852 resultados para Chamber Size


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The synthesis of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) 15, 26, and 34 nm in diameter, followed by the investigation of their size-dependent optical and catalytic properties, is described herein as an undergraduate level experiment. The proposed experiment covers concepts on the synthesis, stabilization, and characterization of Au NPs, their size-dependent optical and catalytic properties at the nanoscale, chemical kinetics, and the role of a catalyst. The experiment should be performed by groups of two or three students in three lab sessions of 3 h each and organized as follows: i) synthesis of Au NPs of different sizes and investigation of their optical properties; ii) evaluation of their catalytic activity; and iii) data analysis and discussion. We believe that this activity enables students to integrate these multidisciplinary concepts in a single experiment as well as to become introduced/familiarized with an active research field and current literature in the areas of nanoparticle synthesis and catalysis.


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A quantitative analysis is made on the correlation ship of thermodynamic property, i.e., standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with Kier's molecular connectivity index(¹Xv),vander waal's volume (Vw) electrotopological state index (E) and refractotopological state index (R) in gaseous state of alkanes. The regression analysis reveals a significant linear correlation of standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with ¹Xv, Vw, E and R. The equations obtained by regression analysis may be used to estimate standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) of alkanes in gaseous state.


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Caesalpinia leiostachya (Benth.) Ducke (Caesalpiniaceae) is a Brazilian legumenous tree whose seeds present different sizes and shapes, with dormancy imposed by a waterproof coat. In order to improve that quality of lot, seeds were classified by width in sieves of circular meshes (13, 14, 15, 16 and 17) and manually separated by shape in elongate, round and angular. Masses of 1000 seeds were determined and the thickness of each width and shape seedclass was measured, and coat permeability of the seeds classified by the width was investigated. Seeds were scarified in concentrated sulphuric acid and submitted to the germination test. Both final percentage and speed of germination index were evaluated. The classification of the seeds improved the quality of the lot, and the coat permeability was not affected by seed width. Elongated-flat seeds are of low physiological quality and should be discarded. Masses of 1000 seeds, percentage final and speed of germination increased with the width of the seeds. Both elongated and angular seeds had similar germinative behavior, and round seeds are of greater thickness and of superior physiological quality.


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ABSTRACTThe composition and structure of the low-trunk epiphytic herb assembly as well as its vertical distribution were studied. DBH of host tree and bark type influence species richness and abundance in a nonlooded lowland tropical rainforest in Eastern Amazonia (1º57’36"S 51º36’55"W). A total of 37 epiphytic herb species were identified, among which 60% were Araceae. Species richness and abundance of epiphytic herbs showed tendency of positive correlation with host tree size and no relationships with bark type. Low positive correlation may be a by-product of the predominance of trees with smaller diameter in our sample rather than a reflection of neutral relationship. The absence of relationships with bark type may be partially explained by the large number of secondary, generalist, hemi-epiphytes and also may reflect the absence of suitable substrate in trees with smaller diameter.


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Tässä kirjallisuustyössä tutkittiin atomikerroskasvatuksen (ALD) soveltamista kemiantekniikassa. Työn alussa kerrottiin atomikerroskasvatuksesta, sen toimintaperiaatteista ja prosessitekniikasta. Tämän jälkeen tutkittiin viittä eri kemiantekniikan sovellusta, jotka olivat polymeerien pinnoittaminen, heterogeenisten katalyyttien syntetisointi, membraanien modifiointi, korroosionesto ja kaasunilmaisimet. ALD on ohutkalvotekniikka, jolla voidaan valmistaa nanometrin tai jopa Ångströmin (1 Å = 0.1 nm) tarkkuudella epäorgaanisia materiaalikerroksia, jotka yleensä ovat metallioksideja, kuten alumiinioksidi. ALD perustuu kaasu-kiintoainereaktioihin, joissa kaasumaiset kemialliset prekursorit reagoivat vuorotellen kasvualustan kanssa. Tyypilliset prekursorit ovat metalliligandi ja vesi, joka on yleisin hapen lähde ALD-reaktioissa. ALD−reaktiot suoritetaan yleensä matalassa paineessa (100−200 Pa) ja korkeassa lämpötilassa (200–400 °C) suljetussa reaktorikammiossa. ALD-prosesseissa voidaan hyödyntää myös plasmaa alentamaan reaktiolämpötiloja. Plasman avulla prekursoreista luodaan hyvin reaktiivisia radikaaleja, jotka voivat reagoida jopa huoneenlämmössä. Lämpöherkkiä polymeerejä voidaan pinnoittaa ohutkalvoilla, joilla voidaan lisätä esimerkiksi pakkausmateriaalien suojaa happea ja vesihöyryä vastaan. ALD:llä voidaan syntetisoida tarkasti nanomittakaavan heterogeenisiä katalyyttejä, joilla on korkea dispersio tukimateriaalin pinnalla. ALD:n avulla voidaan säästää katalyyttimateriaalia menettämättä katalyytin aktiivisuutta, mikä on tärkeää monien katalyyttisovellusten taloudellisuuden kannalta, esimerkiksi polttokennot. ALD soveltuu hyvin membraanien modifiointiin, koska kaasumaiset prekursorit leviävät tasaisesti membraanin huokosiin. Membraanien pinnoittamisella pyritään vaikuttamaan, selektiivisyyteen, hydrofiilisyyteen, liuotinkestävyyteen, huokoskokoon ja sen jakaumaan. Lisäksi membraaneja voidaan pinnoittaa katalyyttisillä ohutkalvoilla, mikä on tärkeää nanoreaktoreiden kehityksen kannalta. ALD:llä voidaan pinnoittaa esimerkiksi terästä, ja vähentää täten teräksen korroosiota. Puolijohtavia metallioksideja voidaan käyttää kaasunilmaisimina, joiden valmistuksessa ALD:n tarkkuudesta on suurta hyötyä.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of drip irrigation under different population arrangements on the phytometric features, coffee productivity and bean size classification according to sieve retention. The experiment with Coffea arabica L. cv Catuaí was carried out in Mococa, São Paulo, Brazil. The experimental design was a 6 x 2 factorial scheme in randomized blocks, with four replications. The six densities of plantation were E1 (1.60 x 0.50 m); E2 (1.60 x 0.75 m); E3 (1.60 x 1.00 m); E4 (3.20 x 0.50 m); E5 (3.20 x 0.75 m) and E6 (3.20 x 1.00 m), which were divided according to the availability of water (irrigated - I - or non-irrigated - NI - groups). Data were submitted to analysis of variance and averages compared by Tukey test at 1 and 5% of probability. Descriptive analysis of coffee beans according to sieve classification was performed. Irrigation promoted an increase in plant height, crown diameter and production of processed coffee when compared with the NI group. Interaction between population arrangement and irrigation was observed, with an increase in production and crown diameter as the spacing was decreased. Therefore, irrigation provided significant increase in coffee bean size.


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In Brazil, the best results in milk production are found in the state of Paraná. Such results are reached through genetic selection of the animals and management of their diets, in which whole plant corn silage is widely used. Aiming the silage quality, it was evaluated the influence of dry matter content of the corn culture as forage and the harvester adjustments on the fragment size of whole plant corn silage. The fragment size of two corn hybrids silage (SPEED and 2B688) was evaluated using a 5x3 factorial, with 4 repetitions. The first factor was the harvest time of the plants (105, 108, 112, 118, and 123 days after sowing (DAS)), which determines the forage dry matter (DM) content. The second factor was the harvester adjustments (2, 6.5 and 11mm of theoretical fragment length (TFL)). The DM content did not affect the average fragment size of 2B688. For SPEED, however, the real fragment size decreased as the maturation of plants increased. The conclusion is that the DM content and harvester adjustments can affect the real fragment sizes, according to different plant genotypes. The alterations of the harvester adjustments resulted in different fragment sizes, however, it were different from those indicated by the manufacturer.


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ABSTRACTPeanut crop (Arachis hypogaeaL.) mechanization has been improved over the years; however there are drawbacks that affect the quality of operations. Thus, this article’s objectives were to evaluate the operational performance of the mechanized sowing of peanut crop according to seeding densities (10, 14, and 18 seeds m-1) and seed sizes (21 and 23 mm). It was observed that the seeds of 23 mm had shorter average number of days to emergence and a higher percentage of emergences, occurring the opposite to the seeding density of 18 seeds m-1. The higher the seeding density, the largest was the plant stand, whereas the 23 mm seed obtained the best results and the same with the seeding density of 14 seeds m-1 that had a higher percentage of normal spacing. The densities of 14 and 18 seeds m-1 reflected in higher yields, being always superior to the 23 mm seeds.


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ABSTRACT In animal farming, an automatic and precise control of environmental conditions needs information from variables derived from the animals themselves, i.e. they act as biosensors. Rectal temperature (RT) and respiratory rate (RR) are good indicators of thermoregulation in pigs. Since there is a growing concern on animal welfare, the search for alternatives to measure RT has become even more necessary. This research aimed to identify the most adequate body surface areas, on nursery-phase pigs, to take temperature measurements that best represent the correlation of RT and RR. The main experiment was carried out in a climate chamber with five 30-day-old littermate female Landrace x Large White piglets. Temperature conditions inside chamber were varied from 14 °C up to 35.5 °C. The measurements were taken each 30 minutes, over six different skin regions, using a temperature data logger Thermochron iButton® - DS1921G (Tb) and an infrared thermometer (Ti). As shown by the results, the tympanic region is the best one for RT and RR monitoring using an infrared thermometer (TiF). In contrast, when using temperature sensors, the ear (TbE) is preferred to be used for RT predictions and the loin region (TbC) for RR.


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Abstract:Two ultrasound based fertility prediction methods were tested prior to embryo transfer (ET) and artificial insemination (AI) in cattle. Female bovines were submitted to estrous synchronization prior to ET and AI. Animals were scanned immediately before ET and AI procedure to target follicle and corpus luteum (CL) size and vascularity. In addition, inseminated animals were also scanned eleven days after insemination to target CL size and vascularity. All data was compared with fertility by using gestational diagnosis 35 days after ovulation. Prior to ET, CL vascularity showed a positive correlation with fertility, and no pregnancy occurred in animals with less than 40% of CL vascularity. Prior to AI and also eleven days after AI, no relationship with fertility was seen in all parameters analyzed (follicle and CL size and vascularity), and contrary, cows with CL vascularity greater than 70% exhibit lower fertility. In inseminated animals, follicle size and vascularity was positive related with CL size and vascularity, as shown by the presence of greater CL size and vascularity originated from follicle with also greater size and vascularity. This is the first time that ultrasound based fertility prediction methods were tested prior to ET and AI and showed an application in ET, but not in AI programs. Further studies are needed including hormone profile evaluation to improve conclusion.


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Abstract: The VHS and CTR were assessed using computerized thoracic radiographs of ten clinically healthy tufted capuchin monkeys (five males and five females) from the Wild Animal Screening Center in São Luís (Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres de São Luís-MA-CETAS). Radiographs were taken in laterolateral and dorsoventral projections to calculate the cardiothoracic ratio (VHS) and vertebral heart size (CTR). The VHS showed mean values of 9.34±0.32v (males) and 9.16±0.34v (females) and there was no statistical difference between males and females (p>0.05). The CTR showed mean values of 0.55±0.04 (males) and 0.52±0.03 (females) and there was no statistical difference between the sexes (p>0.05). There was positive correlation between VHS and CTR (r=0.78). The thoracic and heart diameters showed mean values of 5.70±0.48cm and 2.16±0.40cm in the males, respectively. In the females they measured 5.32±0.39cm and 2.94±0.32cm. There was no statistical difference between the sexes. Our results show that the high correlation found between VHS and CTR permitted the verification with similar clinical precision between the two methods to estimate alterations in the heart silhouette by radiographic examination of tufted capuchin, making it an easy technique to apply that can be considered in the investigation of heart problems for this wild species.


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Hemolytic profile of an artificial device chronically implanted in the cardiovascular system may represent the difference between the success and failure in its long-term performance. Last decades have witnessed efforts on the development of methods capable of predicting red blood cell damage in artificial organs. However, all of them have had limited success to predict hemolysis. The primary cause of this problem is that such models do not take into consideration structures of turbulent flow. The present paper demonstrates that microscopic measurable occurrences of the turbulent flow may be linked to red blood cell trauma. This study suggests that if the smallest turbulent eddies dimension is under 10 m m hemolysis is not dependent on the exposure time and the red blood cells damage depends only on the dissipation of the turbulent energy in the erythrocyte membrane. The analysis reported here opens the possibility of mapping the flow field in artificial assist devices based on the smallest eddy length scales. This is a promising new trend and should be considered in the designing requirements of the next generations of artificial organs.