1000 resultados para Clubs -- Ontario -- St. Catharines
Letter to Messrs. Woodruff and Woodruff of St. Catharines from Thomas Secord of St. Catharines who was applying for the job of a clerk. He states that he would like to make $15 a month plus board, July 31, 1849.
Postcard addressed to Mr. H.K. Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding monies received from the late Sheriff Woodruff. This is signed by Richard Clark, clerk, Jan. 11, 1887.
Indenture of Agreement for Sale of Land between Samuel Woodruff of St. Catharines to Calvin and Ezekiel Cudney of the Township of Niagara regarding a footpath and parts of the lots 9 and 10 on the Welland River (78 acres), Oct. 30, 1883.
Indenture of Agreement for Sale of Land between Samuel Woodruff of St. Catharines to Calvin and Ezekiel Cudney of the Township of Niagara. This is a copy of the previous document but there is an additional note on this document about an “agreement for cutting timber”. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff, Jan. 1885.
Notice of sale regarding the late Ezekiel Cudney’s property including the dwelling, barn and fruit trees. The land contains 39 acres of parts of Lots 9 and 10 on the Welland River in the Township of Willoughby. The notice states that you must apply to S.D. Woodruff of St. Catharines. This is handwritten on a small piece of paper, Dec. 5, 1892.
Letter and envelope addressed to Mr. Samuel Woodruff of St. Catharines. The postmarks are Montreal, Dec. 23, 1892 and St. Catharines, Dec. 29, 1892. Clara Cudney is acknowledging sending the mortgage on the land of her late husband Ezekiel. She says that Baker is still in the house but does not want to rent the barn. She asks if she should keep the rent or pass it on to Mr. Woodruff, Dec. 29, 1892.
Letter containing an order sent to Troughton and Simms by S.D. Woodruff regarding a level (1 ½ pages). The letter is handwritten in pencil and is quite faded. Mr. Woodruff has illustrated the type of level he requires. The company is directed to send the boxes to Samuel D. Woodruff of St. Catharines, Aug. 22, 1846.
Handwritten sheet of paper detailing the cost of transporting boxes containing the Gravatt’s level from London to St. Catharines, April 1847.
Handwritten sheet of paper detailing the cost of transporting boxes containing the Gravatt’s level from London to St. Catharines. This sheet is signed by S.D. Woodruff, Jan. 11, 1847.
Cash Book, a leather-bound book which has “S.D. Woodruff, St. Catharines, April 1875” written in the front cover. The book contains handwritten lists, specifications for jobs and hand-drawn diagrams. There is one loose page and the pages are slightly yellowed, 1875.
Hardcover recipe book with Welland D. Woodruff, St. Catharines, March 1st, 1881 written in the back cover and Welland D. Woodruff’s name is also on the cover. The book is falling apart and most of the pages are loose. The entries are handwritten. An 1879/80 calendar is glued inside the back cover, 1881.
Certificates of Post Office Registration: Certificates numbered 840-845 and 469-474, all postmarked at St. Catharines, Ontario, 1882, 1884.
Indenture of memorandum of an agreement between S.D. Woodruff of St. Catharines and James L. Burton and M. Burton, both of Barrie, trading under the name of Burton and Bro. that Burton and Bro. would buy all the pine timber located in berths 192 and 198. Burton and Bro. agrees to have all timber cut. The agreement is signed by S.D. Woodruff and Burton and Bro. This document is badly burned along the left hand side. This does not affect the text, July 11, 1877.
Letter (1 double sided page and a half, handwritten) to S.D. Woodruff from R. J. Thompson who claims that he was not paid what he was owed by Burton. He is now foreman for McArthur Bros. and used to be the foreman for Burton Bros. He says that he will be in St. Catharines and will call and see Mr. Woodruff, Feb. 19, 1880.
Letter which S.D. Woodruff writes to William Hamilton Merritt about the length of the railway from Port Dalhousie to the Great Western Railway. He says that the distance is 6 miles. From Port Dalhousie to St. Catharines there will 4 miles of rail required for a single track, Mar. 13, 1854.