863 resultados para Day-clinic


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CONTEXTO: Mães relatam início precoce de constipação em crianças atendidas em clínicas de gastroenterologia. OBJETIVOS: Estudar o hábito intestinal em crianças de baixa idade na comunidade, para avaliar se início precoce da constipação é confirmado neste contexto e se há concordância entre o hábito intestinal relatado e o registrado prospectivamente. MÉTODOS: Obtiveram-se dados sobre evacuações de 57 crianças com idade 6.0-40.7 meses, mediante relato materno (questionário sobre características fecais predominantes) e, a seguir, foram registradas 1.934 evacuações em casa e na creche. O hábito intestinal foi classificado como adequado, constipação, diarréia funcional, outro hábito intestinal, conforme frequência evacuatória e proporção das características fecais (macias, duras e/ou que escorrem). Usaram-se dois critérios para classificar o hábito intestinal registrado, devido indefinição no ponto de corte para fezes duras na identificação de constipação em crianças: critério predominante e critério adulto, respectivamente com >50% e >25% de evacuações com consistência alterada. Usou-se estatística não-paramétrica e, para concordância entre hábito intestinal relatado e registrado, o índice Kappa. RESULTADOS: Constipação ocorreu em 17.5%, 10.5%, 19.3% das crianças, respectivamente pelo relato e pelo registro segundo critérios predominante e adulto. Constipação foi o hábito intestinal mais frequentemente relatado, versus 12.3% outro hábito intestinal. Só uma criança se classificou como tendo diarréia funcional (pelo critério adulto). Concordância entre o hábito intestinal relatado e o registrado foi razoável (fair) para constipação, pelos critérios predominante e adulto (K=0.28 e 0.24, respectivamente), mas apenas leve (slight) para os demais hábito intestinal (K <0.16). Entretanto, dados individuais indicaram melhor relação entre relato de constipação com o critério adulto do que com o critério predominante. CONCLUSÕES: Confirmou-se que constipação é frequente e de início precoce. Concordância razoável entre o hábito intestinal relatado e o registrado segundo os dois critérios indica que o relato materno é razoavelmente confiável para detectar constipação.


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Fishes of the family Scorpaenidae are responsible for severe injuries and occasionally deaths in humans around the world. The more venomous fishes on the Brazilian coast and in the Southwestern Atlantic region are classified in the genus Scorpaena (family Scorpaenidae). However, there are few studies on the venomous apparatus, the effects of the venom, or clinical aspects of human envenoming provoked by Atlantic scorpionfishes.In this communication, the authors present 23 accidents caused by scorpionfishes of the genus Scorpaena among fishermen, and report the species that provoked the injuries, the circumstances of contacts, the clinical aspects observed and the therapeutic measures utilized for control of the symptoms of the victims. The intense pain and the systemic findings observed in the patients were very frequent and we think that the injuries provoked by scorpionfishes should be considered the most important manifestations caused by venomous fishes of the East Atlantic Ocean. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Freshwater stingrays are very common in the Parana, Paraguay, Araguaia, and Tocantins Rivers and tributaries in Brazil. This study presents the clinical aspects of 84 patients injured by freshwater stingrays. Intense pain was the most conspicuous symptom. Skin necrosis was observed in a high percentage of the victims, mostly fishermen and bathers. The initial therapeutic procedures, like immersion of the affected member in hot water were effective in the initial phases of the envenoming, especially in the control of the acute pain; however, they did not prevent skin necrosis. By SDS-PAGE, the freshwater stingray (Potamotrygon falkneri) venom extract presented a major band of approximately 12 kDa. Several other components distributed between 15 and 130 kDa were detected in the venom extract. Many components with molecular mass above 80 and 100 kDa have gelatinolytic and caseinolytic activities, respectively. Hyaluronidase activity was detected only in a component around 84 kDa in P. falkneri venom extract. Our results demonstrated that the presence of these enzymes could explain partially the local clinical pictures presented by patients wounded by freshwater stingray. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Verificou-se a prevalência dos enteroparasitas em 279 crianças (0 a 6 anos) de quatro creches municipais de Botucatu/SP. Foram coletadas três amostras de fezes de cada criança e processadas pelos métodos Hoffman, Faust e Ritchie e posterior coloração do esfregaço fecal pelos métodos de Auramina-O e Ziehl-Neelsen modificado para diagnóstico de Cryptosporidium sp. e método da fita gomada para diagnóstico de Enterobius vermicularis. Das crianças analisadas apresentaram-se parasitadas 53.40%, sendo que o parasita mais freqüente foi Giardia duodenalis (26.88%). Verificou-se associação significativa entre enteroparasitose, renda familiar, escolaridade materna e idade; quanto maior a renda e o grau escolar, menor a freqüência de enteroparasitas. Observou-se que G. duodenalis é mais prevalente em crianças de 0 a 4 anos e E. vermicularis em crianças entre três e quatro anos de idade. A elevada prevalência de enteroparasitas em creches sugere estrutura complexa em sua epidemiologia, onde fatores além do saneamento devem ser considerados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To evaluate whether intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) could influence early paternal effects by observing embryo quality at day 2.Study design: The study included 30 couples with at least one of the following criteria: male factor infertility, at least 2 previous failures of implantation or previous miscarriages after IVF/ICSI. Sibling oocytes of each patient were randomly assigned to either the ICSI group or the IMSI group. For IMSI, spermatozoa were selected at 8400x magnification through an inverted microscope equipped with Nomarski differential interference contrast optics, Uplan Apo 100x oil/1.35 objective lens and variable zoom lens. For conventional ICSI, spermatozoa were selected at 400x magnification. An embryo was defined as top quality if there were four identical blastomeres on day 2 with no fragments or multinucleation of blastomeres. Data were analysed using the Wilcoxon and chi-squared tests. The significance level was set at P < 0.05. The variables were analysed in relation to the general population and the subpopulations with or without male factor.Results: A total of 331 MII oocytes (30 oocyte retrievals) were selected and injected by the ICSI (n: 172) or IMSI (n: 159) procedure. For IMSI, only spermatozoa classified as morphologically normal at high magnification were used. No differences (P > 0.05) in fertilisation rate (ICSI: 70.9%; IMSI: 70.4%), early embryo cleavage rate (ICSI: 66.9%; IMSI: 60.4%) or cleavage rate (ICSI: 99.2%; IMSI: 99.1%) were observed. on day 2, as compared to ICSI, IMSI provided a similar proportion of top quality embryos (ICSI: 57.8%; IMSI: 52.2%; P > 0.05). These results were not influenced by the presence or absence of male factor.Conclusion: In terms of embryo quality at day 2, IMSI had the same performance as conventional ICSI. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that IMSI effects occur only as a positive later paternal effect. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Through the analysis of the informational activity at the primary care of SUS at the scale of places, this dissertation has as central objective to observe the dispute for the concepts of health and sickness, in the ambit of Brazilian Health Movement, featuring, on one hand, the clinic, biomedical or flexnerian line hegemonic, scientifically restrict and the primary frame of references for the Brazilian health politics and on the other hand a multiplicity of new proposals and critic thoughts to the current model, which have , as common characteristic, the worry with a territorial way of thinking the health context, therefore beyond the biological processes. On the first chapter we jut out with details these scientific and ideological movements, on a wider way, but also on the specificities of the public health s information politics. On the second chapter we analyze the downward health information circle at the basic care, observing the operational processes of the information s technical systems SIAB and e-SUS. On the third and last chapter, we give references to think about an upward health information circle, centered on the places, ruled by the notions of autonomy, organic solidarity and communicational density. It would possess, as method s primary horizon, the local organization of production and managing of information through the work of the Health Community Agent, privileging therefore the urgency of the most contingent needs of the people in theirs every day s life


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Comorbidity studies have shown an important association between panic disorder (PD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The aim of the current study was to evaluate the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) and OCD in patients with PD. Forty-eight consecutive PD cases (DSM-IV diagnostic criteria) referred to a Brazilian university hospital clinic were studied. The Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive scale (Y-BOCS) checklist was used to identify the OCS. Subclinical OCD was considered when subjects met all but one DSM-IV criteria for OCD (symptoms did not cause significant distress and interference, did not last more than 1 hour per day, or were not considered excessive or irrational), and OCS when only the criterion for presence of obsessions or compulsions was met. Twenty-nine (60.4%) of the 48 patients evaluated (19 men and 29 women) had at least one OCS: nine (18.8%) had mild OCS, 11 (22.9%) had subclinical OCD, and nine (18.8%) had comorbid OCD. Therefore, 41.7% of the patients had either clinical or subclinical OCD. OCS occurred more frequently in women and, in 70.4% of the cases, preceded the onset of PD. Our results suggest that it is important to evaluate systematically the co-occurrence of OCS in patients with PD, due to the considerable overlap found in symptoms, which may have therapeutic implications. As panic symptoms are usually the main complaint, OCS are often found only when directly investigated. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Vacas da raça Holandesas em lactação (n=158) aos 213±112 dias de lactação e produção de 26±9kg leite/dia, foram aleatoriamente distribuídas em três grupos: controle (GC, n=52, salina); GnRH (GG, n=55, 100mcg de gonadorelina); e hCG (GH, n=51, 2500UI de hCG) aplicado no dia 5 após a inseminação artificial (IA). A temperatura retal foi verificada no momento da IA, e as amostras de sangue coletadas nos dias 5, 7 e 12 após a IA. A concepção foi determinada entre os dias 42 e 49 após IA. As concentrações séricas de progesterona (P4 - ng/ml, média±EPM) para GC, GG, e GH foram, respectivamente: no dia 5: 2,7±0,4, 2,5±0,4 e 3,2±0,4; no dia 7: 4,8±0,4, 4,2±0,4 e 5,7±0,5; e no dia 12 após a IA: 5,2±0,4, 6,9±0,4 e 8,5±0,5. O aumento proporcional na concentração sérica de P4 entre os dias 5 e 7 após IA (GC: 178%, GG: 168%, e GH: 178%) sugere que os tratamentos não induziram efeito luteotrópico no corpo lúteo (CL) existente. O aumento na P4 sérica entre os dias 7 e 12 nos animais tratados com GnRH ou hCG (GG: 164% e GH: 149%, P<0,01) em relação aos animais controle (GC: 18%, P=0,31), sugere a indução de novo CL. Os tratamentos com GnRH ou hCG aumentaram as taxas de concepção nas vacas com temperatura retal abaixo de 39,7°C (GC: 10,1%, n=26; GG: 36,8%, n=27 e GH: 32,8%, n=21), mas não em vacas com temperatura retal acima de 39,7°C (15,2% n=26; 17,8%, n=28 e 24,4%, n=30). Os resultados sugerem que a alta temperatura corporal pode mascarar os efeitos positivos do tratamento com GnRH ou hCG no dia 5 após a IA, na concepção.


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Three experiments were carried out to analyze the performance and egg quality of Japanese quails throughout the day when submitted to different lighting programs. In each experiment, birds were submitted to a period of 28 days for adaptation to the lighting program. During the following three days, each day - from 7 am to 7 pm or 9 pm - was divided into six or seven periods of two hours each, and the remaining hours corresponded to another single period. All birds were submitted to the same management practices, and received water and feed ad libitum. The experimental diet was formulated according to NRC (1994) standards. It was observed lower feed intake in the period of 9 pm to 7 am, and a higher incidence of lay from 3 pm to 7 pm, as opposite to hens, which peak of egg laying occurs during the morning. Some controversial results were found among experiments as to eggshell quality during the different periods of the day. Variation on the lighting program had little influence on the other performance and egg quality parameters.