993 resultados para Chronic traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
The circumoval precipitin test (COPT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the immunoblotting anti-adult worm antigen (AWA) and soluble egg antigen (SEA) tests were applied to 17 chronically schistosome-infected patients for the detection of anti-Schistosoma mansoni antibodies before and on four occasions after oxamniquine administration over a period of six months. Compared to a control group, schistosomiasis patients showed high levels of IgG antibodies in AWA and SEA-ELISA. A decrease in IgG levels was observed six months after treatment, although negative reactions were not obtained. Significant decreases in IgG1, IgG3 and, mainly, IgG4, but not anti-SEA IgG2 levels were observed six months after treatment, again without negativity. Analysis of anti-AWA IgG antibodies by immunoblotting before treatment showed a 31 kDa strand in 14 patients (82%) which disappeared in three cases up to six months after treatment; furthermore, anti-SEA IgG antibodies showed the same band in nine patients (53%) before treatment, which disappeared in only four cases up to six months after treatment.
RESUMO: Introdução/Objectivo: A influência dos factores psicossociais, e nomeadamente da catastrofização da dor, na percepção da intensidade da dor e na incapacidade funcional, auto-reportada por indivíduos com dor crónica cervical (DCC), tem sido alvo de estudo em vários países, evidenciando o constructo multidimensional da DCC. Neste sentido, esta investigação pretende estudar se a catastrofização da dor, é uma variável preditiva relativamente à percepção da intensidade da dor, e à incapacidade funcional. Secundariamente procurou-se averiguar se as relações encontradas se mantêm estáveis antes e após exposição a uma intervenção em fisioterapia. Metodologia: Neste estudo participaram 40 indivíduos com DCC de origem músculo-esquelética e causa não traumática, que foram expostos a uma intervenção em fisioterapia no Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação do Alcoitão e na Clinica AlcaisFisio, que cumpriram os critérios de inclusão e aceitarem participar livremente no mesmo. A recolha de dados realizou-se em dois momentos distintos, antes e após exposição à intervenção em fisioterapia. A catastrofização da dor foi avaliada por meio da Escala de Catastrofização da Dor (PCS), a intensidade da dor pela Escala Numérica da Dor (END), sendo realizada a medição da incapacidade funcional através do Neck Disability Index versão Portuguesa (NDI-PT). A análise estatística incluiu duas fases: fase descritiva e fase inferencial. Foram desenvolvidos modelos de regressão linear com vista a testar o poder preditivo da catastrofização da dor sobre a intensidade da dor e a incapacidade funcional. O nível de significância para o qual os valores se consideraram satisfatórios foi de p<0,05. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado no software PASW versão 18. Resultados: Observou-se que existe uma relação moderada, positiva e significativa, nos dois momentos de avaliação, entre a catastrofização da dor e a percepção da intensidade da dor (p<0,001), apresentando um poder preditivo de 27,9% e 46,7%, das pontuações da intensidade da dor, antes e após exposição à intervenção em fisioterapia, espectivamente. Observou-se que a catastrofização da dor tem uma relação forte, positiva e significativa com a incapacidade funcional, nos dois momentos de avaliação (p<0,001), predizendo 51,8% e 61,8%, das pontuações da incapacidade funcional, antes e após exposição à intervenção em fisioterapia, respectivamente. Conclusão: A catastrofização da dor é um factor psicossocial que apresenta relação moderada com a percepção da intensidade da dor, e forte com a incapacidade funcional auto-reportada por indivíduos com DCC de origem músculo-esquelética e causa não traumática, antes e após exposição à intervenção em fisioterapia. Os resultados do estudo sugerem, assim, uma importante influência da catastrofização da dor sobre a percepção da intensidade da dor e a incapacidade funcional em indivíduos com DCC, realçando o constructo multidimensional da DCC. ------------ABSTRACT: Background and Purpose: The influence of psychosocial factors, particularly, the pain catastrophizing, on pain intensity and functional disability in individuals with chronic neck pain (CNP) has been report among recent research literature. The first aim of this research was to verify the predictive value of pain catastrophizing on pain intensity and patient’s functional disability. Secondly it aimed to verify the stability of these relations before and after a physiotherapy treatment. Methodology: A sample of 40 subjects with CNP of musculoskeletal and non-traumatic causes was recruited from the patient’s list of two private clinics in Lisbon district following verification of the inclusion criteria. All participants agree to participate in the study and signed a consent form. Data was collected immediately before and after a period of physiotherapy treatment. Pain catastrophizing was assessed by the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS-PT), patient perception of pain intensity was measured by the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), and functional disability was measured through the Neck Disability Index (NDI-PT). Data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. Linear regression models were developed in order to test the predictive power of pain catastrophizing on pain intensity and functional disability. The minimal level of significance established was p<0,05. Data analysis was performed using the software PASW version 18. Results: A positive moderate relationship between pain catastrophizing and pain intensity was founded in both moments, before and after physiotherapy intervention, of data collection (p<0,001) with a predictive power of 27,9% and 46,7%, respectively. A positive strong relationship between pain catastrophizing and functional disability was founded in both moments, before and after physiotherapy intervention, of data collection (p<0,001), with a predictive power of 51,8% and 61,8%, respectively. Conclusion: Pain catastrophizing is a psychosocial factor that is correlated moderately with the perception of pain intensity and strongly with self-reported functionaldisability for individuals with CNP musculoskeletal origin and non-traumatic causes,before and after a physiotherapy intervention. The results of this study suggest that pain catastrophizing has an important influence on the report levels of pain intensity and functional disability in CNP patients. These results also emphasize the multidimensional nature of chronic neck pain.
BACKGROUND: Use of polyclonal anti-hepatitis B surface antigen immunoglobulin (HBIg) has been shown to reduce hepatitis B virus (HBV) recurrence after liver transplantation (LT) and to decrease the frequency of acute cellular rejection (ACR). However, the protective role of HBIg against ACR remains controversial, since HBV infection has been also associated with a lower incidence of ACR. AIM: To assess the relationship between HBIg immunoprophylaxis and the incidence of rejection after LT. METHODS: 260 patients (158 males, 43 ± 14 years old) submitted to LT were retrospectively evaluated and divided into three groups, according to the presence of HBsAg and the use of HBIg. Group I was comprised of HBsAg-positive patients (n = 12) that received HBIg for more than 6 months. Group II was comprised of HBsAg-positive patients that historically have not received HBIg or have been treated irregularly for less than 3 months (n = 10). Group III was composed of 238 HBsAg-negative subjects that have not received HBIg. RESULTS: HBIg-treated patients (group I) had significantly less ACR episodes, when compared to group II and III. No differences between groups II and III were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term HBIg administration contributes independently to reduce the number of ACR episodes after LT.
The prevalence of anti-human parvovirus B19 IgG antibodies was determined in sera from 165 chronic hemolytic anemia patients, receiving medical care at Instituto Estadual de Hematologia (IEHE), Rio de Janeiro, during the year of 1994. This sample represents around 10% of the chronic hemolytic anemia patients attending at IEHE. Most of these patients (140) have sickle cell disease. Anti-B19 IgG antibodies were detected in 32.1% of patients. No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) was seen between IgG antibody prevalence in male (27.8%) and female (35.5%) patients. Anti-B19 IgG antibodies were more frequent in older (37.6%) than younger (28.2%) than 20 years old patients, although this difference had no statistical significance (p > 0.05). Anti-B19 IgG antibody prevalence showed that 67.9% of patients enrolled in the study were susceptible to B19 acute infection. With the aim to detect acute B19 infection, patients follow up continued until February 1996. During this period four patients presented transient aplastic crisis due to human parvovirus B19 as confirmed by the detection of specific IgM antibodies. All four patients were younger than 20 years old, and 3 were younger than 10 years old. Three of them were sickle cell disease patients. Three of the four acute B19 infection occurred during 1994 springtime.
As patients with chronic Chagas disease exhibit morphological and functional changes of the stomach (hypomotility and hypochlorhydria), malnutrition, immunological deficiency and high prevalence of peptic disease associated to Helicobater pylori infection, the purpose of this study was to evaluate if the prevalence of H. pylori infection in chronic chagasic is higher than in non-chagasic individuals in the urban and rural population from Uberlândia, MG, Brazil. Serological determination of IgG antibodies to H. pylori was performed using a second-generation ELISA. Thus, 598 people were evaluated: 128 chagasic (CG), 222 non-chagasic living in urban area (U-NCG) and 248 non-chagasic living in rural area (R-NCG). Regarding the age range from 21 to 50 years, the prevalence of H. pylori infection in the CG (85.1%) was significantly higher than in the U-NCG (56.3%, p < 0.01) and the R-NCG (67.4%, p < 0.05). In the patients over 50 years, the prevalence in the CG (86.4%) was similar to the U-NCG (78.8%) and R-NCG (86.1%). Similar results were also found between the U-NCG and R-NCG for all age ranges, with prevalence rates of 29.1% and 35.3% for the age range from 5 to 13 years, and 47.2% and 40% for that from 14 to 20 years, respectively. We conclude that chagasic patients showed a higher seroprevalence of H. pylori infection than non-chagasic individuals, in the age range from 21 to 50 years, and that the prevalence of this infection was similar in the studied urban and rural non-chagasic population.
Lesions observed in chronic chagasic cardiopathy frequently produce electrocardiographic alterations and affect cardiac function. Through a computerized morphometrical analysis we quantified the areas occupied by cardiac muscle, connective and adipose tissues in the right atrium of dogs experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. All of the infected dogs showed chronic myocarditis with variable reduction levels of cardiac muscle, fibrosis and adipose tissue replacement. In the atrial myocardium of dogs infected with Be78 and Be62 cardiac muscle represented 34 and 50%, fibrosis 28 and 32% and adipose tissue 38 and 18%, respectively. The fibrosis observed was both diffuse and focal and mostly intrafascicular, either partially or completely interrupting the path of muscle bundles. Such histological alterations probably contributed to the appearance of electrocardiographic disturbances verified in 10 out 11 dogs which are also common in human chronic chagasic cardiopathy. Fibrosis was the most important microscopic occurrence found since it produces rearrangements of collagen fibers in relation to myocardiocytes which causes changes in anatomical physiognomy and mechanical behavior of the myocardium. These abnormalities can contribute to the appearance of cardiac malfunction, arrythmias and congestive cardiac insufficiency as observed in two of the analyzed dogs. Strain Be78 caused destruction of atrial cardiac muscle higher than that induced by strain Be62.
Eighteen mongrel dogs of unknown age and naturally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi, were obtained from the City Hall of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Four dogs were used as control. Lung samples were obtained and immediately fixed in formalin. The histopathological picture of all lung tissue sections was a chronic and diffuse interstitial pneumonitis. The thickened inter-alveolar septa were characterized by the cellular exudate (mostly macrophages, lymphocytes and plasmocytes) associated with collagen deposition. Morphometric analysis showed greater septal thickness in the infected animals than in controls. In fact, the morphometric study of collagen stained with ammoniac silver confirmed a larger deposition of collagen in the infected animals. The parasitologic method was carried out during the study of the lesions on the slides. However, we did not observe any correlation between the histopathologic and morphometric data and the clinical status of the animals. We conclude that the pulmonary lesions observed in all naturally infected dogs were correlated with the disease and that the morphometric method used was satisfactory for the analysis of septal thickness and of increased collagen deposition, confirming the presence of fibrosis.
The mechanisms that determine viral clearance or viral persistence in chronic viral hepatitis have yet to be identified. Recent advances in molecular genetics have permitted the detection of variations in immune response, often associated with polymorphism in the human genome. Differences in host susceptibility to infectious disease and disease severity cannot be attributed solely to the virulence of microbial agents. Several recent advances concerning the influence of human genes in chronic viral hepatitis B and C are discussed in this article: a) the associations between human leukocyte antigen polymorphism and viral hepatic disease susceptibility or resistance; b) protective alleles influencing hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) evolution; c) prejudicial alleles influencing HBV and HCV; d) candidate genes associated with HBV and HCV evolution; d) other genetic factors that may contribute to chronic hepatitis C evolution (genes influencing hepatic stellate cells, TGF-beta1 and TNF-alpha production, hepatic iron deposits and angiotensin II production, among others). Recent discoveries regarding genetic associations with chronic viral hepatitis may provide clues to understanding the development of end-stage complications such as cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. In the near future, analysis of the human genome will allow the elucidation of both the natural course of viral hepatitis and its response to therapy.
BACKGROUND: Traumatic clival epidural hematoma is an extremely rare reported entity. CASE DESCRIPTION: We describe the case of a 26-year-old woman involved in a car accident who presented with a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13, bilateral abducens palsy, bilateral numbness on the mandibular territory of the trigeminal nerve, and left hypoglossal palsy. Radiological examinations revealed a clival epidural hematoma. The patient was managed conservatively, with clinical improvement of her neurological condition. This is the first traumatic clival epidural hematoma reported in an adult. From a review of the literature, we found only 8 cases. CONCLUSION: The pathophysiology of these hematomas is still a subject of debate; occipitoatlantoaxial ligamentous instability may play a role in it. In one third of the cases, bilateral cranial nerve palsies were associated. Apparently, they have a benign outcome.
Hepatitis C virus infection evolves progressively persisting in the majority of patients (85%). Most patients have high ALT (alanine aminotransferase) levels and approximately 25% normal ALT. The latter are usually female and there is no association between genotype and severity of hepatic lesion. Histologic analysis usually shows small lesion and absence or low amount of fibrosis, despite cirrhosis having been reported. Aiming at assessing prevalence, demographic, genotypical and anatomopathological characteristics in patients with normal ALT levels, we have carried out a study of 68 chronic hepatitis C patients between January 1997 and April 2000. There was a prevalence of 13.8% chronic hepatitis C patients with normal ALT levels, 45.6% of which were male and 54.4% female, the mean age being 38 +/- 13 years. We found a predominance of genotype 1 in 84.7% of the patients, genotype 2 in 6.8% and genotype 3 in 10.7%. In 52.9% of the cases liver biopsies revealed liver reaction, periportal activity score 0-1 was observed in 85.3% of the patients and score 2-4 was seen in 14.7%. Structural activity score 0-1 was seen in 73.5% of the patients and score 2-4 in 26.5% of them. Periportal activity > 2 and structural activity > 1 was seen in 29%, but steatosis was not seen in 73.5%. Our results suggest the need to revisit for liver biopsy practice in patients with Chronic Hepatitis C and normal transaminases.
Recent literature reports thrombotic episodes occurring in patients with HIV infection associated with other abnormalities including neoplasms and infections predisposing to a hypercoagulable state. We report a 47-year-old woman who developed pulmonary thromboembolism in association with HIV infection, pulmonary tuberculosis and breast cancer. She was treated with rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide; heparin, phenprocoumon, zidovudine, lamivudine and efavirenz. Acid fast bacilli were visualized in a sputum smear and three months after, Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from lymph node biopsy during a episode of immune reconstitution. The isolated mycobacteria showed sensitivity to all first-line drugs. HIV infection, breast cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis have several mechanisms that induce hypercoagulable state and can lead to thromboembolic complications. Pulmonary thromboembolism in this patient was a diagnostic challenge because of all the other severe diseases that she experienced at the same time.