection, trying to understand how this initial host-pathogen interface interferes with the protective or deleterious adaptative immune response that will dictate disease outcome. An analysis of some mechanisms and mediators of innate immunity such as the activation of complement proteins, the microbicidal activity of natural killer cells and phagocytes, the production of inflammatory eicosanoids, cytokines, and chemokines among others, is presented trying to show the important role played by innate immunity in the host response to P. brasiliensis infection.


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Crotalus durissus terrificus venom and its main component, crotoxin (CTX), have the ability to down-modulate the immune system. Certain mechanisms mediated by cells and soluble factors of the immune system are responsible for the elimination of pathogenic molecules to ensure the specific protection against subsequent antigen contact. Accordingly, we evaluated the immunomodulatory effects of CTX on the immune response of mice that had been previously primed by immunisation with human serum albumin (HSA). CTX inoculation after HSA immunisation, along with complete Freund`s adjuvant (CFA) or Aluminium hydroxide (Alum) immunisation, was able to suppress anti-HSA IgG1 and IgG2a antibody production. We showed that the inhibitory effects of this toxin are not mediated by necrosis or apoptosis of any lymphoid cell population. Lower proliferation of T lymphocytes from mice immunised with HSA/CFA or HSA/Alum that received the toxin was observed in comparison to the mice that were only immunised. In conclusion, CTX is able to exert potent inhibitory effects on humoural and cellular responses induced by HSA immunisation, even when injected after an innate immune response has been initiated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The interactions between three different protein antigens and dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) dispersed in aqueous solutions from probe sonication or adsorbed its one bilayer onto particles was comparatively investigated. The three model proteins were bovine serum albumin (BSA), purified 18 kDa/14 kDa antigens from Taenia crassiceps (18/14-Tcra) and a recombinant, heat-shock protein hsp-18 kDa from Mycobacterium leprae. Protein-DODAB complexes in water solution were characterized by dynamic light scattering for sizing and zeta-potential analysis. Cationic complexes (80-100 nm of mean hydrodynamic diameter) displayed sizes similar to those of DODAB bilayer fragments (BF) in aqueous solution and good colloid stability over a range of DODAB and protein concentrations. The amount of cationic lipid required for attaining zero of zeta-potential at a given protein amount depended on protein nature being smaller for 18 kDa/14 kDa antigens than for BSA. Mean diameters for DODAB/protein complexes increased, whereas zeta-potentials decreased with NaCl or protein concentration. In mice, weak IgG production but significant cellular immune responses were induced by the complexes in comparison to antigens alone or carried by aluminum hydroxide as shown from IgG in serum determined by ELISA, delayed type hypersensitivity reaction from footpad swelling tests and cytokines analysis. The novel cationic adjuvant/protein complexes revealed good colloid stability and potential for vaccine design at a reduced DODAB concentration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seasonal influenza virus infection is a leading cause of illness and mortality in young children and the elderly each year. Current influenza vaccines generate protective antibody responses; however, these must be given annually to provide protection against serologically distinct viruses. By contrast, CD8.sup.+ T cells are capable of recognizing conserved antigenic determinants within the influenza virion and, as such, may provide protection against a number of variant strains of the virus. CD8.sup.+ T cells play a critical key role in controlling and resolving influenza virus infections via the production of cytokines and cytolytic mediators. This article focuses on the induction of the influenza-specific CD8.sup.+ T-cell response and how these cells acquire and maintain effector function after induction. Moreover, we discuss how cytotoxic T-lymphocyte function correlates with protection following vaccination.


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In this work, LaMO3 and LaNi0.5M0.5O3 (M = Ni, Co, Fe, Mn and Cr) perovskite oxide electrocatalysts were synthesized by a combined ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid-citrate complexation technique and subsequent calcinations at 1000 °C in air. Their powder X-ray diffraction patterns demonstrate the formation of a specific crystalline structure for each composition. The catalytic property of these materials toward the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) was studied in alkaline potassium hydroxide solution using the rotating disk and rotating ring-disk electrode techniques. Carbon is considered to be a crucial additive component because its addition into perovskite oxide leads to optimized ORR current density. For LaMO3 (M = Ni, Co, Fe, Mn and Cr)), in terms of the ORR current densities, the performance is enhanced in the order of LaCrO3, LaFeO3, LaNiO3, LaMnO3, and LaCoO3. For LaNi0.5M0.5O3, the ORR current performance is enhanced in the order of LaNi0.5Fe0.5O3, LaNi0.5Co0.5O3, LaNi0.5Cr0.5O3, and LaNi0.5Mn0.5O3. Overall, LaCoO3 demonstrates the best performance. Most notably, substituting half of the nickel with cobalt, iron, manganese, or chromium translates the ORR to a more positive onset potential, suggesting the beneficial catalytic effect of two transition metal cations with Mn as the most promising candidate. Koutecky–Levich analysis on the ORR current densities of all compositions indicates that the four-electron pathway is favored on these oxides, which are consistent with hydroperoxide ion formation of <2%.


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Macrophages in the olfactory neuroepithelium are thought to play major roles in tissue homeostasis and repair. However, little information is available at present about possible heterogeneity of these monocyte-derived cells, their turnover rates, and the role of chemokine receptors in this process. To start addressing these issues, this study used Cx3cr1gfp mice, in which the gene sequence for eGFP was knocked into the CX3CR1 gene locus in the mutant allele. Using neuroepithelial whole-mounts from Cx3cr1gfp/+ mice, we show that eGFP+ cells of monocytic origin are distributed in a loose network throughout this tissue and can be subdivided further into two immunophenotypically distinct subsets based on MHC-II glycoprotein expression. BM chimeric mice were created using Cx3cr1gfp/+ donors to investigate turnover of macrophages (and other monocyte-derived cells) in the olfactory neuroepithelium. Our data indicate that the monocyte-derived cell population in the olfactory neuroepithelium is actively replenished by circulating monocytes and under the experimental conditions, completely turned over within 6 months. Transplantation of Cx3cr1gfp/gfp (i.e., CX3CR1-deficient) BM partially impaired the replenishment process and resulted in an overall decline of the total monocyte-derived cell number in the olfactory epithelium. Interestingly, replenishment of the CD68lowMHC-II+ subset appeared minimally affected by CX3CR1 deficiency. Taken together, the established baseline data about heterogeneity of monocyte-derived cells, their replenishment rates, and the role of CX3CR1 provide a solid basis to further examine the importance of different monocyte subsets for neuroregeneration at this unique frontier with the external environment.