692 resultados para Colonisation -- Vanuatu


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Organ des Westdeutschen Vereins für Colonisation und Export


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We present monthly resolved records of strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) and oxygen isotope (d18O) ratios from well-preserved fossil corals drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 310 'Tahiti Sea Level' and reconstruct sea surface conditions in the central tropical South Pacific Ocean during two time windows of the last deglaciation. The two Tahiti corals examined here are uranium/thorium (U/Th)-dated at 12.4 and 14.2 ka, which correspond to the Younger Dryas (YD) cold reversal and the Bølling-Allerød (B-A) warming of the Northern Hemisphere, respectively. The coral Sr/Ca records indicate that annual average sea surface temperature (SST) was 2.6-3.1 °C lower at 12.4 ka and 1.0-1.6 °C lower at 14.2 ka relative to the present, with no significant changes in the amplitude of the seasonal SST cycle. These cooler conditions were accompanied by seawater d18O (d18Osw) values higher by ~0.8 per mill and ~0.6 per mill relative to the present at 12.4 and 14.2 ka, respectively, implying more saline conditions in the surface waters. Along with previously published coral Sr/Ca records from the island [Cohen and Hart (2004), Deglacial sea surface temperatures of the western tropical Pacific: A new look at old coral. Paleoceanography 19, PA4031, doi:10.1029/2004PA001084], our new Tahiti coral records suggest that a shift toward lower SST by ~1.5 °C occurred from 13.1 to 12.4 ka, which was probably associated with a shift toward higher d18Osw by ~0.2 per mill. Along with a previously published coral Sr/Ca record from Vanuatu [Corrège et al. (2004), Interdecadal variation in the extent of South Pacific tropical waters during the Younger Dyras event. Nature 428, 927-929], the Tahiti coral records provide new evidence for a pronounced cooling of the western to central tropical South Pacific during the Northern Hemisphere YD event.


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Quantitative records of Globorotalia puncticulata and Globorotalia inflata, the last two members of the Globorotalia (Globoconella) lineage, obtained from North Atlantic sediments collected at DSDP Site 552, ODP Site 659 and ODP Site 665, are used to examine fluctuations in the biogeographic distribution of these species in the Late Pliocene between 3 and 2 Ma. Abundance data indicate that prior to the expansion of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at about 2.5 Ma, Gr. puncticulata was an important component of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna and had a geographic distribution ranging from 2°N to at least 56°N in the North Atlantic. A previously undescribed 6 chambered variant of Gr. puncticulata is found at both Sites 659 and 665. The stratigraphic distribution of this morphotype is restricted, first occurring at 2.9 Ma and then disappearing when glacial intensity increased at 2.75 Ma (isotope stage 110). Similar declines in Gr. puncticulata abundances occurred during glacial isotope stages 102, 100, and 98 immediately prior to the extinction of Gr. puncticulata during glacial isotope stage 96. It appears that this extinction event was latitudinally diachronous within the North Atlantic, occurring earliest in the north at Site 552 (2.453 Ma), then at Site 659 (2.443 Ma) and later still in the Site 665 equatorial record (2.438 Ma). At Site 665 the first record of Gr. inflata occurs during glacial isotope stage 94 (2.416 Ma), shortly after the extinction of Gr. puncticulata. In the mid latitude North Atlantic there was a 340,000 year period following the disappearance of Gr. puncticulata when the Globoconella lineage was absent (the Gr. inflata gap). The Gr. inflata population found in the equatorial Atlantic must therefore have been introduced from the South Atlantic, probably by the South Equatorial Current. Faunal records from Sites 552 and 659 show that it was not until glacial isotope stage 78 (2.10 Ma) that Gr. inflata became widely established in the North Atlantic. Prior to this large-scale migration event, there were two limited colonisation events during glacial isotope stages 86 and 82 when Gr. inflata populations reached as far as Site 659 in the eastern North Atlantic. These incursions are believed to be reflect the entrainment of Gr. inflata within South Atlantic Central Water and the northward subsurface transport of individuals to the coastal upwelling zone off northwest Africa. It seems likely that the same mechanism was responsible for the re-establishment of the Globoconella lineage in the North Atlantic at 2.10 Ma, but in this instance additional factors, such as enhanced glacial circulation patterns and ecological changes within planktonic foraminiferal faunas, resulted in the successful expansion of Gr. inflata across the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 832 and 833 were drilled in the intra-arc North Aoba Basin of the New Hebrides Island Arc (Vanuatu). High volcanic influxes in the intra-arc basin sediment resulting from erosion of volcanic rocks from nearby islands and from volcanic activity are associated with characteristic magnetic signals. The high magnetic susceptibility in the sediment (varying on average from 0.005 to more than 0.03 SI) is one of the most characteristic physical properties of this sedimentary depositional environment because of the high concentration of magnetites in redeposited ash flows and in coarse-grained turbidites. Susceptibility data correlate well with the high resolution electrical resistivity logs recorded by the formation microscanner (FMS) tool. Unlike the standard geophysical logs, which have low vertical resolution and therefore smooth the record of the sedimentary process, the FMS and whole-core susceptibility data provide a clearer picture of turbiditic sediment deposition. Measurements of Curie temperatures and low-temperature susceptibility behavior indicate that the principal magnetic minerals in ash beds, silt, and volcanic sandstone are Ti-poor titanomagnetite, whereas Ti-rich titanomagnetites are found in the intrusive sills at the bottom of Site 833. Apart from an increase in the concentration of magnetite in the sandstone layer, acquisition of isothermal and anhysteretic remanences does not show significant differences between sandstone and clayey silts. The determination of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) in more than 400 samples show that clayey siltstone have a magnetic anisotropy up to 15%, whereas the AMS is much reduced in sandstone layers. The magnetic susceptibility fabric is dominated by the foliation plane, which is coplanar to the bedding plane. Reorientations of the samples using characteristic remanent magnetizations indicate that the bedding planes dip about 10° toward the east, in agreement with results from FMS images. Basaltic sills drilled at Site 833 have high magnetic susceptibilities (0.05 to 0.1 SI) and strong remanent magnetizations. Magnetic field anomalies up to 50 µT were measured in the sills by the general purpose inclinometer tool (GPIT). The direction of the in-situ magnetic anomaly vectors, calculated from the GPIT, is oriented toward the southeast with shallow inclinations which suggests that the sill intruded during a reversed polarity period.


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A high-resolution record of foraminiferal fragmentation (a dissolution indicator) for the last 250 k.y. (isotopic Stages 1 to 7) is identified in the upper 61.9 m of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 828A, west Vanuatu. This record is comparable in detail to the atmospheric CO2 record and the d18O stack. Phase shifts between preservation spikes and maximum ice volumes (d18O of Globigerinoides sacculifer) are analogous to those on Ontong Java Plateau. Mass spectrometer (AMS14C) dating of a sample taken at the base of dissolution cycle B1 and the position of the last glacial maximum indicates a lag in time of ~8 k.y. in the Vanuatu region for the last glacial termination. When dissolution spikes are compared with minimum ice volumes there is no phase shift for the last two glacial terminations. The difference between Vanuatu and Ontong Java Plateau may be explained by local CO2 sinks and the interplay between intermediate and deep water masses. Terrigenous input increasingly affected sediment of Hole 828A on the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) as it approached Espiritu Santo Island. Mud and silt suspended in mid-water flows become important after 125 ka, while turbidites bypass the New Hebrides Trench only towards the last glacial maximum (LGM). Terrigenous supply seems to affect the lysocline profile that changed from an "open ocean" to a "near continent" type, thus favoring dissolution. Fragmentation of planktonic foraminifers is a more sensitive indicator of lysocline variations than is foraminiferal susceptibility to dissolution, the foraminiferal dissolution index, the abundance of benthic foraminifers, or CaCO3 content. A modern foraminiferal lysocline for the neighboring area (between 10°S and 30°S, and 160°E and 180°E) is found at 3.1 km below sea level, compared to west Vanuatu where it is shallower. The past lysocline level was deeper than 3086 m during intervals of dissolution minima, and ranged from ~2550 to 3000 m during intervals of dissolution maxima. The high sedimentation rates (in the order of 10 to 50 cm/k.y.) found in Hole 828A offer a great potential for future high-resolution studies either in this hole or other western localities along the NDR. Areas of high sedimentation near continental regions have been discarded for paleoceanographic and/or paleoclimatic studies. Nonetheless, conditions analogous to those found in Hole 828A are expected to occur in many trench areas around the world where mid-water flows have preserved as yet undiscovered fine high-resolution sedimentary records.


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Volcaniclastic sediments of North Aoba Basin (Vanuatu) recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 show a mineralogical and chemical overprint of low grade hydrothermal alteration superimposed on the primary magmatic source compositions. The purpose of this study was to identify authigenic mineral phases incorporated in the volcaniclastic sediments, to distinguish authigenic chemical and mineralogical signals from the original volcaniclastic mineralogical and chemical compositions, and to determine the mechanism of authigenic minerals formation. Mineralogical, micro-chemical and bulk chemical analyses were utilized to identify and characterize authigenic phases and determine the original unaltered ash compositions. 117 volcaniclastic sediment samples from North Aoba Basin Sites 832 and 833 were analyzed. Primary volcaniclastic materials accumulated in North Aoba Basin can be divided into three types. The older basin-filling sequences show three different magmatic trends: high K, calc-alkaline, and low K series. The most recent accumulations are rhyodacitic composition and can be attributed to Santa Maria or Aoba volcanic emissions. Original depositional porosity of volcaniclastic sediments is an important factor in influencing distribution of authigenic phases. Finer-grained units are less altered and retain a bulk mineralogical and chemical composition close to the original pyroclastic rock composition. Coarser grained units (microbreccia and sandstones) are the major hosts of authigenic minerals. At both sites, authigenic minerals (including zeolites, clay minerals, Mg-carbonates, and quartz) exhibit complex zonation with depth that crosses original ash depositional boundaries and stratigraphic limits. The zeolite minerals phillipsite and analcime are ubiquitous throughout the altered intervals. At Site 832, the first zeolite minerals (phillipsite) occur in Pleistocene deposits as shallow as 146 meters below seafloor (mbsf). At Site 833 the first zeolite minerals (analcime) occur in Pleistocene deposits as shallow as 224 mbsf. The assemblage phillipsite + analcime + chabazite appears at 635 mbsf (Site 832) and at 376 mbsf (Site 833). Phillipsite + analcime + chabazite + thomsonite + heulandite are observed between 443 and 732 mbsf at Site 833. Thomsonite is no longer observed below 732 mbsf at Site 833. Heulandite is present to the base of the sections cored. The zeolite assemblages are associated with authigenic clay minerals (nontronite and saponite), calcite, and quartz. Chlorite is noticeable at Site 832 as deep as 851 mbsf. Zeolite zones are present but are less well defined at Site 832. Dolomite and rare magnesite are present below 940 m at Site 832. The coarse-grained authigenic mineral host intervals exhibit geochemical signatures that can be attributed to low grade hydrothermal alteration. The altered intervals show evidence of K2O, CaO, and rare earth elements mobilization. When compared to fine-grained, unaltered units, and to Santa Maria Island volcanics rocks, the altered zones are relatively depleted in rare earth elements, with light rare earth elements-heavy rare earth elements fractionation. Drilling at Site 833 penetrated a sill complex below 840 m. No sill was encountered at Site 832. Complex zonation of zeolite facies, authigenic smectites, carbonates and quartz, and associated geochemical signatures are present at both sites. The mineralogical and chemical alteration overprint is most pronounced in the deeper sections at Site 832. Based on mineralogical and chemical evidence at two locations less than 50 km apart, there is vertical and lateral variation in alteration of the volcaniclastic sediments of North Aoba Basin. The alteration observed may be activated by sill intrusion and associated expulsion of heated fluids into intervals of greater porosity. Such spatial variation in alteration could be attributed to the evolution of the basin axis associated with subduction processes along the New Hebrides Trench.


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The Antarctic continental slope spans the depths from the shelf break (usually between 500 and 1000 m) to ~3000 m, is very steep, overlain by 'warm' (2-2.5 °C) Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), and life there is poorly studied. This study investigates whether life on Antarctica's continental slope is essentially an extension of the shelf or the abyssal fauna, a transition zone between these or clearly distinct in its own right. Using data from several cruises to the Weddell Sea and Scotia Sea, including the ANDEEP (ANtarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity, colonisation history and recent community patterns) I-III, BIOPEARL (Biodiversity, Phylogeny, Evolution and Adaptive Radiation of Life in Antarctica) 1 and EASIZ (Ecology of the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone) II cruises as well as current databases (SOMBASE, SCAR-MarBIN), four different taxa were selected (i.e. cheilostome bryozoans, isopod and ostracod crustaceans and echinoid echinoderms) and two areas, the Weddell Sea and the Scotia Sea, to examine faunal composition, richness and affinities. The answer has important ramifications to the link between physical oceanography and ecology, and the potential of the slope to act as a refuge and resupply zone to the shelf during glaciations. Benthic samples were collected using Agassiz trawl, epibenthic sledge and Rauschert sled. By bathymetric definition, these data suggest that despite eurybathy in some of the groups examined and apparent similarity of physical conditions in the Antarctic, the shelf, slope and abyssal faunas were clearly separated in the Weddell Sea. However, no such separation of faunas was apparent in the Scotia Sea (except in echinoids). Using a geomorphological definition of the slope, shelf-slope-abyss similarity only changed significantly in the bryozoans. Our results did not support the presence of a homogenous and unique Antarctic slope fauna despite a high number of species being restricted to the slope. However, it remains the case that there may be a unique Antarctic slope fauna, but the paucity of our samples could not demonstrate this in the Scotia Sea. It is very likely that various ecological and evolutionary factors (such as topography, water-mass and sediment characteristics, input of particulate organic carbon (POC) and glaciological history) drive slope distinctness. Isopods showed greatest species richness at slope depths, whereas bryozoans and ostracods were more speciose at shelf depths; however, significance varied across Weddell Sea and Scotia Sea and depending on bathymetric vs. geomorphological definitions. Whilst the slope may harbour some source populations for localised shelf recolonisation, the absence of many shelf species, genera and even families (in a poorly dispersing taxon) from the continental slope indicate that it was not a universal refuge for Antarctic shelf fauna.