850 resultados para Construção civil - Controle de qualidade


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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CCurrently there are various systems for the evaluation of environmental impacts of buildings, known as tools of environmental certification. Among these, the tool LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations has been the most widely used and accepted worldwide, in assessing the sustainability of buildings. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the tool for LEED certification for construction work in Brazil, which ranks fourth in the world ranking records certification of sustainable buildings. It was found in this analysis that the assumptions of this tool are encouraging the use of more sustainable and less impactful on the environment as it promotes the deployment of innovative projects from a technological standpoint, , as well as the valuation of enterprises certified. Also, very significant results obtained in terms of energy efficiency and environmental quality in occupied buildings


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Increasingly, the furniture market is competitive. The construction industry presents itself in growth, mainly due to the lines of existing incentives and tax credits established by the government, assisting the impulse to purchase real estate, building materials and furniture. Factors that promote and strengthen the sector's growth. With high demand from the furniture market, demand for higher quality and increasing technological advances, research is often undertaken in search of solutions for process improvement and product features, focusing on the production of materials less harmful to the environment, provision of raw press to lower cost, improve the production process and product development of cost-effective. This research focuses on the comparative study between two materials widely used in furniture manufacturing. MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) and MDP (Medium Density Particleboard). The subject provides the focus in furniture production, presenting and comparing data collected from three companies producing panels between physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, also presenting some of the main factors of influence on the quality of the panels, their features and applications on mobile. The study shows the high potential of using the MDP (Medium Density Particleboard) in furniture designs, as well as MDF (Medium Density Particleboard), favoring the final terms of the project , resulting in better utilization of each material , avoiding waste and increase unnecessary cost . Currently, several projects are developed in MDP and MDF furniture, where there is no relevance to their characteristics regarding their limitations. Many of these furnishings are designed without a specific study of the best use and positioning of each material, with better utilization , favoring collateral design , especially furniture designed exclusively for each environment . The lack of technical ...


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Nos últimos oito anos, o Brasil apresenta elevada atividade econômica e, destacadamente, os setores da construção civil e do crédito imobiliário demonstram elevado crescimento. Entretanto, diferentemente da recente dinâmica do setor e da economia brasileira, a história do setor da habitação no país é marcada por dificuldades de acesso ao crédito imobiliário para a aquisição e construção de moradias, situação a qual resultou no elevado déficit habitacional existente, nas desigualdades e outros fatores excludentes que a própria situação impõe, principalmente, pelo desenvolvimento do mercado de crédito imobiliário não ter sido capaz de acompanhar o crescimento da população e a urbanização brasileira nas últimas décadas. Este trabalho procura detalhar os diferentes momentos do crédito imobiliário no país o qual, por sua vez, teve inicio em meados dos anos 60 através de iniciativas públicas na estruturação do Sistema Financeiro de Habitação. Posteriormente, durante a década de 70, houve elevada expansão do financiamento de aquisição e construção de moradias no país, contudo, em decorrência dos desequilíbrios macroeconômicos e do próprio sistema que se acentuaram final dos anos 70 e início dos 80, a atividade de crédito imobiliário apresentou retração nas décadas posteriores, ou seja, durante a década de 80 e 90. Paralelamente ao financiamento habitacional, a década de 90 foi marcada pela execução de reformas macroeconômicas que, posteriormente, possibilitaram o controle inflacionário e a maior previsibilidade econômica no país. Adicionalmente, no final da década, estruturou-se um novo sistema denominado Sistema de Financiamento juntamente com a adoção do Regime de Metas de Inflação e a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. As reformas recentes e a estabilidade econômica proporcionaram o favorável e recente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Currently, with the competitiveness that is seen in the market, it is crucial to the success of the business, develop new strategies to keep and win new customer preference. To ensure the success of a particular service or product, the secret is to continually meet the wishes and demands of the customers, which are the key parts of the business, through innovation, variety and quality assurance. To achieve this goal managers should be aware of all types of process that exist in the company, as they are primarily responsible and interested by quality service, customer satisfaction and consequently, generating favorable financial results. A tool used to ensure good results to business is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) that seeks to hear and interpret customers requirements and turn them into essential features for a project


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The aim of this study is to perform a situational analysis of the Laboratory of pulp and paper-UNESP ITAPEVA for conducting proposal the accreditation according to ISO / IEC 17025:2005. The ISO / IEC 17025 establishes the criteria for those laboratories wishing to demonstrate their technical competence, which have an effective quality system and are able to generate technically valid results, establishing a single international standard for certifying the competence of laboratories to carry tests and / or calibrations, including sampling. The case study was conducted on laboratory Pulp and Paper Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), campus Itapeva, where we compared the views of the technician responsible for the laboratory and a regular user. The generated conclusion is that the laboratory is unable to initiate an accreditation process, because it fails the requirements such as quality manual, register of subcontractors, research of customer satisfaction, schedule of internal audits, schedule for completion of critical analysis, profile of the functions required, functions current description, documentation of technical requirements for accommodation and environmental conditions, calibration programs, equipment calibration program, programs calibration standards and reports and / or certificate of test and / or calibration, that are in accordance with ISO / IEC 17025:2005, beyond that there is not the possibility to develop and implement a quality system without the commitment of everyone involved, regardless of the functional hierarchy


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The objective of this work was collect information of articles published previously and carry out a study about them, including contents and interesting stuff that bring growth regarding the construction residues utilization and demolition (RCD), that today provides many environmental impacts. The need of utilization of the RCD in Brazil and in the world earned bigger attention world speaking, therefore the industry of the civil construction is had as one of the biggest present residues output springs. For it present a point that can be applied the RCD, is discussed in that work the kinds and structures of floors, where are presented the layers and, finally, a short argument about the possible and economic feasabilities job of the residues recycled in some layers of the structure of floor


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O captopril foi o primeiro agente desenvolvido para o tratamento da hipertensão, doença que acomete grande parte da população adulta mundial, a qual requer cuidados especiais quanto à farmacoterapia e ajuste de doses. Assim sendo, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de comprimidos de captopril 50 mg comercializados no Brasil através da realização da equivalência farmacêutica entre duas marcas de comprimidos não revestidos de captopril 50 mg (um genérico G e um similar S) em relação ao medicamento referência (R) Capoten® Bristol Myers Squibb 50 mg, utilizando os requisitos descritos na monografia individual do fármaco da Farmacopeia Brasileira e da Farmacopeia Americana. Medicamentos referência são produtos inovadores, cuja eficácia, segurança e qualidade foram comprovadas cientificamente; os chamados similares são os que contêm as mesmas substâncias ativas, mesma concentração, forma farmacêutica, via de administração, posologia e indicação terapêutica do medicamento de referência e são identificados por nome comercial ou por sua marca; os medicamentos genéricos são intercambiáveis com o produto referência e, geralmente, são produzido após a expiração ou renúncia da proteção patentária do mesmo, ele deve ser designado pela DCB (Denominação Comum Brasileira) ou, na ausência desta, pela DCI (Denominação Comum Internacional). Os dois medicamentos analisados, medicamento similar e medicamento genérico, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios quanto à determinação de peso médio, resistência mecânica e tempo de desintegração dos comprimidos, identificação, doseamento, limite de dissulfeto de captopril, uniformidade de doses unitárias, teste de dissolução e perfil de dissolução do fármaco, com relação ao seu medicamento referência correspondente, ou seja, estes são equivalentes farmacêuticos e apresentam qualidade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Propomos nesta monografia o projeto de um escritório de arquitetura anexo a um canteiro escola, tendo como objetivo capacitar pessoas das comunidades periféricas em Presidente Prudente. Ao levar o arquiteto para dentro desta problemática das cidades, ajudaremos a sanar os problemas arquitetônicos de moradias sem qualidade nas comunidades carentes. O canteiro escola é um local onde a população irá aprender a teoria e prática da construção civil e, a partir deste momento, efetuar a autoconstrução de maneira correta eatingir a profissionalização. O Canteiro Escola acontecerá em contêineres de carga modificados, esta estrutura já possui adequação para transporte e, se necessário, poderá haver movimentação entre os bairros da cidade


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This graduate work approaches the study of Statistical Process Control - SPC, in a stage production of an industrial frame, aiming to use the tool of statistical process control (SPC) to assess the process capability. Where the process needs improvement as well not meet the specifications. Assessing the needs that the company needs to improve quality management, and the difficulties they present during the implementation of the CEP. The present study is to use the method of case study. The results are presented through study of the level of defects using Pareto diagrams and control chart by - (p) fraction defective, and checking the capacity and stability of the process using control charts and histograms XbarraR. The process demonstrated the need for improvements in process and quality management. At the end of the work are presented suggestions for improving the quality system of the company


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Customer focus , high competitiveness and striving for excellence in quality of service are some of the main features of the current market . Planned and make decisions with greater certainty is no longer an option a few years . The current managers are seeking ways to eliminate waste and increase financial and productive profitability of your company in order to achieve higher performance at a lower cost . The AHP is one of the main concepts of this goal by providing an analysis on multiple criteria , enhancing decision-making and enhancing the gains , with a technique that is designed to take into account all the key criteria for choosing an alternative , according to the perspective of the designer as both suppliers and customers . Emerging as a new way to minimize errors , and make an informed and consistent decision. The use of this method in construction projects is a recent phenomenon , which has much to be explored , an intense analysis of the processes is required to enable it to consider the concepts and present a consistent and grounded proposal


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The building sector can cause the environmental degradation, by the natural resources consumption, machinery use and natural landscape modifying. The environmental management system (EMS) improves the environmental quality and makes the companies more competitive. So, this work developed an environmental management system in a building site focused on the solid waste and in the development of mitigation proposals for the most significant environmental impacts. To develop this work it was necessary to follow the building site activities; evaluate the solid waste management; identify the law requirements; identify the environmental aspects and impacts; evaluate the environmental impacts; and propose alternatives for mitigating the adverse environmental critical impacts. The main proposals are the reduction of the waste generation in the place that it’s generated; the reuse and correct final disposal of that wastes; the treatment and reuse of the effluent; and the supervising in the trucks and machineries avoiding the oil spilling and the air pollution


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In today's competitive environment the search for continuous improvement becomes an important factor for maintaining competitiveness. The present work aims to enable the reduction in the number of interruptions of production in a wire drawing mill, with the method of analysis and problem solving (MASP) and the use of quality tools. In this study, it was observed that the use of quality tools is indispensable when it comes to routine management or process improvement because it will enable the identification of improvement opportunities, as well as the definition of an action plan


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This work presents the results obtained in analyzes of aggregates from construction and demolition waste produced by the plant of the City of Guaratinguetá. Using this data and comparing with the specifications of NBR 15115, it was found that the materials do not possess the requisite minimum characteristics to be utilized as a basis for low-pavement traffic. In order to identify the main reasons of the material does not fit in the standard, we used the data obtained in a study conducted by Professor. Dr. Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira at the plant of the company AB Environmental Solutions Ltd., located in Pindamonhangaba. With different characteristics, the aggregates from construction and demolition waste produced by this plant showed the possibility of using pavements. The use of these residues in paving reduces the impact on the environment caused by construction.