905 resultados para Choledocal cyst
Palynological studies were carried out on Paleogene sections from Sites 693 and 696 of Ocean Drilling Project Leg 113 in the Weddell Sea region. Dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs were recovered at Site 696 (61°S, 42°W) indicating a middle Eocene to late Eocene/earliest Oligocene age for a glauconitic silt/sandstone. At Site 693 (70°S, 14°W) early Oligocene siliciclastic mud contains a low diversity palynoflora. In an upper Oligocene section (Site 693) only rare, reworked Mesozoic palynomorphs were encountered. Palynological data from Kerogen analyses, dinocysts, and sporomorphs are used to reconstruct the climatic change on the South Orkney microcontinent from the middle Eocene to the late Eocene/earliest Oligocene at Site 696 and the late early Oligocene/early late Oligocene time interval at Site 693 near the continental margin. The middle Eocene was a warm period in the Orkney region with good growing conditions for a warm temperate Nothofagus/conifer forest with an admixture of Proteaceae. Temperate surface water masses, which allowed the growth of a reasonably diverse dinocyst assemblage (ca. 15-20 species), persisted until the end of the Eocene at Site 696. Late early Oligocene sediments of Site 693 (Antarctic continental margin) contain only a low diversity dinocyst flora (two species). The major Cenozoic cooling event in the Weddell Sea region probably occurred at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. A second dramatic climatic deterioration seems to have taken place during the late early/early late Oligocene, when dinocysts disappeared at the Dronning Maud Land margin area.
Pollen, spore, and dinoflagellate cyst floras of Late Cretaceous age were found at Sites 748 (120-748C-62R through -79R) and 750 (120-750B-11W) of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 to the Kerguelen Plateau area in the Southern Indian Ocean. The ranges of dinocyst and sporomorph species indicate ages between the Cenomanian and Coniacian (to possibly the early Santonian). The ratio of marine/terrestrial flora elements is extremely variable, showing a trend from highly terrestrial (up to -70%) in the late Cenomanian to highly marine (up to 90%) in the Coniacian/early Santonian. Low sedimentation rates of about 3-5 cm/1000 yr were calculated for the glauconitic sediments of Turonian and Coniacian age at Site 748 (lithologic Subunit IIIB).
Lake Blankensee is filled with 14 m of late- and postglacial deposits, Lake Siethener See with 22,5 m. The lacustrine sedimentation begins in Lake Siethener See in the middle of the Alleröd with annual lamination which partly continues in the Younger Dryas. A 2 cm thick layer of the Laacher See tephra was found in both lakes, the Saksunarvatn tephra only in Lake Siethener See where the cool Rammelbeek-phase (Preboreal) could be shown. The youngest part of the sediment profiles is suspended drifting mud. Masses of Pediastrum (algae) indicate an increasing shoaling of Lake Blankensee after the Subboreal.
The main objectives of this study are (1) to characterize the spatial and temporal variations in organic matter deposited in upwelling and related sediments (manifest in the palynoclast and organic-walled microplankton assemblages) and (2) to relate these variations to paleoenvironmental changes. A total of 40 samples from Holes 679D, 680B, 681B, 684B, 686B, and 687B were analyzed. Without exception, amorphogen dominates the palynoclast assemblages overwhelmingly. Influx of terrestrial particulate organic matter to the marine realm was extremely low. Levels of amorphogen swamp other palynoclast categories, and little significance can be attached to any variations observed. Microplankton dominate the palynomorph assemblages, with variable levels of subordinate foraminiferal test linings. Miospores are rare and are absent in most samples. Foraminiferal test linings are particularly abundant in the shallowest samples, which may reflect low surface-water paleotemperatures. Cysts of heterotrophic peridiniacean dinoflagellates (P-cysts) dominate the microplankton assemblages, with variable levels of cysts of autotrophic gonyaulacacean dinoflagellates (G-cysts). Samples dominated by P-cysts are derived largely from laminated, unbioturbated units deposited under the influence of strong upwelling. A lower abundance of P-cysts in some samples is restricted to unlaminated, bioturbated units deposited under oxygenated conditions. We conclude that the ratio of P-cysts to G-cysts is a useful indicator of variable upwelling strength. Detailed study of the variations in the microplankton assemblages offers one the greatest potential for palynological characteriztion and understanding of the upwelling system.
At Ocean Drilling Program Hole 748C in the Southern Indian Ocean, a total of 171 Late Cretaceous dinoflagellate taxa were encountered in 38 productive samples from Cores 120-748C-27R through 120-748C-62R (407-740 mbsf). Four provisional dinoflagellate assemblage zones and five subzones were recognized based on the character of the dinoflagellate flora and the first/last occurrences of some key species. Isabelidinium korojonense and Nelsoniella aceras occur in Zone A together with Oligosphaeridium pulcherrimum and Trithyrodinium suspect urn. Zone B was delineated by the total range of Odontochitina cribropoda. Zone C was separated from Zone B by the presence of Satyrodinium haumuriense, and Zone D is dominated by new taxa. The dinocyst assemblages bear a strong affinity to Australian assemblages. Paleoenvironmental interpretations based mainly on dinocysts suggest that during the ?Santonian-Campanian to the Maestrichtian this portion of the Kerguelen Plateau was a shallow submerged plateau, similar to nearshore to offshore to upper slope environments with water depths of tens to hundreds of meters, but isolated from the major continents of the Southern Hemisphere. Starting perhaps in the late Cenomanian (Mohr and Gee, 1992, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.120.196.1992), the Late Cretaceous transgression over the plateau reached its maximum during the late Campanian. The plateau may have been exposed above sea level and subjected to weathering during the latest Maestrichtian. The studied dinocyst assemblages characterized by species of Amphidiadema, Nelsoniella, Satyrodinium, and Xenikoon together with abundant Chatangiella (the large-size species) and Isabelidinium suggest that a South Indian Province (tentatively named the Helby suite) may have existed during the Campanian-Maestrichtian in comparison with the other four provinces of Lentin and Williams. One new genus, three new species, and two new subspecies of dinocysts are described.
Dinoflagellate cysts, pollen, and spores were studied from 78 samples of the Eocene to Miocene section of ODP Site 643 at the outer Wring Plateau. Dinoflagellate cysts ranging from less than 1,000 to rarely over 30,000 per gram of sediment in the Paleogene, and generally between 50,000 and 100,000 in the Miocene were present. The shift to conspicuously higher cyst frequencies takes place in the lowermost Miocene section and appears to reflect increased cyst recruitment rather than a change in sedimentation rate. Of the 179 dinoflagellate cyst forms whose ranges were recorded, 129 are known species. Fifteen assemblage zones have been recognized, although the upper Eocene is missing and no substantial lower Eocene was recorded at Site 643. Norwegian Sea and Rockall Plateau zonations were compared with this study. Detailed correlation with existing onshore section zonations was difficult because key zonal species are inadequately represented; however, the middle to upper Miocene zonation established for Denmark is applicable. Pollen and spores occur with relatively low frequencies, and palynodebris is generally absent, in contrast to the observations from DSDP Leg 38. Thirty-nine samples from Eocene to Miocene sediments at Site 642 were studied and correlated with Site 643. A lower Eocene cyst assemblage present in Hole 642D is older than the questionably lower Eocene assemblage from Site 643. Site 642 has a lower Eocene to lower Miocene hiatus.
This Atlas summarises the global distribution of extant organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in the form of 61 maps illustrated by the relative abundance of individual cyst taxa in recent marine sediments from the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent basins, the Antarctic region (South Atlantic, southwestern Pacific and southern Indian Ocean sections), the Arabian Sea and the northwestern Pacific. This synthesis is based on the integration of literature sources together with data from 835 marine surface sediments prepared on a comparable methodology and taxonomy. The relationships between distribution patterns of cyst species and the surface-water parameters (temperature, salinity, phosphate and nitrate concentrations) are documented with graphs depicting the relative abundance of species in relation to seasonal and annual values of the above mentioned parameters at the sample sites. Two ordination techniques (detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis) have been carried out to statistically illustrate the relationships between species distribution and sea-surface conditions. Results have been compared with previously published records and an overview of the ecological significance of each individual species is presented. Characterisations of selected environments as well as a discussion about how additional processes such as preservation and transport could have affected the present dataset are included.
A new calibration database of census counts of organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages has been developed from the analyses of surface sediment samples collected at middle to high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere after standardisation of taxonomy and laboratory procedures. The database comprises 940 reference data points from the North Atlantic, Arctic and North Pacific oceans and their adjacent seas, including the Mediterranean Sea, as well as epicontinental environments such as the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Bering Sea and the Hudson Bay. The relative abundance of taxa was analysed to describe the distribution of assemblages. The best analogue technique was used for the reconstruction of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sea-surface temperature and salinity during summer and winter, in addition to sea-ice cover extent, at sites from the North Atlantic (n=63), Mediterranean Sea (n=1) and eastern North Pacific (n=1). Three of the North Atlantic cores, from the continental margin of eastern Canada, revealed a barren LGM interval, probably because of quasi-permanent sea ice. Six other cores from the Greenland and Norwegian seas were excluded from the compilation because of too sparse assemblages and poor analogue situation. At the remaining sites (n= 54), relatively close modern analogues were found for most LGM samples, which allowed reconstructions. The new LGM results are consistent with previous reconstructions based on dinocyst data, which show much cooler conditions than at present along the continental margins of Canada and Europe, but sharp gradients of increasing temperature offshore. The results also suggest low salinity and larger than present contrasts in seasonal temperatures with colder winters and more extensive sea-ice cover, whereas relatively warm conditions may have prevailed offshore in summer. From these data, we hypothesise low thermal inertia in a shallow and low-density surface water layer.
The oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of the planktonic foraminifer, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral), were determined at 20-cm intervals through the 'composite' top ~ 22 m of sediments at ODP Site 645 (Holes 645B, 645C, 645F, and 645G) and at 10-cm intervals through a 9-m piston core (85-027-016) collected during the Hudson site survey. Quantitative analyses of palynomorphs, notably dinocysts, and of planktonic foraminifers were performed. Organic and nitrogen contents and isotopic composition of nitrogen and carbon in organic matter also were determined. These data provide a high-resolution record of changes that occurred in surface-water masses during the last glacial cycle in Baffin Bay. The basin experienced low planktonic productivity during most of the late Pleistocene, either from dilution in surface water by meltwater discharges from the surrounding ice-sheet or from the presence of a relatively dense sea-ice cover. Peaks of meltwater discharge are indicated by d18O values as low as about 1.5 per mil, correlative d13C- d18O shifts, low concentration of planktonic foraminifers, high concentrations of glacially reworked pre-Quaternary palynomorphs, and low-salinity dinocyst assemblages. As a whole, d18O values ranging between 4.5 and 2.5 per mil allow the establishment of an 18O stratigraphy spanning isotopic stages 5 to 1. Because of the poor core recovery, the general paucity of microflora and microfauna, and the possible occurrence of slumping or debris flow at Site 645, further interpretation remains problematic.
A research was carried out along a transect from the Yamal Peninsula coast towards the outer shelf of the southwestern the Kara Sea in September 2007. 130 phytoplankton species were identified, among which 63 were found in the area for the first time. Total phytoplankton abundance varied from of 0.2 x10**9 to 11.3x10**9 cells/m**2, while biomass from 43 to 1057 mgC/m**2. A well pronounced cross-shelf zoning in phytoplankton communities was ascertained. The inner shelf zone about 30 km wide with depths down to 30 meters was characterized by predominance of diatoms (up to 80% of total algal abundance and biomass). The second group by value was dinoflagellates. Seaward in the area of depth increase from 30 to 140 m, the zone of the Yamal Current was located, which was 40 km wide and notable for its active water dynamics. Total abundance in the zone was maximal for the entire investigated area: up to 11.3x10**9 cells/m**2. Autotrophic flagellates were the leading group in phytoplankton, their share in total abundance reached 56-82%. Further than 70 km from the shore, the outer shelf zone was found with the water column rigidly stratified. The highest for the whole area phytoplankton biomass was identified here (up to 1.06 gC/m**2), 80% of which concentrated above the halocline. Diatoms dominated in phytoplankton abundance (up to 92%) and biomass (up to 90%) that resulted from mass development of two species: Chaetoceros diadema and Leptocylindrus danicus.
The application of quantitative and semiquantitative methods to assemblage data from dinoflagellate cysts shows potential for interpreting past environments, both in terms of paleotemperature estimates and in recognizing water masses and circulation patterns. Estimates of winter sea-surface temperature (WSST) were produced by using the Impagidinium Index (II) method, and by applying a winter-temperature transfer function (TFw). Estimates of summer sea-surface temperature (SSST) were produced by using a summer-temperature transfer function (TFs), two methods based on a temperature-distribution chart (ACT and ACTpo), and a method based on the ratio of gonyaulacoid:protoperidinioid specimens (G:P). WSST estimates from the II and TFw methods are in close agreement except where Impagidinium species are sparse. SSST estimates from TFs are more variable. The value of the G:P ratio for the Pliocene data in this paper is limited by the apparent sparsity of protoperidinioids, which results in monotonous SSST estimates of 14-26°C. The ACT methods show two biases for the Pliocene data set: taxonomic substitution may force 'matches' yielding incorrect temperature estimates, and the method is highly sensitive to the end-points of species distributions. Dinocyst assemblage data were applied to reconstruct Pliocene sea-surface temperatures between 3.5-2.5 Ma from DSDP Hole 552A, and ODP Holes 646B and 642B, which are presently located beneath cold and cool-temperate waters north of 56°N. Our initial results suggest that at 3.0 Ma, WSSTs were a few degrees C warmer than the present and that there was a somewhat reduced north-south temperature gradient. For all three sites, it is likely that SSSTs were also warmer, but by an unknown, perhaps large, amount. Past oceanic circulation in the North Atlantic was probably different from the present.
Palynological analyses were performed on 53 surface sediment samples from the North Pacific Ocean, including the Bering and Okhotsk Seas (37-64°N, 144°E-148°W), in order to document the relationships between the dinocyst distribution and sea-surface conditions (temperatures, salinities, primary productivity and sea-ice cover). Samples are characterized by concentrations ranging from 18 to 143816 cysts/cm**3 and the occurrence of 32 species. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was carried out to determine the relationship between environmental variables and the distribution of dinocyst taxa. The first and second axes represent, respectively, 47% and 17.8% of the canonical variance. Axis 1 is positively correlated with all parameters except to the sea-ice and primary productivity in August, which are on the negative side. Results indicate that the composition of dinocyst assemblages is mostly controlled by temperature and that all environmental variables are correlated together. The CCA distinguishes 3 groups of dinocysts: the heterotrophic taxa, the genera Impagidinium and Spiniferites as well as the cyst of Pentapharsodinium dalei and Operculodinium centrocarpum. Five assemblage zones can be distinguished: 1) the Okhotsk Sea zone, which is associated to temperate and eutrophic conditions, seasonal upwellings and Amur River discharges. It is characterized by the dominance of O. centrocarpum, Brigantedinium spp. and Islandinium minutum; 2) the Western Subarctic Gyre zone with subpolar and mesotrophic conditions due to the Kamchatka Current and Alaska Stream inflows. Assemblages are dominated by Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Pyxidinopsis reticulata and Brigantedinium spp.; 3) the Bering Sea zone, depicting a subpolar environment, influenced by seasonal upwellings and inputs from the Anadyr and Yukon Rivers. It is characterized by the dominance of I. minutum and Brigantedinium spp.; 4) the Alaska Gyre zone with temperate conditions and nutrient-enriched surface waters, which is dominated by N. labyrinthus and Brigantedinium spp. and 5) the Kuroshio Extension-North Pacific-Subarctic Current zone characterized by a subtropical and oligotrophic environment, which is dominated by O. centrocarpum, N. labyrinthus and warm taxa of the genus Impagidinium. Transfer functions were tested using the modern analog technique (MAT) on the North Pacific Ocean (= 359 sites) and the entire Northern Hemisphere databases ( = 1419 sites). Results confirm that the updated Northern Hemisphere database is suitable for further paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and the best results are obtained for temperatures with an accuracy of +/-1.7 °C.
Cores from Leg 122, Sites 762 and 763, were sampled at intervals of one sample per 1.5-m section in the Lower Cretaceous sequences. More than 400 samples were studied, most of which contained dinoflagellate cysts, spores, pollen, and various types of palynoclasts. From the entire palynomorph assemblage mainly dinoflagellate cysts were studied to give a stratigraphic outline for the Lower Cretaceous. Stratigraphic units were interpreted in terms of zones in use for the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Australia. At both sites a condensed Valanginian to Aptian sequence and an expanded middle to late Berriasian sequence containing a rich microplankton assemblage were recovered. Sites 762 and 763 can be correlated with each other and with the wells Eendracht-1 and Vinck-1.