999 resultados para Cuba--History--Insurrection, 1868-1878
Historians have successfully pointed to new ways of re-writing Christianity’s history.
The Portuguese will not to be the last in the series of foreigners who sought to make Goa their home. The developments of the past fifty years need to be observed and analysed to understand the trend that will make the so-called «post-liberation» history of Goa. Goa’s history should be more dispassionately viewed as made up of many «liberations», and more may follow.
RESUMO: Angola tem sido ao longo dos tempos objecto de cobiça por parte de países estrangeiros por motivações diversas, que foram desde interesses coloniais – como aconteceu com Portugal, que durante séculos a colonizou, e da Holanda, que dominou Luanda entre 1641 e 1648 – ou por interesses hegemónicos, ideológicos e políticos – como sucedeu com os EUA e a URSS, mas também com a Republica Popular da China e Cuba – e até por interesses regionais – como foram os casos da África do Sul e dos contíguos Congo Belga, hoje Republica Democrática do Congo, e Zâmbia. No entanto, a todos estes interesses diversos não se pode excluir um que lhes é transversal: o interesse económico. De facto, os 1246700 km² de que Angola dispõe, aliados à sua excelente localização geográfica com uma extensa costa atlântica e a sua extraordinária riqueza em recursos naturais podem explicar este envolvimento estrangeiro na História de Angola. No que diz respeito ao objecto da Dissertação, o envolvimento da ONU nas questões relacionadas com Angola remonta à década de 50, ou seja, ao período colonial e muito antes da independência do país em 1975, devido à política descolonizadora saída da II Guerra Mundial. Além disso, a dinâmica que emergiu da II Guerra Mundial, rapidamente, reconfigurou o panorama político internacional em dois blocos: o ocidental liderado pelos EUA e o de Leste liderado pela URSS, que se envolveram numa Guerra Fria, polarização cujos efeitos se ligam de forma trágica à guerra em Angola, primeiro para a autodeterminação, e, depois, já num contexto de independência, num conflito armado que ultrapassou o plano interno. Os interesses dos EUA e da URSS, que começaram por ser antagónicos, deram lugar em 1989 com o fim da bipolaridade a uma cooperação mais aberta e uma abertura política em Angola rumo à paz e ao início da construção da democracia. Neste trabalho estuda-se o papel da ONU em Angola, quer no período de luta pela independência, quer depois, na busca da paz no sangrento conflito – nem sempre civil – que mesmo antes da data da independência, a 11 de Novembro de 1975, e até Fevereiro de 2002, dilacerou o país. Procura-se, igualmente, analisar o contributo da ONU na consolidação das instituições e na construção de um regime democrático em Angola. ABSTRACT: Angola has been along time subject to the greed of several foreign countries for many reasons and motivations which go from colonial interests - that is the cases of, Portugal which for centuries colonized it, and Netherlands under whose administration had been Luanda between 1641 and 1648 - or for hegemonic, ideological and political interests - as it happened in regard to USA and USSR, but also People‟s Republic of China, Cuba, - and even for regional interests - regarding South Africa Republic, and the neighbouring countries, Democratic Republic of Congo (ancient Republic of the Congo “Leopoldville”), and the Republic of Zambia. On the other hand to these interests we may join another which is transversal to all of them: economic interest. Effectively, Angola‟s 481,351 square miles (1,246,700 Km2) estimated area, combined with its excellent geographical location with a lengthy Atlantic coast, its extraordinary richness in natural resources may well explain this foreign participation in its Political History. Concerning the objective of this work, the UN has been involved in matters regarding Angola since the decade of 50 of the last century, during the colonial period, long before the independence of the country in 1975, due to the decolonization policy emerged from the Second World War. Furthermore, after the Second World War, international environment has changed, transforming quickly the world into two main blocs, the West with the leadership of the USA and the East with the leadership of USSR which went into a Cold War. The effects of this polarization reached tragically Angola, early in the fight for self-determination, and went on later after independence in an armed conflict, which has overcome the internal dimension. The USA and USSR interests, at the beginning being antagonistic had become by 1989, with the end of bipolarity, more cooperative, leading Angola to a political reform towards peace and beginning the construction of democracy. In this academic work it‟s studied the UNO role in Angola since the fight for self-determination early in the sixties of last century, and later in the search for peace during the bloody - and not always civil – war conflict which very before independence date in 11th November 1975, and as long as 2002, divided the country. Additionally, this work aims to understand the UNO contribution to consolidate institutions and to promote democracy in Angola.
Se intentam identificar aquellos factores socioeconomicos que puedan ser considerados como factores de riesgo, tanto de la mortalidad postneonatal como de la exógena, asi como su relevancia social, para Cuba en 1982. Mediante un estudio caso-control basado en una muestra nacional de fallecidos menores de un ano y sobrevivientes a la misma edad - para cuyo analisis se emplearon técnicas asociadas a la regresión logística - se pudo estimar el riesgo relativo; el riesgo atribuible y las probabilidades de morir en presencia o ausencia de los factores identificados. Los resultados apuntan hacia la carencia de servicios sanitarios en el interior de la vivienda y el hacinamiento - 3 o mas personas por habitación - como los factores de riesgo mas trascendentes tanto para propiciar la mortalidad postneonatal como la exógena. Se ratifica la condición de "reserva" que posee el componente postneonatal para la redución ulterior de la mortalidad infantil en el pais.
En Cuba, la tasa de mortalidad infantil (TMI) se redujo entre 1970 y 1986 en un 65%. La TMI alcanzada en 1986 -13,6%o - ubica al país a la vanguardia de Latinoamérica en cuanto a salud materno-infantil. Sin embargo, subsisten diferencias interprovinciales en la mortalidad durante el primer año de vida. Mediante el empleo de técnicas de regresión múltiples, se intenta identificar los factores sociodemográficos o relacionados con los servicios de salud que más han incidido en el descenso de la TMI en Cuba y provincias en el decenio estudiado, así como las variables que mejor explican las diferencias interprovinciales en cada año. Son factores sociodemográficos los que mayoritariamente explican la evolución de la TMI; por otra parte, si bien la proporción de nacidos vivos con bajo peso y la tasa bruta de natalidad explican en primera instancia las diferencias interprovinciales en el nivel de la mortalidad infantil en cada año, un análisis más cuidadoso permite establecer que son variables eminentemente socieconómicas las que están detrás de tales diferencias.
European Cetacean Society Conference Workshop, Galway, Ireland, 25th March 2012.
The legacy of nineteenth century social theory followed a “nationalist” model of society, assuming that analysis of social realities depends upon national boundaries, taking the nation-state as the primary unit of analysis, and developing the concept of methodological nationalism. This perspective regarded the nation-state as the natural - and even necessary - form of society in modernity. Thus, the constitution of large cities, at the end of the 19th century, through the intense flows of immigrants coming from diverse political and linguistic communities posed an enormous challenge to all social research. One of the most significant studies responding to this set of issues was The Immigrant Press and its Control, by Robert E. Park, one of the most prominent American sociologists of the first half of the 20th century. The Immigrant Press and its Control was part of a larger project entitled Americanization Studies: The Acculturation of Immigrant Group into American Society, funded by the Carnagie Corporation following World War I, taking as its goal to study the so-called “Americanization methods” during the 1920s. This paper revisits that particular work by Park to reveal how his detailed analysis of the role of the immigrant press overcame the limitations of methodological nationalism. By granting importance to language as a tool uniting each community and by showing how the strength of foreign languages expressed itself through the immigrant press, Park demonstrated that the latter produces a more ambivalent phenomenon than simply the assimilation of immigrants. On the one hand, the immigrant press served as a connecting force, driven by the desire to preserve the mother tongue and culture while at the same time awakening national sentiments that had, until then, remained diffuse. Yet, on the other hand, it facilitated the adjustment of immigrants to the American context. As a result, Park’s work contributes to our understanding of a particular liminal moment inherent within many intercultural contexts, the space between emigrant identity (emphasizing the country of origin) and immigrant identity (emphasizing the newly adopted country). His focus on the role played by media in the socialization of immigrant groups presaged later work on this subject by communication scholars. Focusing attention on Park’s research leads to other studies of the immigrant experience from the same period (e.g., Thomas & Znaniecki, The Polish Peasant in Europe and America), and also to insights on multi-presence and interculturality as significant but often overlooked phenomena in the study of immigrant socialization.
This survey intends to report some of the major documents and events in the area of fractional calculus that took place since 1974 up to the present date.
History in Africa, n.18, pág.67-82
EPO is a glycoprotein produced in the kidney, which stimulates the division and differentiation of red cells in the bone marrow. Erythropoietin is available as a therapeutic agent produced by recombinant DNA technology in mammalian cell culture into which the human EPO gene has been transfected. Biosimilar Epoetins are mostly erythropoietins of the Epoetin alfa, beta or omega type, which are being produced at much lower cost due to expired patents. Recombinant human erythropoietin (rh-EPO) contains the identical amino acid sequence of natural EPO: 165 amino acids, with a molecular weight of 30,400 Da. Since glycosylation is not only dependent on the cell-line used for the expression of Epoetins but also on the entire biotechnological process the glycosylation patterns of biosimilars do not necessarily reflect the patterns of the originator compounds. Today biosimilar Epoetins are manufactured and distributed worldwide and under many different names. The use of recombinant EPOs for doping is prohibited because of its performance enhancing effect. The aim of the present study was to investigated whether biosimilar alpha r-HuEPO – ior®-EPOCIM, produced in Cuba and also available in other countries in all continents, could be differentiated from endogenous one by iso-electro-focusing plus double blotting, SDS-PAGE and SAR-PAGE for antidoping analysis.
A fragment of the lower jaw of cuon (Cuon alpinus europaeus BOURGUIGNAT, 1868) found at gruta do Escoural is studied. It is the first occurrence recorded for the Pleistocene of Portugal.
Se realizo una encuesta epidemiológica mediante la prueba intradérmica de histoplasmina a 392 trabajadores de granjas avícolas y 265 de diferentes centros ocupacionales considerados sin riesgo profesional de exposición a Histoplasma capsulatum, agente etiológico de la histoplasinosis. Entre los trabajadores del primer grupo se detectó un 28,8% de positividad, mientras que en el segundo grupo se encontro un 13,2% de casos positivos; desde el punto de vista estadístico existió diferencia significativa entre ambos, lo que demuestra que los trabajadores de granjas avícolas son un grupo de riesgo de adquirir la infección por H capsulatum. Entre los trabajadores del grupo I se encontro un porcentaje de reactividad más alto en aquellos grupos ocupacionales que estaban más en contacto con las excretas de las aves. El tiempo de trabajo en la granja también parece influir en la reactividad a la prueba.
El propósito del presente trabajo es reportar el aislamiento de Histoplasma capsulation, agente etiológico de la histoplasmosis, a partir del suelo de lugares habitados por murciélagos y gallinas en la Isla de la Juventud, Cuba. El hongo fue cultivado también a partir de los órganos de cuatro especies de murciélagos capturados en cuevas. La identificación de H. capsulatum se realizó mediante la conversión de la fase miceliana a levadura y por el test de exoantígenos. Se señala el valor epidemiológico de estos hallazgos en cuevas de gran importancia arqueológica, espeleológica y turística, así como el riesgo potencial que representan para la salud humana. Los autores concluyen con recomendaciones para evitar la infección por H. capsulatum en aquellas personas que por determinadas razones tengan que estar en contacto con estos ambientes contaminados.
Thesis presented at the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, to obtain a Master degree in Conservation and Restoration,Specialization in Textiles