1000 resultados para Counting 63-150 µm fraction
On "Meteor" cruise 30 (1973) 22 piston-cores were collected off Sierra Leone from water-depths between about 5000 m (Sierra Leone Basin) and 500 m (upper continental slope) with the objective to study the sediment composition and age as well as processes of sedimentation on the continental slope in a tropical humid region. Granulometric analysis and determinations of the carbonate contents of the sediment samples were carried out, as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the components of the grain size fractions > 63 µm and of the planktonic and benthonic foraminifera > 160 µm. Presently, the cold Canary Current influences the composition of the planktonic foraminifera within the northwestern area of investigation (profile A), whereas the planktonic fauna of the eastern area (profile C) seems to be truly tropical. In all Quaternary sediments from the continental slope off Sierra Leone, species of Globorotalia are less abundant than in truly pelagic sediments. For that reason, the zonation of the Pleistocene sediments based on the presence or absence of Globorotalia cultrata does not always agree with the climatic changes reflected in the sediments. Concerning past climates better results can be obtained by using the changes in percentage abundances of Globigerina sp. sp. and Globigerinoides sp. sp. as indicators for cool and warm temperatures. The Tertiary sediments contain a pelagic foraminiferal assemblage. In the Holocene sediments the benthonic foraminifera do not only serve as good paleodepth indicators, but their communities are also restricted to defined water masses, which change their positions in accordance with climatic changes. Thus, Cassidulina carinata in the area of investigation is an excellent indicator for sediments deposited during times, which were cooler than today; this is true for all cores from the continental slope off Sierra Leone independent of water-depth although this species presently abounds at water-depths around 600 m. The cores from the continental rise and from the Sierra Leone Basin (M30-261, M30-146, M30-147) were deposited below the calcium carbonate compensation depth. Only small sections of the cores consist of the original carbonate-free sediments, whereas the main part of the sediment column is redeposited material, rich in foraminifera, which normally live on the upper continental slope, or even on the shelf. From these cores only M30-261 can be subdivided into biostratigraphic zones ranging from zone V to zone Y. In all cores from the middle and upper continental slope of the eastern area of investigation (profile C; KL 230, 209-204) and in cores KL 183 and KL 184 from the northwestern area (profile A) we observed an undisturbed succession of sediments from the biostratigraphic zones X (partly), Y and Z. All cores from the central area (M30-181, M30-182, M30-262 to 264) and M30-187 from the upper slope of profile A show variable hiatuses in the sedimentary record. Locally, high velocity bottom currents were probably responsible for erosion, nondeposition or minimal sedimentation rates. These currents might have been initiated partly by the somewhat exposed position of this part of the continental slope, where the shelf edge bends from a northwest towards an eastern direction, and partly by very young tectonic movements. Fracture zones with vertically displaced fault blocs are frequent at Sierra Leone continental margin. According to seismic measurements by McMaster et al. (1975) the sites of the central area are located on an uplifted fault bloc explaining the reduced sediment rates or erosion. Unlike the central area, the eastern area (profile C) is situated on a downfaulted bloc with high sediment rates. The sediments from the cores of profile B as well as the turbiditic deep-sea sediments were deposited under a higher flow regime; therefore they are coarser than the extremely fine-grained sediments of the cores from profile C. Since the sand fraction (> 63 µm) is mainly composed of foraminifera, besides pteropods and light-colored fecal pellets, the carbonate content increases with the increasing percentage of the coarse grain fraction. Higher concentrations of quartz were only observed in core sections with considerable carbonate dissolution (mainly in the X-Zone), and, in general, in all sediments from the eastern area with higher terrigenous input including larger concentration of mica. Especially during times transitional between glacials and interglacials (or interstadials) the bottom currents were intensified. The percentages of coarse fraction and carbonate increase with increasing current velocities. Calcium carbonate dissolution becomes important in water depths > 3500 m. During cooler times the lysokline is depressed. Light-colored fecal pellets were redeposited from Late Neogene sediments (M30-187, M30-181). In the area of investigation they occur in the Holocene and mainly the Pleistocene sediments of the cores from the northwestern and central area because only here Tertiary sediments have been eroded at the uppermost continental slope. In the central area there are at least two periods of non-sedimentation and/or erosion which can be confined as being (1) not older than middle Pliocene and not younger than zone V and (2) younger than zone W. The local character of the erosion is documented by the fact that a complete Late Quaternary section is present in the cores of the northwestern and eastern area, each within less than 100 km from incomplete cores from the central area.
Over most of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean a hiatus is present between the lower upper Maastrichtian and lowermost Tertiary deposits; sedimentation resumed ~200 ka (upper zone Pla) after the K-T boundary. Current-bedded volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 536 and 540, which were previously interpreted as impact-generated megawave deposits of K-T boundary age, are biostratigraphically of pre-K-T boundary age and probably represent turbidite or gravity-How deposits. The top 10 to 20 cm of this deposit at Site 536 contains very rare Micula prinsii, the uppermost Maastrichtian index taxon, as well as low values of Ir (0.6 pbb) and rare Ni-rich spinels. These indicate possible reworking of sediments of K-T boundary age at the hiatus. Absence of continuous sediment accumulation across the K-T boundary in the 16 Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean sections examined prevents their providing evidence of impact-generated megawave deposits in this region. Our study indicates that the most complete trans-K-T stratigraphic records may be found in onshore marine sections of Mexico, Cuba, and Haiti. The stratigraphic records of these areas should be investigated further for evidence of impact deposits.
The mid-Piacenzian (MP) warm period (3.264-3.025 Ma) has been identified as the most recent time in geologic history during which mean global surface temperatures were considerably warmer than today for a sustained period. This interval has therefore been proposed as a potential (albeit imperfect) analog for future climate change and as such, has received much scientific attention over the past two decades. Central to this research effort is the Pliocene Research, Interpretation, and Synoptic Mapping (PRISM) project, an iterative paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the MP focused on increasing our understanding of warm-period climate forcings, dynamics, and feedbacks by providing three-dimensional data sets for general circulation models. A mainstay of the PRISM project has been the development of a global sea surface temperature (SST) data set based primarily upon quantitative analyses of planktic foraminifer assemblages, supplemented with geochemical SST estimates wherever possible. In order to improve spatial coverage of the PRISM faunal data set in the low and mid-latitude North Atlantic, this study provides a description of the MP planktic foraminifer assemblage from five Ocean Drilling Program sites (951, 958, 1006, 1062, and 1063) in the subtropical gyre, a region critical to Atlantic Ocean circulation and tropical heat advection. Assemblages from each core provide evidence for a temperature- and circulation-driven 5-10° northward displacement of MP faunal provinces, as well as regional shifts in planktic foraminifer populations linked to species ecology and interactions. General biogeographic trends also indicate that, relative to modern conditions, gyre circulation was stronger (particularly the Gulf Stream, North Atlantic Current, and North Equatorial Current) and meridionally broader. A comparison of mid-Piacenzian and modern North Atlantic planktic foraminifer assemblages suggests that low latitude western boundary currents were less than 1 °C warmer while eastern boundary currents were ~1-2 °C warmer, supporting the hypothesis of enhanced northward heat advection along western boundary currents and warming of high latitude Northeast Atlantic source regions for the Canary Current. These findings are consistent with a model of reduced meridional SST gradients, with little-to-no low latitude warming, and more vigorous ocean circulation. Results therefore support the theory that enhanced meridional overturn circulation and associated northward heat advection made an important contribution, in conjunction with elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, to the 2-3 °C global surface temperature increase (relative to today) and strong polar amplification of SST warmth during the MP warm period.
Planktic foraminiferal (PF) flux and faunal composition from three sediment trap time series of 2002-2004 in the northeastern Atlantic show pronounced year-to-year variations despite similar sea surface temperature (SST). The averaged fauna of the in 2002/2003 is dominated by the species Globigerinita glutinata, whereas in 2003/2004 the averaged fauna is dominated by Globigerinoides ruber. We show that PF species respond primarily to productivity, triggered by the seasonal dynamics of vertical stratification of the upper water column. Multivariate statistical analysis reveals three distinct species groups, linked to bulk particle flux, to chlorophyll concentrations and to summer/fall oligotrophy with high SST and stratification. We speculate that the distinct nutrition strategies of strictly asymbiontic, facultatively symbiontic, and symbiontic species may play a key role in explaining their abundances and temporal succession. Advection of water masses within the Azores Current and species expatriation result in a highly diverse PF assemblage. The Azores Frontal Zone may have influenced the trap site in 2002, indicated by subsurface water cooling, by highest PF flux and high flux of the deep-dwelling species Globorotalia scitula. Similarity analyses with core top samples from the global ocean including 746 sites from the Atlantic suggest that the trap faunas have only poor analogs in the surface sediments. These differences have to be taken into account when estimating past oceanic properties from sediment PF data in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic.
Absolute abundances of benthic and planktonic foraminifers in samples of ODP Hole 149-901A (Table 1)
Dark gray laminated silty claystones (Unit II) drilled at Site 901 contain Tithonian benthic foraminifer assemblages that indicate a neritic depositional environment and probably dysaerobic bottom-water conditions. Three benthic foraminifer zones are distinguished within Unit II. The upper part of the unit is dominated by Spirillina polygyrata, contains Globospirillina spp. (Samples 149-901A-3R-1, 10-12 cm, to 149-901A-3R-1, 75-77 cm) and is interpreted as late Tithonian. Samples 149-901A-3R-1, 87-89 cm, to 149-901A-6R-1, 74-76 cm, contain Epistomina uhligi and Lingulina franconica and are probably early Tithonian. The early Tithonian Neobulimina atlantica Zone is characterized by the occurrence of the zonal marker and Epistomina uhligi and reaches from Sample 149-901A-6R-1, 128-130 cm, to the base of the drilled-sequence. The sediments and benthic foraminiferal assemblage characteristics of the Tithonian-aged sequence in Hole 901A are unknown elsewhere in the Atlantic and may represent deposition in a marginal shelf basin with increased terrigenous and organic flux.
Faunal analyses of planktonic foraminifera and upper-water temperature reconstructions with the modern analog technique are studied and compared to themagnetic susceptibility and gamma ray logs of ODP Core 999A (western Caribbean) for the past 560 kyr in order to explore changes in paleoceanographic conditions in the western Caribbean Sea. Long-term trends in the percentage abundance of planktonic foraminifera inODP Core 999Asuggest two hydrographic scenarios: before and after 480 ka.High percentage abundances of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and Globorotalia inflata, low abundances of Globorotalia menardii and Globorotalia truncatulinoides, low diversity, and sea-surface temperatures (SST) under 24 °C are typical characteristics occurring from 480 to 560 ka. These characteristics suggest a "shallow" well-oxygenated upper thermocline and the influx of nutrients by either seasonal upwelling plumes and/or eddy-mediated entrainment. The second scenario occurred after 480 ka, and it is characterized by high and fluctuating percentage abundances of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, G. truncatulinoides, G. menardii, Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerinella siphonifera, and Globigerinoides ruber; a declining trend in diversity; and large SSTs. These characteristics suggest a steady change from conditions characterized by a "shallow" thermocline and chlorophyll maximum to conditions characterized by a "deep" thermocline (mainly during glacial stages) and by more oligotrophic conditions. The influence of the subtropical North Atlantic on the upper thermocline was apparently larger during glacial stages, thus favoring a deepening of the thermocline, an increase in sea-surface salinity, and a dramatic reduction of nutrients in the Guajira upwelling system. During interglacial stages, the influx of nutrients from the Magdalena River is stronger, thus resulting in a deep chlorophyll maximumand a fresher upper ocean. The eddy entrainment of nutrients is the probable mechanism responsible of transport from the Guajira upwelling and Magdalena River plumes into ODP 999A site.