965 resultados para Davis, Joyce


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ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess mental health knowledge, attitude and practices among health care workers in Belize before and immediately after a competency based training program in mental health. A baseline Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey was given to health personnel, mainly nurses, working primary and secondary care. The intervention was a 13-week face-to-face training course for health care professionals with the objective of increasing their competency in mental health and reducing stigma. After the training a post intervention KAP survey was conducted among the original respondents. 88 health care workers completed the baseline survey and 61 of those respondents completed the post-intervention questionnaire. The results showed that the level of knowledge of the participants had improved by the training intervention and that in general, the intervention was effective in correcting some misconceptions about mental illness and reducing stigmatizing attitudes among the participants.


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The aim of this study was to validate the rapid lateral flow Helicobacter pylori stool antigen test (One step H. pylori antigen test, ACON laboratories, San Diego, USA; Prime diagnostics, São Paulo), using 13C-Urea Breath Test as the gold standard for H. pylori infection diagnosis. A total of 98 consecutive patients, asymptomatic or dyspeptic, entered the study. Sixty-nine were women, with a mean age of 45.76 ± 14.59 years (14 to 79 years). In the H. pylori-positive group, the rapid stool antigen test detected H. pylori antigen in 44 of the 50 positive patients (sensitivity 88%; 95% CI: 75.7-95.5%), and six false-negative; and in the H. pylori-negative group 42 presented negative results (specificity 87.5%; 95% CI: 74.7-95.3%), and six false-positive, showing a substantial agreement (Kappa Index = 0.75; p < 0.0001; 95% CI: 0.6-0.9). Forty four of fifty patients that had positive stool antigen were H. pylori-positive, the PPV of the stool antigen test was 88% (95% CI: 75.7-95.5%), and 42 patients with negative stool antigen test were H. pylori-negative, the NPV of the stool antigen test was 87.5% (95% CI: 74.7-95.3%). We conclude that the lateral flow stool antigen test can be used as an alternative to breath test for H. pylori infection diagnosis especially in developing countries.


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A informação é um elemento preponderante para a tomada de decisões e quanto mais informação houver, mais ponderada será. SHANNON e WEAVER (1948:379-423) definem informação como "... aquilo que reduz a incerteza...", o que é discutível, já que inúmeras questões se poderão levantar, aumentando as incertezas em relação a outros pontos. BELL (1979:168) definiu informação como "... processamento de dados no seu sentido mais lato...", uma forma mais simples de explicar um conceito que se rodeia de inúmeros significados. Para MASON et ai. (1995:35), o Homem tem que existir para que haja informação, pois ela representa a forma através "... da qual uma mente consegue influenciar outra..."; em parte esta interpretação tem a ver com percepção e com o raciocínio humano. DAVIS e OHLSON (1985:200) definiram-na como "... dados de tal forma coligidos e processados, que se tomam úteis a um receptor, sendo valiosos para a análise de acções ou tomada de decisões..."; estes autores atribuem à informação um valor acrescentado, pois só a consideram como tal, se o seu uso beneficiar o saber e a decisão.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Musicais – ramo Etnomusicologia


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Neste trabalho os autores apresentam dados relativos à prevalência e formas clinicas da esquistossomose mansoni, hospedeiro intermediário e determinação do seu índice de infecção em Santa Luzia do Carneiro, área rural do Município de Itanhomi, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais. O estudo seccional da população revelou 42,1% de positividade para ovos de S.mansoni em um exame de fezes peto método de Lutz (Hoffmann, Ponz, Janer) e um percentual de 6,8% de pacientes com hepato-esplenomegalia. O hospedeiro intermediário encontrado foi a B.glabrata com um índice de infecção de 3,2%.


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The use of cryotherapy as an adjunct to systemic antimonial therapy (Clucantime) was studied in 17 patients with a total of23 skin lesions of leishmaniasis in an area where L. braziliensis braziliensis is the species in circulation. Cryotherapy did not speed healing and has been discarded as an auxiliary therapeutic measure in our practice. However this technique may be suitable for species o/Leishmania causing more limited superficial lesions in man without the danger of metastasis.


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BHC application in Mambai in 1980 resulted in a significant decline but not elimination of domiciliated T. infestans. T. sordida peridomestic populations persist and could pose a threat to interupting human transmission of T. cruzi The results of one massive attack spray application alone was compared with this application plus one selective application as regards the presence of T. infestans in houses oneyear later. No significance difference could be detected. It is likely that for interruption of T. infestans transmission cheaper procedures can be devised than those currently in use. A further pilot study of a virgin community afflicted by T. infestans transmission is indicated since Mambai cannot be regarded as a representative areafor those still awaiting insecticide application.


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Del estúdio de 51 stocks de Leishmania aislados de pacientes humanos de leishmaniasis cutaneomucosa en Três Braços, Bahia, Brasil, los autores describen, en detalle, el análisis de los dos únicos stocks de L. mexicana, identificando uno de ellos como L. mexicana amazonensis. El otro aislado permanece en posición taxonómica no definida pues considerándosele como un miembro de L. mexicana, encuéntranse dificultades para su identificación subespecífica. Evaluan también los parâmetros biológicos e isoenzimáticos y discuten el papel de los anticuerpos monoclonales en la tipificación de éstos stocks. Los autores remarcan la rareza de la transmisión de parásitos del complejo L. mexicana en esta región, aun cuando estudien epidemiológicamente por mais de 8 anos la infección humana.