982 resultados para Claiborne, Harry Eugene
A diversidade genética de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) presentes na rizosfera de genótipos de milho tropicais, selecionados como contrastantes para eficiência no uso de fósforo (P), foi avaliada pela técnica de eletroforese em gel de gradiente desnaturante (DGGE). Fragmentos de DNA ribossômico (rDNA) foram amplificados por PCR, utilizando primers específicos para as famílias Acaulosporaceae e Glomaceae de fungos micorrízicos. Na análise por DGGE, os primers para as famílias Acaulosporaceae e Glomaceae foram eficientes na diferenciação das populações micorrízicas. Os genótipos de milho tiveram uma maior influência na comunidade de FMA da rizosfera do que o nível de P no solo. Os perfis de DGGE revelaram bandas que estavam presentes somente nos genótipos eficientes no uso de P (L3 e HT3060), sugerindo que alguns grupos de FMA foram estimulados por estes genótipos. As espécies Acaulospora longula, A. rugosa, A. scrobiculata, A. morrowiae e Glomus caledonium foram encontradas somente na rizosfera dos genótipos de milho eficientes no uso de P cultivados em solos com baixo teor de fósforo. Uma maior diversidade micorrízica foi encontrada nas amostras coletadas em solos de plantio direto, comparados com solos de plantio convencional. A efetiva colonização das raízes por FMA pode aumentar a eficiência de uso de P de cultivares em solos sob baixo P, influenciando a produção de milho em solos ácidos do Cerrado.
How does a person answer questions about children's stories? For example, consider 'Janet wanted Jack's paints. She looked at the picture he was painting and said 'Those paints make your picture look funny.' The question to ask is 'Why did Janet say that?'. We propose a model which answers such questions by relating the story to background real world knowledge. The model tries to generate and answer important questions about the story as it goes along. Within this model we examine two questions about the story as it goes along. Within this model we examine two problems, how to organize this real world knowledge, and how it enters into more traditional linguistic questions such as deciding noun phrase reference.
A system for visual recognition is described, with implications for the general problem of representation of knowledge to assist control. The immediate objective is a computer system that will recognize objects in a visual scene, specifically hammers. The computer receives an array of light intensities from a device like a television camera. It is to locate and identify the hammer if one is present. The computer must produce from the numerical "sensory data" a symbolic description that constitutes its perception of the scene. Of primary concern is the control of the recognition process. Control decisions should be guided by the partial results obtained on the scene. If a hammer handle is observed this should suggest that the handle is part of a hammer and advise where to look for the hammer head. The particular knowledge that a handle has been found combines with general knowledge about hammers to influence the recognition process. This use of knowledge to direct control is denoted here by the term "active knowledge". A descriptive formalism is presented for visual knowledge which identifies the relationships relevant to the active use of the knowledge. A control structure is provided which can apply knowledge organized in this fashion actively to the processing of a given scene.
A program was written to solve calculus word problems. The program, CARPS (CALculus Rate Problem Solver), is restricted to rate problems. The overall plan of the program is similar to Bobrow's STUDENT, the primary difference being the introduction of "structures" as the internal model in CARPS. Structures are stored internally as trees. Each structure is designed to hold the information gathered about one object. A description of CARPS is given by working through two problems, one in great detail. Also included is a critical analysis of STUDENT.
A prototype presentation system base is described. It offers mechanisms, tools, and ready-made parts for building user interfaces. A general user interface model underlies the base, organized around the concept of a presentation: a visible text or graphic for conveying information. Te base and model emphasize domain independence and style independence, to apply to the widest possible range of interfaces. The primitive presentation system model treats the interface as a system of processes maintaining a semantic relation between an application data base and a presentation data base, the symbolic screen description containing presentations. A presenter continually updates the presentation data base from the application data base. The user manipulates presentations with a presentation editor. A recognizer translates the user's presentation manipulation into application data base commands. The primitive presentation system can be extended to model more complex systems by attaching additional presentation systems. In order to illustrate the model's generality and descriptive capabilities, extended model structures for several existing user interfaces are discussed. The base provides support for building the application and presentation data bases, linked together into a single, uniform network, including descriptions of classes of objects as we as the objects themselves. The base provides an initial presentation data base network graphics to continually display it, and editing functions. A variety of tools and mechanisms help create and control presenters and recognizers. To demonstrate the base's utility, three interfaces to an operating system were constructed, embodying different styles: icons, menu, and graphical annotation.
As a management tool Similation Software deserves greater analysis from both an academic and industrial viewpoint. A comparative study of three packages was carried out from a 'first time' use approach. This allowed the ease of use and package features to be assessed using a simple theoretical benchmark manufacturing process. To back the use of these packages an objective survey on simulation use and package features was carried out within the manufacturing industry.This identified the use of simulation software, its' applicability and preception of user requirements thereby proposing an ideal package.
This paper reports on the use of benchmarking to improve the links between business and operations strategies. The use of benchmarking as a tool to facilitate improvement in these crucial links is examined. The existing literature on process benchmarking is used to form a structured questionnaire to apply to six case studies of major maunfacturing companies. Four of these case studies are presented drawing upon the critical success factors identified both in the literature and on the case results. Recommendations for further work are outlined.
Although previous research has widely acknowledged the phenomenon of film-induced tourism, there is a paucity of research in relation to management of film-induced tourism at built heritage sites. This research, underpinned by a constructivist paradigm, draws on three distinct fields of study – heritage tourism management, film-induced tourism and heritage interpretation – in order to provide a contribution to the heritage management field and address this particular gap in knowledge. Relying on the method of semi-structured interviews with managers, guides and visitors at Rosslyn Chapel (RC) and Alnwick Castle (AC), this thesis provides a rich understanding of how heritage interpretation can address a range of management challenges at heritage sites where film-induced tourism has occurred. These heritage visitor attractions (HVAs) were specifically selected as case studies as they have played different roles in media products. Rosslyn Chapel (RC) was an actual place named in The Da Vinci Code (TDVC) book and then film, whereas Alnwick Castle (AC) served as a backdrop for the first two Harry Potter (HP) films. Findings of this research include a range of management challenges at both RC and AC such as an increase in visitor numbers; seasonality issues; changes in visitor profile; revenue generation concerns; conservation, access, and visitor experience; and the complex relationship between heritage management and tourism activities. The findings also reveal film-induced tourism’s implications for heritage interpretation such as the various visitors’ expectations for heritage interpretation, changes to heritage interpretation as a result of film-induced tourism, and issues with commodification. These findings also demonstrate that film-induced tourism to some extent influenced visitors’ preferences for heritage interpretation, though visitors’ preferences differed from one to another. This thesis argues that, in the context of film-induced tourism at HVAs, as evident from the two case studies considered, heritage interpretation can be a valuable management tool and can also play a significant role in the quality of the visitors’ experience.
Grattan, J.P., Al-Saad, Z., Gilbertson, D.D., Karaki, L.O., Pyatt, F.B 2005 Analyses of patterns of copper and lead mineralisation in human skeletons excavated from an ancient mining and smelting centre in the Jordanian desert Mineralogical Magazine. 69(5) 653-666.
Grattan, J., Huxley, S., Karaki, L. A., Toland, H., Gilbertson, D., Pyatt, B., Saad, Z. A. (2002). 'Death . . . more desirable than life'? The human skeletal record and toxicological implications of ancient copper mining and smelting in Wadi Faynan, southwestern Jordan. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 18 (6), 297-307.
H. Strange, W. He, E. Denton and R. Zwiggelaar, 'Cancer Risk Assessment Related to Anatomical Tissue Types', Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, 2008, p.138. Sponsorship: EPSRC